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OMA Collection Of Poems - Literature - Nairaland

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Collection Of My Rants / Welcome To My World Of (poems). / “iyi Oma” By Chidi Anthony Opara (2) (3) (4)

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OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 12:16pm On Jul 27, 2014
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

If tomorrow starts without me
And I am no more here to see

If your eyes filled with my tears
And your trembling soul dread and fears

I wish you strong heart and warm soul
And coolness on your heart's burning coal

When you think of the day I abscond
And you want to call and I don't respond

When you think of that journey gore
That I will be coming back no more

When you would wish to see or tell me
How much you love and miss me but I flee

But as much as you wish and wish
We will never get to gist or reach

When you think of the days of old
When I'll wake and call you my blood

Sweetheart, son, princess or friend
My loving words have come to an end

If tomorrow starts without me
And I'm no more here to see

Do not think my spirit has flown away forever
Lean back on our fondly memories, but don't shiver

Remember my smiles and gentle touch
Like the gentle autumn of rain and blush

Remember my scorns and hurtful insults
Remember my wrongs and painful words

If tomorrow starts without me
And I'm no more here to see

When flagging my zeal and strengths
Or gone the treaded gentle poetry paths

When the lilies in my head have withered
The roses in my hand have fallen and wandered

When the galaxy of stars glisten a forlorn hope
When I've gone and will never return or grope

When the earth's liquid I'll drink no more
Or favourite dish in my mouth will become sour

When my shrouded brain no longer thinks
Or my cold hands no linger hold pen or blinks

When the darkness and hidden fears are gone
When I'll no longer bother about the the morrow sun

If tomorrow starts without me
And I'm no more here to see

Shower me blessings and earthly prayers
That will ascend me to the heaven's layers

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Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by obyrich(m): 12:47pm On Jul 27, 2014
Cool. I love this! Sweet and beautiful artistic work.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 1:40pm On Jul 27, 2014
obyrich: Cool. I love this! Sweet and beautiful artistic work.
Thanks..... obyrich.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 12:37pm On Aug 26, 2014
White Sea shore sand
Embrace our foot with coolness
Relishing the blast cold air
Transcending from beneath the ocean

Blissful touch of heaven upon us
Awed by the sea sand and nature’s ecstasy
Feel the thrill and chill of breeze
When we close our eyes to decipher
How it feels when lovers kiss
And Surrender to nature’s bliss

Those happy moments are countless
Just like the constellations of stars
That streams of joy is endless
Like a deep mighty ocean

Our well of love is deep and dries less
Water for lovers there reside
Heaven bears me witness
How much I have long for this day
Since I’ve been struck by this goddess
I tingle and she wriggles and goes numb

Stealing my heart with one glance of hers
She’s got fragile eye balls of lust
Her melodious voice like sound of hymns
From David’s harp; ringing in my locked-up brain

copyright 2014.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 12:40pm On Aug 26, 2014

So sad that saddened morning
A noise was heard; agony of death
The songs of dirge of mourning
For your departure from the earth

Grim reaper of men has struck again
Natural assassin that can’t be bribed
Leaving us to wallow in forever pain
No matter how much we proscribe

If death has a price, you would never die
You’re worth more than bags of gold
Though you never wait to say bye
In my heart your memories I behold

Sometimes I feel your warmth around me
Like your fragrance is so near and close
I’d shut my eyes may be you will I see
Or your face when you were here bestows

I know you are not so far from me
You live just a little way beyond
Paradise of peace and no pain foresee
Far past beyond the earth’s bond

When I feel I miss you the most
And as years go drifting by so much
I delve into my library of memories host
Your memories are heaven’s gentle touch

Soothing me, like a soft balm on spines
You are the sunlight that sparks on sheets
The beaming moon that shines
The cool breeze that send off heats

They heal and conquer the pain in my heart
The rough and tranquil days we shared
Will find abode and life in my poetry art
I will lay them underneath the pillow on my bed

Though alive we do speak no more
In my head you forever live in me and sings
Perhaps you come to me in night dreams
I will disclose to you many things

Sammyhoe/ Sammy hoe
Audrey Timm
Temitope Daniel
Justice enam/Justiceenam
Spiceyeva/Spice eva


Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by timpaker(m): 1:25pm On Aug 26, 2014
Great piece bro. I love your use of metaphors and the 'ally ....."Paradise of peace and no pain foresee..."Far past beyond the earth's bond..." I wish I could write like you.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by firestar(f): 2:00pm On Aug 26, 2014
sad cry
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 2:02pm On Aug 26, 2014
timpaker: Great piece bro. I love your use of metaphors and the 'ally ....."Paradise of peace and no pain foresee..."Far past beyond the earth's bond..." I wish I could write like you.
keep whinning, okay?

anyway, thanks bro. i just wanna be posting my written poems for critiquing...
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by LarrySun(m): 3:26pm On Aug 26, 2014
Finally, you've burst out of your inhibition. Kudos, bro.

Have a definite style, for without style there cannot possibly be a single work out value in any branch of eloquence or poetry. I'm glad your works are not wanting in depth and regularity; your pentameter is iambic grin and it is easy enough to identify the rhyme schemes and enumerate the chiming vowel-sounds and the alliterated consonants.

