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Car Talk / Re: Wireless Car Scanner @ N15k Per Unit by blapo(m): 7:37pm On Dec 09, 2016
Choi! Naija business men, we want to make all our profit in one day. A Colleague bought something similar on eBay for $7 and was delivered in less than 3weeks. I have seen it work and its a good buy. But for this price? Nah! Even Konga is not charging 15k.
Islam for Muslims / Re: 8 Basic Errors Muslims Make When Paying Zakat Al-fitr by blapo(m): 6:12pm On Jul 15, 2015
Where is a good place one can buy Muudu in Lagos?

1 Like

Car Talk / Re: Advice Needed To Repair 2008 Honda Accord 2.4L by blapo(m): 8:30pm On Jul 04, 2015
Awesome, Congratulations!
Properties / Re: How To Build A Low Budget Bungalow ( 3 Bedroom Flat As Case Study) by blapo(m): 2:59pm On Jul 01, 2015
Having a laundry room between kitchen and dining room is something I have never seen done before. Consider moving the dining close to the kitchen. A dining room should not be that far away from the kitchen.

I observe the same, can't the kitchen be located in between the Dinning room and the laundry? let the kitchen be in the middle.
Autos / Re: 2006 Toyota Corolla Registered 600k 08149211014 by blapo(m): 8:58pm On Jun 25, 2015
Well, hard to say because I've not seen the car, maybe the picture here was taken when the car was newly bought or repainted after an accident. Even if the engine is bad. No one will sell a '06 corolla for 600k. My opinion anyway. The car is barely 3years.

1 Like

Properties / Re: Newly Built 3 Bedroom Bungalow(95%) Wit 2-shops FOR SALE AT Igando. Wit Pics by blapo(m): 3:22pm On Jun 22, 2015
The price sounds right for a building in that area depending on the exact location in Igando (I'm not too familiar with Igando). But, why did the owner want to sell?
Car Talk / Re: Why Mechanics Hate 2003-2007 Corrolla by blapo(m): 9:35pm On Jun 19, 2015
I've been driving mine for more than 3 years '05. Never been to a mechanic workshop. When I tell people that I don't have mechanic, they find it hard to believe, twice the check engine light came up. I scanned the car by my self, read the code and found out that some fuel attendants do not close the fuel tank properly after selling fuel, this always lead to EVAP bla bla thereby triggering check engine. Asides that "mai Toyota est fanstique" 4k and you have a full tank. Lagos to any part in the southwest, the car gulps less than half tank. Changed my break pad and air filter just twice in 3 years.


Car Talk / Re: Benz - G Wagon Vs Range Rover Vs Benz GL450 Vs Land Cruiser by blapo(m): 4:34pm On Jun 04, 2015
G Wagon is the first choice here no doubt, GL 450 should not be on this list. In my view, I see GL 450 as a large van.
Car Talk / Re: Help On Fuel When Car Is Parked For Hours by blapo(m): 7:06am On Mar 22, 2015
I noticed the same thing but its always a negligible amount of fuel never had a logical reason for it.
Car Talk / Re: What Is The Difference Between These Two Toyota Corolla Cars? by blapo(m): 11:16pm On Nov 09, 2013
[quote author=benbela][/quote]

The inner light switch is placed at the left side of the dash board, below the left AC vent. Just scroll the button up or down depends on the setting u want. If the light refuse to come on, check the bulb. I replaced mine for #30. Cheers.
Autos / Re: Car Keyless Entry: remote control Issues by blapo(m): 9:36am On Dec 20, 2012
hello Baconline, i own a 2005 toyota corolla CE, the car came with just one key, i need a spare key and also, is it possible to change the keys to a remotely controlled one? How much is it gonna cost me and how do i contact you, i'm in Lagos.
Car Talk / Re: How To Get A Driver's License? by blapo(m): 4:41pm On Dec 13, 2012
@shiftbutton thanks for ur reply, i'm planning to use the Xmas break to sort the issue of DL, i hope the place won't be like Dugbe Market when i go there. Also, i want to visit the place before paying so that i know what i'm getting into. hope that's okay?
Car Talk / Re: How To Get A Driver's License? by blapo(m): 2:24pm On Dec 13, 2012

not as bad as you paint it. U can reduce the time spent by doing part of the work your self from the link I posted earlier, you take the form to their processing office where u will fill some forms and do eye test and basic driving test (more of road signs), after which you are scheduled for data capture and given a temporal one to use pending when the original comes out and that's usually about a month. I know this because my boss did his recently and I am schedule for data capture later this month (dec 2012), I spent roughly 3-4hrs there for the processing. Start early because they will be a mad rush next year coz I think the old one will no longer be valid.

