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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home (80658 Views)
How My Maid Has Taken Over My Husband & Marriage / My Madam And Me / Barren Woman Displaced By 14-year Old House Maid From Her Home (2) (3) (4)
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Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by okoh66(m): 8:08am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Is an igbo family I guess. They don't value their wives. They value their children and parents. First of all you made the mistake of brining in a girl as a nanny and second of all, a guy would be much better and also have a sales rep in your shop. As it stands now all respect from you will go to the woman. She is ahead of you in all areas now. The house will be controlled by her. Mistake made is that your husband lives in a house with the father. Don't push your husband also cos if you do, he might kick you out just remain calm and allow the flow. As a smart woman it would be advisable to take a step if you have the money and buy a land if you can build on it, it will be a welcome development. As it stands now your husband priority is divided. MrPresent: 2 Likes |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Randgist: 8:09am On Nov 08, 2021 |
I come late sha! Bit these na interesting one. First i will say, Nanny is a domestic worker (employee of yours). And not a Slave as most normally see maids as. In the developed country Nannies, domestic worker, care giver are a well recognised job which if an employer mistreat or voilets their right could land the employer into a serious trouble. Now having cleared that out, Your nanny is a matured lady who has right to be into a romantic relationship just like yourself or any other person. I undwrderstand, you feel your father in law could have married any other peron. But thats a very wrong thing to say. It simply means that you consider your Employer as your slave, who doesnt deserve to be loved or in a relationship. And thats a very bad way to see a fellow person. And that speaks very high about your treatment and working relationship with your employee. Look there is no challenge. All you need to do now is to try your very best to stop seeing your ex employee as a competitor. See her as an ex employee and not as a Slave. Am sure she would be willing to embrace peace. And leave with you as a family. Infact she has been an employee as well as a family but you saw just a Slave in her. So i tell you a gain. There is no challenge. Allow peace to rain. And bless God for her who has also blessed and promoted your employee to a madam. Let love lead. 1 Like |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by sonsomegrigbo: 8:10am On Nov 08, 2021 |
The selfishness and pride reflect all over you! |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Timothyoj(m): 8:11am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Madam, please channel all your fresh energy to build your own home, don't be selfish and don't let pride bring your family down. You have to learn from this, everyone in life deserves to be happy irrespective of their status. Calm down, draw her near, love her the more, then you have more good side of your husband. To cap it all, please leave that home and allow the new couple to enjoy their life since you cannot stand it. I see pride and selfishness.....! MrPresent: |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by PrinceBYC: 8:11am On Nov 08, 2021 |
"those whose nut is cracked by a benevolent spirit should be humble"....Chinua Achebe. You are only a privileged beneficiary. Climb down your high horse and accept the reality. Rejoice with them,Wish them well and be happy. By so doing, you secure your home. Gracias! |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Myself2(m): 8:12am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Your Nanny is 32 years old, your father in law is 65 years, I can almost guess you are about same age as "your nanny" or maybe even younger than her. I think you're having a problem with the situation cos you have given her a wrong designation and the moment you change her designation to the correct one and see her as such, both of you will have peace and the next step will be taken. Her correct designation is that she is almost the step mother of your husband so technically your quasi step mother in law, give her that designation, encourage her to get your father in law to marry her, so they both can move out of your house and into one of the man's houses, I'm sure she will love that to bits. Also since your hubby had rebuked you in the past for shouting at her, then talk to him too about the need to ask his father to marry the woman since she makes him happy, just tell him you are only interested in the man's happiness, nothing else This will lead to the next step of that marriage and moving out of your house so you can now be boss in your house as you so crave |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by TripleAkutigi: 8:13am On Nov 08, 2021 |
MrPresent:pls dn't tell us u2 av an affair wit ur fada inlaw ![]() |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by jornwhite: 8:14am On Nov 08, 2021 |
BluntTheApostle: Don't be too sure how you will feel, until you find yourself in certain situations you might not know what your real action will be. Feelings & decision are two different things, as human you must feel hurt that your mother got pregnant not just for anyone buh someone her son is probably older than or your mere employee, the society cares less about fathers but with mothers things are alway different, you might decide to give your blessings @ the end but that does not negate the hurt or disappointment you feel as a human lets be realistic. 3 Likes |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by dammyhy(m): 8:14am On Nov 08, 2021 |
