Family / Re: Will You Tell Your Husband? by Curiouscity(m): 9:19am On Nov 22, 2022 |
dawnomike: Telling her husband is the right thing to do... Leaving the church ASAP Sadly, greater percentage won't. Many will try to protect GO. Some will feel privileged and enjoy the attention. More than 50% would fall. Chop clean mouth. The pulpit in Nigeria is grossly desecrated. 9 Likes 1 Share |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 9:40pm On Sep 18, 2022 |
DrAwo: We go back to the very basics in this episode of the podcast where we chat with Mr Victor Onyema (Portfolio Manager, Norrenberger Asset Management).
We talk about why we must invest, what to invest in, how to open a stockbroking account, deciding what to buy and what to do when you don't know what to do...
All beginners to investing should listen to this conversation several times over...
Thanks for listening... Thank you for this basic education. 1 Like |
Agriculture / Re: Ibom Coconut Refinery Taking Shape… Photos by Curiouscity(m): 3:47am On Aug 16, 2022 |
Hunchogee: exactly How do I get in touch with you? 1 Like |
Food / Re: Why Do Will Like CALLING OUR AFRICAN FOOD FOOD FOREIGN Names by Curiouscity(m): 12:04am On Jul 19, 2022 |
The OP gave examples Pizza, pita, spaghetti, tofu, sushi, pho, tacos, masala, etc are enjoyed worldwide. Especially in the western world, but the retain their original names. The method of presentation is more important than the names. Why would anyone feel "spaghetti " is easier to pronounce than "Akara" or "Moi-moi"? Rubyventures: Seriously if you want to expose your food to the world, you will need to twig it a bit. Its call packaging not all foreigners can pronounce other languages properly . In some cases it could translate as a rude word in their local dialect.
It has nothing to do with exposure or non exposure. If you are a business man, you will name your products based on the ingredients it contains to have a broader clientele. When you are buying food you have never had before , the first thing you want to know is what the main ingredients are and secondly, what kind of cooking methods have been use to arrived at the final product. |
Business / I Need This From China by Curiouscity(m): 4:00pm On May 23, 2022 |
The picture below is that a can sealing machine. Anyone shipping things from China that can help me bring this in in the next 1 month?
Family / Re: My Wife Slapped Me & I Beat Her But She Refused To Go To Father's House by Curiouscity(m): 11:28pm On May 13, 2022 |
Persephone1: My Mama always warn me of men with wonderful narrative skills! I've seen an example on Nl today. He narrated it so well it will take extra effort to detect the lies, people like this can kill! They are hardly ever wrong or at fault. Pity! I agree with you that spouses with too much details in their narrative are most times liars. But this guy including beating the wife with a cable shows he accepts his fault. So is his sleeping with a hooker. Some would remove those parts, and people would still believe him. 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: Why Buhari Should Support Jonathan’s Candidacy (Open Letter) by Curiouscity(m): 5:57pm On May 03, 2022 |
Why can't GEJ be brave and reject this Greek gift openly?
Why would he allow this people who rejected him to rubbish whatever is left of his reputation? |
Family / Re: Limits/privacy In Marriage. by Curiouscity(m): 5:52pm On Apr 28, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: 1. Marriage is defined by the agreement that exists between a man and a woman. So privacy is as agreed upon or as negotiated by the couple in the marriage. 
2. Not sure what your understanding of "better half" is. 
3. That depends on how far you are willing to take it. Some people don't mind such things as they whitewash it with claims of trusting the other partner, while others let such things lead their minds into the twilight zone.  On the bold, Meaning there should be a detailed agreements on limits and boundaries before one pops the question or say "I do"? Madam/Sir, we still dey Naija/Africa ooooo I will like to attend your marriage/relationship seminar. 1 Like |
Family / Re: Should The Man Forgive His Wife And Children? by Curiouscity(m): 12:45am On Apr 23, 2022 |
People saying that it is fiction should think twice. A lot is happening, and people are ashamed of bringing them to the public. Like some said above, some Nigerian women and girls well trained in the art of lying. I have one around me who tells everyone that the husband is a devil. If you believe her, the husband is the worst human. But the man does everything for her, he cares for the kids. Few of us that know the truth only laugh when we hear her demonize the husband.
