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"BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 2:44pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
What actually lead to this research is the fact that religion and different believes is actually rendering the black man useless, what i mean is nobody want to use his/her brain anymore all that is important is the fact of what the religion he believes in says. now the Gay stuff, everybody condemns it, but is it really a choice or can it be change? this is an Abstract from “why men don't listen & women can't read maps” by Barbara & Allan Pease take a look lets hear what you think. Homosexuality, “GAY” Is it Genetic or a Choice? Can the 'Choice' Be Changed? Research shows that the basic template for the body and brain of a human fetus is female in its structure. As a result men have some redundant female features such as nipples. Men also have mammary glands which do not function but retain the potential to produce milk. There are thousands of recorded cases of lactation in male prisoners of war where starvation led to a diseased liver failing to break down the hormones essential for breast-feeding. As we now know, six to eight weeks after conception, a male fetus (XY) receives a massive dose of male hormones called androgens which first forms the testes, and then a second dose to alter the brain from a female format to a male configuration. If the male foetus does not receive enough male hormones at the appropriate time, one of two things may happen. Firstly, a baby boy may be born with a brain structure that is more feminine than masculine, in other words, a boy who will most likely be gay by puberty. Secondly, a genetic boy may be born with a fully functioning female brain and a set of male genitals. This person will be transgender. This is a person who is biologically male but feeling as if he is a female. Sometimes a genetic male is born with a set of both male and female genitals. Geneticist Anne Moir in her ground-breaking book Brainsex documents the many cases of genetic boys being born looking like girls and being raised as girls, only suddenly to find that they have penis and testicles that 'appear' at puberty. This genetic oddity was discovered in the Dominican Republic and a study with the parents of these 'girls' shows that their parents typically raised them as girls and encouraged stereotypical behaviours such as feminine dress and playing with dolls. Many of these parents were then shocked to discover that they'd ended up with a fully fledged son at puberty when male hormones took over and their 'daughters' suddenly had a penis and reverted to male appearance and typical male behaviour patterns. This change occurred despite all the social conditioning and social pressures for female behaviour. The fact that most of these 'girls' successfully lived the rest of their lives as males highlights the point that their social environment and upbringing had a limited impact on their adult lives. Clearly, their biology was the key factor in creating their behavioural patterns. Homosexuality is Part of History Among the ancient Greeks, homosexuality was not only permitted, it was highly respected. The slim, boyish, youthful figure was their ideal of beauty, and paintings and statues were erected in its honour. Poems were written about the love that prominent older men had for young men. The Greeks believed that male homosexuality served a noble, higher purpose and it inspired youths to become worthy members of the community. They also found that young gay men proved to be some of their most courageous, successful warriors as they would fight 'side-by-side in love with each other'. In Roman times, Julius Caesar was described as 'every woman's man and every man's woman.' When Christianity frowned on same-sex relationships and God reportedly brought his vengeance down on the City of Sodom, homosexuality was banned, disappeared into the closet and wasn't seen in public again until recently. The Victorian era refused to acknowledge that homosexuality existed and, even if it did, it must be the Devil's work and would be severely punished. As we enter the 21st Century, older generations still believe that homosexuality is a recent phenomenon and an 'unnatural' act. The reality is that it has been around for as long as male foetuses missed out on their sufficient share of male hormones. Amongst primates, homosexual behaviour is used as a way of bonding members of a group or as a form of showing submission to a superior, as is also the case with cattle, cocks and dogs. Lesbianism gained its name from the Greek island of Lesbos. It has never been looked upon with the same contempt as male homosexuality, probably because it is associated more with intimacy, and not labelled so much a 'perversion'. It's in their Genes Based on the theory that gayness is created in the womb, you would expect that all identical gay twins would also be gay, so why is this not the case with the other 30%-40% of the gay twin brothers? Genes have a property called 'penetrance' which is a measure of the gene's power to become effective, and determines how likely that gene is to be switched on and become a dominant gene. For example, the variety of gene that causes Huntington's disease is 100% penetrant, whereas the gene that causes Type One diabetes is only 30% penetrant. This means that if identical twins each have both the Huntington's gene and the diabetes gene, each has a 100% chance of developing Huntington's disease but only a 30% chance of developing diabetes. Those carrying the 'gay gene' as it is now called, have a 50%-70% chance of becoming gay and this theory explains why all the identical twins brothers were not gay. It is estimated that about 10% of all males carry the 'gay gene' and about half these males will become gay due to the 50%-70% penetrance factor of the gene. Laboratory experiments with rats and monkeys have proved that this sequence of events also happens in other species. While performing these types of sex altering experiments on humans is illegal, and considered to be ethically wrong, we are aware that these have been successfully conducted in Russia with the same conclusive results. Is it Genetic or a Choice? When Body Language author Allan Pease and geneticist Anne Moir appeared together on British television in 1991 for the launch of their books Brainsex (Mandarin Books) and Talk Language (HarperCollins), Moir revealed the results of her research which highlighted what scientists have known for years – homosexuality is inborn, not a choice. Not only is homosexuality mostly inborn, but the environment in which we are raised plays a lesser role in our behaviour than was previously thought. Scientists have found that as an adolescent or adult, parents' efforts to suppress homosexual tendencies in their off-spring has practically no effect. And because the impact of male hormone (or lack of it) on the brain is the main culprit, most homosexuals are males. There is no solid evidence that upbringing affects the likelihood of a child becoming homosexual. For every lesbian (female body with a masculinised brain) there are about eight to ten