The most annoying,(the statement of my maid).Maybe she's planning to give her sister to the father inlaw.greedy woman. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Odingo1: 8:14am On Nov 08, 2021 |
ImaIma1:How can a married woman bring in a 32 years old unmarried maid into her matrimonial home. Two matured women in a house of a man. The maid Will be foolish if she didn’t grab the opportunity to climb to success. What does she expect ![]() The maid woman don’t have ambitions in life abi. She get served by her laziness to take care of her home. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by MISSCONGENIALITY(f): 8:14am On Nov 08, 2021 |
You see how God raises the lowly and bring down kings from their thrones? The lady she called nanny was raised to the position of a madam in the same house. And instead of her to be happy that someone got elevated through she's mad and probably looking for a way to bring her down. If you try anything funny, you die first. So if you want to maintain your position is that house, treat her like your husband's step mother. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Johel(m): 8:15am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Dextre: Well said. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by discusant: 8:16am On Nov 08, 2021 |
This one be small matter. Live and let live. Let the once nanny be with her husband, and you be with your own husband. But it’s like you’re too desperate in clutching tight to your opinion, hence your husband appeared to not heed to your opinion. Relax. Understand that he is your husband, therefore his opinion counts more all the time. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by siigwe: 8:16am On Nov 08, 2021 |
I can understand the plight of the woman come to think of it, She should be grateful to God that the Nanny didn't sleep and got pregnant for her husband. My people has a parable that you don't put a goat and yam together, otherwise the goat will eat the yam. Can imagine bringing a 32 year old woman and a widower together? They are grown adult with sexual needs. Her father inlaw has the right to take the woman ( Nanny) as wife. The woman in question has a problem of pride. I think her frustration is not that her father in law married the woman, but that the woman is her maid. Someone who in her estimation is lower than her. Hence her statement, that her father inlaw stooped too low to sleep with an ordinary maid. That Pride. Well the did has been done. There's nothing she can do about it. She should accept her former maid as a part of the family now. It will be foolishness to fight her since she's now wife to her father inlaw. If she can't stomach it, she should find a way to convince her husband so they can move to another house now that Baba has somebody to take care of him. If i were her husband that's what i will do. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by hamtabfawaz(m): 8:18am On Nov 08, 2021 |
MrPresent: This is a battle of ruthless Pride for her. She obviously doesn't treat her maid right or see her as a worthy woman, if she does otherwise & has a good relationship with her maid she wouldn't be bothered to the extent of crying. She only fears that her maid would reciprocate the vile attitude she has showed towards her “maid” Yorubas would say : “Ba Se bi eru la bi omo” |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by mechanics(m): 8:19am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Since the maid is not related to her, so no cause of alarm, she can always get another maid, and now that her father in-law is about to marry her maid, she should tell her husband they look for another place to stay, since it was loneliness that made him stay with them initially, it won't be nice for both of them to stay together under the same roof. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Kingbeacon(m): 8:19am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Listen woman all this matter is not of your concern at all your father in-law marries whom ever he want to marry since he's not getting married to you Because she's your maid that means she is not entitled to good things abi.... (You are the definition of enemies of progress) Do you blame your husband for supporting his father at that age the old man need cares, how many where you able to provide when you left for your working place What you should advice your husband to do was to let your father in-law and his new wife whom you must give due respect to if pride no blow your head out of proportion was to go back to another house your father in-law have and if you like you can have another nanny And stop been bitter about your nanny getting married to your father in-law. That's her own share of life not even you can stop the written hand of God in her life |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Johnsown1(m): 8:19am On Nov 08, 2021 |
So her anger is because she is her nanny, so Nanny's are animal. God has remembered her nanny through her. How many times have she cared about the emotional welfare of her father in law or give him what he wants emotionally. She should respect the lady and make her friend before she looses her husband too because the son can never fight his father while they happy that his father has found love again. All these lazy carrer Madam's. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Asapchris(m): 8:20am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Woman and problem sha. What’s your problem with that, is it your husband she married huh. Did she disturb you? What’s your problem, instead for you to create a better home with her you are trying to create problems where there is no problem. Please note if you didn’t be careful you may leave your peaceful home for your nanny. Use your head and build a good relationship with your nanny. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by mechanics(m): 8:21am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Kingbeacon:I concur, same with my explanation. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by evaemmy(f): 8:22am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Assuming u love her and treat her good it won't pain u to this extent. Learn how to love. Marry ur husband and allow her to marry hers. U people are not marrying d same man. Maintain ur track and allow her to maintain hers. U should be happy it is not ur hubby that is responsible...nothing much here.. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Komu1048(m): 8:22am On Nov 08, 2021 |
