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Religion / Re: Signs Of The End Times by fridayman1: 4:37pm On Jun 07, 2015

Can you please explain further. Is teaching about rapture, trinity, eternal hell fire and worshipping on Sundays false?

it is false. capital sir
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: So People Do Finish Answering All Questions In Aptitude Test (say, Dragnet) by fridayman1: 9:21pm On Dec 01, 2013
Pls my friends I will need it too. fffman2006@yahoo.com
Food / Re: Are There Vegetarians In Nigeria? by fridayman1: 6:22pm On Oct 05, 2013
Vivly: Some articles i get to read that deals with vegetarians are mostly whites. This is Nigeria where we have a huge gap between the upper class(the rich) and the lower class(the poor). . The poor are very much concerned with eating to survive than selecting non-animal food.
Also, most muslims can't afford to be vegetarians cuz of thier sallah ram.
Christians too cuz of their christmas chicken
So, have you met any nigerian who is a vegetarian?

My friend, I am one for the past 3yrs. you can call to for more information on this. 07030724810 Mr Friday.

Read this article.

The Vegan-Vegetarian Lifestyle

Author: Professor Walter J. Veith, PhD

Publish date: May 26, 2009

Summary: Veganism, when carried out correctly, provides a wholesome, well-rounded diet.
To most people in the industrialized world, the word vegetarian conjures up images of carrots and lettuce leaves, but nothing could be further from the truth. Vegetarian diets can be very satisfying indeed, as underscored by most of mankind that has subsisted for much of human history on vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets.

vegan food

Even in this modern age, the vast majority of the people who inhabit this planet survive on a largely vegetarian diet.i A prime example are the Hunza people of the Himalayas who are known for their disease-free society and longevity. The Tarahumara Indians of Mexico are also renowned for their stamina and vibrant health, yet both these tribes subsist on largely vegetarian whole-food diets.ii

Vegetarian lifestyles are becoming more and more popular, and many people are adopting the vegetarian diet for reasons of health, religious beliefs, philosophical considerations, or environmental convictions. However, not all the vegetarian practices dictated by some of these convictions are equally beneficial, and some of them, particularly those dictated by religious or metaphysical beliefs, can place severe restrictions on the utilization of certain foods. Moreover, some groups, in addition to following restrictive diets, shun the expertise of nutritional science and the medical profession, and run the risk of suffering malnutrition and associated diseases.

Types of Vegetarianism

Vegetarians can be divided into three categories, depending on the range of foods which are included in the diet:

1. Vegan vegetarians avoid all animal products.

2. Lacto vegetarians include dairy products in their diet.

3. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians include dairy products and eggs in their diet.

Dairy products should, if possible, not be included in the human diet, and the other animal products also have their health risks, particularly in view of modern husbandry practices and the rising incidence of food-borne diseases. However, a diet that excludes all animal products might seem restrictive, and indeed can be, if certain criteria are not met. The more restrictive the diet, the greater the chance of developing deficiencies and nutrient-deficiency related diseases. Risks will increase if single-plant food regimes are adopted such as diets consisting only of fruit or only of legumes or only of cereals. The higher diet levels of the Zen macrobiotic diet are, for example, made up entirely of cereals, and cases of scurvy, anemia, hypoproteinemia, hypocalcemia, and even death from malnutrition have resulted from this lifestyle.iii,iv

Vegan vegetarian diets must be well planned, and special attention must be given to nutrients which occur in low levels or are absent from plant foods. Moreover, pregnant or lactating women and infants and growing children also need specific dietary consideration. However, if due consideration to these points is given, a total plant-based diet can supply all our dietary needs. A variety of plant foods, incorporating grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, will supply ample nutrients for healthful living. Nutritionists often express skepticism as to the adequacy of a vegetarian diet, and their main concerns revolve around adequacy of proteins, calcium, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B12.

If combinations of cereals and legumes are used, protein deficiency is extremely unlikely, and numerous studies have proven not only the adequacy, but also the superiority of plant proteins over those of animal origin.ii,v Indeed, the reverse is true in that it is difficult not to exceed recommended protein allowances on a varied vegetarian diet. It is only when calorie needs are not met that the body will preferentially utilize proteins as an energy source, and this may result in deficiencies. Such conditions are mostly found in populations where malnutrition is a common phenomenon. Regarding the other nutrients listed, all these nutrient requirements can be met by plant foods, except for vitamin B12, but this can be supplied through fortified soybean milk, nutritional yeast grown on a B12 medium, or through supplementation.vi,vii Even without supplementation, reports of vegans suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency are extremely rare.

This article is adapted from the book Diet and Health by Professor Walter Veith. Updated January 2009.


i "Position paper on the vegetarian approach to eating," Journal of the American Dietetic Association 77 (1980):61-69.

ii B. Balke and C. Snow, "Anthropological and physiological observations on Tarahumara endurance runners," American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23 (1965): 293-301.

iii U.D. Register and L.M. Sonnenberg, "The vegetarian diet," Journal of the American Dietetic Association 62 (1973): 253-261.

iv Council on foods and Nutrition, "Zen Macrobiotic diets," Journal of the American Medical Association 218 (1971):397.

v D.A. Snowdon, "Animal product consumption and mortality of all causes combined, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer in Seventh-day Adventists," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 48 (1988): 739-48.

vi P.B. Mutch, "Food guides for the vegetarian," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 48 (1988):913-919.

vii D.C. Nieman, "Vegetarian dietary practices and endurance performance," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 48 (1988):754-61.
Religion / Re: Pope Francis: Who Am I To Judge Gay People? by fridayman1: 11:19pm On Jul 29, 2013
jamp: what am seeing here is different from what CNN reported.

its obvious nairaland owners are anti catholic, always looking for one thing to attack the church.

every sunday they post Adeboye and other pastors messages on front page but cannot post catholic stuff on front page. if its not mary then is purgatory or pope or anti christ.

