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Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! - Religion - Nairaland

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Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:05pm On Sep 18, 2014
Many people believe that, when a person
becomes a child of God, afterward it is
impossible for him to so sin as to fall from
grace and be eternally lost.
This doctrine is one of the five major
points of Calvinism. It is often called
"the eternal security of the believer,"
"perseverance of the saints,"
"impossibility of apostasy," or simply
"once saved, always saved." Several
major denominations officially believe
the doctrine, though some do not
emphasize it and as a result the
members may not be aware of it.
The Westminster Confession adopted by
most Presbyterian churches, states:
"They whom God hath accepted in his
Beloved, effectually called and sanctified
by his Spirit, can neither totally nor
finally fall away from the state of grace;
but shall certainly persevere therein to
the end, and be eternally saved …
Nevertheless they may, through the
temptations of Satan … fall into grievous
sins…" (Book of Confessions of the United
Presbyterian Church, 1967 Ed., Sec.
The Philadelphia Confession, adopted by
many Baptist churches, is almost
identical to the above.
Sam Morris, "Pastor" of the First Baptist
Church, Stamford, Texas, expressed the
doctrine in its most extreme form as
"We take the position that a Christian's
sins do not damn his soul! The way a
Christian lives, what he says, his
character, his conduct, or his attitude
toward other people have nothing
whatever to do with the salvation of his
soul … All the prayers a man may pray,
all the Bibles he may read, all the
churches he may belong to, all the
services he may attend, all the sermons
he may practice, all the debts he may
pay, all the ordinances he may observe,
all the laws he may keep, all the
benevolent acts he may perform will not
make his soul one whit safer; and all the
sins he may commit from idolatry to
murder will not make his soul in any
more danger … The way a man lives has
nothing whatever to do with the
salvation of his soul." (Morris, A
Discussion Which Involves a Subject
Pertinent to All Men , pp. 1,2; via
Handbook of Religious Quotations, p. 24)
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:07pm On Sep 18, 2014
The purpose of this study is to examine
what the Bible says about falling from
It would be very comforting if this
doctrine were true. However, if it is not
true, then it would be a very dangerous
doctrine because it would give people a
false sense of security. People would not
be on their guard against sin, and may
not see any need to repent of sins, if
they thought they would still be saved
eternally despite their sins. If however
they will be lost for sins they do not
repent of, then such people are in grave
danger. Surely it is important for us to
know what the Bible teaches.
We can all agree that there is security for
those who serve God faithfully. If we
study God's word diligently and honestly,
if we strive to overcome sin in our lives,
and if we diligently repent and ask
forgiveness for our sins, then we
definitely have assurance and security
regarding our eternal destiny. The
question, however, is whether it is
possible for a child of God to cease being
faithful, to become disobedient, fail to
repent, and so be lost.
Part 1: Evidence that a Child of
Can Sin and Be Lost
A. Passages Warning Christians about the
Danger of Sin
The Bible teaches that there are
conditions a person must meet in order
to receive forgiveness and become a
child of God. Likewise there are
conditions one must meet to continue
faithful after becoming a child of God.
Many passages warn us to be careful to
meet these conditions else we will not
receive eternal life. In each case we will
note first that the passage is addressed to
children of God. Then we will note that
we are warned to avoid sin or we will be
John 15:1-6 - We must bear fruit or be cast
Disciples are described as branches "in
Christ" (v2,5, etc.) who have been
cleansed by His word (v3).
But if they don't bear fruit and abide in
Christ (v2,4-6), they will be taken away
(v2), cast into the fire and burned (v6).
(Abiding in Jesus and bearing fruit
requires obedience - I John 3:6,24; John
15:10; Gal. 5:19ff; etc.)
Romans 8:12-17 - We must live according to
the Spirit, not the flesh.
This is addressed to children of God
We are warned not to live according to
the deeds of the flesh but be led by the
Spirit. If we live according to the flesh,
we will die (v13). This cannot be physical
death since we all die physically
regardless of how we live. This death is
the opposite of the life we receive if we
follow the Spirit.
To be heirs of Christ, we must be led of
the Spirit (v14) and suffer with Christ
(v17). It is conditional and depends on
our life.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:10pm On Sep 18, 2014
Galatians 6:7-9 - We must sow to the Spirit,
not the flesh.
This is addressed to members of the
church (1:2), sons of God by faith (3:26).
[Cf. 4:6]
We will reap as we sow. If we sow to the
spirit (i.e., if we produce the fruit of the
Spirit - 5:22-25), we will reap eternal life
(v8). If we sow to the flesh (do the works
of the flesh - 5:19-21), we reap
corruption (6:cool, which is the opposite of
eternal life. In this case, we cannot
inherit the kingdom of God (5:21).