gay men. If the gay and lesbian movement was to embrace this research and, if the education system taught these findings, homosexual and transsexual people would not encounter as much prejudice. Most people are more tolerant and accepting of a person who has inborn differences than they are of a person who, in their opinion, makes an unacceptable choice. Take, for example, Thalidomide babies, Parkinson's sufferers, autism or people who have cerebral palsy. The public is more accepting of these people because they are usually born with these conditions, as opposed to homosexuals who supposedly choose their lifestyle. Can we be critical of a person who is born left handed or dyslexic? Or with blue eyes and red hair? Or with a female brain in a male body? Most homosexual people believe that their homosexuality is a choice and, like many minority groups, often use public forums to display their 'choice', which generates negative attitudes from many members of the public.. Sadly, statistics show that over 30% of teenage suicides are committed by gays and lesbians, and that one out of every three transgenders commits suicide. It seems that the realisation of being stuck in the 'wrong body' for the rest of their lives is too much for them. A study into the upbringing of these homosexual teenagers has shown that most were raised in families or communities that taught hatred and rejection towards homosexuals, or in religions that had tried to save some of the 'victims' with prayer or therapy. Can the 'Choice' Be Changed? Gays and lesbians do not choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexuals do. Scientists and most human sexuality experts agree that homosexuality is an orientation that is unchangeable. Researchers believe that most homosexual orientation develops in the womb, that homosexual patterns are firmly fixed by around age five and that it is outside the control of the person. For centuries, techniques have been used to suppress homosexual feelings in 'sufferers' which have included breast amputation, castration, drug therapy, uterus removal, frontal lobotomy, psychotherapy, electric shock therapy, prayer meetings, spiritual counseling and exorcism. No therapies have ever succeeded. The best they have been able to achieve is to make some bisexuals confine their sexual activities to members of the opposite sex or force some homosexuals to become celibate through guilt or fear, and to push many others to suicide. Scientists have shown that homosexuality is an orientation that is unalterable. It's not a choice. There is a greater than 90% chance that you, the reader, are heterosexual. Think about how difficult it would be to feel sexually attracted to someone of your own sex and you will begin to understand how it is virtually impossible to create feelings that do not already exist. If it was a choice, as many proclaim, why would any intelligent person choose a way of life that exposes them to so much hostility, prejudice and discrimination? Hormones are responsible, not human choices. Are we Slaves to our Biology? Scientists know how to change the sexuality of rats and monkeys in the womb. Some groups claim that we can control our likes and dislikes by will or choice and they insist that we can all reverse park or read street directories with the same ease. But scientists know this is unrealistic. You don't need to be a scientist to see that rabbits can't fly, ducks are lousy runners, most women have difficulty reading maps and men reading newspapers are temporarily deaf. Understanding brain structure differences makes us more tolerant of each other and allows us to have greater control over our destiny and to feel positive about our inclinations and choices. Human intelligence has evolved to a point where we are more in control of our emotions than other animals and can think through our choices. Other animals don't think: they react to circumstances and this makes them slaves to their biology. Our biology is the motivations behind many of the choices we make that sometimes don't seem to make sense to us. So while we are more in control of ourselves than most other animals, we still can't completely buck the system. The biggest obstacle facing most people is their rejection of the idea that we are just another animal with a smart brain. This refusal makes these people victims of their biology. source. Barbara & Allan Pease [url]Abstract from “why men don't listen & women can't read maps[/url] Well long story short, there are two important question here; 1. Is it Genetic or a Choice? If it is genetic, why do we have to criticize, force other on their sexual orientation? Isn’t that why we as humans have the right to make choice for ourselves 2. Can the 'Choice' Be Changed? If it can’t be changed why pretend it can be changed by placing a ban on it, when in reality it can’t, instead of allowing these people live happily like every other person. Over to you doctors and concerned persons, please let’s avoid polemics statement. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sunnyt1(m): 2:50pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
How wud it be genetical, If ur dad was gay wud he have given birth to you? |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Omolola1(f): 2:52pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Hmmmmmm ![]() |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 2:55pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
sunny t: How wud it be genetical, If ur dad was gay wud he have given birth to you? From your view the only reason for marriage/relationship is for procreation right, well that's a topic for another day. just the the abstract maybe you will get what i mean. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by djeezy(m): 2:57pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
![]() |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by RedCard1(m): 2:58pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
sunny t: How wud it be genetical, If ur dad was gay wud he have given birth to you?so what's your point exactly? Mtchewwwwwww! 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by ammyluv2002(f): 2:58pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Well, I think is a choice or should I say spirit? |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 3:05pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
ammyluv2002: Well, I think is a choice or should I say spirit?i respectfully disagree, just think about it, the attraction between a man and woman can also be felt in the other direction. i mean though i don't feel such attraction but what if their is and all we do render this attraction unproductive because of our believes. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by ayili: 3:10pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
mtchewwww..... okada wait make I piss *pisses on this tread* okada make we go I don finish. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 3:16pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
ayili: mtchewwww..... okada wait make I piss *pisses on this tread* okada make we go I don finish. is this suppose to be funny or what? pack well. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by ammyluv2002(f): 3:27pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
