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Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by 2mercy: 3:13pm On May 28, 2020 |
By Deborah Akpede 24 Likes 1 Share
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Yungmil: 3:15pm On May 28, 2020 |
pls don't open school is very dangerous, more especially nursery, primary and secondary schools. These set of people can hardly take care of themselves. FTC AGAIN WITH MTN DAILY FREE MB. don't mind me its MTN doing dat is doing it. 61 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Jokerman(m): 3:17pm On May 28, 2020 |
Selfish parents.... If they open schools, you can't ask your children to stay home... No be force... Allow other parents 76 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by ojun50(m): 3:21pm On May 28, 2020 |
Any tin wey sweet government make them do, About 5million teachers out job Npower 500,000 we join the labor market soon 10 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Nobody: 3:41pm On May 28, 2020 |
Times are hard. At least, they love to taste of the school feeding programme as well. That's if it ever gets to them. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Goldenheart(m): 3:41pm On May 28, 2020 |
![]() School closed when cases were less than 10.. School opens when cases are almost at 10k... All these copy copy will end in tears.. ![]() 164 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Sacchi1162(m): 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Open the schools. If you don't want your kid to go, they should stay at home. Some people are actually earning from the schools too. It's not compulsory and moreover some parents want their kids to go to school sef 55 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Emax911: 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
no problem...ur children head is turning to block.. 18 Likes 3 Shares
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by SenatorBright(m): 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
My friend who is a private school teacher has convert to a per term sales boy. If this government could allow crowded markets to function as well as transportation system, then why will they shut down school. For heaven sake we are almost approaching June. Many schools didn't complete the work of the last term and will have a hectic 3rd term to put things together. WAEC and NECO and other government examination are not left behind. It is audible to the deaf and visible to the blind that Coronavirus case in Nigeria is scam. Why do we keep children at home for no genuine reason?? Apostle must hear this. 54 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by ABLESOFT2(m): 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
I Dnt Tink Opening Of School Both SEC And UNI Is A Good Idea... If We Are To Check Doz Public Skul's Dat Do Av Almost 60 student In A Class. Can We Just Try 2 Imagine If One Of Doz Student Has Dat Sickness(covid-19).. Dier Knw Way Dey Won't Touch Or Speak To Dat Peson. Let Just Stay Home 4 Nw..Until We Are Sure We Can Deal With Da Virus. 23 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by barrypro: 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Re-opening schools is not the best option for now 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Lincoln275(m): 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Hmmm! Orisirisi, as if Govt send them |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by jigbijigbi101: 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Pointless... |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Orces: 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Abeg make them open school make I quick reconnect with my bitches when dey miss me 23 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by martineverest(m): 3:42pm On May 28, 2020 |
Hinopion:such a selfish thinking 49 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Staphylococcus: 3:43pm On May 28, 2020 |
Jokerman: Am certain you a Bachelor. If you had kids, you wont have that sense of judgement. If you had a loved one, even if school resumes in times like this, You wont risk it. 121 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Oxtertee(m): 3:43pm On May 28, 2020 |
It's well |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by AFULA(m): 3:43pm On May 28, 2020 |
Nothing concern me... Provided go stop payment before my POP.. 9 Likes |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by alsudaes1(m): 3:44pm On May 28, 2020 |
Jokerman:Some people have been going to the market and mingling yet find it difficult to go to work. How long can we keep the country on lockdown should be the question posed to such people because I don't see any hope in sight for a total clearance of the virus from Nigeria 4 Likes |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Wiseandtrue(f): 3:44pm On May 28, 2020 |
2mercy:The private school is good to go!!! The only problem I see here is the public schools But with this plan above, it should work!!! Modified omotola224:Private schools can manage pupils well, remember the time of Ebola ![]() Public schools is largely populated however with this morning/afternoon section, it might work!!! 3 Likes |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Emekuslala1: 3:44pm On May 28, 2020 |
Staphylococcus:Next time use "I'm or i-am". Stop disgracing yourself on a public forum, ewu!. ![]() 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by victordaimond: 3:44pm On May 28, 2020 |
2mercy:Ok oo,Anyone dey like dey should do,me Sha know sey I'm gonna be great in dis life and d rest to come...who schools help?...I gotta make it ! |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by tophumble(m): 3:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
O serious |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Nobody: 3:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
They keep saying don't open schools. For what exactly? Is it to prevent the children from being exposed? Mind you, other sectors have been opened and the same parents kicking against the reopening of schools expose themselves to crowded markets, offices (especially banks) and still come back home to the same wards they are trying to protect. What sense is there in all that. It only takes one exposed person to infect thousands of contacts if we are to go by the epileptic policy and if this disease is still really that "widespread". Take the case of a father who infected his entire family some months ago. Did the children go to any school? Please let the educational sector also be opened. Covid 19 has reduced to the bearest minimum and with the right precautionary measures in place, there won't be any rebound of the pandemic. The teachers are the worst hit of this lockdown with no form of support or relief from the govt. If we all decide to change career and quit teaching for good, then will people understand our importance and the need to put us into consideration first before any other profession. We are the medium to civilization. Without us, the world future will be bleak and Ignorance will be the order of the day. 62 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Finnese001: 3:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
okay |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by babaRUNtinz(m): 3:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
make dem open LASU o 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Don’t Reopen Schools Now, Lagos Parents Tell Govt by Bsure: 3:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
Pls don't open schools... 6 Likes 1 Share |
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