We reap eternal life if we don't grow
weary in doing good (v9). Note: " Be not
deceived." Yet "once saved, always saved"
is a doctrine that deceives many into
thinking they will still reap eternal life
even if they sow to the flesh.
1 Corinthians 9:27 & 10:12 - We must
control our bodies and avoid sinning like
Israel did.
9:25-27 - Paul, who was an apostle and
therefore a child of God, was striving to
gain the imperishable crown (v25). He
had to discipline his body and bring it
into subjection lest he himself be
disqualified (NKJV; "a castaway" - KJV;
"rejected" - ASV). (KJV elsewhere
translates this word "reprobate" - 2 Cor.
13:5; Rom. 1:28; 2 Tim. 3:8; Tit. 1:16).
10:1-12 - Israel is an example showing us
the importance of avoiding sin. The
people to whom this warning applies
("we," "us"wink include the church, sanctified
saints (1:2; cf. 1:9), and the apostle Paul.
This is an example and admonition to us
(v6,11). We should not lust after evil
(v6), commit idolatry (v7), commit
fornication (v8), etc. One who thinks he
stands, must take heed lest he fall (v12).
In context, this means he will not receive
the crown Paul described (9:25-27).
6:9,10 show that people guilty of these
sins won't receive the kingdom of God.
Note that a person who believes in "once
saved, always saved" thinks he cannot
fall. This passage is addressed to just
such people and shows that they are the
ones in the very greatest danger that
they will fall!
Hebrews 3:6,11-14; 4:9,11 - We must avoid
rebelling like Israel.
This is addressed to "holy brethren,
partakers of the heavenly calling" (v1).
Israel failed to enter God's rest because
they lacked faith and obedience. We too
must guard lest we have an evil heart of
unbelief, departing from God (v12), and
become hardened through the
deceitfulness of sin (v13).
To partake with Christ, we must hold fast
our confidence (faith) firm to the end
(3:6,14). If we do so depart, we will not
enter the rest God has for us (4:9,11).
Note that receiving the eternal reward is
conditional on continued faithfulness.
Hebrews 10:26-31,39 - We must avoid willful
This is speaking to those who know the
truth (v26) and have been sanctified by
the blood (v29). It is discussing the
Lord's judgment on "His people" (v30).
We are warned not to sin willfully (v26).
As long as we go on sinning willfully
(NASB - v26), there is no sacrifice for
sin. (This is not discussing what will
happen if such people repent and change
but what our condition is as long as this
conduct continues.)
Such people are trodding underfoot
God's Son (v29), doing despite to the
Spirit of grace, counting the blood by
which we were sanctified unholy (v29).
Their only future is fierceness of fire
(v27), sorer punishment than physical
death under the law (v28f), vengeance
from God (v30).
This is why we must not shrink back to
perdition (v39).
2 Peter 1:8-11; 2:20-22 - We must grow in
Christ instead of returning to the world.
1:8-11 - This is spoken to those who have
obtained like precious faith (v1), escaped
the corruption of the world (v4), and
been purged from old sins (v9).
We must add to our lives the qualities
listed (v5-7). If we do, we make our
calling and election sure so we don't
stumble (v10), but we receive the
abundant entrance to the everlasting
kingdom (v11). Note there is security for
the believer, but it is conditional on
growing and adding these qualities.
2:20-22 - This is still talking to people
who have escaped the pollution of the
world (v20), knowing the way of
righteousness (v21). [cf. v1,15]
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Nobody: 1:13pm On Sep 18, 2014
christianity and confusion
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:17pm On Sep 18, 2014
We are warned not to become entangled
again in the world (v20), turning from
the holy command (v21). If we do, we
are worse off than we were before we
knew the truth (v20). We are like a dog
returning to vomit or a sow returning to
mire (v22). [cf., v1,3]
But if "once saved, always saved," then
this dog is much better off after
returning to the vomit than he was
Romans 6:12-18 - We must not let sin reign
in our bodies.
These were baptized into Christ (v3,4),
set free from sin, and become servants of
righteousness (v18).
They are warned not to let sin reign in
their bodies nor present their members
as instruments of sin (v12,13). The result
of that would be death (v16). This must
be spiritual again, since all die
physically. The wages of sin, even for
those here addressed, is death, in
contrast to eternal life (v23).
Hebrews 6:4-8 - We must avoid falling
This is addressed to those once
enlightened, who tasted the heavenly gift
and the good word of God and were
partakers of the Holy Spirit (v4,5).
We are warned not to fall away (v6). If
they continue in this pattern of life
(implied), they cannot be restored. They
are crucifying Jesus afresh and putting
Him to an open shame (v6). Their
destiny is to be burned like a field of
thorns (v8).