Fear who no fear some women.
Recently I started believing that the only woman who loves you completely is your mother. But yesterday, I listened to a mother tearing down her grown children and cursing them for a very trivial issue. SMH!! |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 12:55pm On Apr 13, 2022 |
Are there Index Funds on NSE? If yes, where and how can I buy into them? Please and thank you. |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 3:01pm On Mar 30, 2022 |
This is nice. Really nice.
I remember when I had issues with my UBA dividend 2years ago. Their CS agent handled everything and as promised 10 days after i complained, I got my dividends. So for me Meristem is doing well. You see why I am tempted to say they only work with clients who have huge funds with them. I bought my 1st set of shares with Meristem 7 years ago. One of them is UBA. I have have not collected any UBA dividend for these years. In 2019 I started complaining via emails, filled e-mandates forms many times. Nothing changed. They sometimes forget about my email, till I send a reminder. I bought Diamond Bank in 2018. When Access Bank acquired Diamond, I was to get 10k cash and my stocks converted to Access bank's. Till today I have not seen the cash and didn't get any explanation except I should submit e-mandate form that I already did. I only recently got my Access dividends of past years few weeks ago. You see? Our experiences are as wide apart as the North and South poles 1 Like |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 10:30am On Mar 30, 2022 |
dpacificheraclx: Anyone else notice how the meristem's service is becoming less and less effective by the day??
I am beginning to think Meristem is interested in another business. Or they only give attention to clients who have huge funds with them. 3 Likes |
Agriculture / Re: Nigerian Dwarf Goat. by Curiouscity(m): 10:46pm On Mar 15, 2022 |
Soknown: Background West African Dwarf (WAD) goats serve an important role in the rural village economy of West Africa, especially among small-holder livestock owners. They have been shown to be trypanotolerant and to resist infections with Haemonchus contortus more effectively than any other known breed of goat.
Methods In this paper we review what is known about the origins of this goat breed, explain its economic importance in rural West Africa and review the current status of our knowledge about its ability to resist parasitic infections.
Conclusions We suggest that its unique capacity to show both trypanotolerance and resistance to gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infections is immunologically based and genetically endowed, and that knowledge of the underlying genes could be exploited to improve the capacity of more productive wool and milk producing, but GI nematode susceptible, breeds of goats to resist infection, without recourse to anthelmintics. Either conventional breeding allowing introgression of resistance alleles into susceptible breeds, or transgenesis could be exploited for this purpose. Appropriate legal protection of the resistance alleles of WAD goats might provide a much needed source of revenue for the countries in West Africa where the WAD goats exist and where currently living standards among rural populations are among the lowest in the world.
Background The major contributor of the modern domestic goat, Capra hircus, is believed to be the wild Bezoar goat, Capra aegagrus distributed from the mountains of Asia Minor [1], across the Middle East. There are ten primary goat breeds to which other modern breeds worldwide are traceable, namely Alpine, Angora, Boer, Cashmere, Le Mancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Pigmy, Saanen and Toggenburg.
The present day dwarf goats of West and Central Africa correspond to the so-called pigmy goat but the recognised name for the breed in the region is the West African Dwarf (WAD) goat (Figure 1). However, other names such as Cameroonian, Nigerian, Guinean and Fouta Djallon are sometimes used to describe WAD goats found in particular countries in the region. These may be considered as varieties or ecological types (ecotypes) of WAD goat, which have adapted to the different ecosystems in the region. They are found, predominantly in the humid and sub-humid, and also in the drier, savanna climates, below latitude 14° north. One popular belief, based on few documented facts, is that all dwarf goats found in West and Central Africa, England, Sweden, Germany and North America originated from the Cameroonian Dwarf goat [2], although, based on their morphology in relation to other dwarf goat breeds, it has been suggested that the Nigerian WAD goats may have a different, but as yet unknown, origin [3, 4].
However, genetic and archaeological evidence of the precise origins of WAD goats are still lacking.