Religion / Re: Pope Francis: Who Am I To Judge Gay People? by fridayman1: 11:12pm On Jul 29, 2013

Exactly. The church never teaches discrimination against them, She rather sees their act as a grave disorder, yet She encourages them to seek the face of the lord, whose grace can make all things good. Yea its unfortunate when someone finds his or her sexual taste biased in that manner, the church sympathises with such a one, but calls him or her to a higher spiritual effort. The pope however, in line with the church, frowns at any propagation of a disorder as if it is right. This is what the lobbyists do.
Religion / Re: Leave Any Church That Speaks In Tongues(gibberish) by fridayman1: 10:29pm On Jul 28, 2013
Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Joh 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Joh 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Joh 14:18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Joh 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
Joh 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
Joh 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Joh 14:22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Joh 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
Joh 14:25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Joh 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Joh 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
Joh 14:29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.
Joh 14:30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
Joh 14:31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

My friends read the above Bible passages to understand the condition to receive Holy Spirit. When we do not keep God's commandments including the sabbath commandment the number four in the moral law of GOD we will not receive the COMFORTER. IF YOU WANT SPEAK ALL THE UNINTELLIGENT ECSTATIC UTTERANCES CALLED GIBBERISH. You have not come to the love of truth of the Word of GOD. No Holy Spirit for you. Accept it or not the Comforter leads to all bible truth not only speaking in tongues. NB Tongue means language. If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 14:15, If you love me keep my commandment, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Religion / Re: Virgin Mary's Image Seen In Edo At St Benedicts Catholic Church In Ubiaja by fridayman1: 10:17pm On Jul 22, 2013
HARDEYLEKE: i better hold my hands before i type rubbish
Religion / Re: In Jesus Name, All Knees Bow; In Mary's Name, What Happens? by fridayman1: 8:57pm On Jul 14, 2013
check yourself properly. When Christ will come many will be disappointed mainly the church leaders. Many people in Catholic are since. And will make it to heaven. But when you know the truth and refuse to walk in it. you will be answerable to GOD alone not man.
Lets leave the Catholics alone to them and GOD
Religion / Re: In Jesus Name, All Knees Bow; In Mary's Name, What Happens? by fridayman1: 8:52pm On Jul 14, 2013
As a quick example of this "Catholic slant" let me quote from Christianity in America, "The Catholic Social Studies Series", by Rev. Charles J. Mahoney, Ph.D., on page 220, under the title "The Roots of Frontier Democracy": "This [Democracy] was not a new doctrine; it had been developed in classic form in the Middle Ages by men like St. Thomas Aquinas...The true parents of democracy are the medieval Scholastic philosopher and the American farmer."
This is a blatant lie. Thomas Aquinas never taught democracy -- quite the opposite. He believed that anyone who went against the teachings of Rome should be killed...that doesn’t sound democratic to me. The Church of Rome is totalitarian and blatantly anti-democratic. Just re-read Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Errors, which is still binding on all Catholics! One view held by our American government and condemned by Pope Pius IX is that: "Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true."
It is obvious that Catholic children are hearing a corrupt and twisted history. The struggle of Protestantism to be free from the chains of tyranny that Rome tried to enslave all humanity under is lost in the retelling in Catholic books. Why tell the truth, as it would shed light on their abominations and atrocities? They were known as the "Home of Forgeries" for seven centuries by the Greeks. "These forgeries made it seem that his [Pope Gregory VII] absolutist claims were based on ancient records zealously kept in the Rome archives. Whenever they [Greeks] tried talking with Rome, the popes brought out forged documents, even papal additions to Council documents, which the Greeks, naturally, had never seen...Many earlier documents were touched up to make them say the opposite of what they said originally" ("Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy", Peter De Rosa, 58-59).
If unbiased history were taught, Rome would be exposed as a fraud; therefore she continues to deceive her students with false information, and works zealously to get public funding for this deception.
A most interesting observation is made by Loraine Boettner in his book, "Roman Catholicism":
"Most of the teaching in the parochial schools is done by the nuns. They teach the children to revere and worship the Virgin Mary and to trust in images and rosaries whether they know anything about faith in Christ or not. All nuns are under solemn vows to promote their religion in every course they teach. They work, year in and year out, without receiving anything more than their board and keep, and without the personal freedom that every American has the right to enjoy. They are kept in abject poverty, while money flows freely to the priests, bishops, and especially to the Vatican in Rome" (360-361).
It is the heart of Jesuitism to cause all to come under subjection to the Pope; therefore it is to the hierarchy’s advantage to have their servants teaching the children to become servants like themselves. I know. I wanted to be a nun throughout all my grade school years. Using this kind of mental seduction has caused many young men and women to enter the convent or priesthood only to find themselves ridden with guilt for daring to think for themselves and many end up committing suicide. A friend’s sister came home from the convent during the holidays and shot herself. Few knew why.
Many fellow Christians will find it hard to witness to a Catholic because all Catholics were "saturated by mysticism" using the same techniques Hitler used on his youth and on his SS. Yes, it was Jesuit techniques that Hitler so admired, "...Ecclesiasticism without Christianity, the discipline of a monastic rule, not for God’s sake or in order to achieve personal salvation but for the sake of the State and for the greater glory and power of the demagogue turned leader - this was the goal for which the systematic moving of the masses was to lead" ("Brave New World Revisited", Huxley, 44-45).
As Hermann Rauschning in 1939 wrote: "Hitler has a deep respect for the Catholic church and the Jesuit order; not because of their Christian doctrine, but because of the ‘machinery’ they have elaborated and controlled, their hierarchical system, their extremely clever tactics, their knowledge of human nature and their wise use of human weaknesses in ruling over believers."
These same techniques are used on Democratic children in America to this day! How well our early Founding Fathers of America discerned the dangers of the Jesuits. John Adams, as early as 1816 wrote to his successor Thomas Jefferson: "I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits ...Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum...." ("The Power and Secret of the Jesuits", Rene Fulop-Miller, 390)
Thomas Jefferson replied to his predecessor: "Like you, I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backward from light into darkness...." ("The Power and Secret of the Jesuits", Rene Fulop-Miller, 390)
And darkness it is. A Catholic parent is pressured to send his/her children to the Catholic school.
"Canon Law 1374 denies freedom of choice to Roman Catholic parents in regards to schools, and say that they must send their children to parochial school under pain of mortal sin unless excused from doing so by the bishop" ("Roman Catholicism", Boettner, 358) (Emphasis mine).
In "Roman Catholicism", pages 358-359, Boettner points out that parents have no choice, no rights at all as regards teachers, texts, or methods of instruction by Catholic Canon Law 1381:
1. "In all schools the religious training of the young is subject to the authority and inspection of the Catholic Church" (i.e., the priest or bishop).
2. "It is the right and duty of the Bishops to take care that nothing is taught or done against the Faith or sound morals in any school in their territory."
3. "The Bishops have also the right to approve the teachers of religion and the textbooks and further to require that texts be dropped or teachers removed, when the good of religion or morality demands this action."
We entered Catholic school at the request of the priest, who said it was bad enough that we were living in a God-forsaken town ( Greentown was primarily Protestant). "The fact is that the parochial school has been promoted primarily by the priests and bishops as a means of keeping the children of their church separate from Protestant children and from public school influences during their formative years, the better to indoctrinate and control them" ("Roman Catholicism", Boettner, 359).
In all the Jesuit’s methods of control to form our minds in complete obedience to Rome, they have only one thing to fear -- the Word of God. That’s why they have worked overtime putting out "new and better" versions. They know from experience of history that the "...word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Heb.4:12)
From the moment that Jesus circumcised my heart (Deut.30:6) to hear His Word, the control Catholicism had over me diminished, until it eventually lost all holds. I have escaped Rome, but left behind me are millions like me who were given a Jesuit foundation. If you wish to witness to a Catholic, be prepared for a struggle, for we are in a war, a spiritual war. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph.6:12)
