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My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? - Religion - Nairaland

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My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 1:16am On Jan 30, 2011
i bet that most of you all have been deceived by the europeans and not realize that everything has an origin, especially the stories in the bible.
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by RiffRaff: 3:03am On Jan 30, 2011
Same Place "Harry Potter" & "Things Fall" Apart Came From,
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by mabell: 4:30pm On Jan 30, 2011
There were true live events and not mere stories
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by e36991: 8:37pm On Jan 30, 2011

My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From?

I bet that most of you all have been deceived by the europeans and not realize that everything has an origin, especially the stories in the bible.


There were true live events and not mere stories


As Mabell rightly responded (i.e. from true live events) and also from parables (i.e. simple stories to illustrate a moral point or religious lesson)

"Deceived by the europeans"?. You wished or hoped

FYI, the blackman (i.e. an African) heard, accepted & received the Gospel earlier than the Europeans (i.e. before the "missionaries coming to Africa" shenanigan)

Check out Simeon in the below verse (i.e. Acts 13:1)

"Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria

Barnabas, Simeon (called "the black man"), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas), and Saul.
- Acts 13:1 NLT


"Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger,

and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul
- Acts 13:1 KJV

In Acts 13:1, where the disciples were first called Christians (i.e. in the early church ) note that there was a black man present

Incidentally this is the only time in the NT that a person is been referred to by virtue of color, complexion or skin tone

Why was this done this way?
(i.e. why the insertion of or reference to color, complexion or skin tone)

Obviously is/was in anticipation of assertions like this and to refute (i.e. pre-empt) the idea that this is a "white man's religion"

This is all inclusive. For all and everyone - No holds barred.

There are no rules of color. Color, complexion, skintone etc does not come into play

Which is why, He told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone - Mark 16:15
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by mabell: 10:19am On Jan 31, 2011
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by wandyvirus(m): 4:47pm On Feb 03, 2011
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 7:04pm On Feb 03, 2011
hahaha i asked where the bible stories came from and you answer me with a bible quote?
thats backwards.
They all came from ancient egyptian stories, moses is said to have wrote the 1st four books of the bible, well wasnt he living in egypt for 40 years before he left,

and the "bible'' doesnt even tell the complete story about anything,

it doesnt tell you how moses which in fact his real name is musa( the ancient romans who rewrote the bible changed his name and man others to sound european) went into the caucus mountains and into the caves to tame the white people who were living in darkness and filth.

it doesnt tell you how jesus (real name) yeshua, went into which is now modern day india, to preach against injustice, he was really a freedom fighter, he never wanted to be worshipped!

but the europeans thought it would sound better if he were "our god"!!

and please save the bible quotes for church i dont need them, the bible was written by MAN about GOD,.

all these things came from the ancient egyptians our ancestors, if this is new information to you then i would HIGHLY suggest you to go and learn about your history it may suprise you greatly!!
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 7:19pm On Feb 03, 2011
@wandyvirus sorry i dint look at your post first, it seems like your the only one who gets were im coming from, everything has an orgin
and the talk about ancient isreal, well back in those days the earth wasnt as divided as it is now, im speaking of pangea, the plates underthe earth werent as separated as the are now forming oceans and seas, so ancientt isreal was attached to ancient egypt, it was all around that area,

we all know that life started in africa, and much of everything did too, notice that every civilization worshipped the sun, ancient egyptians, the mayas and incas in southamerica, the native americans in north america. those ideas where replaced by christianity by jesus,

thats right christianity says that jesus if the light of our world right,

well isnt the sun the light of our world
he is merely a european version of the sun god,

in the bible notice when they crucified him and he died the earth went into darkness

well if there is no sun what do you get??
doesnt take a masters degree to figure that out


this is a video of what im talking about, if you seriously watch it let me know what you think

Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by wandyvirus(m): 8:13pm On Feb 03, 2011