sparko1:Dude, is not normal for a guy to be attracted to a fellow guy. Judging by the bible principles, is just not normal sha. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by ayili: 3:33pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
sparko1:its not supposed to be funny .. rather its suppose to be what. *ok okada man pack well Oga say make you pack 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by UyiIredia(m): 3:36pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
@ OP: I used to think, naively of course, that it was all choice. I had misgivings before deeming so but Christian books I read seemed to suggest such so I chose it, plus I was in an environment were otherwise heterosexual dudes engaged in homosexual behaviour. In any case, after a discussion online in 2010 I stated reading on the issue from the gay viewpoint, I only saw things from the typical conservative Christian view. I then based on information gotten from other sources, including Wikipedia, decided both played a role. You seem to emphasize the genetic aspect. It's not the only one. It's been known for years that heterosexuals in prisons or male boarding schools become bisexuals due to lack of prolonged s£xual contact, and boredom with masturb@tion. That shows choice plays a role. Genes also do, since it's clear some gays know nothing of attraction to the opposite s£x. More later. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 3:37pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
ammyluv2002: Dude, is not normal for a guy to be attracted to a fellow guy. Judging by the bible principles, is just not normal we go again "what the bible say", and what exactly is "normal", by normal you mean what you think has been from time right? Gay have history too. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by jmoore(m): 3:42pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
homosexuality is a choice just like bestiality. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by MrsChima(f): 3:49pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
If it was genetic then I would be gay because I have gay relatives and their children aren't gay either. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 3:49pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
The latter. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by 50calibre(m): 3:50pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Homosexuality is not genetic, neither is it by choice, or at least no causal factor(s) has so far been found. As it stands, homosexuality is a mystery, some even call it a mental disorder. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 3:51pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 3:52pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sexymoma(f): 3:54pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
It a spirit... |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Slowpois0n: 4:05pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
sexymoma: It a spirit...or Ghost ![]() |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nomski0(f): 4:38pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
50calibre: Homosexuality is not genetic, neither is it by choice, or at least no causal factor(s) has so far been found.I like to think it is. Its too abnormal and sick to be chosen as a sëxual orientation when you have a sane mind ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Juell(m): 4:46pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Being gay is purely by choice. Every1 is born straight, those who bcom gay later in life are usually influenced into it by a number of factors. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Youngpo413: 4:49pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Where are all these gays cuz,I haven`t seen any one before,guys for my area dey like pvssy well well.....and i`m sure of that. May God forbid some bad set of people,man nyansh wey dey strong like wood,na wetin I go feel sef,no soft body no breastt,dem dey try o,tufia. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by lipsyliscious: 5:07pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
I try to abide as much as I cn to d 'live n let live' principle. Gays are human beings n even tho d attraction is not comprehensible to me, dis article has made me a little more accepting. Many pple who criticise gays are busy committing fornication, as if dey are not both sins in d eyes of God ![]() |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 5:20pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Young po413: Where are all these gays cuz,I haven`t seen any one before,guys for my area dey like pvssy well well.....and i`m sure of that.i dey tell U, me and my niggers like puccy like food, i nor know where dis guys dey take exist. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Adaeze003(f): 5:40pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Its called '$exual preference' right? That means they 'prefer' the same sex. I think everyone is heterosexual but different factors might influence our choice. Eg female bording schools. Yea, all the rumors you hear are true. BUT that's my opinion which I'm struggling with because according to what I've heard there's a pattern. Girls liking male clothing and vice versa from childhood(when they know nothing about sex) then there's the very obvious one of men talking like women and all that. So I can't help but wonder if they really 'chose' this path. One thing is certain, its not normal. If it is they wouldn't have to 'come out of the closet', they wouldn't be ashamed of it at some point. Some say its coz of Christianity but even our ansestors saw it as an abomination. This is still no excuse to ridicule them after all love is what we preach. |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Dyt(f): 5:45pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
By choice? Some actually Genetic? Can't say Bt all I know is that sh1t is in-born |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 6:02pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Is being heterosexual genetic or by choice? Ask yourselves. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by sparko1(m): 6:27pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
Adaeze003: Its called '$exual preference' right? That means they 'prefer' the same sex. I think everyone is heterosexual but different factors might influence our choice. Eg female bording schools. Yea, all the rumors you hear are true.Talking about normal, what exactly is 'normal'? And being ashamed of doing something doesn't made bad. I for example am ashame to ask for help from a stranger, but it doesn't asking for help is bad. 1 Like |
Re: "BEING GAY” Is It Genetic Or A Choice by Nobody: 6:39pm On Oct 09, 2013 |
I was going to ignore the thread. Thought the op just copied and pasted some random article but his replies show that he is not one of the many ignoramuses on this site. *Def following* Lemme read the long a*ss post first. |
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