Nevertheless, recent work has shown that Nigerian WAD goats are endowed with the capacity to resist trypanosome and intestinal nematode infections more effectively than any other known breed of goat. Since there is no easily accessible, systematic review of published information on controlled experimental GI nematode infections of these animals, in this article we first explain the importance of WAD goats to the local livestock owning communities of West Africa, then review the available information on their capacity to resist parasitic infections, suggest possible explanations for these unique traits and indicate how they may be exploited in the broader context to improve the resilience of goats, and hence their health and productivity worldwide.
The importance of the WAD goat industry in West Africa.
Goats account for about 30% of Africa's ruminant livestock and produce about 17% and 12% of its meat and milk respectively [5]. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for over 60% of the total goat population in Africa, with an estimated 147 million goats representing about 80 indigenous breeds distributed across all agro-ecological zones and ruminant livestock production systems [6]. The WAD goat is the commonest and most important indigenous goat breed in the 18 countries of West and Central Africa [7], most of which (except Mali, Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic) have an Atlantic coastline namely, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Upper Volta, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon Congo and Zaire) [8]. Nigeria hosts the largest WAD goat population with approximately 11 million in the humid zone of Eastern Nigeria. There are two major ecotypes: the humid zone and the savanna WAD goats, (Figure 1) and these differ in several respects, notably their body weight, the latter being about 2-3 kg heavier on average at 12 months of age [9]. It is estimated that at least 90% of these animals are owned by small-holder rural goat keepers, for whom goats represent an important asset [10].
Women and children play a pivotal role in WAD goat husbandry. Children normally herd goats, while their day-to-day management and the care of young stock usually fall to women. They are generally kept in small herds on mixed farms and provide their owners with a broad range of products and socio-economic services such as cash income (meat), security (milk), gifts (skin), and manure for the crops. Left-overs from the domestic kitchen, which are provided by the womenfolk, and cut-and-carry fodder/foliage, which are the responsibility of children and the men folk, are important ingredients in the husbandry of goats in rural areas. Therefore, goats not only play a vital role in ensuring food security of a household (often being the only asset possessed by a poor household), but when needed and in time of trouble (e.g. crop failure or family illness, school fees) goats may be sold to provide an important source of cash [11]. Any intervention aiming to improve goat productivity will therefore have an immediate socio-economic impact on rural communities, especially the poorest of these for whom goats represent the only livestock they can afford to raise. The socio-economic importance of WAD goats in the area is best illustrated by the terms: 'cow of the poor' and 'bank on the hoof', which are commonly used to describe them.
This is someone's academic research article. You copied it here as if it is yours. PLAGIARISM! Please include the author'(s) names or include the link to the original article. |
Family / Re: Who Could Be Responsible For My Pregnancy by Curiouscity(m): 9:16pm On Mar 14, 2022 |
What about the man he cheated on? Sadly, your gender who are religious don't believe in apologizing or seeking forgiveness from the cheated spouse. Even if you catch them red-handed. 2 Likes |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 5:37pm On Mar 09, 2022 |
Biafran4life: Really,I believe all your fmly and village people are in it already and making too much money This is the question most greedy people fail to ask these scammers. If he's truly making money, why would he tell you before his entire family? But I can bet Nigerians will still fall mugu! 3 Likes |
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by Curiouscity(m): 9:56am On Feb 25, 2022 |
Valueinvestor: Good morning house, please is anyone having issues with meristem login this morning Yes. Since yesterday in the evening. Both their website and app are having issues. |
Family / Re: My Wife Believes I Am Occultic by Curiouscity(m): 12:26pm On Feb 17, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: Must you all turn this ti one of your meaningless gender wars? There are also so many stories of men accusing their wife's of witchcraft, a known excuse used to kick wife's out of homes. Kobo, how common is the case of men accusing their wives? Majority on these thread opined that this stems from running from one prayer house to another. What is the % of men patronizing prayer houses versus that of women? Check my posts, I am not into gender wars, as I have a strong, reliable, super mom, and loving sisters. I just stated a common observation! |
Family / Re: My Wife Believes I Am Occultic by Curiouscity(m): 6:09am On Feb 17, 2022 |
Why is always Nigerian women accusing their men of being occultic? If not the man, it's the man's mother. Are wives and their mothers innocent and only the ones privy to these information? This issue has scattered more homes than infidelity, yet it is hardly proven. |
Family / Re: How Organic Stem Cell Helps People Looking For Babies To Conceive. by Curiouscity(m): 9:53pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
It is a Stem cell booster. I have explained this severally. I took my time to study their value proposition and I attended trainings, watched over 100 videos of testimonials , used the products etc before I decided to promote it.
