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What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault (3869 Views)

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What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault by mamagee3(f): 11:32pm On Aug 16, 2010
Okay, there's this woman that warned a friend never to come to her house just because her friend told her that she bounced her cheque.

Instead of her apologizing, she told the woman never to come to her house ever again. . .Now, she tells people to apologize to her friend instead of doing it herself.

However, some people keep advising her to go and apologize herself but she vehemently said she can't do that.

Guys, how do you think this would end?
Re: What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault by SSaemoenl(m): 1:01am On Aug 17, 2010
They should reconcile, She was annoyed to make that comment, now she has realized her shortcoming in making such a comment, and need people to help her out. Her conscience is judging her badly that's why she needs help from her friends to confront that woman. Mama If na your mum, tell her to 4get because to wrong is human and to 4give is consecrated. wink They should do that fast, Jesus is around the corner, --hope they heard the rumour of his appearance in BC? grin

Ciao Buonanotte mama. ti Voglio bene!
Re: What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault by Ogaga4Luv(m): 1:07am On Aug 17, 2010
[size=13pt]I wouldn't miss to help on this issue tomorrow . . . wink[/size]
Re: What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault by vescucci(m): 1:09am On Aug 17, 2010
This is the religion section. Perhaps you want religious answers? Anyways, people who are slow to saying 'I'm sorry' find it harder to do so as more time passes. This is assuming they truly are sorry.
Re: What Do You Do When Someone Is Too Proud To Apologize Even When She's At Fault by Ogaga4Luv(m): 3:08pm On Nov 30, 2011
[size=13pt]Dear mama-gee see I'm very sorry i didn't show up on time . . . I saw the invite on the other thread but was too busy while sometimes  when I'm on here it escape my mind to branch by and have my says about this issue . i hope you'll see reasons now to accept my sincere apology mama-gee? If YES and I'm of u to understand me  kiss kiss kiss wink

Well , this isn't a joking matter at all . u and i knows well that does little things that we think like' em. . . it doesn't matter can damage or affect relationship very easily . This is here calls for reconciliation.  like i read from the post she only gave a warning and that doesn't mean she can't change mind later. . . .honestly , it's just a matter of understand each other . My word  (s) on this is ,  she should try and go apologize for the wrong done --- It is very easy dear i believe sending people to apologize doesn't mean anything to her .

I suggest the woman shouldn't send people anymore instead , she should gather courage and be bold enough to express herself and that would bring total satisfaction more than sending other people that did not offend her or where to even witness when she offend her to apologize. . . . i hope they reconcile soon  wink wink

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