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Nairaland Forum / Chiswaggs's Profile / Chiswaggs's Posts
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makatonison: chiswaggs: If it was a govt hospital that this thing occured, you would have blamed the govt and called it a failed system. Im sure this must have been a private hospital established with money. If this guy that owns the hospital came to you and asked you to dash him money to build a hospital, im sure many of you would not. Before a hospital would come up with such a strict policy, you don't know what they might have faced in the hands of patients. Anyway, Im not saying that her death is right by the way because it could av been my wife, im just saying that @times, the patients are also to blame. R.I.P. I hope God gives the family the fortitude to bear the loss.if u like don't learn. When next you have an emergency run to a private hospital widout money and expect a father christmas doctor whose school fees you paid and whose children's school fees you are paying to foot your bills or attend to you widout an initial payment. You might be the next person we'll be talking about on Nairaland. |
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vanitty: The whole system needs to be investigated, bottoms up.I just hope you are educated sha. Have you ever asked yourself why philantropist build schools and give out scholarships instead of building hospitals and giving out free medicare? If any and please quote me right, any private hospital beging to treat emergency cases without collecting their deposit, they'll go bankrupt. Didn't the husband know it was a private clinic before rushing his wife there? Has he ever heard of any private clinic that attends to patients without the initial deposit? This doctor goes to the market and nobody gives him free goods because he is a doctor, if he needs medical attention, nobody gives it to him free because he is a doctor, nobody pays his childrens school fees, nobody buys food for him and yet u don't think he should make ends meet. See the way you guys are criticising private clinics and yet people still patronise them. Do you know that if these private clinics go bankrupt as a result of patients inability to pay and as such close down, Nigerians will be the worse for it? Think before you talk. Im sure wherever you work, you don't do it for free. 2 Likes |
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tatiana009:the guy z askn if 20,000 is too much for the doctor to pay. What if he does not even have the money? Som1 z dead, let some ppl nt come ere and make odaz look bad abeg. D guy z talking probably because he is well loaded. He does not ivn know weda d doctor z sure of weh his nxt meal or childrenz school fees will come from sef. |
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kay9:it would have made more sense if you read my whole write up sha. Just saying... I actually condemned d act but just looked at it from the side of the clinic management. Nxt tym comment on a whole post. I hope such does not happen to me and I pray God grants the family the fortitude to bear the loss but Im not still sure of how many of you run your businesses on a charity basis. Just saying sha. I don't think that human beings will be that wicked. The clinic management may include mothers, fathers, etc. They must have had certain unpleasant experiences that has led them to this state. Don't just jump into hasty conclusions without hearing the side of the clinic. You might be suprised that the clinic's version of this incidence might be quite different. Just saying sha.. |
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frosbel: don't get me wrong. You need to be a doctor or own a hospital to know what Im talking about. You need to see patients that were begging for help challenging doctors after treatment and you'll be shocked. If a clinic is set up for charity purposes, then lets know thats the reason or else, you'll run the business down and be forced to go farther even in cases of emergency to look for a govt hospital. Now, the clinic went too far in this case sha, the right thing was to have admitted her first and made the husband sign a document. That way, it would become legally binding on the husband to bay the bills. Clinics just like any other business are run with money. Do you know the number of people that die of hunger? Yet Mr. Biggs dosen't give out free food. Im not justifying the act, Im rather just looking @ it from the side of the clinic management too. 3 Likes |
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If it was a govt hospital that this thing occured, you would have blamed the govt and called it a failed system. Im sure this must have been a private hospital established with money. If this guy that owns the hospital came to you and asked you to dash him money to build a hospital, im sure many of you would not. Before a hospital would come up with such a strict policy, you don't know what they might have faced in the hands of patients. Anyway, Im not saying that her death is right by the way because it could av been anybody, im just saying that @times, the patients are also to blame. R.I.P. I hope God gives the family the fortitude to bear the loss. |
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If it was a govt hospital that this thing occured, you would have blamed the govt and called it a failed system. Im sure this must have been a private hospital established with money. If this guy that owns the hospital came to you and asked you to dash him money to build a hospital, im sure many of you would not. Before a hospital would come up with such a strict policy, you don't know what they might have faced in the hands of patients. Anyway, Im not saying that her death is right by the way because it could av been my wife, im just saying that @times, the patients are also to blame. R.I.P. I hope God gives the family the fortitude to bear the loss. 8 Likes |