These high places are not only the Vatican and her Jesuit army, but also any denomination that has broken with her, yet still retains any of her blasphemous doctrines or practices. Yes, they have their army and use education and indoctrination against our youth, turning church and school into a battleground. Our strength lies in the knowledge that the "...battle is the Lord’s...."(I Sam.17:47) and that it is "...not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." (Zech.4:6)
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor.4:6)
by Rebecca Sexton
Former Catholics For Christ
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.
We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.
Religion / Re: In Jesus Name, All Knees Bow; In Mary's Name, What Happens? by fridayman1: 8:51pm On Jul 14, 2013
If you have children in Roman Catholic schools for any reason, you need to understand what they are being taught and the Mysticism to which they are being subjected.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.
Mary worship was one of the last false doctrines of Catholicism from which I had to be delivered. From the moment I entered St. Paul’s grade school, I was indoctrinated into the cult of Mary. For the next eight years of Catholic schooling, I would be taught daily prayers to Mary (morning, twice at noon and at the end of the school day). I would be taught songs that glorified Mary and learn the use of rosaries, scapulars, candles, incense and image worship. I can honestly say that I was "saturated" with Mary worship.
At age six, I had no idea that the masters of mysticism were about to brainwash me or that the same methods used on me would be used on millions of other Catholic children around the world. These masters of mysticism are none other than the Jesuits, the master minds behind Catholic education.
The Jesuits, founded by Ignatius Loyola (himself a mystic given to visions of Mary, often flagellating and cutting himself), are, in the words of Catholic theologian J.Huber (a professor in Munich) in his publication Les Jesuites (1875): "A mixture of piety and diplomacy, asceticism and worldly wisdom, mysticism and cold calculation: as was Loyola’s character, so is the trademark of this Order" ("Secret History of the Jesuits, Edmund Paris, 19).
It is not my purpose to go into the history of the Jesuits, their moral depravity or their numerous crimes against humanity all done "to the glory of God", but more so their teachings, of whom I was a student.
"It is not a Jesuit of old, but a contemporary one who writes: ‘He (the Jesuit) will not forget that the characteristic virtue of the Company is total obedience of the action, the will, and even the judgment...All the superiors will be bound in the same way to higher ones and the Father General to the Holy Father...It was so arranged as to render the Holy See’s authority universally efficacious, and saint Ignatius was sure that teaching and education would henceforth bring back to Catholic unity a Europe torn apart.’ It is with the hope of ‘reforming the world’, wrote Father Bonhours, ‘that he particularly embraced this means: the instruction of youth...’ The education of Paraguay’s natives was done on the same principles the Fathers used to apply, now apply and will apply on everyone and everywhere; their aim, deplored by Mr. Boehmer, but which is ideal to the eyes of those fanatics: the renouncement of all personal judgement, all initiative, a blind submission to the superiors. Is it not that ‘height of freedom’, ‘the liberation from one’s own bondage’ praised by R.P. Rouquette, which we mentioned earlier on? In fact, the good Guaranis [savages] had been ‘liberated’ so well by the Jesuitical method for more than one hundred and fifty years that, when their masters left during the 18th century, they went back into their forests and returned to their ancient customs as if nothing had happened" ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 58)(Emphasis mine).
The Jesuits believed that if they could teach the youth they would belong to them forever. They regarded the education of the young as the most important means of achieving this aim, "...for thus could the mind, reason and imagination of innumerable young people, from their first inclination towards independent thought and emotion up to full maturity, be permanently and systematically influenced in the best and most effective manner" ("The Power and Secret of the Jesuits", Rene Fulop-Miller, 404-405). [C.E. NOTE: This emphasis upon the importance of educating the young is a principal tenant of Communism]
O.C. Lambert, who wrote "Catholicism Against Itself", on page 278 of the second volume, recognizes the dangers: "If they [Catholics] can ever get hold of the schools, soon everything else is ruled out. There is no more effective way to make America Catholic than to get control of the schools. THIS IS ALWAYS THEIR FIRST LINE OF EFFORT IN SUBJUGATING A COUNTRY." (Emphasis mine)
"Father" Charmot, in "La Pedagogie des Jesuites", pages 413-17, says: "The pedagogic method of the Company [Jesuits] consists first of all of surrounding the pupils with a great network of prayers ... Let us not be anxious as to where and how mysticism is inserted into education! ... It is not done through a system or artificial technique, but by infiltration, by ‘endosmosis’. The children’s souls are impregnated because of their being in close ‘contact with masters who are literally saturated with it’ " ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 59).
Just these few quotes tell us enough about the principle aim of the Jesuits...their desire to "insert" mysticism into education ...but what mysticism are they talking about? "At the front - it is characteristic of this Order - we find the Virgin Mary. ‘Loyola had made the Virgin the most important thing in his life. The Worship of Mary was the base of his religious devotions and was handed down by him to his Order. This worship developed so much that it was often said, and with good reason, that it was the Jesuits’ real religion’ " [the quote inside the quote is by "Father" Charmot, a Catholic, not a Protestant] ("The Secret History of the Jesuits: Paris, 59).
Loyola himself was convinced that the "Virgin" had coached him through visions and audible voices to draw up "Exercises" which are still practiced today. These exercises of "exterior piety to Mary" were promised "to open heaven’s doors". They consisted of "...giving Mary morning and evening salutations, frequently charging the angels to greet her, expressing the desire to build her more churches that all those built by monarchs put together; carrying day and night a rosary as a bracelet, an image of Mary, etc ...THESE PRACTICES ARE ENOUGH TO ASSURE OUR SALVATION and if the devil, when we are about to die, makes claims on our souls, we just have to remind him that Mary is responsible for us and he must sort things out with her" ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 61). (Emphasis mine)
These practices were taught to all Catholic children. But the more extreme actions such as described by "Father" Pemble in the following quote were left to the "holy" men and women who supposedly had reached a perfection we could scarcely hope to attain.
"To beat or flagellate ourselves, and offer each blow as a sacrifice to God through Mary, to carve with a knife the holy name of Mary on our chest: to cover ourselves decently at night so as not to offend the chaste gaze of Mary; to tell the Virgin you would be willing to offer her your place in heaven if she didn’t have her own; to wish you had never been born or go to hell if Mary had not been born; to never eat an apple, as Mary had been kept from the mistake of tasting of it" ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 61).
These degenerate "exercises" and forms of worship were cultivated into licentious and sensual expressions in many Jesuits, some of which are too obscene to mention. One hymn dedicated to the Virgin by Jesuit Jacques Pontanus stated: "...He [Jacques] knew of nothing more beautiful than Mary’s breasts, nothing sweeter than her milk and nothing more delightful than her abdomen" ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 60).
It’s important to understand that the people behind the education had indeed "saturated" themselves with mysticism and so could more effectively pollute the children they were teaching. Many of the Jesuits experienced mystical visions such as Rodrigue de Gois, who: "...was so enraptured with her [Mary’s] inexpressible beauty that he was seen soaring into the air. A novice of this Order, who died in Rome in 1581, was sustained by the Virgin in his fight against the devil’s temptations; to strengthen him, she gave him a taste of her Son’s blood from time to time and ‘the comfort of her breasts’ " ("The Secret History of the Jesuits", Paris, 60).
Not only are Catholic children taught Mary worship on a regular basis, but in every subject Catholic propaganda is used to better indoctrinate them, making it even more difficult to escape her bonds. The following paragraph was quoted in a recent concurring opinion by Justices Douglas, Black and Marshall as the Supreme court of the United States, in two cases, June 28, 1971, held by decisions of 8 to 0 and 8 to 1, that State aid to parochial and private schools was unconstitutional.
"In the parochial schools Roman Catholic indoctrination is included in every subject. History, literature, geography, civics, and science are given a Roman Catholic slant. The whole education of the child is filled with propaganda. That, of course, is the very purpose of such schools, the very reason for going to all the work and expense of maintaining a dual school system. Their purpose is not so much to educate, but indoctrinate and train, not to teach Scripture truths and Americanism, but to make loyal Roman Catholics. The children are regimented, and are told what to wear, what to do, and what to think."
Religion / Re: In Jesus Name, All Knees Bow; In Mary's Name, What Happens? by fridayman1: 1:53pm On Jul 14, 2013
I hope the same MARY changed GOD'S LAW.