Please Please and Please, do fill the online form on https://www.nigeriadriverslicence.org/ and make payment before going there. It can be the different between spending extra funds or spending days to do what you could have done in one day. HOpe this helps. Please I can only say this for those in lag o, I dont know about other places, I did mine at Sura, not far from obalende.

i have done the online confirmation of my old DL, filled in the form online but yet to pay. i chose Ojodu as my data capture centre, Whats the next thing to do please advice.
Autos / Re: Free Vin Checks And Reports by blapo(m): 9:39am On Aug 08, 2012
kindly help to check the VIN of these vehicle thanks in advance.

VIIN: 2T1BR32E45C460767 and 2T1BR32E15C556758

My Email address is okbadmus@gmail.com

Properties / Re: Reality Building Of A 4 Bedroom Bungalow by blapo(m): 3:52pm On Feb 14, 2012
Absolute reality building, i will like to know the cost and the actual time taken.
Phones / Re: 50 Really Useful Android Tips And Tricks by blapo(m): 8:23am On Nov 29, 2011
These are useful tips from you, thanks for posting them here. I use a HTC Legend, been using it for more than a year now, recently i used up the SD space on it had to delete some unnecessary apps, but since then if i download any update for my apps on the phone, i always get a error message "update cannot be saved on phone nor SD" also the Bluetooth app has stopped working. i don't want to restore the phone to factory setting. hope i'll get alternative information here. Thanks in anticipation.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Muslim Singles, Let Us Have A Talk by blapo(m): 1:38pm On Sep 16, 2011
@maclatunji, thanks bro jazakunlahh khaeran, will look out for it.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Muslim Singles, Let Us Have A Talk by blapo(m): 12:29pm On Sep 16, 2011
^^^^^^ i think i will need those books badly now, please try if u cud get the names. jazakunllah khaeran
Islam for Muslims / Re: Muslim Singles, Let Us Have A Talk by blapo(m): 12:19pm On Sep 16, 2011
Salam all,

I've been following the thread from the start though i could not read post after post. all i can say is thumbs up to you people. (jazakunlah khairan)

whats marriage counselling like in Islam? Assuming one eventually meets with someone he/she is ready to marry, don't u think there should still be a form of marriage counselling. i've heard a lot of revelation during this kind of program from xtian friends.

Business / Re: Walmart In Nigeria by blapo(m): 5:00pm On Jun 30, 2011
lets see it happen first and its also a good news if a foreign investor is ready to invest in Nigeria. you think a boy that sells pure water on the street would not prefer to be a sales boy in a big retail outlet?

low paying job is better than no job and those who think a foreign investor is here to explore us, well i don't know what to say again.
Phones / Re: Android, Anyone? by blapo(m): 5:09pm On Jun 20, 2011
what do you guys think about htc legend, though the screen is a minus for me compared to other htc phones. moreover of all the telecomms in the country which one is arguably the best for data services. mtn seems to be very easy to configure but the cost is killing.
Jokes Etc / Hurricane Buhari/bakare by blapo(m): 10:36am On Mar 25, 2011
Hurricane Buhari/Bakare: President Goodluck Jonathan Begs Obasanjo For Help!

BABA IYABO: Ha! Goodluck, IBB and even you Atiku visiting me together?
IBB: You know old comrades always come together no matter what!

BABA IYABO: You are right IBB, but what about these civilians… especially you Atiku

GOODLUCK: It’s the same matter that brought the three of us to visit you sir!

BABA IYABO: Ehen? When am about to eat pounded yam and my favorite bitter-leaf soup? Okay o! As long as you guys don’t disturb me when am eating

ATIKU: We will try not to disturb when the food is served

IBB: But you have not even asked us what brought us here

BABA IYABO: Eh! It’s because my mind is on the bitter-leaf soup, you should know I don’t joke it with. By the way it was prepared by my new catch! She is just 25, you should see her. You know my wife is dead shey?

ATIKU: Yes we know, but the problem that brought us can’t wait it is very urgent!

BABA IYABO: And I should forget the bitter-leaf soup because of the problem shey?

