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Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! - European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) (99) - Nairaland

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Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by dayokanu(m): 5:00pm On Dec 04, 2009
Truth be told, Arsenal may be struggling in the Local scene,but in Europe against any team aside the EPL clubs,chances are that Arsenal has 99.999% chance of qualification! True that!

The clubs that knocked Assanal out over the last 10 years

2000 - Groups Fiorentina, Barcelona
2001- Valencia
2002- Group stage Deportivo, Leverkusen
2003- Valencia
2004- Chelsea
2005- Bayern
2006- Barcelona
2007- PSV
2008- Liverpool
2009 - Man Utd

7 times in the last 10 years they have been knocked out by foreign non EPL clubs so what are you on?
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by dayokanu(m): 5:04pm On Dec 04, 2009
Pool couldt qualify cos of Lyon and Fioretina
French and Italian teams right

Now that bayerns group has better teams from the same countries
Bourdeux and Juventus

Good point

Liverpool failed to qualify in a group of Lyon(Inferior to Bordeaux) and Fiorentina(Inferior to Juventus) and I believe Debreceni is also inferior to Macabbi Haifa

Why would anyone feel Assanal would qualify in that group?
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 5:09pm On Dec 04, 2009

So we were knocked out by Barca

In short embarassed

cool GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by No2Atheism(m): 5:19pm On Dec 04, 2009

remove that picture . . . wetin dey do you . . . angry
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by nateevs(m): 5:23pm On Dec 04, 2009


Are you smoking weed which EPL top 3 Apart from the CL semis against the Mancs, we always give them a game and have beaten them on a consistent basis. or is it Liverpool you are talking about the only club we seem to have this current Voodoo curse with is Chelsea tongue

So which EPL top 3 are you on about, or are you adding Spurs to that list I don't get this, If we beat Stoke and win our game in hand, and Chelsea do not do the business against Citeh, things will get back to normal, so you guys can laugh it up all you want grin When Chelsea go through their dip in form, WE WILL ALL BE HERE!!

AFTERALL DEM KNOCK BOTH OF US OUT OF THE MILK CUP!! So guess we both have only 3 cups to look out for (Or una get extra one grin )

cool GOONER 89

Too many variables. . . If Arsenal do this and if Chelsea do that. . It's normal for opposing fans to wish other teams bad. How about if you draw with Stoke and draw against Bolton (your match in hand). . .and Chelsea don't drop points till new year. . .  What happens then?

That is also a possible scenario. . which could put you a massive 15 points behind Chelsea.

Arsenal fans always think about the best case scenario. . never the worst. . . Two weeks ago, you were talking about beating Chelsea and winning your match in hand. . . Since then you've dropped 6pts. . . what's to say you can't drop more.

I won't tell you Chelsea won't drop points. . . I would be silly to say that. . .However, I will also be silly to say Arsenal will amass all points when Chelsea drop points. Aston Villa, Liverpool and Stoke are matches you are likely to drop points. . . What if they all end in losses. . ? 9 more pts behind. .

I think you should concentrate on how better you can be rather than if/when Chelsea will drop points.

I will also advice you not to bank on Chelsea dipping in form . . because it may never happen. We are preparing for an impending summer transfer ban and are going out in Jan to spend. . . So all this ACN hope may be false after all. There will be at least 2 top players in Jan and we have kids stepping up to do a good job when we need them.

Above all, you know we can ditch the diamond any time we want and call on the "brute force" if we have to . . . Win ugly . . unlike y'all keep passing even when it's obvious it's no working.

Let's watch the weeks unfold bro.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by Sauron1: 5:27pm On Dec 04, 2009

So we were knocked out by Barca
In short embarassed

Dayokanu is high on [i]b[/i]reast-milk.
Finalists don't get knocked out.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 5:38pm On Dec 04, 2009
@ Sharon

They keep warning him to get his lips off Daisy's (The Cow) Tits!!

@ Nateevs

No one is saying this and that will happen, games have to be played, The Scummies outplayed ya'll and lost, THATS FOOTBALL MATE!! You guys played well against The Rovers but got knocked out of the Milk Cup!! If you don't know, CHELSEA COULD END UP WITH NOTHING AS MUCH AS THEY COULD END UP WITH SOMETHING!!

Like you said; lets see how things pan out and start talking when the new year rolls in.

Arsenal have it all to do, WE KNOW THAT! Lets see how the team does over the weekend cool

cool GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by Sauron1: 5:40pm On Dec 04, 2009

@ Sharon

They keep warning him to get his lips off Daisy's (The Cow) mammillas!!

shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
I never knew Dayokanu bagged a degree in Bestiality. grin

What are you predicting for Naija and Old Blighty in the WC draw.
Me thinks. . . .


Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 5:42pm On Dec 04, 2009
What the hell is "Mammilas" grin Who picks these words cheesy cheesy I SAID "TATTERS", "bosoms", "JUGS". T*TS" And not Mammilas grin

Nazikanu you are one big "Mamimilas!!" grin

grin GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 5:44pm On Dec 04, 2009
Ahhhh shocked Even "Br*ast" is banned Criz Come the Bleep on

tongue GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by Sauron1: 5:45pm On Dec 04, 2009

Ahhhh shocked Even "Br*ast" is banned Criz Come the Bleep on

tongue GOONER 89

It's the bull[i]s[/i]hit auto-correct schitzo
Even [i]s[/i]hit now reads 'excreta'.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by dayokanu(m): 5:48pm On Dec 04, 2009
Barcelona stopped Assanal from winning SIMPLE.So where does the "Arsenal only loses to EPL sides" come from

excreta,bosom, manliness, womanhood, labia, toto,  let me see how many of these gets corrected

This is bleeped up, I wrote Shi*t, Breas*t, dic*k, puss*y and it changed to the above. Is this the papal blog site?
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 5:50pm On Dec 04, 2009
NIGERIA V SPAIN I would prefer Brazil grin

So what you are saying is i can't say "Privates" again grin

They can auto change my #$%$@# grin And kiss our #$$%#^ grin

grin GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by dayokanu(m): 6:10pm On Dec 04, 2009
So I cant say Ass-anal is Shi*t again or wenGAY sucks a manliness?
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by loyika(m): 6:14pm On Dec 04, 2009
I feel you D%ckkanu sad

Can't even say Bayern is bleeped and your are one big a@@wipe tongue

The forum is becoming something else tongue

tongue GOONER 89
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by adebayo201: 1:41am On Dec 05, 2009
;d ;d ;d
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by chamotex(m): 9:13am On Dec 05, 2009
Debosky Again . . .  shocked shocked shocked shocked cheesy

Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by allboyz(m): 9:36am On Dec 05, 2009
wot happened to debo?


GREECE/9JA To qualify

please i hope the ARS give us victory today as we open a new thread later today! tongue

Gooner 1800 tongue
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by Cristalz(f): 9:39am On Dec 05, 2009

Ahhhh shocked Even "Br*ast" is banned Criz Come the Bleep on

tongue GOONER 89

What exactly am I supposed to have done? undecided
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by chamotex(m): 10:00am On Dec 05, 2009

What exactly am I supposed to have done? undecided

Give us our [b]B[/b]reasts back
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by allboyz(m): 1:54pm On Dec 05, 2009
lets go. . .Stoke city must be STOKED!!!! cool
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by biolabee(m): 6:24pm On Dec 05, 2009
another tense game today!

Lemme talk about the good things first,

good possession, we did not give meaningless free kicks like the wolves game, traore seems to be making that role his gradually and someething much lacking in the gunners fold - a clean sheet!

now the bad, i still dont know how cesc could be given pk duties, he frickin places evry ball

AA23 should not complain again about the team he has not shown any leadership and today his play was criminal with the wasted chances
i still have not seen tomas's authority in the midfield and goody goody we did not concede from the delap throw though we had close chances

na wa heavy days ahead
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by kaypumpin2(m): 6:43pm On Dec 05, 2009
I don't know which should be termed the 8th wonder of the world;the way we keep raking up injuries OR how our players conspire to miss golden scoring opportunities. undecided One good thing though,we were not made to rue the missed chances.I was surprised too that we did not conceed any goal from set-pieces. . .  shocked

Ok,Vela is the reason we did not replace Ade and he is not GOOD ENOUGH to be considered for a starting role even when we were stripped to the barest  undecided

Yes,AA23 reveled in the rare opportunity to play centrally,BUT i still feel he makes too many touches to be a point man.Never mind the fact that he's pint size to trouble any defence aerially.

It's good to be back on track after armaggedon,also refreshing is the fact that we did not conceed ANY goal nor crack against a physically dominating team,but there are still many issues and like Wenger opined,champions continue when normal people stop'   cool

See y'all in Anfield(the Olympiakos game is a non-game as far as i am concerned) and this is to our first 3 points against a top 4 team and the return of our midfield marshal,Alex Song.Of course Denilson is not a defensive midfielder who can do the job in his absence.

Gooners para siempre. cool


now the bad, i still dont know how cesc could be given pk duties, he frickin places evry ball

If he can hold his nerve to score the last penalty that took Spain to the final in a match against Italy during the last Euro,then he has the right to step and take the kick.It's 50-50 situation and unfortunately,he missed,just like great players like Platini,Baggio did miss at one point or the other during their career.

