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How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? - Religion - Nairaland

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How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by Toyolad(m): 9:25am On Apr 12, 2016
As a really curious person, I have been following the arguments for and/or against the existence of a supreme being who has the power to tweak the laws of nature in exigent circumstances (or arbitrarily).

Truthfully speaking, Both the position for and against the existence of supernatural powers and its possessor have been backed up with good and cogent reasons. However, I have always held the position that looking closely at the analysis provided by both positions, there's no conclusive and indubitable evidence from both sides to put the age-long argument to bed.
Admittedly, recently, scientific explanations have made me start questioning many answers provided by religionists on issues related to the issue on ground...
Well, not until I witnessed a particular event did I realize that it is highly probable that supernatural powers exist..
The event occurred sometime last week when two motorcyclists were engaging in serious physical battle and one of them left the scene for a corner to insert a ring into his middle finger, before anyone could hold him back, he had hit the other motorcyclist with the hand where the ring was..consequently, the hit motorcyclist fell down flat immediately,started vomiting blood and later became unconscious and was rushed off the scene.

I don't know if he survived but i sure know the cause of his predicament!

My question then is, was that coincidental or it was some extraterrestrial power at work?...Additionally,how can we explain African belief in voodoo and how it has been working from time immemorial or can anyone provide a scientific explanation?

NB: I witnessed everything with my ' korokoro' eyes and I don't think my eyes deceived me.

Cc: Johnydon22 oglalasioux Antiparticle Proton

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Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by orunto27: 4:55pm On Apr 12, 2016
I like this frankness. Thanks. God's Trinity really is Father, Son and Spirit(Good and Evil). jesus Christ, The Righteous represents the good and the righteous part of the totality of the spirit. Devil Satan, The Selfish represents darkness, bad, ugly and death of the totality of the Spirit. The Christians only concern themselves with the Holy Spirit, the spirit of light, goodness, beauty and life. The truth is, when God says, Let there be light, the light came out of darkness and God retains the darkness under His control. So bad, ugly and death are controlled by God also. In a situation where a man wears a ring to cause near death to another, God allowed it as He did to Job in history.
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by Joagbaje(m): 5:06pm On Apr 12, 2016
As a really curious person, I have been following the arguments for and/or against the existence of a supreme being who has the power to tweak the laws of nature in exigent circumstances (or arbitrarily).

Nature provides enough evidence of The supreme being and the supernatural . Just turn on your free to air decoder and yii will see enough channels where supernatural power of God is displayed in healing ,miracles and powerful prophecies . But the bible is still contain the best evidence for anyone .
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by shadeyinka(m): 11:28pm On Aug 03, 2016
The spiritual rhelm is a reality but, no physical being has a control over the spirit. Its not like a mechanical switch which you can turn on and off at will.

There is a price to pay however if you whant to feel like you are in control of some spirits...the cost may be higher than you bargained for.
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by Toyolad(m): 7:31am On Aug 04, 2016
The spiritual rhelm is a reality but, no physical being has a control over the spirit. Its not like a mechanical switch which you can turn on and off at will.

There is a price to pay however if you whant to feel like you are in control of some spirits...the cost may be higher than you bargained for.

I still don't get you, what do you have to say about the experience shared above. You think nature cannot be coaxed?
you think the use of African voodoo and acclaimed use of metaphysical/spiritual powers to perform "wonders" are all lies?
The spiritual rhelm is a reality but, no physical being has a control over the spirit. Its not like a mechanical switch which you can turn on and off at will.

There is a price to pay however if you whant to feel like you are in control of some spirits...the cost may be higher than you bargained for.

I still don't get you, what do you have to say about the experience shared above. You think nature cannot be coaxed?
you think the use of African voodoo and acclaimed use of metaphysical/spiritual powers to perform "wonders" are all lies?
The spiritual rhelm is a reality but, no physical being has a control over the spirit. Its not like a mechanical switch which you can turn on and off at will.

There is a price to pay however if you whant to feel like you are in control of some spirits...the cost may be higher than you bargained for.

I still don't get you, what do you have to say about the experience shared above. You think nature cannot be coaxed?
you think the use of African voodoo and acclaimed use of metaphysical/spiritual powers to perform "wonders" are all lies?
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by shadeyinka(m): 5:29pm On Aug 04, 2016

I still don't get you, what do you have to say about the experience shared above. You think nature cannot be coaxed?
you think the use of African voodoo and acclaimed use of metaphysical/spiritual powers to perform "wonders" are all lies?

The supernatural exists and Magic tricks are natural means of producing an illusion of the supernatural.
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by donnffd(m): 7:01pm On Aug 04, 2016

The event occurred sometime last week when two motorcyclists were engaging in serious physical battle and one of them left the scene for a corner to insert a ring into his middle finger, before anyone could hold him back, he had hit the other motorcyclist with the hand where the ring was..consequently, the hit motorcyclist fell down flat immediately,started vomiting blood and later became unconscious and was rushed off the scene.

I don't know if he survived but i sure know the cause of his predicament!

My question then is, was that coincidental or it was some extraterrestrial power at work?...Additionally,how can we explain African belief in voodoo and how it has been working from time immemorial or can anyone provide a scientific explanation?

It is likely that the ring contained some kind of venom that causes harm on contact with blood or something of that nature. I might be wrong...but one thing we take away for the story is that he needed the ring to do harm, obviously the cause of the harm had everything to do with the ring. So if we can examine the ring closely, we probably would find out the main cause of the harm.

Just because something you dont understand happens before your eyes doesnt mean its supernatural, the fact that its happening already means its natural, all that remains is the explanation, and thats what science always aims to do, find the explanation for a given event and not assume it was a supernatural fiasco...
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by Toyolad(m): 6:55am On Aug 05, 2016

The supernatural exists and Magic tricks are natural means of producing an illusion of the supernatural.

Sir, that was nowhere near trick.. A man fought for his life at the end of the fiasco. it was more than just a magic trick( to mesmerize who sef)
Re: How Can We Account For The Manifestation Of Supernatural Powers? by shadeyinka(m): 1:10pm On Aug 05, 2016

Sir, that was nowhere near trick.. A man fought for his life at the end of the lfiasco. it was more than just a magic trick( to mesmerize who sef)

We are on the same team. I believe strongly in the supernatural and I have witnessed a few in my life time.

I was only insinuating that for every supernatural occurrence, someone is trying to do a natural imitation and that is what is called magic tricks.

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