@wandyvirus sorry i dint look at your post first, it seems like your the only one who gets were im coming from, everything has an orgin
and the talk about ancient isreal, well back in those days the earth wasnt as divided as it is now, im speaking of pangea, the plates underthe earth werent as separated as the are now forming oceans and seas, so ancientt isreal was attached to ancient egypt, it was all around that area,

we all know that life started in africa, and much of everything did too, notice that every civilization worshipped the sun, ancient egyptians, the mayas and incas in southamerica, the native americans in north america. those ideas where replaced by christianity by jesus,

thats right christianity says that jesus if the light of our world right,

well isnt the sun the light of our world
he is merely a european version of the sun god,

in the bible notice when they crucified him and he died the earth went into darkness

well if there is no sun what do you get??
doesnt take a masters degree to figure that out


this is a video of what im talking about, if you seriously watch it let me know what you think

I saw the video and i must tell you it's very very interesting.I think we need to talk.If you can send me your number on skype i will call you.I must commend you for you spiritual thirst.My skype ID is wandeadalemo add me and send me your number as a message.please include this topic so i know.
Thanks a lot.
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 8:51pm On Feb 03, 2011
sorry i dont have skype or a webcam lol, im only 17teen, almost out of highschool in america,

but i have the knowledge of a 60 year old man!
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 10:36pm On Feb 03, 2011
also just to get your minding thinkings, notice christians say amen when to end their prayers, but what ezactly is a amen

nobody really knows they just say it,

isnt it quite intriguing that amen ra was an egyptian sun god??

so when you pray to god, you say amen?? a sun god name, but people dont know what they are saying,

muslims pray facing the east because its where the sun rises,

hmm kinda craz isnt it,

and also what day do christians go to church??


they had electricity, running water, they had the 1st beds, conducted surgery, used anestisia, and we are the decendents of them, if you read
the exodus in the bible, they claim that the egyptians were the ones causing them, but it was actually the ancient romans who were invading egypt
that were causing the uprising, they were killing the 1st sons of everyone,

now those of us who are african know how important the 1st son is to our culture, i dont care if your from nigeria or sudan, its still the sam because at one point in time we all came from 1 tribe and migrated to where we are now,

that is what ezactly happened , like i stated above the bible says that the egyptians where the ones casueing the exodus against the isreali people,

when ERI the supreme god father of the igbo tribe, he was a high priest to pharoah teti, LONG BEFORE JESUS WAS BORN, he was on of the mases of people who fled egypt, so how were the egyptians to blame, eri first went south to sudan simply becasue he followed the nile river, people need water to survive, after sudan he came to the naija delta, and jump started the igbo in nigeria, its crazy how the igbo language are the same stuff written on the walls in tombs of ancient egypt, but the people (the catholic church missionaries) will tell you other wise, they dont want you to know that we came from great people,

if you send me your email i will send you a file that i made after years of reaserching through highschool.
it covers nearly everything it tells the real story of moses and how he went into the caucus mountainss and civilized the europeans in thier caves
THATS ANOTHER THING, notice when they(white) tell their evolution 'theories' they always say africans come from monkeys, but the were cave men that doesnt sound right , then they say hiv and aids and all the diseses that plague africa were caused because of africans having sex with monkeys, that shit gets me mad. so i had to go find the thruth for my self,

i started seeking knowledge about how people lived before ''biblical days'' and found out how the europeans have been manipulating africa and the rest of the world with religion, think about it if muslims and christians all believe in the same god what is the problem its bullshit they are kepping us occupied. im not saying that a higher power doesnt exist but think about it did god make us or did we make god
without bible stories ever being told to you how would you know what god is?? would you just know?? no somebody told you and you BELIVED it was true is it a fact you dont know but you BELIEVE ITS TRUE (BE-LIE-VE)

when i was young my dad started teaching us about the bible, and i could never understand how somebody could dies and com back to life, of how a bush could talk to somebody, and how farfetched the jesus stories were, i mean comon, he was born from a virgin birth? but christianity tell you to belive that using faith huh, right,

ok lets have faith that nigeria will be a peacefull country in the next year, not gonna happen,