Ignatius was a rather eccentric bishop of Antioch [NT Christians did not have bishops and Cardinals] around A.D. 110. Condemned to die for his faith, he was shipped to Rome to be eaten by animals. On the way he wrote seven letters that have become famous. In his letter to the Magnesians he spoke, according to a typical translator of "living......for the Lord's day." The translator assumed that Ignatius wanted Christians to focus their life-style on Christ's joyous resurrection.
However, the Greek word for "day" does not occur in what appears to be the earliest Greek text for this passage. The Greek adjective for "Lord's" is present, implying a noun which it modifies. But there is no noun. At some unknown time prior to the eleventh century, a Greek editor supplied a noun, but the noun he chose was not the word for "day"; rather it was the word for "life". Thus this unknown Greek editor made the passage read "living...for the Lord's life," meaning perhaps, that a Christian's life-style should harmonize with Christ's life-style which differs with what most modern churches teach today.---source: Ignatius, To the Magnesians,9;Loeb Classical library, Apostolic Fathers, 1:205, Compare the trans. in AFN 1:62, observing that the right hand column represents a spurious interpolated edition which originated more then 200 years after Ignatius's death. 2.] Fritz Guy, "The Lord's Day in Magnesians, Andrews edu, 1964;1-17 and Richard B. Lewis, Ignatius and the Lord's Day, 1968 Seminar studies,6 1968, 46-59.