How many pack did your wife buy? For how long did she use it? Did she first detoxify before she started using the Stem cell booster?
It is not good to just speak ill of an endeavour of so many minds .
It takes months to boost the low stem cell level of an adult from 5% to 100% even medically (embryonic / adult stem cell treatment) let alone organically and the cost are miles apart.
The former requires sophisticated equipment and millions of naira. Organic stem cell is by far a better option.
Stem cell booster! Lol! My Wife registered and bought the entire package. 22 packs at a whooping 600k + shipping cost to her country of residence. How many more would she take to fix her arthritis? 1 Like 1 Share |
Family / Re: How Organic Stem Cell Helps People Looking For Babies To Conceive. by Curiouscity(m): 5:35pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
As you can see from my signature, I am multi skilled, so it is not the only thing I do ! However, just because you bought some packs and you didn't see any result according to you, is not enough for you to condemn a product that you don't really understand how it works. You are beginning to sound bitter and biased than being objective.
I have objectively told you the reasons why some people might not be able to experience result in my previous post. Let me re-iterate, an acidic body with low immunity and infection cannot enjoy the full benefit of the Stem cell booster. An experienced therapist would first of, take care of these with our Snowphyll forte and Active Plus products for weeks before giving such a person our Double Stem cell or Crystal Cell products to boost the body's stem cells. It is the boosted Stem cells that would now effect the cure. Several times, people don't have just one ailment. The person suffering from arthritis, might also have 3 other unknown but emerging health issues which would have taken up the Stem cell being produced meanwhile well wishers are waiting for healing of arthritis.
The repair order prerogative is based on the body and not personal expectations. That is why one is expected to use the product sufficiently ( 6 - 12 months ) and be patient as it is a regenerative therapy meant to holistically take care of the patient's general health challenges, sorting out all the health challenges one at a time.
Are you saying the company paid thousands of people globally to give false testimony? and yet the product is in high demand? I can give you links to Professors, Pharmacists, Doctors etc who are using and marketing this thru direct selling model. That they decided to use direct selling and not the conventional method you mentioned ought to have been obvious. We cannot be part of the problem, we come with an alternative as intended by nature. Our adverts are people's testimonials and feedbacks from people like you. The company would not blow it's trumpet as it is unethical.
With my explanation thus far, you can see why 5 Packs of Double Stem is not enough for an elderly person and the ones she has used (if it is the authentic one and not the fakes or the ones from wanna bee companies) would have done a lot of good to her body to take care of some things you are all not all aware of.
I know some of our members are not well schooled in this .They promise what is un-realistic, but the truth is, few packs cant do the job!
The chemical drugs which you believe in and which is probably the sector you work at; sadly are the causes of some of the health challenges today with attending side effects and lifelong usage bondage.
Our product is 100% natural and it is what the body needs to function effectively, it is food to the cells. Yes, it may take time to correct what has been damaged over the years but eventually, solution would come and such a person would be free.
And if you say a product made by a world class Biotech company like Mibelle Biochemistry, Switzerland is a crap, then I think you dont really have good intentions.
Those who have faith enough would seek their salvation irrespective of dissenting voices.
And ... I rest my case with you.
As per the bold part of your post, how many Swiss buy and take this products? ZERO! I lived and worked in that country for 2 years, and never saw this products upon all their numerous natural therapies. 2 Likes |
Family / Re: How Organic Stem Cell Helps People Looking For Babies To Conceive. by Curiouscity(m): 5:24pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
Thanks for your input. I appreciate.
However, the calibre of people that I have seen give testimony doesn't look as if the product doesn't work. I have used it and I know how I felt.
Besides, I have not handled cancer but I can refer you to those who have. I decided to specialise in fertility because I have over 10 testimonials that I have seen both at home and from those abroad. And with the combination we have, I want to believe that God would answer their prayers thru this.
What I have personally observed is that one have to use the products sufficiently to see result. An ailment of years cannot just be cured within few months if it has to be a permanent cure. Rebuilding millions of damaged cells , correcting the damaged tissues or organ etc and effecting the healing are all going to be time demanding .