Revelation 3:5; Exodus 32:30-33 - We must
avoid having our names removed from the
Book of Life.
Those whose names are in the book of
Life will enter the eternal city, but those
not in it are cast into the lake of fire
(Rev. 21:27; 20:12-15). But people whose
names are in the book, may be removed
because of sin (Ex. 32:30-33). Those
guilty of sin CANNOT enter the city (Rev.
21:27). But those who overcome will not
be blotted out of the book (Rev. 3:5). [Cf.
Rev. 22:18,19]
Why would God continually warn of the
danger of sin and being lost if it cannot
happen? Do human parents warn their
children to be careful how they flap
their wings lest they fly too high and
crash into the moon? God is not the
author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). Why
waste time warning us about dangers
that cannot happen anyway?
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:20pm On Sep 18, 2014
B. Bible Examples of Christians Who Sinned
& Stood Condemned.
The Bible not only warns us to be on
guard lest we fail to meet the conditions
for remaining faithful, but it also
mentions specific people who did fall.
This is not just a theoretical possibility.
It is a practical reality. In fact, it has
happened to many people, and could
happen to us if we are not diligent.
Genesis 3:1-6 - Adam and Eve
God said if they ate of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, they would
surely die (2:16,17).
3:4 - Satan said if Eve ate, she would not
die. She ate and we know the result. This
event is used in 2 Cor. 11:3 as an
example to us of the danger of falling
into sin.
Satan was the first one to teach the
doctrine of "impossibility of apostasy."
God stated the consequence of sin, but
Satan denied that the consequence would
follow. Today God has stated the
consequences of sin, and Satan uses
preachers to deny the consequences. The
doctrine of "once saved, always saved"
was originated and first preached by
Satan himself.
The nation of Israel
The Old Testament contains countless
examples in which God's people sinned
and fell from God's favor, both
individually and collectively. (Lev. 26;
Deut. 28-30; I Sam. 12:10; chaps. 10-16;
28:15,16; I Chron. 28:9; 2 Chron. 15:2;
24:20; Isa. 1:28; Jer. 2:19,32 cf. Psa.
9:17; Jer. 3:6-14; 8:4-13; 9:12-16; Hos.
9:10; cf. Acts 7:37-43; Rev. 21:cool
The fact these are in the Old Testament
does not diminish the lesson for us. The
New Testament expressly warns us that
the same principle applies to us - I Cor.
10:1-12; Heb. chap. 3,4. With regard to
the possibility of God's people sinning
and being lost, the Old and New
Testaments teach the same.
Christians who lost their faith
Hebrews 3:12 warned of the danger of
developing an evil heart of unbelief like
Israel. Many New Testament examples
show people to whom this very thing
2 Timothy 2:16-18 - Hymenaeus &
Philetus strayed and overthrew the faith
of some. (Faith cannot be overthrown in
those who do not first possess it.)
1 Timothy 1:18-20 - Timothy should hold
the faith and not be like Hymenaeus and
Alexander, who made shipwreck
concerning the faith and committed
1 Timothy 5:8 - Anyone (including a
child of God) who doesn't care for his
family has denied the faith and is worse
than an unbeliever.
What happens to people who lose their
faith? Faith is essential to salvation.
Those who lose it are no better off than
those who never had it.
Hebrews 11:6 - Without faith it is
impossible to please God (the application
in the context of this book is to those
who had faith but turn from it - 3:12;
Revelation 21:8 - Unbelievers will be in
the lake of fire.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:24pm On Sep 18, 2014
Acts 8:12-24 - Simon the Sorcerer
Simon believed and was baptized (v13).
This is what Jesus said one must do to be
saved (Mark 16:16). This is what the
other Samaritans did (v12). Simon did
"ALSO" the same things the others did. If
they were saved, he was saved. If he was
not saved, then none of the others were
But Simon later sinned. His heart was
not right (v21), he was guilty of
wickedness (v22), and was in the gall of
bitterness and the bond of iniquity
(v23). As a result, he would perish (v20)
if he did not repent and pray (v22).
Galatians 5:1-4 - The Judaizers
These people were children of God (3:26;
cf. 1:2-4; 4:6), who had been set free by
Christ (5:1). They had to be in grace if
they fell from it (5:4).
They sinned in that they desired to go
back to the Old Testament yoke of
bondage (5:1) and bound circumcision.
As a result, Christ profited them nothing
(v2), they were severed from Christ (v4),
fallen from grace (v4). They were not
obeying truth (v7).
These were children of God who were in
God's grace but then fell from that grace
so that Christ profited them nothing and
they were severed from Christ. Can one
receive eternal life if he is severed from
Christ (Eph. 1:3-7) and fallen from the
grace that saves (Eph. 2:cool?