Be Ready to Give an Answer…
The Sabbath


Carol Humphreys, Th.D.


This is not about what a church teaches, or about indoctrination. This is about what the BIBLE says. I care that a church teaches the Bible, but this has nothing at all to do with my church, only Biblical and historical truth.
I have been met with a tremendous amount of statements from people over the years claiming that the 7th day Sabbath is not any longer a day that needs to be kept. Sometimes their statements nearly stumped me and I had to do some research before I had the answer. I felt that offering a compilation of all these statements with accurate Biblical and historical responses would be handy for people to reference, which is why I have taken the time to write it. I hope it will be helpful for you!

Carol Humphreys

Statements and Responses
Regarding the 7th Day Sabbath

Statement = S Response = R,

S = The Sabbath was done away.

R = Nowhere does the Bible state that the Sabbath was done away with. This would have been made crystal clear if a Commandment was done away with, but there is not one text that states anything like that. We are even told in Isaiah 66:21-23 that in heaven and in the new earth we will worship God on the Sabbath. Why would He make a day holy, command that it be a part of what designates sin, do away with it (with no clear text at all), only to reinstate its importance in Heaven and on the new earth? That doesn’t make any sense at all, especially with a God who doesn’t change. People made the change, but nowhere does God condone that change.

S = It doesn’t matter what day you keep, as long as you keep one in seven.

R = If God had not specified a day, then I’d say that is correct.
However, He was very specific – He said it is the 7th day and He also blessed and hallowed it at the end of Creation so we would remember Who our Creator is! The 7th day is the only day in the Bible that was blessed and hallowed. With God being specific, we cannot say this isn’t important to Him.
We also have many texts that tell us that the Ten Commandments are important to God! 1 John 2:3-4 tells us: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1 John 3:4 says: “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” 1 John 5:2 says: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.” Revelation 14:12 tells us: “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

S = The Sabbath was changed because Jesus rose on Sunday.

R = It is true that Jesus was resurrected sometime between sundown Sabbath and before dawn Sunday. (When the women went to the sepulcher at or before dawn, He was already gone. - Sunrise services are from paganism). Jesus asked us to remember His death and resurrection by taking communion and by baptism. Had He wished for anything else, He would have asked for it before He died. This excuse came about when the people questioned the leaders of the early Roman Church (early 300’s A.D.) when they were shocked that this church was bringing in Sunday services along with the Sabbath services to make things easier for the heather to be converted.
Another point is that although Jesus rose early on the day we call Sunday, Paul had ample opportunities when speaking about the resurrection – even in 1 Cor 15:4 says that Jesus was raised “on the third day”. At no time does Paul make an issue of it being the first day of the week. Had Paul wished to convey any importance of Sunday as being holy due to the resurrection, it seems he would have made it clear here.

S = Galatians 3:25 tells us that since faith has come, we’re no longer under the supervision of the law.

R = Notice that this verse says “supervision” (KJV says “schoolmaster”). Jesus clearly told us that He was putting His laws into our hearts – we no longer have priests and others watching us to see if we sin. It’s between us and our High Priest, Jesus, who is in heaven. This does not mean a change in the Sabbath or any other of the Ten Commandments.

S = 1 Corinthians 16:2 clearly tells us that the Sabbath was changed. It says: “Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” The people were instructed here to attend church on the first day, not the 7th!

R = This text has nothing at all to do with a change in the Sabbath. First of all, God has told us He does not change! Ps 89:34 says: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” Malachi 3:6 says: “For I am the Lord, I change not…” and Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” God tells us in so many places that the Sabbath is very important – if the God whom the Bible tells us does not change or alter what He says – was going to change a Commandment, it would have been very, VERY clear in the Bible, not a vague text.
Regarding this particular text, the Greek actually makes it clear that Paul wanted people to put aside money at home simply so that they wouldn’t have to scramble to gather things when Paul came. History tells us the people in Jerusalem were having a rough time, besides the fact that Paul could not carry a lot to barter with. This has nothing at all to do with any meeting, any religious service, any change in a Commandment of God. Again, God would not use a vague text if He had wished to make a change in something as important as the Commandments!
Another consideration of this is that Paul uses the Greek "kata mian sabbatou." This means "every first of the Sabbath/week." The word sabbatou for "week," is derived from "Sabbath." Since this was not the normal way to express the first day of the week, it would require that Sabbath would have to be known to the people in order to understand this. So, any new Christians were being instructed about the 7th day Sabbath, not any indication of anything resembling sacredness of Sunday.
Health / Re: The Truth About Polio Vaccine And Mosquito Treated Nets? by fridayman1: 7:29pm On Jun 01, 2013
The Truth about Vaccines

Smallpox was the disease that got vaccinations started. Cowpox was a mild disease normally contracted by cows and the milkmaids who worked with them. Edward Jenner found that he could give inoculations of cowpox to people; and this appeared to give them immunity to smallpox. Oddly enough, that which he did was not as dangerous as the later vaccines. He put dead or weakened germs, from the same dangerous disease, in another person’s body!-The Vaccination Crisis. Flu and Flu Vaccines: KNOW. . .The Autism - Vaccine Connection

During the 1940's and 50's when only some of the population was exposed to only a few vaccines, autism was primarily confined to the upper and upper-middle socioeconomic classes, those who could afford good health care and the cost of vaccination.