I suffer from an incurable dysentery of words in others' poetry. Perhaps that is why I find pleasure only in reading Yeats' 'The Second Coming' and Shakespeare's 'The R*pe of Lucrece':

Turning and turning in a widening gyre
The falcon cannot see the falconer
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Who buys a minute's mirth to wail a week
Or sell eternity to get a toy?
For one sweet grape who will the vine destroy?
Or what fond beggar, but to touch the crown,
Would with the sceptre straight be strucken down?

Deeper than prose, poetry is a land of iron coinage and of iron speech; hence my reluctant desire to journey thence. I once came, I saw, and I fled. I'll rather remain grinding my stones in the hamlet of amateurish prose. Those who travel to this iron land are later canonized as gods; gods of words.

Well done, OMA4U, and goodluck.

1 Like

Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by firestar(f): 3:34pm On Aug 26, 2014
LarrySun: Finally, you've burst out of your inhibition. Kudos, bro.

Have a definite style, for without style there cannot possibly be a single work out value in any branch of eloquence or poetry. I'm glad your works are not wanting in depth and regularity; your pentameter is iambic grin and it is easy enough to identify the rhyme schemes and enumerate the chiming vowel-sounds and the alliterated consonants.

I suffer from an incurable dysentery of words in others' poetry. Perhaps that is why I find pleasure only in reading Yeats' 'The Second Coming' and Shakespeare's 'The R*pe of Lucrece':

Turning and turning in a widening gyre
The falcon cannot see the falconer
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Who buys a minute's mirth to wail a week
Or sell eternity to get a toy?
For one sweet grape who will the vine destroy?
Or what fond beggar, but to touch the crown,
Would with the sceptre straight be strucken down?

Deeper than prose, poetry is a land of iron coinage and of iron speech; hence my reluctant desire to journey thence. I once came, I saw, and I fled. I'll rather remain grinding my stones in the hamlet of amateurish prose. Those who travel to this iron land are later canonized as gods; gods of words.

Well done, OMA4U, and goodluck.


All in the belly.
Spin cycles,
Of yummy jelly.
Butterfly tummy.

1 Like

Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by LarrySun(m): 3:54pm On Aug 26, 2014


All in the belly.
Spin cycles,
Of yummy jelly.
Butterfly tummy.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by texanomaly(f): 4:02pm On Aug 26, 2014
Nice job! Impressive.

Be sure to back up your poetry. I lost some of my favorite poems from my "Random Ramblings" thread. cry
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by firestar(f): 4:04pm On Aug 26, 2014
cheesy cheesy cheesy grin

Butterfly tummy.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by LarrySun(m): 5:05pm On Aug 26, 2014
cheesy cheesy cheesy grin

Butterfly tummy.

*Cobweb brain*
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by timpaker(m): 5:10pm On Aug 26, 2014
texanomaly: Nice job! Impressive.

Be sure to back up your poetry. I lost some of my favorite poems from my "Random Ramblings" thread. cry

As in eh. I cried like a kid who misplaced his feeding bottle when I lost mine too.

I don wise up sha. cheesy

1 Like

Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by firestar(f): 5:10pm On Aug 26, 2014
LarrySun: Still

*Cobweb brain*

Pray tell, Sir Larry...

Why writing poetry ties you in knots?
Your flare for writing just is.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by LarrySun(m): 6:07pm On Aug 26, 2014

Pray tell, Sir Larry...

Why writing poetry ties you in knots?
Your flare for writing just is.

I'm more comfortable farming in the vineyard of prose fictions. I sometimes try to write some poetic lines though, but each word is a strain on my intellectual elasticity. A line of poetry can be substituted for a chapter of prose.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by texanomaly(f): 7:50pm On Aug 26, 2014
LarrySun: I'm more comfortable farming in the vineyard of prose fictions. I sometimes try to write some poetic lines though, but each word is a strain on my intellectual elasticity. A line of poetry can be substituted for a chapter of prose.

Your poetry is quite good though.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 5:45pm On Aug 27, 2014
LarrySun: Deeper than prose, poetry is a land of iron coinage and of iron speech; hence my reluctant desire to journey thence. I once came, I saw, and I fled. I'll rather remain grinding my stones in the hamlet of amateurish prose. Those who travel to this iron land are later canonized as gods; gods of words.
sir larry is a god armed with words, so why did you flee?
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 5:46pm On Aug 27, 2014
texanomaly: Nice job! Impressive.

