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I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by WhyAWhy(m): 10:56pm On Jun 22, 2011
[size=14pt]I perfectly understand the poster infact I had to double check to confirm that I wasn't the one that typed it (probably in my dream). I live in the U.K and my first relationship in the uk broke because I told this babe that I met (same church) that there wasn't going to be any form of S;E;X in the relationship. Imagine my horror when she told me that S;E;X makes the relationship stronger,  and I was like how many drive through car park will you turn yourself to before getting married. So I started looking at a long distance relationship from naija,  the experiences from that was even worse(very disheartening details mehn). Anyway I think taking a closer and a much more relaxed approach, there are many girls here in U.K who share some values that are surprisingly good,  it takes patience to discover them (and I believe some finger of God also).

I am sure there's just someone out there waiting for you,  don't ever lower your standards. You're worth far more than 50 cents or a huff, puff gym session. Good luck bro. NOT EVERYONE IS DOING IT.[/size]
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by coogar: 11:00pm On Jun 22, 2011

Forgive my french but that is BULL shciess.
My girl is damn attractive - and does not drink, club, party etc - she actually hates those.
So yes - it is very possible, a highly attractive chic w high taste can be chaste. Rare, but worth it. Definitely worth it.

what you consider attractive might be mgbeke to your next door neighbour so i would hold that with a pinch of sugar.

you are still a tool. . . .there will always be an exception to every rule. . . .that is why the word expect is the operative word here. i will normally expect a chinese person to be short - it does not mean you will not find the a tall chinese man. did any of you herbs learn comprehension in school at all?
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by busygirl(f): 11:20pm On Jun 22, 2011

don't be a tool. . . .read what i typed very well before yapping your mouth.

how is it faulty? read between the lines. . . . i did not say any chic that's attractive with a superb dress sense must be loose. . . . .but if you have any chic with that kind of lifestyle and if she ends up screwing like a dog. . . .no one would raise an eyebrow.

Since when does appearance have anything to do with personality?? Please do your research well. @OP, You need to go back and speak to God concerning this, Nairaland cannot help you.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Nobody: 11:20pm On Jun 22, 2011
Where do you hang out or hunt? That could be the problem. Have you tried Jehova's Witness? I assume their girls don't club, drink or Love s e x that much. Just an assumption.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Sagamite(m): 11:29pm On Jun 22, 2011

Don't lower your standard o. Wait and look for your good, religious, virgin girl.

You don't want to offend Jesus now, do you?

Don't do anything that will take you to hell or infect your religious spirit.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Wislet(f): 11:31pm On Jun 22, 2011
I love this. So we still have men that have high standards-unmarried men that don't behave like se.x is their right? Men that know wat decency and pride and self respect means? Kai! Daddy God i thank u. See my brothers coming out/standing for wat is right and decent. , kudos to all u guys(the few some). Pls never ever compromise. Dat mentality of 'without sex a relationship is hitting de rocks' as propaganded by mostly de guys is untrue, unfortunately some girls hav started believing dat.
@OP, pls keep it up. Never compromise for anyone. Beautiful girls, intelligent, wat have u- yet decent are very much around. Though good things don't come easy, I'm sure wit God's help u'll find ur heart desire.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by chines4(m): 12:22am On Jun 23, 2011

What kind of company do you keep. Try churchs, Fellowships, prayer meetings etc. you will find what you want. but forget that u'r long list if u can get 60% then thank u'r God. But equally ask u'rself are u a good husband?
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by comechop(m): 12:27am On Jun 23, 2011

what you consider attractive might be mgbeke to your next door neighbour so i would hold that with a pinch of sugar.

you are still a tool. . . .there will always be an exception to every rule. . . .that is why the word expect is the operative word here. i will normally expect a chinese person to be short - it does not mean you will not find the a tall chinese man. did any of you herbs learn comprehension in school at all?