During the 1970's and 80's, the federal government established goals for improving vaccination rates. To achieve high vaccination rates (97%), the government implemented nationwide vaccine initiatives, which included offering federal grants to states and encouraging strict enforcement (state mandates for forced vaccination). During this time period, the number of mandated vaccines gradually increased (from 8 in 1980 to 22 in 2000) as vaccination became a requirement for a much younger population (the majority of all 30 childhood vaccines are administered before the age of 18 months). Only after these developments did autism cross class lines. Today autism is widespread in all socioeconomic groups.

The way in which autism developed in children changed after the mid-1980's. Parents began reporting that their children developed normally during the first year and half and THEN became autistic. It is a fact that most vaccines contain toxic mercury, many of them grossly in excess of EPA permissible standards for ADULTS!

In 1979, the mercury-containing MMR was added to the vaccine schedule. In 1988, the mercury-containing HIB vaccine was added. Mercury-containing Hepatitis B for newborns was added in the early 1990's. Children receive all these vaccines, plus mercury-containing DTP, in three to four toxic doses during the first year and a half of their fragile lives, and the vaccines are usually administered simultaneously (multiple mercury-containing vaccines on the same day).
Flu Vaccine - Useless, Dangerous Lottery Ticket
In my recent studies I have been enlightened by some interesting information about the flu vaccines. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in that group. A JAMA study showed the incidence of clinical influenza in the vaccinated group was 2 percent but in the un-vaccinated group it was only 3 percent. This means that out of 100 people, one person was attributed with avoiding the flu because of the vaccine. According to the CDC, common substances found in flu vaccines include: antibiotics, MSG, formaldehyde, mercury-containing thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (PS 80 can cause severe anaphylactic reactions). There are one to two cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome per 1 million vaccinated persons. Taking a flu shot is essentially the same as buying a lottery ticket for acquiring GBS, an inflammatory demyelinating condition of the nervous system. Thankfully, there are alternatives to improving your immune system other than the flu vaccine.

Dr. Tom Lankering, The Aspen Times
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."
--Dr. James A. Shannon National Institutes of Health
The evidence for indicting immunizations for SIDS is circumstantial, but compelling. However, the keepers of the keys to medical-research funds are not interested in searching this very important lead to the cause of an ongoing, and possibly preventable, tragedy. Anything that implies that immunizations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunizations are killing thousands of babies?" Dr William C. Douglass, M.D. (Honored twice as America's 'Doctor of the Year')
"Only after realizing that routine immunizations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates. The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine... it is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage. In susceptible infants, it knocks their immune systems about, leading to irreparable brain damage, or severe attacks or even deaths from diseases like pneumonia or gastro-enteritis and so on". Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.
"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" Dr Sabin, developer of Polio vaccine.
"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of he blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia." Professor L. Vincent - founder of Bioelectronics
"Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been reported following administration of DPT. The significance is unclear.85% of SIDS cases occur in the period 1 through 6 months of age, with the peak incidence at age 2 to 4 months." From the accompanying insert to Connaught Labs DPT shot. "There has been a frightening increase in cases of autism that has not been explained. There are a number of anecdotal reports from parents that symptoms of autism have appeared close to the time of the (MMR) vaccine." Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and clinical lecturer in medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and a professor of clinical medicine at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.
"I once believed in Jenner; I once believed in Pasteur. I believed in vaccination. I believed in vivisection. But I changed my views as the result of hard thinking."--Dr Hadwen
"If you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out of it. If doctors shot at the moon every time it was full as a preventive of measles and got a shilling for it, they would bring statistics to prove it was a most efficient practice, and that the population would be decimated if it were stopped."---Dr Allinson
"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."
Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
"I think that no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real percent of danger is of contracting such a disease which is minimal."
--Dr Eva Snead
"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated." Dr Glen Dettman.
"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good."
Dr. J. Anthony Morris (formerly Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Federal Drug Admin.)
There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice
As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the worth of vaccination."---Bernard Shaw
"The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature."----- Lendon H.Smith, M.D.
"The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger."-
"I was working in one of the oldest lung illness treatment centres in Germany, and just by chance, I looked at the files of those people who had fallen ill during the first German epidemic of smallpox, in 1947...We had always been told that the smallpox vaccination would protect against smallpox. And now I could verify, thanks to the files and papers, that all of those who had fallen ill had been vaccinated. This was very upsetting for me."

Dr Buchwald, M.D.
"No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children." Surgeon General of the United States Leonard Scheele, addressing an AMA convention in 1955
Perhaps the best hope for change is coming from front-line physicians themselves. Several years ago, Dr. Bob Goodman of New York noticed a sharp spike in the number of patients asking for "clean" doctors. He set up nofreelunch.org, a website where doctors can pledge to accept no money or gifts from the pharmaceutical industry, and to seek out unbiased research.

The headlines around the world are ablaze with the news that a whooping cough vaccine given to babies has been found to contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury. The vaccine is being withdrawn, and parents are now having to wait for a new vaccine that will be available in several months.
Mercury, of course, is one of the most toxic substances you can put in a human body. It is a heavy metal known to contribute to neurological disorders, including The warning was issued by U.S. researchers, who suggested that mercury in vaccines could be linked to the develop of autism in children.

The real story in all of this, however, is that mercury is frequently used as a preservative in vaccines. Some amount of mercury is found in virtually every vaccine given to children, not in just this one vaccine. It is astonishing, too, that vaccinations containing mercury continue to be a given to our children on a regular basis each and every year, across the country, and around the world.

autism, dementia, and even Alzheimer's disease. Mercury also tends to build up in tissues in the human body and is not easily removed, so even small exposures to mercury can accumulate over time and end up compromising the health of the person involved.