And Ade scored against Given  grin
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by edoyad(m): 6:46pm On Dec 05, 2009
Biolabee na the same match we watch ? Yes
Arshavin missed chances but what would France expect if they were forced to play Ribery in no. 9 position ?
For me Fab was the culprit in todays match, giving away possession and you know the rest. Good possession but too many misses and indecisiveness. Ramsey scored a goal assisted by AA but he does seem to hold on needlessly to the ball occasionally.
And Denilson was fantastic too i must add. My verdict, FINISHER in January.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by biolabee(m): 6:53pm On Dec 05, 2009
@ edoyad bros na the same game and in that you are right and i agree

my beef is that AA23 is a;waystalking about the quality in the team- rightly so, and so the least i epect from him is to step up and be counted esp in games like this. however i wont be too hard on him he is challenged by his height which made him lose those through balls

what do you say about tomas

and lastly eboue can not take a shot to save his life
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by edoyad(m): 7:02pm On Dec 05, 2009
Biolabee, i can confidently say le Arse missed at least 10 chances of which 4 could have been goals. grin did you see how Eboue blocked Fab's goal bound shot grin ? I felt we were cursed at that point grin
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by biolabee(m): 7:21pm On Dec 05, 2009
but i cant blame ebu for that cesc took the shot blindly. he needs to know how to calm himself and his team mates

i actually thot it wld end as a draw (if they scored from delap at 85") or even a loss (if they scored much earlier)

i think we cant take this anymore, this team causes graying of hair
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by edoyad(m): 7:56pm On Dec 05, 2009
Honestly like you said Cesc really needs lessons on captaincy. You're not a captain only in the good times but also in those tough times. His body language needs to motivate his team mates even when He's having a bad day.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by kaypumpin2(m): 8:51pm On Dec 05, 2009
We really have a way long way to go. . . . . .just finished watching Citeh and Chelsea match,and if we have done 50% of what Citeh did against Chelsea last week,we wouldn't be talking about been trounced.

Be in your opponent's face,fight for every 50/50 ball.Get stuck in.Don't get bullied and shy away from physical challenge.Did anyone see how De Jong made Essien looks like the bison title is his?

Can City please loan us Kompany for the period Song will e in Angola? grin OR can we get Flamoney back for that period

Now we are "potentially" 5 points of Chelsea and lipsrsealed make i keep quiet before the mobs lynch me for jumpy assertions tongue

Wasn't it Ritchy talking about the possiilities of this yesterday and Nateevs making a vitiated rebuttal?
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by duduspace(m): 9:02pm On Dec 05, 2009
With Chelsea's loss to City, we are back in the mix once again. Now we only need to keep up the drive and not slip up. This team reminds me of the 2006/07 Manure team that needed that little bit of luck to finish above chelsea in the league and then go on to cement their legacy as champions with 3 in a row.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by Sauron1: 9:06pm On Dec 05, 2009

With Chelsea's loss to City, we are back in the mix once again. Now we only need to keep up the drive and not slip up. [b]This team reminds me of the 2006/07 Manure team that needed that little bit of luck to finish above chelsea [/b]in the league and then go on to cement their legacy as champions with 3 in a row.

Little bit of luck? Leading the table from October to May was a bit of luck?
United coasted to the title that season and that was by far the best United team in the past 5 years.
The brand of football Ronaldo played that season was better than the season he scored 42 goals.
Re: Arsenal Fan Thread: For Gunners Only. In Wenger We Trust! by nateevs(m): 9:20pm On Dec 05, 2009

We really have a way long way to go. . . . . .just finished watching Citeh and Chelsea match,and if we have done 50% of what Citeh did against Chelsea last week,we wouldn't be talking about been trounced.

Be in your opponent's face,fight for every 50/50 ball.Get stuck in.Don't get bullied and shy away from physical challenge.Did anyone see how De Jong made Essien looks like the bison title is his?

Can City please loan us Kompany for the period Song will e in Angola? grin OR can we get Flamoney back for that period

Now we are "potentially" 5 points of Chelsea and lipsrsealed make i keep quiet before the mobs lynch me for jumpy assertions tongue

Wasn't it Ritchy talking about the possiilities of this yesterday and Nateevs making a vitiated rebuttal?

Don't get carried away mate. Citeh were at home. . and y'all see it as a fantastic result because you still don't believe Citeh have come of age.
You play Liverpool next week and there Villa on the 27th. You may well be 11 points behind next week again.

Like I have maintained season long, every match will surely tell a new story . . It won't until after the ACN that we know were we all stand.

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