"Once saved, always saved" is a tempting
doctrine because it is comforting.
It tells people what they would like to
hear. We would all like to think that,
even if we or our loved ones fall into sin,
they will still receive eternal life.
But it is a false doctrine because it
clearly contradicts Scriptures in nearly
every book of the Bible.
It is also a dangerous doctrine because it
leads people to think they are safe even
if they don't examine their lives, don't
study the Bible, and don't repent of sin.
Furthermore, it leads preachers to not
warn sinners that they need to repent.
I have personally known people who told
me of terrible sins they deliberately and
knowingly committed, justifying
themselves because they believed it
would not affect their salvation. I have
known teachers who justified those very
people saying that they would not have
lost their salvation even when committed
those sins.
Suppose a child is about to cross a busy
street. Shouldn't the parent warn the
child to look carefully for traffic before
they cross the street? People who
advocate "once saved, always saved" are
like a parent who not only does not warn
the child, but worse yet tells him there is
nothing to worry about because he can't
get hit, and if he does get hit, he won't
Why should the child be warned?
Because there is a very real danger. And
the situation is most dangerous if the
child is not on guard. The worst thing
anyone can do to the child is to tell him
there is no danger. Yet that is exactly
what preachers do when they teach
"once saved, always saved." And this has
eternal consequences, because souls are
at stake.
Nevertheless, if the child is careful, he
can cross the street safely despite the
danger. So the best favor anyone can do
for the child is to warn him of the
danger, so he can avoid it. That is
exactly what we do when we preach the
Bible passages that warn Christians to
avoid sin. It is not that we believe
Christians have no security, but we know
people are only secure when they are
aware of the dangers, so they can be on
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:27pm On Sep 18, 2014
Part 2: Evidence Offered to Show
that a Child of God Cannot So Sin
as to Be Lost
Folks are sometimes confused by
passages that are used to defend "once
saved, always saved." We need to
understand the arguments and how to
answer them. Some of these passages do
offer hope and security to believers, but
they are conditional passages, and these
conditions are often overlooked. If we
study the verses in light of what we have
already learned we will see that, while
they do give security to those who are
faithful, they do not teach unconditional
"once saved, always saved."
John 10:28,29 - "They shall never perish …
no one shall snatch them out of my hand"
This is a wonderful promise. But is it, as
the preacher said, so unconditional that
a person's soul cannot be lost no matter
how he lives?
The context gives conditions - v27,28.
Note the word "and " repeated. Receiving
life and never perishing are tied to
hearing Jesus and following him . These are
conditions, exactly like we have been
As the Good Shepherd, Jesus protects His
sheep so no one can destroy them, as
long as the sheep hear Jesus and follow
Him. But what if they cease to hear and
follow, as we have learned elsewhere
they can do?
"Pluck" refers to an outside force.
"Pluck" (KJV) or "snatch" (NKJV, ASV)
means "to seize, carry off by
force" (Thayer), like the thief might do
(v10,12). Neither Satan nor any outside
force can steal you from the Lord, as
long as you meet the conditions.
But we must "resist the devil," and then
we have assurance he will flee from us
(James 4:7). What happens if, through
negligence or willful rebellion, we
wander away from the protection of
Jesus' fold?
Sheep can stray from the shepherd's
Luke 15:3-7 - 100 sheep belonged to the
shepherd (v4,6), but one became lost .
Acts 20:28-30 - Wolves may enter among
the flock, speak perverse things, and
draw away the disciples. They cannot
compel us to follow them and be lost. We
may still choose to follow the Lord's
voice. But false teachers can lure us,
attract us, and tempt us.
I Peter 5:8,9 - Satan is a roaring lion
seeking to devour us. If we do not
withstand him, he can capture and
destroy us. But we can withstand him if
we have faith and vigilance . This is what
Jesus promised in John 10. (John 17;
6:37-40; I Pet. 2:25).
If sheep cannot possibly stray, even of
their own free will, then this would deny
our free moral power to choose. We
could not become lost even if we wanted
1 John 3:9 - One begotten of God "does not
sin … he cannot sin"
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:29pm On Sep 18, 2014
We must take all the Bible says on any
subject (Matt. 4:6,7; Acts 3:22,23).
We have already shown many passages
showing that it is possible for a child of
God to sin. Many more verses, even in 1
John and addressed to these same people,
show this is true:
1 John 1:8,10 - If we say we don't sin,
we lie and truth is not in us. This is
exactly the condition of some folks who
argue for "once saved, always saved"!
1 John 2:1,2 - John wrote so we would
avoid sin. Jesus is our propitiation if we
do sin. If sin is impossible, why write,
and why would we need propitiation?