Vaccinations, it turns out, aren't really good medicine at all. Vaccinations have been known to kill children or cause severe reactions that injure them for life. As more and more parents are educating themselves about the dangers of vaccines in the United States and elsewhere, they are avoiding giving their children these vaccines, and thereby protecting the health of their children. Mercury isn't the only toxin known to be contained in vaccines -- vaccines present many other health risks, including the potential for autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes.

The internet, of course, is serving as the main conduit of information for people who want to learn more about vaccines and who want to branch outside the traditional controlled, organized medicine view of vaccination, which is, of course, that all vaccinations are safe and everybody should get vaccinated, regardless of how many people are killed by it or what kind of toxic ingredients (like mercury) are contained in the vaccines. Even following this news about the mercury being found in this one batch of vaccines, officials declare it to be perfectly safe for children, which just goes to show you how bizarre things can get when health authorities get involved.


Religion / Re: Pope Benedict Finally Leaves Vatican City by fridayman1: 8:51pm On Feb 28, 2013
[b]Prophetic Intelligence Briefings (http://www.ktfministry.org/en/news/3188/vatican-scandal-seals-popes-decision-to-resign)

Vatican Scandal Seals Pope's Decision to Resign · February 25, 2013

Italian media reported that Pope Benedict XVI resigned after a “disturbing” confidential report of yet another Vatican scandal landed on his desk. Benedict had commissioned three cardinals (all over 80 years of age) to verify allegations exposed in the so-called VatiLeaks affair concerning financial improprieties. But the two-volume, red-leather bound dossier almost 300 pages in length went way beyond financial matters. It was when he received the scandalous secret report on December 17, 2012, that the Pope made the final decision to resign.

La Repubblica said that the report contained “an exact map of the mischief and the bad fish” inside the Holy See. It was about the breaking of the sixth and seventh commandments, which forbid adultery, including homosexual acts, and stealing, according to Vatican insiders. “The cardinals were said to have uncovered an underground gay network, whose members organize sexual meetings in several venues in Rome and Vatican City,” some of whom were being blackmailed by outsiders, said the report. The venues included a hair dressing salon in Vatican City itself as well as gay bars and night clubs in the city of Rome.

“What’s coming out is a very detailed X-ray of the Roman Curia that does not spare even the closest collaborators of the pope,” wrote a respected Vatican expert in Panorama, a conservative weekly. The report described a number of factions among Vatican officials in the Curia, including one whose members were “united by sexual orientation.” La Repubblica said some Vatican officials had been subject to ‘external influence’ from laymen with whom they had links of a ‘worldly nature.’ The paper said this was a clear reference to blackmail.”

In one incident, a “senior Vatican official” was suspended from his duties when he was filmed making sexual overtures to a young man in a “sting” operation organized by an Italian TV program. In another, “a chorister was dismissed for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for a papal gentleman-in-waiting. A few months later a weekly news magazine used hidden cameras to record priests visiting gay clubs and bars and having sex.”

The report also focused on financial misdealings of the Vatican bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works (IOR). Italian authorities are investigating the IOR in relation to money-laundering scandals that broke in the press last year. Apparently Vatican officials were either enriching themselves, or paying off blackmail bounty with Vatican money or both.

Though the three cardinals are too old to participate in the conclave, they will likely tell other cardinals what they uncovered and “will condition the conclave,” because they must elect a pope that is “immune to blackmail.” Benedict XVI will personally give the report to his successor.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi refused to comment on the matter saying that the report was causing “a tension that is the opposite of what the pope and the church want… Don’t expect comments or rebuttals of what is being said on this issue,” he said. But soon the Vatican issued rebuttals anyway denying that there was any verifiable links between the pope’s resignation and the revelations in the cardinals’ report. The Vatican however, did not deny the contents of the report submitted to Benedict by the investigative cardinals.

The Vatican is trying to become the global moral and ethical voice of reform in economics and politics. But the more the Vatican tries to cover her tracks, and make herself look good, the more the abominations and filth contained in its precincts is exposed to public scrutiny. Perhaps the angels are holding back the winds of strife by using Vatican scandals to keep world leaders from yielding to Vatican demands.

“Thus the message of the third angel will be proclaimed. As the time comes for it to be given with greatest power, the Lord will work through humble instruments, leading the minds of those who consecrate themselves to His service. The laborers will be qualified rather by the unction of His Spirit than by the training of literary institutions. Men of faith and prayer will be constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring the words which God gives them. The sins of Babylon will be laid open. The fearful results of enforcing the observances of the church by civil authority, the inroads of spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power—all will be unmasked.” Great Controversy, page 606

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Revelation 17:4, 5

Vatican scandal cited in Pope resignation

Report: Pope resigned in wake of gay priest scandal

Papal resignation linked to inquiry into ‘Vatican gay officials’, says paper

Vatican dismisses reports linking pope’s resignation to gay conclave discovery

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Religion / Re: Is It A Sin Not To Attend Sunday Service? by fridayman1: 9:09pm On Feb 25, 2013
morewealth: Going to church on a sunday is one of the ways of keeping the day holy which is the sabbath day for christians. Not being able to go to church on a genuine reason can not be regarded as a sin. You may have missed the sunday service because you had to do something which was also to the glorification of God. But when you miss sunday service for no reason i think that is very unacceptable.
I know God is not just in the church alone but as a christian you should follow the tradition of worshipping together with your fellow christians on sundays. Even if you can't participate in the other activities of the church at least try to keep a date with the Lord every sunday.