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adonisyung: can U̶̲̥̅̊ nigerians ever appreciate anything gud? Gush!wats good about paying an extra 100 naira? |
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Im just suprised this criticism is coming from him. Should av been som1 else. At least som1 wif a better reputation. Just suprised. |
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please, Im just asking, was it a gift or did he buy it? If it was a gift must he reject it because he is a man of God? Even if he bought it, how many of you have ever denied yourselves the opportunity of buying a pair af shoes because your neighbour does not have food to eat? God did not call anybody to suffer. Who said Jesus was poor? When he wanted to pay his tax, a fish produced money. His garment was so good that soldiers had to struggle over it to the extent of casting lots over who will own it. I men of God are poor, you'll say God cannot provide for them, now they are rich you still call them flambouyant. If a man of God can afford a jet and he needs it, I see nothing at all wrong with that. |
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berem: NA WA OH! This is a very big slap on our face! Omo the woman finish us no be small! Nigeria,a worn torn country? DAMN!abi |
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ismhab: See how poverty wants kill Ndi igbo. |
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ismhab: See how poverty wants kill Ndi igbo.u're suffering from inferiority complex. There are only two ways to make two unequal ropes equal. Either by cutting one or elongating the other. Putting out another man's candle will not make your's shine brighter, it'll only expose your inadequacies. Think and grow, leave Ndi igbo alone. Remember, you did not chose where you come from. |
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please how many of you gave him money to start up any of his businesses or is it tax payers money he is using? Why is this thing affecting you people this much? U buy a shirt because that is what u can afford, he buyz a jet or launches an airline because that is what he can afford, how does it concern you? He preaches divine health and lives it, nobody complains, he preaches divine favour and lives it, nobody complains, he preaches holiness and lives it, nobody complains, whatz different about prosperity? Eh? |
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when you live according to the ways of God, you will spend money directly from His pocket. "bring ye al the tithes into my storehouse..... Test Me and see..... If you cannot appreciate God's work on a man's life you cannot partake of it. Its absurd to imagine that a certain group of people expect christians to be poor when the earth is the Lords. Even if all members of his congregation stop paying tithe, God will take care of him like He did 4 Elijah with ravens(birds). Ride on papa, I gbadu d annointing 4 prosperity. If dey said he was begging bread, you guyz will say and he calls himself a pastor, why can't that his God take care of him! Smh |
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those dayz when black berry was a fruit |
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tatosh: @ djustice ure a fool. People like you shouldn't hold public office if you don't see anything wrong in such a wasteful meal. Do u think she will eat like dat if it was from her pursewhy are people complaining. If your president wantz to uze 1 billion to eat this year from tax payers hard earned money, what's wrong with what shez doing? |
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Pennywise: Is that a kind of Igbo lobster?tribalism is a disease, get well soon duh... ![]() Pennywise: Is that a kind of Igbo lobster?tribalism is a disease, get well soon duh... |
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Ufeolorun: Forming busywatz annoying yhu iz dat a niger delter man is president? Ehya........ Jealousy is a disease, get well soon oh! |
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ifyalways: Not surprised one bit!ur mouth ehn... |
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blacksta: waste of money . for 5 million i will get him excellent hired killersI hope the police is listening to this oh... |
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please how does som1 get the admission letter? |
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deres som1 dey call sekou oliseh who im very sure is a nigerian. he dealt with fabio coentrao of real madrid. hes better than most players in the national team. keshi should look into giving him a national team call up before he starts playing for another country |
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please all of us that think its impossible should suggest a coach for nigeria. are foreign players not also humans? if we compete favourably with them in age grade competitions like the under-17s, what stops us from doing so at the senior levels. lets try and be a little bit more optimistic |
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theres nothing this man will do that will impress me until Jonathan gives a press release on why he woke up on the wrong side of his bed one morning and removed farida waziri without anybodys concent. Otherwise, the new man will also be careful not to offend any of jonathans godsons or daughters so as not to be remopved by his big boss. the same thing we do with our football is what we our doing with somfn as important as efcc. SMH ![]() |
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which page did richies post that law list please |
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nigerians are the hardest humans to handle. if keshi lost, we would have crucified him. now hes won, praising him is still a problem ![]() |
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