1 John 2:15-17 - Love not the world. If
we do, we don't love the Father (cf. I
Cor. 16:22). Why warn us, if it is
impossible to be guilty?
1 John 5:21 - Guard yourself from idols.
Why, if it is impossible to be guilty of
2 Peter 2:14 - Some children of God
(v1,15) " cannot cease from sin"! If I John
3:9 means children of God cannot
possibly commit sin, then this passage
means these children of God cannot
possibly quit sinning!
Clearly 1 John 3:9 does not mean sin is
impossible, else we have contradictions
in the Bible. In fact, many people who
believe "once saved, always saved," will
admit sin is possible (see quotes in
"Does not sin" refers to persisting in the
practice of sin (see NASB).
A true child of God may occasionally
commit acts of sin, but he must repent,
confess, and be forgiven by Jesus' blood
(1:9; 2:2). He must not continue in the
practice of sin. Why not?
"God's seed abides" in the child of God.
The seed that begets us, so we become
children of God, is the word of God:
1 Peter 1:23-25 - We are begotten again
by the incorruptible seed which is the
Word of God.
James 1:18 - We are begotten by the
word of truth.
1 John 2:14,24 - The word of God, which
we heard, abides in us. [Luke 8:11ff; I
Cor. 4:15; I John 1:10; 2:5,7]
How does the this seed abide in us? Can
it cease abiding in us?
1 John 1:10 - If we say we do not sin, His
word is not in us . We may still know
what it says, but we have rejected it.
John 5:38 - If we do not believe Jesus,
God's word does not abide in us.
Acts 2:41 - Those who gladly received the
word were baptized. Receiving the word
requires believing and obeying it.
Otherwise we are rejecting it. (I Thess.
To have the word abiding in us means to
have a receptive attitude toward it,
believing and obeying it, applying it in
our lives. If this is our attitude, 1 John
3:9 says we will not continue in the
practice of sin. Of course not, because to
do so would be to reject the word so it no
longer abides in us!
Note Psalms 119:11 - Your word I have
hidden in my heart, That I might not sin
against You! This is exactly what 1 John
3:9 says.
But can we cease believing the word,
studying it, and striving to live by it? We
have shown that we can. If we do, the
seed no longer abides in us, so we
practice sin.
"He cannot sin"
Does this mean it is humanly impossible
under any circumstances to transgress?
"Can" (Gk DUNAMAI) means: "to be able,
have power, whether by virtue of one's
own ability and resources, or of state of
mind, or through favorable
circumstances, or by permission of law
and custom" (Thayer).
Examples elsewhere show it does not
necessarily mean physical or human
impossibility, but rather that law, state
of mind, or circumstances do not allow
1 Corinthians 10:21 - You cannot drink
the cup of the Lord and the cup of
demons (it is not lawful).
Acts 4:20 - We cannot but speak the
things we have seen and heard (law and
state of mind do not permit it).
Mark 2:19 - Sons of the bridechamber
cannot fast while the bridegroom is with
them (circumstances make it such that no
one would do it).
Hence 1 John 3:9 means that, when one
has accepted God's word into his heart
and so becomes a child of God, his
attitude and the principles of the word
will not allow him to continue practicing
sin. God's word (the seed) has become
the guiding principle of his heart, and it
would be inconsistent with this to
continue practicing sin.
For example, suppose an employer asks
a Christian employee to tell a lie. The
Christian replies, "I can't do a thing like
that." Is it physically impossible? No, but
it is completely contrary to his nature as
a child of God. As long as his attitude
toward God's word is right, he will not
do it.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:33pm On Sep 18, 2014
The Body Sins, but the Spirit Does Not
We are told that we may physically do
things that violate God's word, but He
does not hold our spirit accountable for
what the body does.
Those who teach this doctrine are obligated
to produce Scripture to prove it.
It is not enough to make the claim. They
must give Scripture.
Is the spirit responsible for the good
deeds of the body? If so, why not also for
the bad deeds?
If they cite Rom. 7:25 & 8:1, note 7:23
and 8:6-17 which show the man is
condemned for the sins of the body.
Many Scriptures show that God holds the
spirit (inner man) accountable for the sins
of the outer man.
1 Corinthians 6:9,10,13,15,18-20 -
Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom
of God. But this is a sin of the body. The
body is a member of Christ, a temple of
the Spirit, and belongs to God so it
should be used for His glory (this shows
the people addressed are children of
God, bought with a price, etc.). [cf.
Mark 7:20-23 - Evil (done by the body)
proceeds from the heart and defiles a
man. [Prov. 23:7; 4:23]
2 Corinthians 5:10 - We will be judged
for deeds done in the body . Our spirits
will be held accountable for what the
body does.