The products are also fortified with natural vitamins and minerals needed by the body to grow well.
Some users also work against the therapy with their anti curative lifestyle. It is not just to buy a particular product and use. Different combination of the products must be used to achieve result.
Starting with detoxification , immune strengthening and reconditioning of the body from acidic to alkalinity state to hormone balancing etc.
Only then can the Stem Cells work effectively to boost the low stem cells . Body also differ in terms of recovery. Some heal faster , others, slower.
I am sympathetic of your mom's episode. If an experienced member had handled the case, maybe the story would have been different.
In any case, I appreciate you.
If you can reach me , I can send you Testimonials of a retired doctor who attested to the efficacy of the product and how it cured him of his arthritis. From the bold in your response, it shows your product is a supplement or call it a super vitamin, NOT a stem cell product. Please check the meaning of stem cell. You will realize that it cannot be isolated in a capsule form. Stem cells are a very delicate therapies that are carried out in an ideal environment, and not hawked in capsules. My wife bought this last year against my opinion, she is regretting the waste of money. Thankfully, hers wasn't a case of life and death. Like @Sewasaunt advised, sell your market, but be sincere about it. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Family / Re: Please Advice! I’m Having Multiple Issues With My Marriage by Curiouscity(m): 10:46pm On Feb 07, 2022 |
While I agree with others advising you to stop flirting, any wife that blackmail or lie when reporting a case is a NO NO in the abroad. Guy, you will loose her and the children within 1st 5 years of your stay. There is no couple who doesn't have challenges or misunderstanding in their marriage, but a lying partner is a time bomb waiting to detonate. Worst in the western world. My advice? Make peace with your fate! 7 Likes |
Family / Re: My Wife Lied To Me by Curiouscity(m): 5:48pm On Feb 01, 2022 |
Idk what you mean by "your own case". Do you have a story similar to the OP's or you're the OP? 
I am not the OP, but my story is similar to the OP's. The difference is that my own has no health or fertility implications. My partner didn't only lie about her past, she keeps lying to the point I can't trust her words on anything. |
Family / Re: My Wife Lied To Me by Curiouscity(m): 10:30pm On Jan 31, 2022 |
InTheCloudySky: You got married late last year (I'm assuming November or December) and we're in February now, which means you've only been married for 2-3 months. You've no need to worry about her inability to conceive just yet. Go to the right specialists to treat her OC and PID, as well as find out if the abortion she had is affecting her ability to get pregnant now.
The investigation you've done recently should've been done before the marrage. Well, you're in the marriage now so just overlook that and the lying and continue the marriage. Hml.
While I agree that OC or PID may not be the cause of the woman not conceiving yet, lying to your spouse (man or woman) is a big threat to many marriages. How do you trust someone who has lied to you in the past? Without trust, the marriage is as good as gone. In my own case, she lied but keeps using the things I told her about me, against me. 1 Like |
Family / Re: My Wife Believes I Am Occultic by Curiouscity(m): 9:43pm On Jan 27, 2022 |
pinkguy: Oga your hand is not clean ,you knew ur wife will read this , and you think you can change her mind set by writing this pretending you are innocent , change you still have time before it's late don't try to harm her , to justify your early response because you Will endup mad in the street be warned lol pls pay me my money I done help ur life Waaaooooh!!! After typing this, are you fulfilled? OP, Please avoid people like this! I thought this is in the family section!! 16 Likes |
Romance / Re: Are Female Doctors Also Promiscuous? by Curiouscity(m): 6:26pm On Jan 19, 2022 |
safarigirl: Whatever it is people do with their private parts should not concern you, if you are not their partner.
Unfortunately, the way self-love, personal space, personal privacy etc., have been promoted in relationships, the bold part is not even valid. Most people are made to value personal privacy (including their private part) in marriage more than the marriage itself. |
Family / Re: If Your Child Is Suffering From Sickle Cell Disease (SS), It Is Your Fault!!! by Curiouscity(m): 11:19pm On Jan 06, 2022 |
KarinaLove: I heard of a story today where a Parent who has 2 Sickle Cell Children said to her children
"Leave me alone. I am tired of so so hospital. Your Sickness is your problem. Your Sickness is your problem. Leave me alone. I have my own life to live"
The husband is carefree. He doesn't even bother about the health of those children. According to what I heard. He is at the point of taking another wife and abandoning his Sickle Cell Children and Wife.