MrPresent: Madame don mad, so because she was ur maid she must continue to be your maid for life. God what have we men done to you, we r tired of women getting wealthy Cox of kpekus while we use all our strength knowledge and fight to make money only to give it out cox of kpekus |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by MMXX: 8:22am On Nov 08, 2021 |
The child yet unborn becomes your brother-in-law ![]() She should count her stars, it's not the husband that was frolicking with the nanny,it would have been a different story by now.. If your husband is not the least bit angry with his father and supports his decision,who you na ehn madam ![]() You'll get use to it overtime, don't kill yourself over nothing |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Osas4lav(m): 8:22am On Nov 08, 2021 |
I normally don't comment on subjects but I guess I should here. There's nothing wrong in how you feel, it's almost like my best friend getting my sister pregnant without me knowing they were dating. I'd be furious, your case is even worse because title definitions would change. We are humans afterall, but it is what it is. Your nanny is still a human, you pay her salary and there's dignity in labor no matter what one does doesn't make her less worthy of getting married to your father inlaw. Some pointed to the case of my driver getting my mother pregnant. They are adults afterall, I'd initially be angry but if it's what she wants there's no big deal, just that society favours the male child cause my mum won't lord him over me and he'd still always respect me cause he'd probably always see me a certain way with respect, but fact is it's a tiny bit different for women. They might want to prove themselves and show dominance. Also, the family would say you came into the family also since you were married into it. Lame but true. My advice, don't over flog the issue anymore with your husband, you'd only be making things really worse for yourself especially from your husband and other family members. Have a serious talk with your husband, tell him you felt bad but your father inlaw's happiness matters especially since a child is on the way but he now has someone to take care of him, there's no need to keep staying in that house, you guys should get a place of your own. It's a duplex not a mansion, even if it were a mansion, it's not worth yours or your family's happiness. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by yemre: 8:22am On Nov 08, 2021 |
God will bless you plenty.....women ehn... sometimes I just wonder how they reason. Men hardly reason this way. Instead, the fellow man would be happy for jamming upliftment right in his own domain. Kobojunkie: |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by bukatyne(f): 8:23am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Klass99: @bold: Them full everywhere. Even in my office sef. 1 Like |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by MMXX: 8:24am On Nov 08, 2021 |
The child yet unborn becomes your brother-in-law ![]() She should count her stars, it's not the husband that was frolicking with the nanny,it would have been a different story by now.. If your husband is not the least bit angry with his father and supports his decision,who you na ehn madam ![]() You'll get use to it overtime, don't kill yourself over nothing,it wouldn't have made any difference if it was an outsider you never even knew(would be worse even who knows?). Make sure you don't get another nanny ehn,you know how the last one went ![]() ![]() |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by seguno2: 8:24am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Adadioranma79: Very related and relevant. If you can’t answer, just waka pass. No obligation to reply. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by tonyson010(m): 8:24am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Biglittlelois: Perhaps u need to read it over again. She is so saddened, bittered about it and resisting the union, not only that but vehemently. For god's sake, the nanny is 32yrs and not 14yrs. She didn't object to the marriage. She is a wife that walked into a family where the father-in-law has made wealth, so let the man be and respect his decision along with the family. She can get angry or fill disappointed, but I don't see any bad thing done to her by the maid so far. Perhaps, she feels insecure because of future fight with the maid cos she might not have been treating the maid with respect. |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by ImaIma1(f): 8:26am On Nov 08, 2021 |
Odingo1: There's nothing wrong with the age or being unmarried. What if she was 17, 18, 20,...? It's not a license or justification to sleep with anyone in the house. What if the maid was married and she still slept with the FIL? Your reasoning is flawed. I guess you are one of those who see people having maids as lazy. The woman has a business, has children and lives in a duplex. Can you yourself manage a business, children and still clean up a whole duplex? When you want to shame someone, stop and think first. 3 Likes |
Re: My House Maid Has Become My Madam In My Own Home by Quiny32323: 8:26am On Nov 08, 2021 |
OP tell her to shut up, I know she must be a spoilt brat because of the way she sounded and tell her to greet her husband for me,na man hm be. |
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