BY THE WAY IM NOT CHRISTIAN NOR MUSLIM, IM A 5%ER in the Nation if the gods and earths

5%ers teacht that eighty-five percent of the population is made up of ignorant, unlearned and uncivilized people who need to be led (mostly churchgoers). This eighty-five percent are believed to have no "knowledge of self". Ten percent of the population have some knowledge of self [i.e. the real truth], however, they use this knowledge to wield control over the eighty-five percent vs. "liberating" them [ preachers, pastors, ect]. Lastly, considered the remaining five percent to be those who thought/believed like himself and his followers. The "poor, righteous teachers", the ones who do possess knowledge of themselves, their origins, and the way the world system really is.

we dont have a holy book because its not a religion, we build or minds and realize what is going on in the world with a clear consious thought,

we believe that the black man is god him self of this earth, and allah or the supreme ruler, or god rules the universe,
when i say black man i mean everything non whites, asians, indians, arabs, latinos, indigenous people, because they all came froom african people, the native americans came from africans, in modern day china they can do dna tests and see that they have ancient eastern african blood in them, well the egyptians are in east africa, it is said that the garnde of eden is in ethiopea, africans where the 1st emperors of china, thats why they can trace their blood line back down to us,

most of the african americans in the states are igbo and Yoruba blood, when the europeans came to take slaves where did they take them from?? west africa, then to the west indies, jamaca, cuba, haiti, south america then to america, as you can see we populated the earth, but christianity doent teach you that,

because the 10% that teach you doesnt want oyu to know because if you know what he is preaching already why would you go to his church and give offerings( money in his pocket) church these days is a business, you get a grant from the bank to build a church, the pastors doesnt evn own it, he gets a pay check, he has a college degree to preach, notice all the pastors in america has that same voice, even the white ones,

notice that most of the people in nigeria are catholic and christians, and notice they all have pictures of a blonde hair and blue eyed jesus and mary.
notice on tv when ever you see anything about god of christ he is always white, do you know what television is

tell-a lie to your vision= television. they also use imagery to get to your head, if you see images of white jesus your whole life then eventually your gonna go and buy a nice painting of white jesus and put it in your house and your skin is the blackest thing on this earth!

and you wear the cool looking jesus cross around your neck, isnt it funny that the romans were the ones who crucified him and the same people to invent catholosism, no your a christian or catholic, and for those of you in america look at your bible and notice it says KING JAMES VERSION,

who is king james and why are you reading his verision of the bible,?? you dont even know, but its holy right??
even tho its mass produced in a factory in mexico using cheap labor, but it is still holy.

lol sorry i got a little caried away, i just gotta teach these 85ers na mean.
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by inedi: 11:19pm On Feb 03, 2011

hahaha i asked where the bible stories came from and you answer me with a bible quote?
thats backwards.
They all came from ancient egyptian stories, moses is said to have wrote the 1st four books of the bible, well wasnt he living in egypt for 40 years before he left,

and the "bible'' doesnt even tell the complete story about anything,

it doesnt tell you how moses which in fact his real name is musa( the ancient romans who rewrote the bible changed his name and man others to sound european) went into the caucus mountains and into the caves to tame the white people who were living in darkness and filth.

it doesnt tell you how jesus (real name) yeshua, went into which is now modern day india, to preach against injustice, he was really a freedom fighter, he never wanted to be worshipped!

but the europeans thought it would sound better if he were "our god"!!

and please save the bible quotes for church i dont need them, the bible was written by MAN about GOD,.

all these things came from the ancient egyptians our ancestors, if this is new information to you then i would HIGHLY suggest you to go and learn about your history it may suprise you greatly!!

now i understand were you arew coming from, by aboki
Re: My Question Is Where Did The Stories In The Bible Come From? by Ify27(m): 11:21pm On Feb 03, 2011
Thank you im simply wanting to start a conversation to open our minds up

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