IBB: Of cause not, we know you don’t joke with bitter-leaf soup

BABA IYABO: So what are you waiting for Goodluck? Spill it!

ATIKU: It’s about the new phenomenon sweeping the country?

BABA IYABO: Mogbe! That is impossible I mean Japan is so far from here so how could the radiation get into this country?

GOODLUCK: Not Japan sir, I mean the tsunami sweeping across the country

BABA IYABO: Apart from Japan, there has not been any recent tsunami that I know of

ATIKU: He is talking about the BB tsunami spreading like plague at an alarming rate!

BABA IYABO: Buhari? Bakare? And that’s why you came to disturb me when am about to eat my special bitter-leaf soup prepared by my sweet 16!

GOODLUCK: Sixteen? Is that not illegal? I thought you just said she was 25?

ATIKU: She is 25 quiet alright, but we call young girls sweet sixteen!

BABA IYABO: I never believe I will say this, but THANK YOU Atiku! By the way IBB are you also afraid of BB?

GOODLUCK: Sorry sir, but at the rate they are going they might,

BABA IYABO: Don’t ever interrupt me again when I am speaking or I will ask IBB to give you some military training right now!

IBB: its not like I am afraid of them, but if BUHARI becomes president don’t you think he will come after us for corruption?

ATIKU: That is what I am afraid of.

BABA IYABO: Of cause, you should be afraid Atiku! You stole too much money ke!

ATIKU: No just me alone!

BABA IYABO: Oh! So you want to compare yourself with IBB and myself abi? Now tell me, were you in the military? And are you a general for crying out loud

GOODLUCK: He was in the Customs sir!

BABA IYABO: And that makes him a military man shey? Olodo! Oya tell me if he also fought in the War?! I should have known the first time I saw your face, you are not smart at all Goodluck I truly regret installing you, because you are not smart at all

GOODLUCK: Tunde Bakare’s SNG helped too sir!

BABA IYABO: When Queen Turai was treating you like her houseboy shey? All these happened because you are not a strong man! I should have installed an ex military man! Nigerians love strong people! The other day you were shaking because a little girl from CNN was interviewing you. Didn’t you see my own interview? I told the British boy straight to his face that his questions were silly! Same with IBB, nobody can intimidate us. Anyway as your father, I will still make sure you retain your post after the elections but you must be strong shogbo?

ATIKU: But what if BB wins, what are we going to do?

BABA IYABO: Has Mr FIX-IT left our dear party? I said we will take care of it!

GOODLUCK: But how is that going to be possible if BB wins? They have instructed their supporters to go to the pooling stations with petrol and matches and if JEGA boys try to rig in our favor they should light them up!

BABA IYABO: Action man! I trust BUHARI, you see we military men don’t take nonsense, we are ready for war at any time and that was why nobody dared me when I was ruling. Anyway now that you know all these, what have you done to convince the people that you are the best man for the job?

GOODLUCK: Ermmmm!!!! Emm! Em!

IBB: But they gave you opportunities to sell yourself to the public through debates

BABA IYABO: I hope you didn’t take that your EMBLERA wife with you to the debates?

ATIKU: Actually he has not attended any debates yet and he is not planning to attend any

BABA IYABO: Goodluck, are you also afraid of talking to your own people? I mean this is not the CNN little girl o!

GOODLUCK: They will ask what I have done since I became the president, especially on corruption and I am afraid I don’t have any answer for,

BABA IYABO: So why haven’t you arrested anybody for corruption? During my time I arrested IG Tafa Balogun, I had the NafDac Woman working hard on fake drugs, Okonjo Iweala was on board working hard too. What have you been doing Goodluck? I mean why didn’t you arrest that Charge and bail Lawyer called Anakonda self!

GOODLUCK: Aondoakaa sir!

IBB: This is not time for names correction, you should be listening to Baba’s advice

BABA IYABO: Leave him IBB, I don’t blame him at all. He has big mouth when it comes to me, yet he is afraid to even speak to his own people and has nothing to show for one year of ruling

GOODLUCK: I speak to them on Facebook sir!

BABA IYABO: Are you the one writing those things? You were given opportunity to speak directly to them but you ran away

ATIKU: I wish you had installed me instead!

BABA IYABO: You ke? so that you can loot our treasury dry! No thank you! I prefer a clueless Goodluck to you Atiku.