A tool? - insults are uncalled for, says a lot about your character.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by ClareMarie: 12:33am On Jun 23, 2011
Hey hang in there, most of the tym, all we need is a lil patience and hard work and all ur dreams wil km true
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Cuddlemii: 12:47am On Jun 23, 2011
grin grin grin grin
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Sicherheit(m): 12:52am On Jun 23, 2011
I don't understand why everyone is saying go to church and fellowship as if they automatically breed good chicks. One of the worst behaved girl I ever encountered in my life is a chorister in one of the famous pentecostal churches and she also has friends in different department, they all hang out together like a pack of hyenas. undecided
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 12:52am On Jun 23, 2011


What kind of company do you keep. Try churchs, Fellowships, prayer meetings etc. you will find what you want. but forget that u'r long list if u can get 60% then thank u'r God. But equally ask u'rself are u a good husband?
well you have a good point here, but I feel church is not the only place to meet the good girls, infact  every kind of person goes to church.I once met a girl in achurch that I really like but before I told her my mind she started telling about her boyfriend. my experience so far is that I usually meet girls more in friends party or birthday invite.most of my christian friends here go to party and that's where I mostly meet the girls i talk about.And these girls dont pretend when they like you but the only thing is that if I see a girl drinking alot in party it really discourage me and tend to see her as not a good fit .


Don't lower your standard o. Wait and look for your good, religious, virgin girl.

You don't want to offend Jesus now, do you?

Don't do anything that will take you to hell or infect your religious spirit.
that's true bro. But do you think there could be something good in a girl that drinks so much in party? Do you think its a good idea to always judge people by where you meet them?
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 12:54am On Jun 23, 2011

I don't understand why everyone is saying go to church and fellowship as if they automatically breed good chicks. One of the worst behaved girl I ever encountered in my life is a chorister in one of the famous pentecostal churches and she also has friends in different department, they all hang out together like a pack of hyenas. undecided
I am with you 100%.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 12:57am On Jun 23, 2011

I love this. So we still have men that have high standards-unmarried men that don't behave like se.x is their right? Men that know wat decency and pride and self respect means? Kai! Daddy God i thank u. See my brothers coming out/standing for wat is right and decent. , kudos to all u guys(the few some). Pls never ever compromise. Dat mentality of 'without sex a relationship is hitting de rocks' as propaganded by mostly de guys is untrue, unfortunately some girls hav started believing dat.
@OP, pls keep it up. Never compromise for anyone. Beautiful girls, intelligent, wat have u- yet decent are very much around. Though good things don't come easy, I'm sure wit God's help u'll find your heart desire.
I feel encourage. Thanks
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 12:58am On Jun 23, 2011


Im not the bad conscience here but aint that what christainity is all about: patience and perseverance. A man should not be in a hurry like that to marry now. You should pray and wait on the Lord to reveal your wife to you then consult your pastor to help you all the away, pastors always know the single sisters cos they come for counselling for stuffs like this. Then join the choir, ushering ministry etc. You should know all these christain activities and process except you are in a hurry to hump but want it the legit or disguise way as in under the umbrella of marriage.

You said youve been meeting crazy babes meaning u sef get eyes for good things. Cant you reach out to the thread making, skin cut, beret wearing and no jewelry kind of sisters ni.

Your personality is conflicting. Stick to your values and ask your pastor for guidiance. God should have been your refuge and not nland. Dont let your faith be tested.
Thank you bro.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Cuddlemii: 1:02am On Jun 23, 2011

Thank you bro.

U welcome sis.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 1:06am On Jun 23, 2011

U welcome sis.
I get you. sorry for the mix up sis.lol
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by dayokanu(m): 1:11am On Jun 23, 2011
You would really like Tpia.

Try and buzz her
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by deadie(m): 1:20am On Jun 23, 2011
Anybody who think that morality, character, decency, fairness and any other good qualities you can think of have anything to do with religion is archaic and should reside in a museum.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by YoruIgbo(m): 1:21am On Jun 23, 2011

I feel encourage. Thanks

Please contact Madoba, she sound like she is interested in you and you probably have the same way of thinking, person wey wan die don jam who wan bury am,
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 1:27am On Jun 23, 2011

Please contact Madoba, she sound like she is interested in you and you probably have the same way of thinking, person wey wan die don jam who wan bury am,
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 1:33am On Jun 23, 2011

Well the way you stated it comes across like you are saying every one of them are that way, 90% of my friends (of which I have tons of them but which may not be a good representation) are weave wearing, acrylic fixing, nice dressed, hot sexy God fearing women with high moral standards

But yeah I get your point, It might be rare to find such women but them dey plenty

@Elpedia please what state in US do you reside? are u in the east coast?
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by jonced(m): 1:37am On Jun 23, 2011

Please maintain ur christian values n pray continuously 'bout  it, however search ur heart and ensure ur motives are honest. I assure u than in time u'll meet the right person.