Romans 6:12,16,23 - People who have
been baptized into Christ (v3,4) and
made free from sin (v18), must not let
sin reign in their mortal bodies. If we
do, we are servants of sin and must die
1 Corinthians 9:27 - Paul buffeted his
body to bring it in subjection, let he be a
Romans 8:13 - We must put to death the
deeds of the body in order to live.
Otherwise, we will die.
[2 Cor. 7:1; Rom. 12:1,2; Gal. 5:19-24;
Acts 8:20-22]
Passages that Say We Have Eternal Life
Numerous passages are cited which say
we have eternal life: John 10:28; 17:3;
5:24; 3:36; 6:47; 3:16; I John 5:12,13.
Some argue that, if we have it, and if it is
eternal, then we cannot lose it. If we do,
it wasn't eternal.
We have eternal life now only as a promise
or hope.
1 John 2:25 - This is the promise He has
promised us, even life eternal.
James 1:12 - The crown of life which the
Lord promised to those who love Him.
Titus 1:2; 3:7 - The hope of eternal life,
which God promised .
We receive eternal life, in the sense of a
present possession, only after earthly life is
over and then only if we endure faithfully
till life is over.
Luke 18:30 - We receive eternal life "in
the world to come."
Romans 2:5-7 - Eternal life will be given
at the judgment IF we continue patiently
in well doing. [This is the same time that
the wicked will receive eternal
punishment - Matt. 25:46. Does this
happen in this life?]
Revelation 2:10 - Be faithful until death
and receive the crown of life.
In this life, we "have" eternal life in the
sense of a promise or a hope based on
faith. But we actually enter eternal life
at the judgment if and only if we
continue living faithfully till life is over.
This is a conditional promise. We will be
lost if we fail to meet the conditions.
The proof texts, used to defend "present
possession" of eternal life, themselves state
conditions to be met.
John 5:24 - He who hears and believes .
But we have shown that one can cease
doing these.
John 6:47; 3:16,36 - He that believes . But
one can cease believing.
1 John 5:13 - V11,12 speak of those who
believe on the Son, and life is IN the Son.
But we can cease believing and fail to
abide in Him (John 15:1-cool.
John 10:27,28 - Hear Jesus' voice and
follow Him.
John 17:3 - Know God. But one can forget
God, turn from Him, and cease to know
Him (I John 2:3-6; Jer. 3:21,22; Psa.
9:17; 106;12,21,24).
Note also that saving faith requires
obedience, and to cease to obey is to
cease to have a saving faith - James
2:14-26; Heb. 10:39; chap. 11; Gal. 5:6;
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 1:38pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp... Allow peeps to practice their faith as it pleases them... Why do you have to bash them...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:39pm On Sep 18, 2014
The fact life is "eternal" does not prove
we cannot lose it. "Eternal" describes the
nature of the life. It has nothing to do
with whether it can or cannot be lost.
Example: Suppose someone offers me a
watch guaranteed to work for 50 years,
but I must do some task in order to
receive it. It is still a "50-year watch"
regardless of whether or not I do the job
and receive it.
These passages discuss the reward
believers will receive as a result of their
current state. But they are not discussing
what would happen if they change their
The passages are not intended to discuss
everything about what can happen to a
child of God. They are written to help us
appreciate the blessings we have, or to
encourage people to become children of
God. But God does not put all His will in
a single verse or passage. We are
expected to study other Scripture. When
we do, we learn that we ultimately
receive the reward only if faithful. It is
misusing these verses to teach from them
something they do not necessarily mean
and which contradicts other passages.
Consider the consequences if we used
this reasoning on passages that describe
the lost . John 3:36 says unbelievers shall
not see life . Shall we conclude this too
cannot change (like people argue on the
first part of the verse)? If a person is
lost, does this prove he can never change
and be saved? "Once lost, always lost"?
[Cf. John 5:24; Heb. 6:4-8; 10:26ff]
If we can see how unsaved people can
change their state and become saved,
despite such verses as this, then in the
same way we can understand how saved
people can change their state and
become lost.
This same approach works with most
other arguments for "once saved always
saved." Consistently applied to passages
about lost people, the same arguments
would prove "once lost, always lost."
Jesus' Blood Sacrifice Is Sufficient.
Some folks say that Jesus' death is all we
need to be saved. If we argue that there
are things we need to do to be saved,
including living a faithful life, they say
we are denying the power of Jesus'
We agree Jesus' blood has the power to
cleanse all sin. But the question is
whether it cleanses conditionally or
unconditionally. We cannot earn
salvation, but are there conditions we
must meet to receive the forgiveness?
Jesus died for all people. If His death is all
we need, and people need do nothing at all,
then all would be saved.