GOODLUCK: Thank you sir! …, But I am still afraid that if BB wins, and we steal their votes all those angry Abokis will burn up the North and instead of the army to allow the country plunge into civil war, they will take over and we will be back to the military days

BABA IYABO: Then you better think of attending the remaining debates, and arresting some people like Anakonda so that Nigerians will know you have Balls, because if the military takes over, IBB and I will be safe. We take care of our own but as for civilians like you and Atiku it will be hell… Anyway my pounded yam and bitter-leaf soup is ready… IBB please join me, Atiku and Goodluck wait for us here. By the time I finish eating I will have enough strength to think of a good strategy for your problem… Shey it is good to have a godfather that you can cry to eh? OYA LAUGH SMALL Jare!
Politics / Re: Another Massive Endorsement For Jonathan by blapo(m): 9:27am On Mar 22, 2011
The okada group wants their own share of the national cake shikenah
Politics / Re: Kirikiri Gets The Bode George Effect by blapo(m): 9:08am On Mar 02, 2011
*sighed* and go to another thread.
Politics / Re: Buhari And Idiagbon: A Missed Opportunity For Nigeria. by blapo(m): 3:55pm On Feb 25, 2011
^^^Idiagbon is from the old kwara state which falls in the north central of the country.
Politics / Re: Buhari And Idiagbon: A Missed Opportunity For Nigeria. by blapo(m): 10:39am On Feb 25, 2011
This is actually a long post and quite analytical but what will this man be able to do without Idagbon and been a civilian? some set of people have been saying his word could be taking to the bank but there are more factors to be considered. A vice president from the south-south would have done the magic but lets wait and see. God knows better.
Sports / Re: Obafemi Martins Join Birmingham by blapo(m): 2:18pm On Jan 31, 2011
EPL should be easy for him to find his form and also he will easily get lots of playing time in Bcity, good move for him anyways.
Politics / Re: Atiku Abubakar to head Goodluck Jonathan Campaign Committee? by blapo(m): 9:18am On Jan 21, 2011
Politics na one very serious game, imagine Atiku joining GEJ's campaign team. He knows very well that to a very good extent if PDP nominates a goat as its presidential candidate the goat will emerge as the winner, he doesn't want the national cake to go pass him.

May God bless Nigeria and save the soul of the Nigerian masses.
Politics / Re: The House Tinubu Built by blapo(m): 12:55pm On Jan 19, 2011
We really need to stop talking about parties, lets vote for personalty, if the candidate i deem fit for a particular post is not given ticket in a particular party, all i need to do is vote for him in whichever party he chooses to belong, ACN is known for hand picking candidates though i have nothing against that, the leaders of the party has always says its the party wishes, but as long as i have the right to vote i will always vote for my choice candidate if he likes he should join a useless party am not concerned.
Politics / Re: Unseating The Mighty Pdp by blapo(m): 9:42am On Jan 19, 2011
Like i said earlier making Nigeria a better place is not about unseating PDP, PDP is not the problem we have in this country it is the people, a good example of the people is not far fetched lets assume Fashola disagrees to contest for Gubernatorial race on the platform of ACN and choose one unknown party, am sure people will be ready to vote him in as the Governor (and no one will care about ACN) it is the right time we start thinking about Voting for personalty and not the party.

80% of the electorate are not card carrying member of any of the parties, so why do we need to cry about a particular party, we should go for our rightful candidate and stop voting because of a party.
Politics / Re: Unseating The Mighty Pdp by blapo(m): 1:09pm On Jan 18, 2011

Blacksta, are u a dully registered member of any political party?

I do not think one must be a member of a party before you could vote for whomever you choose as your candidate, as for me if i believe one political party chose someone to represent them out of nepotism, then i will go for my candidate in another party. simple. I think we have many political parties and these gives us opportunity to vote for personalty and not political party.
Car Talk / Re: Mercedes Benz Thread by blapo(m): 12:44pm On Jan 17, 2011




The R-Class finest attribute is its spacious interior. It will comfortably take 8 people,

Unfortunately, if one was to import an R-CLASS, Nigerian Customs will probably evaluate the duty based on an SUV, not an MPV.  grin  grin.  (SUV'S ARE IN A MUCH HIGHER IMPORT DUTY BAND THAN MPV's).


Thanks for ur explanation, you really clarify this issue, The Nigerian customs was the reason i had to ask for people's opinion.

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