Good Luck.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by MsSophista(f): 2:33am On Jun 23, 2011
OP Faith is believing n the reality of what has not been manifested in the physical realm. The hardest thing to endure is the waiting. Yet u have need of patience. After u have done the will of GOD, u shall receive the promise. I pray now that ur faith is strengthened & vision is perfected to find a wife! Not a mere woman. In Jesus' name. I admire & respect ur noble stand man of God!
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Kobojunkie: 3:13am On Jun 23, 2011
@Poster, if you are really a Christian, then I suggest you look inwards for the possible issues here.

Just so you know, it is silly to assume, and UNCHRISTIAN to assume majority and the ladies you meet abroad drink, simply because you have met a few(might be all you have met so far) that do. You probably need to stop attracting the wrong group and open your eyes for the good ones you really need. Matter of fact, I would suggest you take time to listen to hear if God is not there trying to tell you something.

What you have up there reminds me of the stupidity of some Nigerian fellas here who think that all Nigerian gals who enter yankee are automatically turned into ashawos and the sort. The one dude who made that comment ended up shipping himself a wife from his village in Nigeria who eventually dumped him and went off with her village boyfriend.

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Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Nobody: 3:18am On Jun 23, 2011
I think I drank too much (gatorade) tonight. I might be seeing things sha.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by YoruIgbo(m): 3:18am On Jun 23, 2011

@Elpedia please what state in US do you reside? are u in the east coast?

Bro, why not just post your contact details here and I can guarantee you that within the next few days you will develop a new problem which will now be 'How to select from all this my good christian girls'  grin grin
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by wait4me(m): 4:38am On Jun 23, 2011

OP Faith is believing n the reality of what has not been manifested in the physical realm. The hardest thing to endure is the waiting. Yet u have need of patience. After u have done the will of GOD, u shall receive the promise. I pray now that your faith is strengthened & vision is perfected to find a wife! Not a mere woman. In Jesus' name. I admire & respect your noble stand man of God!
thank you, you just quoted one of my favorite scriptures. you bring back good memories, I remember a message I preach in NCCF about waiting on God. I preach psalm 73 and combine it with Heb 10:35-36. you can look it up. Thanks for strengthening me again, you have kindle the fire,I hold on to this word: cast not away your confidence which has great recompense of reward. God bless you for your words.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by kcjazz(m): 5:46am On Jun 23, 2011

All my life I have been a christian but most of the girls that have loved me are not the type of christians i will like to date and marry.I have missed alot of girls just because I'm not willing to compromise my values.The irony of the whole thing is that while I was in naija I always fall in love with the wrong christian girl( they are either engage or have a serious relationship) therefore I left without any serious relationship.Alas! now I'm in yankee and I hardly meet a girl who does not drink goes to wild party and sex is just a normal way of life. I'm under pressure to compromise and lower my standard , I'm scared It may be impossible to find a wife if I keep on with this belief. what should I do? do you think its wise for me to adopt the yankee way of life?

On a second thought,  there are Christians with really bad attitudes out there. Not friendly, judgmental, weird and creepy. Hope you are not one of them? That said, being a virgin counts for nothing if your attitude is terrifying to others. There are tons of beautiful ladies, willing and ready. You just have to show up and be serious about your intents. I believe the first rule for a relationship is to check yourself and as questions.

There is nothing that says a lady with a bad quality or past can't change, love changes things.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by enyojo(f): 6:52am On Jun 23, 2011
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by SSaemoenl(m): 7:00am On Jun 23, 2011
@Poster, You can try Mama-gee, she got all those thing u're looking for. You might engage with her here in Nairaland. Goodluck.
Re: I'm Scared I Wont Find A Wife If I Dont Compromise by Jenifa1: 7:23am On Jun 23, 2011
this is a very weird topic because as far as i'm concerned, there are PLENTY of women that fit the description the OP is talking about.
in fact, it is way harder for a girl to find a chaste, clean guy than vice versa.
So I think there is a hole in the story here. I think OP should look at himself maybe the problem comes from him.

I'm in yankee and I hardly meet a girl who does not drink goes to wild party and sex is just a normal way of life.

I find this very difficult to believe.
unless you are hanging out with the wrong crowd/friends, drinking and going to those wild parties yourself.

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