1 Timothy 2:6 - Jesus gave His life a
ransom for all.
Hebrews 2:9 - By the grace of God, Jesus
tasted death for all men (the extent of
this is shown in v15).
John 3:16 - God gave His Son for the
world because of His love.
1 John 2:2 - Jesus is propitiation for the
sins, not just of Christians, but for the
whole world. [cf. I John 4:14]
Romans 5:18,19 - By Jesus' act of
righteousness (His death - v8,9),
justification came to all men.
If Jesus' death is "sufficient" and "all we
need," then why aren't all men saved,
since He died for all? But we know that
not all will be saved (Matt. 7:13,14; etc.).
So there must be something that
distinguishes the saved from the
unsaved. There are conditions we must
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:42pm On Sep 18, 2014
God is no respecter of persons.
Romans 2:6-11 - God distinguishes the
saved from the lost "without respect of
persons" or partiality. If Jesus' death was
all there was to it, then He must save
everybody or else be a respecter of
person. Instead, there is a distinction on
the basis of our conduct - whether we
work evil or continue in doing good.
Acts 10:34,35 - God is no respecter of
persons, but those who fear Him and
work righteousness are accepted. True,
we cannot earn salvation. But there is a
way God distinguishes between those
who will be saved by His son's blood
from those who will not - our faith and
When people claim that Jesus' death is all
there is to it and people do not need to
do anything to be saved, they
unknowingly make God a respecter of
If Jesus' blood saves by itself with no
conditions to be met, then why is faith
In practice, everyone admits there are
some conditions necessary to be saved by
Jesus' blood. Most people admit we must
believe. Many agree we must repent and
confess Christ. (See John 3:16; 8:24; 2
Pet. 3:9; Rom. 10:9,10; 6:3,4; Acts 2:38;
22:16; Mark. 16:16; etc.) But these are
simply conditions we must meet to
receive the benefit of Jesus' death. To
admit this is to admit Jesus' death alone,
without conditions people must meet,
will not save.
But if we agree there are conditions
people must meet to be saved, then why
object when we point out from the
Scriptures that these necessary
conditions include baptism and a
faithful life? These no more deny the
power of Jesus' death than do faith,
repentance, etc.
If you can recognize faith, etc., as
necessary to salvation without denying
the importance of Jesus' death, then in
the same way we believe baptism and a
faithful life are also necessary without
denying the importance of Jesus' death.
The Bible expressly shows that there are
conditions children of God must meet to be
cleansed by Jesus' blood.
1 John 1:7-9 - Children of God do sin
(v8,10). To be cleansed by Jesus' blood,
we must "walk in the light" and "confess
our sins." To deny this is to deny the
clear teaching of Scripture.
Acts 8:22 - A child of God (v12,13) who
sinned was clearly told that, to be
cleansed of his sin, he must repent and
pray. It is Jesus' blood that forgives. But
just as there are conditions we must
meet to be cleansed and become a child
of God, so there are conditions we must
meet to be cleansed after we are
children of God.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by thorpido(m): 1:43pm On Sep 18, 2014
Scyllapatron: christianity and confusion
The only confusion there is the ignorance of those who do not understand.
The bible says,'......with all thy getting get understanding(Proverbs 4).
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 1:46pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: Ukutsgp... Allow peeps to practice their faith as it pleases them... Why do you have to bash them...
allow them to practise what is false that will take them to hell? i cant. christ embassy should stop preaching this evil doctrine.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 2:25pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: allow them to practise what is false that will take them to hell? i cant. christ embassy should stop preaching this evil doctrine.
How are you sure yours is the true faith... Considering the fact that they have biblical backing to this teaching...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 3:12pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: How are you sure yours is the true faith... Considering the fact that they have biblical backing to this teaching...
the spirit of God in us will always confirm d truth. he always reveals the truth. did u know that Satan's agents have their own gospel which is false. and they also have scripture to back it up. they can tell u dat adultery is nt a sin and they will quote scriptures to back it up. we must be vigilant.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 4:01pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: the spirit of God in us will always confirm d truth. he always reveals the truth. did u know that Satan's agents have their own gospel which is false. and they also have scripture to back it up. they can tell u dat adultery is nt a sin and they will quote scriptures to back it up. we must be vigilant.