Be sure to back up your poetry. I lost some of my favorite poems from my "Random Ramblings" thread. cry

Thanks ma'am!
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 5:48pm On Aug 27, 2014
Pregnant Future

A wise farmer arises at the sun rise
Hanging hoe on his shoulder from home
Holding firmly to his machete sternly and hurry
Heading for farming to farm any farming

He scorns the thorns and plants the corns
Hoping to harbor in his palour his labour
But overtime the harvest time grows no dime
The man weeps deep, still nothing to reap

If men could see the blossom future
Only things that breed leisure they will nurture
But the future is uncertain and unfair
Jumbled up with tears and wears

No one know the child it will bear
Though sometimes it appears crystal clear
We have to be steadfast for the days of harvest
And by hope that will live and await the best

From the pregnant future
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 11:12am On Aug 28, 2014
Sonnet one

Shall I say my delight to write you this?
If by no means I will burn down the earth
Whirl wind has shaken me in my lone days
I’ve wandered lonesome in the shade of death
Since you bid me a valedictory way
Hell fury of the heaven’s eye burns me
And my face’s clutter’d tears cast a ray
In a mirror before me you I see
Sadness has made you wear an olden grey
And I shall change your old skin back to youth
Even if your love’s strength seem to decay
I hope you race back with a cheetah’s foot
As this rich words poetry plead for my wrong
My love shall in my verse forever live young
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by Canme4u(m): 11:33am On Aug 28, 2014
Okay, you called me and now am here.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by OMA4U(m): 11:39am On Aug 28, 2014
Canme4u: Okay, you called me and now am here.
Welcome, sir! I need you to read, comment, and crtique my poems. you can scroll up to begin
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by stormybucci(m): 12:38pm On Aug 28, 2014
@op.. bro if u plan publishing or wen uve published d poem, abeg let me know cus i would love 2 have a copy of dis great stuff am reading here
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by Kaymania(m): 9:32am On Aug 29, 2014
i was here.
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by noble4d(m): 9:33am On Aug 29, 2014
OMA4U: White Sea shore sand
Embrace our foot with coolness
Relishing the blast cold air
Transcending from beneath the ocean

Blissful touch of heaven upon us
Awed by the sea sand and nature’s ecstasy
Feel the thrill and chill of breeze
When we close our eyes to decipher
How it feels when lovers kiss
And Surrender to nature’s bliss

Those happy moments are countless
Just like the constellations of stars
That streams of joy is endless
Like a deep mighty ocean

Our well of love is deep and dries less
Water for lovers there reside
Heaven bears me witness
How much I have long for this day
Since I’ve been struck by this goddess
I tingle and she wriggles and goes numb

Stealing my heart with one glance of hers
She’s got fragile eye balls of lust
Her melodious voice like sound of hymns
From David’s harp; ringing in my locked-up brain

copyright 2014.

you write well... two quatrains and two sestets

1 Like

Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by noble4d(m): 9:36am On Aug 29, 2014

So sad that saddened morning
A noise was heard; agony of death
The songs of dirge of mourning
For your departure from the earth

Grim reaper of men has struck again
Natural assassin that can’t be bribed
Leaving us to wallow in forever pain
No matter how much we proscribe

If death has a price, you would never die
You’re worth more than bags of gold
Though you never wait to say bye
In my heart your memories I behold

Sometimes I feel your warmth around me
Like your fragrance is so near and close
I’d shut my eyes may be you will I see
Or your face when you were here bestows

I know you are not so far from me
You live just a little way beyond
Paradise of peace and no pain foresee
Far past beyond the earth’s bond

When I feel I miss you the most
And as years go drifting by so much
I delve into my library of memories host
Your memories are heaven’s gentle touch

Soothing me, like a soft balm on spines
You are the sunlight that sparks on sheets
The beaming moon that shines
The cool breeze that send off heats

They heal and conquer the pain in my heart
The rough and tranquil days we shared
Will find abode and life in my poetry art
I will lay them underneath the pillow on my bed

Though alive we do speak no more
In my head you forever live in me and sings
Perhaps you come to me in night dreams
I will disclose to you many things

Sammyhoe/ Sammy hoe
Audrey Timm
Temitope Daniel
Justice enam/Justiceenam
Spiceyeva/Spice eva

honestly bro I'm in love with ur works. nice dirge
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by noble4d(m): 9:56am On Aug 29, 2014
OMA4U: Sonnet one

Shall I say my delight to write you this?
If by no means I will burn down the earth
Whirl wind has shaken me in my lone days
I’ve wandered lonesome in the shade of death
Since you bid me a valedictory way
Hell fury of the heaven’s eye burns me
And my face’s clutter’d tears cast a ray
In a mirror before me you I see
Sadness has made you wear an olden grey
And I shall change your old skin back to youth
Even if your love’s strength seem to decay
I hope you race back with a cheetah’s foot
As this rich words poetry plead for my wrong
My love shall in my verse forever live young

I have problems with ur sonnet.

A sonnet is a poem of an expressive thought or idea made up of 14 lines, each being ten syllables long.

there are two patterns in sonnet:

1, English pattern
2, Italian pattern

but let me emphasize on English pattern......

The English pattern is written as 3 quatrains followed by a rhyming couplet. e.g ab ab,cdcd,efef, .

Note: pay attention on your syllables.

Noble cares
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by Nobody: 10:50am On Aug 29, 2014

honestly bro I'm in love with ur works. nice dirge
noble4d Are u still alive shocked
Re: OMA Collection Of Poems by noble4d(m): 2:35pm On Aug 29, 2014
missyhorlah: noble4d Are u still alive shocked

Xup swit... I'm still alive oooo...how ave u bin? wink

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