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Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam - Islam for Muslims (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 10:44am On May 31, 2013
ksusi: My question is why some christians were involved in boko haram operations


northern lie

northern muslim lie

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:46am On May 31, 2013
nyc 1 op
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by donPhill(m): 10:47am On May 31, 2013
similarities please.....77virgins things on point....abeg no bann me oo

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by kholis(m): 10:50am On May 31, 2013
I can't imagine a christian clergy trying to convince Muslims who are victims of christian onslaught that the squad sect are not good Christians. For the mere fact that the boko guys are Muslims makes this seemingly peaceful religion guilty of undue hostilities in the land.

I suggest that stake holders of Islam should really do something drastic to redeem their battered image instead of wasting so much literary effort to convince the populace of their peaceful nature. Everyone knows the meaning of peace.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:54am On May 31, 2013
This write up is about how islam is practice in d south nd else were. But in d north of naija, boko haram nd northern muslem is d same.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 10:57am On May 31, 2013
oyedun82: Is boko haram anti-islam?
honestly i dont know or understand what they are agitating or killing for.they dont seem to have a clear objective,purpose or goal.they just derive joy in mindless killing yet they claim they are messengers of allah.smh

violence seems to be the only way of making people become muslims.its very unfortunate

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by bigiyaro(m): 11:02am On May 31, 2013
I think boko haram is another branch of Islam, using Islam as a base for their doctrine shows that Islam is a terrorist religion.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by tushinebaba: 11:03am On May 31, 2013
wellmax: Difference between Boko haram and Islam,hmmm please are there similarities?
BTW "I'm the Oga at the top" grin
Nice write up though.
yes o. what ae the similarities then
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by gramci: 11:04am On May 31, 2013
Pvt.Parts: #10 "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)

This fact can't be ignored.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Ozichim(m): 11:04am On May 31, 2013
Pvt. Parts:

do you even read?

mumu. read what i wrote again
Thats ok sorry for misquoting U. I called U lier U called me Mumu. so one one

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by gramci: 11:05am On May 31, 2013
Thats ok sorry for misquoting U. I called U lier U called me Mumu. so one one

Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by nukoduss: 11:06am On May 31, 2013
The similarities btw Boko Haram and Islam is that both are Human being,
No more No less

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:07am On May 31, 2013
Just this week...

2013.05.29 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Sectarian bombers blow up a wedding party, killing sixteen outright and leaving another forty in agony.

2013.05.29 (Jalalabad, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber attacks a Red Cross office, killing a guard.

2013.05.28 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Two people are killed when Sunnis set off a bomb at a Shia mosque.

2013.05.28 (Sadr City, Iraq) - Sunnis detonate a shrapnel bomb at a Shia bus stop, taking down at least five civilians.

2013.05.28 (Badbher, Pakistan) - Religious extremists fire on a team of polio workers, killing a woman.

2013.05.28 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A man and his two sons, ages 12 and 15, are brutally shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by victorD3: 11:09am On May 31, 2013
Well whenever I hear Islam I remember Boko Haram and whenever I hear Boko Haram I run.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 11:11am On May 31, 2013
Oshiano: This write up is about how islam is practice in d south nd else were. But in d north of naija, boko haram nd northern muslem is d same.
true.i remember when i was in school,back then,there was this northern muslim boy i used to talk too,my friends called me and told me that you remember this boy is a muslim,not just a muslim but a muslim from the north and he is an omo alfa.bashir was his name.my friends said,shewa the day you fight or have disagreement with this boy,he will kill you and shout allahu akbar.that scared me and i ran far away from the boy.i stayed away from him because he actually looked like them.he had long beards,worw jumper trousers and a long top with a small cap on his head
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:12am On May 31, 2013
"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
Osama bin Laden, May 1998

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by optimusprime2(m): 11:12am On May 31, 2013
Seun, before this topic made FP, was'nt it not considered that Muslim nerves would be touched due to glaring proof, if forensic perspectives about Islam and boko-haram were to be expressed here?
I'm just curious o- please o Dont Ban me o.

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:13am On May 31, 2013
[The Taliban are] "a simply band of dedicated youths determined to establish the laws of Allah on earth... The Taliban will fight until there is no blood in Afghanistan left to shed, and Islam becomes a way of life four our people."

Mullah Omar, Taliban leader

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 11:14am On May 31, 2013
@ pvt, its ppl like u dat r fannin d flame of intollerance world ova. Wot eva ur motives r, may The GOOD LORD 4giv u. Well i dont knw wia u get ur quotes fm cos all ur interpretations r entirely wrong. Go get a Quran (not kjv version oo- sorry to say) and start ur research ova again.
2days ago, a xtian gal-fwend gave me an audio to listen 2. Its dubbed ''confession of shuaibu'' and i cant just help d lafta uptil dis moment. Wonderin how deceitful ppl can b. According to wot a bro said earlier, DIS IS A PERFECTED RELIGION and no amount of plots can pull it down.
On a final note: 4 d unbiased minds who want to clarify issues, reading is d ansa. There r uncountable numba of articles on net which u can consult.
Gotta go get set 4 Jumah and wont 4get to pray 4 peace in 9ja.
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:14am On May 31, 2013
“But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad.”

Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990’s.
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:15am On May 31, 2013
"Our Jihad consists of killing and dispersing all those who fight against Allah and his Prophet."

"Throat-slitting and murder until the power is Allah's!"

Both quotes from leaders of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). The first spoken by Sid Ahmed Mourad, the second from Abdelkader Hattab.
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by olapluto(m): 11:15am On May 31, 2013
Ironic that most non-muslims want Muslims to come out to condemn terrorism, but it's just a ploy to insult Muslims further. Every time a post is here stating the condemnation of terrorist activities, the non-muslim bandwagon is always there ready to insult Islam and Muslims. I have stopped condemning the acts openly due to this. I condemn it in my mind and take actions where I can to condemn it. I care not what anyone thinks of me.
For those who are able to watch Youtube, please watch the sermon below given by an Imam in London after the latest incident at Woolwich.


and here is a comment by an ex-British soldier about what the Imam said:
I am an ex British Soldier who has no problems with Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Sikhs, Jews, Bhuddists or any other religion, what I do have a problem with is idiots who act in the name of religion. The Iman is an obviously a very well educated man who mentions that when a muslim person dies in a foreign land, that every muslim should feel it. Oddly enough that is exactly how we feel in the military..be it if you are serving now or served 60 years ago. Maybe we are'nt so different after all


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:16am On May 31, 2013
"For peace to reign in the land, all Christians must convert to Islam. Allah has tasked all Muslims in Quran chapter 9 verse 29 to continue to attack Jews and Christians who refused to believe in him and his messenger, Prophet Mohammed"

Abu Qaqa, explaining why his band massacred nearly one hundred worshippers, including children, in a series of attacks on churches in a single Sunday morning.

"Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his life time flushed out all idol worshipers and their leaders and all these evils. So, our aim and target is to do so here... Allah commanded us to obey His Holy Quran. Whether one likes it or not, we will follow it... we will get people to believe Allah is one, and Muhammad, His Prophet. They will come to the right way. "

Ustaz Muhammed Yusuf, founder of the Boko Haram terror group that has been known to kidnap and behead Christian pastors who refuse to embrace Islam

“Whomever we kill, we kill because Allah says we should kill and we kill for a reason."

Abubakar Shekau, a cleric and spiritual leader calling for holy war against Christians.

"I enjoy killing anyone that Allah commands me to kill the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams"

A Boko Haram spokesman explaining his group's declared war on Nigerian Christians.

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by 4djustnation(m): 11:18am On May 31, 2013
Jihad and plenty plenty virgins Nko? Where is dat from?
This is no basis for this in Islam. If you have your reference please quote it.
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Kingharzyz(m): 11:19am On May 31, 2013
Adamuenero: Take it or leave it,islam is an evil umbrella.. It says though shall not kill or no compulsion in religion and i can tel u where it mentions KILL 10000times
tell us....mumu...

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by Nobody: 11:20am On May 31, 2013
Thats ok sorry for misquoting U. I called U lier U called me Mumu. so one one
plz muslims learn 4rm diz little drama..if na una na muslim 2 muslim na,hell would hav let loose..thanx.hope am not offensive?

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Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by PvtParts1: 11:21am On May 31, 2013
Slaak: @ pvt, its ppl like u dat r fannin d flame of intollerance world ova. Wot eva ur motives r, may The GOOD LORD 4giv u. Well i dont knw wia u get ur quotes fm cos all ur interpretations r entirely wrong. Go get a Quran (not kjv version oo- sorry to say) and start ur research ova again.
2days ago, a xtian gal-fwend gave me an audio to listen 2. Its dubbed ''confession of shuaibu'' and i cant just help d lafta uptil dis moment. Wonderin how deceitful ppl can b. According to wot a bro said earlier, DIS IS A PERFECTED RELIGION and no amount of plots can pull it down.
On a final note: 4 d unbiased minds who want to clarify issues, reading is d ansa. There r uncountable numba of articles on net which u can consult.
Gotta go get set 4 Jumah and wont 4get to pray 4 peace in 9ja.

it is people like me that are bold enough and intelligent enough to know what your islam is truly all about.


Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by oluking: 11:22am On May 31, 2013
Seun am disappointed this guy is blatantly breaking rules, @pvt. Parts what is your objective,its people like you that end up creating problems,please have the common sense to be part of the solution.
Re: Differences Between Boko Haram And Islam by kuss: 11:22am On May 31, 2013

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