And you think they dont have the spirit in them. How are you sure yours is the true spirit. Have you ever thought for ones if theirs is the true spirit and yours the false. They quote from same bible and virtually do everything that you do...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by paxonel(m): 5:18pm On Sep 18, 2014
[quote author=Ukutsgp]allow them to practise what is false that will take them to hell? i cant. christ embassy should stop preaching this evil doctrine.[/quote
you write too many things, summarize your point with bible quotations for instance mark 4:3 says once saved is not always saved, then explain, and we will believe you
stop writing plenty things to hide inside them, because people don't have time to be reading plenty things and you are not making any impact or sense

1 Like

Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 6:38pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: And you think they dont have the spirit in them. How are you sure yours is the true spirit. Have you ever thought for ones if theirs is the true spirit and yours the false. They quote from same bible and virtually do everything that you do...
some dnt have d spirit of God in them. what they have is a lying spirit. mine is d truth because i have the spirit of God and he reveal d truth to me. once saved is always saved is a doctrine from d pit of hell.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 6:43pm On Sep 18, 2014
@paxonel. pls devote tym 2 read all through. it will help to clear every doubt. d bible said u shud study to show urself approved unto God. dnt be a lazy christian.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 7:35pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: some dnt have d spirit of God in them. what they have is a lying spirit. mine is d truth because i have the spirit of God and he reveal d truth to me. once saved is always saved is a doctrine from d pit of hell.
Keep spewing trash... Prove to me how your spirit is the true spirit and how theirs is the lying spirit. Just one proof is all I need. Mind you, if you quote from the bible, they too will quote from the same bible to show that yours is a lying spirit. So am waiting.

1 Like

Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 7:38pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: @paxonel. pls devote tym 2 read all through. it will help to clear every doubt. d bible said u shud study to show urself approved unto God. dnt be a lazy christian.
lol... @lazy christians... Me thinks its a foolish christian that will waste his time reading that trash you wrote up there... @paxonel... Dont even bother reading cos its a waste of time...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by paxonel(m): 9:05pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: lol... @lazy christians... Me thinks its a foolish christian that will waste his time reading that trash you wrote up there... @paxonel... Dont even bother reading cos its a waste of time...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by paxonel(m): 9:09pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: lol... @lazy christians... Me thinks its a foolish christian that will waste his time reading that trash you wrote up there... @paxonel... Dont even bother reading cos its a waste of time...

lol, I'll rather read Romans 6:10 which says
For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
and know that my salvation is just once and for all than to waste my time reading that rubbish up there
knowing that i am righteous, even though i am not perfect. because i am made righteous through Christ. not by my works
2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
ahahaaha ahahh, I have overcomed satan by the word
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 9:32pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: Keep spewing trash... Prove to me how your spirit is the true spirit and how theirs is the lying spirit. Just one proof is all I need. Mind you, if you quote from the bible, they too will quote from the same bible to show that yours is a lying spirit. So am waiting.
pls dnt tell me u believe d crap of once saved always saved. i hv proved it from d post that it is a lie and nt consistent with d wholesome word of God. do u hv any contrary view?
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 9:36pm On Sep 18, 2014

lol, I'll rather read Romans 6:10 which says
For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
and know that my salvation is just once and for all than to waste my time reading that rubbish up there
knowing that i am righteous, even though i am not perfect. because i am made righteous through Christ. not by my works
2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
ahahaaha ahahh, I have overcomed satan by the word
my people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 9:37pm On Sep 18, 2014

lol, I'll rather read Romans 6:10 which says
For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
and know that my salvation is just once and for all than to waste my time reading that rubbish up there
knowing that i am righteous, even though i am not perfect. because i am made righteous through Christ. not by my works
2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
ahahaaha ahahh, I have overcomed satan by the word
my people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. read to avert the danger of being ignorant.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 9:38pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: pls dnt tell me u believe d crap of once saved always saved. i hv proved it from d post that it is a lie and nt consistent with d wholesome word of God. do u hv any contrary view?
You of all people shld knw where I belong, jst dat I dont like peeps like you going abt bashing oda pples faith... You still didnt prove to me how you concluded that yours is the true spirit... Paxonel has quoted from the bible to bck up his claim... So whats your say...
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Rich4god(m): 9:40pm On Sep 18, 2014
Ukutsgp: my people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. read to avert the danger of being ignorant.
Christ Embassy members will still quote that passage for you and tell you that you will perish for lack of knowlegde... So dont claim monopoly of the spirit...

1 Like

Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 9:41pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: lol... @lazy christians... Me thinks its a foolish christian that will waste his time reading that trash you wrote up there... @paxonel... Dont even bother reading cos its a waste of time...
it is rather a foolish christian that will not read it.
Re: Once Saved Always Saved Is A False Doctrine. Beware! by Ukutsgp(m): 9:47pm On Sep 18, 2014
Rich4god: You of all people shld knw where I belong, jst dat I dont like peeps like you going abt bashing oda pples faith... You still didnt prove to me how you concluded that yours is the true spirit... Paxonel has quoted from the bible to bck up his claim... So whats your say...
if he read the post, he will not ignorantly quote those scriptures.

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