He told someone who told someone who told someone else who told me that he lost interest in his children due to so many hospital visits, medications and all shortly after they were born and developed hatred for their mother for no reason.
Are these two people worthy to be called parents? You both caused the predicament of those kids and now you both want to run away. Who are you leaving them for? It is your fault they are Sickle Cell.
If You have a Sickle Cell Child, It Is Your Fault. You are the Cause. Own Up 
This Parents Are Not Worthy To Be Called Parents. I Am So Angry Hearing This Today  Hmmmm!! I know it is wrong for any person to reject a child because of the child's health condition, much less a parent. On the other hand, it is very wrong to make the statement you just posted: If You have a Sickle Cell Child, It Is Your Fault. You are the Cause. Own Up  There are still many people who don't understand what genotype mean, talk less of checking up their own. Also, many people including you don't ask any potential sex partners what their genotype is before falling in love or having sex. Some of these premarital sex end up with babies, hence marriage. True, we should be enlightened and educated about this illness, but not put a blanket blame on parents with sickle cell kids. Some of these parents are already blaming themselves, and going through some trauma. Please don't add yours. The best one can do for the parent in question is educate them, offer them psychological counseling, and help them when/where necessary. This how our society keep blaming parents with neurological or genetic disorders as if it were their fault. We need to wake up! 1 Like 1 Share |
Agriculture / Re: Does Barley Grow In Commercial Quantity In Nigeria? by Curiouscity(m): 10:58am On Dec 06, 2021 |
Barley is grown in Nigeria. But I don't think we have it in commercial quantity here. NB PlC and other breweries import barley massively into Nigeria. So I don't think that's in the import prohibition list. Thank you for the info. I spoke with someone last week, and he told me Barley is banned. I was like, how? Do you know which state I can get a qood quantity? Say 100kg? |
Religion / Re: People's Assumptions When Some Christians Suffer Misfortunes by Curiouscity(m): 10:07am On Dec 05, 2021 |
Truvelisback: Good day, Fellas. Why do some people assume that that those christians who suffers misfortunes are not christians or their ways aren't pure or straight b4 God? Even many fellow Xtians do assume that way. These assumptions only come from other Christians, especially Nigerians. It is fueled by modern day prosperity preachers who believe once you are born again, you should be rich, healthy and without any challenges. Modern day Christians are hypocrites. 4 Likes |
Agriculture / Does Barley Grow In Commercial Quantity In Nigeria? by Curiouscity(m): 1:14am On Dec 05, 2021 |
Hello everyone. Please I need help with some information about barley.
1. Is importation of barley banned in Nigeria? 2. Does Nigeria grow barley in a commercial quantity? 3. If barley grows in Nigeria, which state can I source it from in a cost-effective manner?
Thank you for your response. |
Family / Re: Should She Confess To God Alone? by Curiouscity(m): 3:21pm On Nov 29, 2021 |
@ Bold, I have lived long enough to know and understand that things were not always the way it seems...Yea it might seems suspicious at the moment but the husband will be in a better position to find out what she was indeed hiding... it might even be something that got nothing to do with cheating.. Many people define cheating as when married man or woman has sex with someone who is not his/her spouse only. I think it is more than the physical sex. Any level of intimacy with opposite sex, that your spouse is not supposed to know is cheating. The deleting of the messages shows she is cheating, emotionally or sexually. In fact, some people believe that emotional cheating is worse than sexual cheating. 3 Likes |
Health / Re: I Always Feel Severe Fatique After Meal. Any Meal At All by Curiouscity(m): 12:29am On Nov 18, 2021 |
[quote author=Sirsesan post=107640200][/quote]
First of all, please take down your medical results from here. Or at least blur out personal information.
Secondly, though you have normal fasting blood sugar level, your case may be insulin insensitivity. Please go for glucose tolerance test. It tests how your blood responds to carbohydrates/sugar. It could be the rapid rise in blood sugar that causes the fatigue. |