Sunday is for you alone and like generations. Sabbath day is for GOD and humanity that started after creation of man as the only sign that GOD is our creator read Gen 2:1-3.Catholic changed sabbath to sunday and also claimed they do. If fail to keep GOD's commandment you will be fail to receive holy spirit read John 14:15-20.
Religion / Re: Cardinal Keith O'brien Resigns As Archbishop by fridayman1: 8:42pm On Feb 25, 2013
this coming pope will be the last pope this organization will see. Jesus will come to take us away from so many darkness the organization has thrown the world into.
Health / Re: My Nanny Has Hepatitis B by fridayman1: 8:15pm On Feb 11, 2013
Help her by seaching online for moringa and hepatitis, and you will see there is a cheap way of curing Hepatitis and she will be grateful to you..
Give charcoal powder and cayenne twice a day it will clear after a week
Health / Re: Doctors In The House: Symptoms Of Stroke And Preventions by fridayman1: 8:13pm On Feb 11, 2013
[quote author=thorpido]Stroke is the general term used to refer to a cerebrovascular accident.There are different causes of it but the most common is hypertension.Often people are undiagnosed(ie they don't know) or they know but are not compliant with their medication.You can prevent it by checking your bp regularly and use your medication faithfully if u av been diagnosed with high bp.[/quotMedical science mainly manage HP cases. There are other things outside HP that are underlying. Change your lifestyle and correct hp and your father will live normally again.
Health / Re: Just Confirmed I Am HIV Positive by fridayman1: 7:35am On Sep 27, 2012
my friend go on raw vegetarian foods after doing cleansing with grape and lemon juice fast for three days. You then follow the eight laws of natural health which i will list bellow.Confess your sins to God and forgive others that your sins might be forgiven. Clear your heart from doubt and have a positive thinking attitude that Jesus loves you. And that you are wonderfully and fearfully made. He will accept you the way you are. You are going to live and do the bids of Jesus Christ.

There is a better way
If you are willing to change your life style so as to be more in line with the eight
basic laws of health, then there is hope. With a diligent application to these basic laws,
guided by patience and powered by determination, good health is guaranteed,
provided the body is first being cleansed of all its impurities.

The Eight Basic Laws of Good Health

Fresh Air - Full, deep inhalations of pure air fill the lungs with oxygen and purify the blood.

Sunlight - Without warmth, air and sunshine plants would not live and flourish. How much more necessary are these conditions for our own health!

Temperance - An abstemious diet for a month or two would convince many that the path of self denial is the path to health.

Proper Rest - Find rest of spirit in the beauty and quietude and peace of nature. Get enough sleep every night so that rising in the morning does not become a struggle.

Exercise - A great help for digestion. A short walk right after a meal is a great benefit.

Nutrition - The victims of poor cookery are numbered by tens of thousands. Over many graves might be written, "Died of an abused Stomach".Vegetarian meal the best.

Lots of Water - There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. An absolute necessity is to drink daily at least 8 eight ounce glasses of pure water (not city water).

Trust in Divine Power - We are not to let the future with its hard problems and unsatisfying prospect make our hearts faint, our knees tremble, our hands hang down. "Let him take hold of My strength," says the mighty one (God), "that he may make peace with Me."

Call or send text to 07055027970, or fridy76@yahoo.com
Health / Re: Advice Needed For Hbp,nerves Pain & Internal Heat Patient by fridayman1: 1:46pm On Sep 26, 2012
Let her follow the 8 laws of natural health. And in 7days everything will be over.
NUTRITION=== Vegetarian the best option

[b][b]Why do people get sick?
Because they constantly violate the basic laws of good health.

Why do people go to the doctor?
Because with prescriptions drugs they can continue disregarding the laws of
good health and just live on without any change in their style of living.

Do prescription drugs heal the body or the mind?
No, they only cover up the symptoms, but the disorder or sickness is still present.

Are prescription drugs harmful?
None of these drugs can be taken without suffering the side effects, of which
there are many. Usually the patient will have to get more prescription drugs to
cover up the side effects of the medicine taken before. As time goes by, new
side effects (complaints) will arise which will have to be taken care of. Eventually
after a few years, the body is so impaired from the side effects of all the
medications that more serious illnesses will manifest themselves,
such as cancer, heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes,
strokes, high blood pressure, arthritis and others.

There is a better way
If you are willing to change your life style so as to be more in line with the eight
basic laws of health, then there is hope. With a diligent application to these basic laws,
guided by patience and powered by determination, good health is guaranteed,
provided the body is first being cleansed of all its impurities.

The Eight Basic Laws of Good Health

Fresh Air - Full, deep inhalations of pure air fill the lungs with oxygen and purify the blood.

Sunlight - Without warmth, air and sunshine plants would not live and flourish. How much more necessary are these conditions for our own health!

Temperance - An abstemious diet for a month or two would convince many that the path of self denial is the path to health.

Proper Rest - Find rest of spirit in the beauty and quietude and peace of nature. Get enough sleep every night so that rising in the morning does not become a struggle.

Exercise - A great help for digestion. A short walk right after a meal is a great benefit.

Nutrition - The victims of poor cookery are numbered by tens of thousands. Over many graves might be written, "Died of an abused Stomach".

Lots of Water - There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. An absolute necessity is to drink daily at least 8 eight ounce glasses of pure water (not city water).

Trust in Divine Power - We are not to let the future with its hard problems and unsatisfying prospect make our hearts faint, our knees tremble, our hands hang down. "Let him take hold of My strength," says the mighty one (God), "that he may make peace with Me."
Health / Re: Advice Needed For Hbp,nerves Pain & Internal Heat Patient by fridayman1: 1:26pm On Sep 26, 2012
trying: My mother right now is sick, shes suffering from Hi blood pressure, Internal heat and Nerves pain , shes 46years old ,shes done some test at some hospitals both at govt and private hospitals at the end they only gave her drugs such as adomet and antibiotics. still till today , they cant profer a solution to her ailment. so please doctors on Nairaland i need your advice on whats best for a patient like her to do.

Are there women who are in such conditions or have been through such conditions, please come share with us on here . how u were able to get yours solved
we need advise both from Health experts
and formers patients,

Pls we look forward to your views and contributions


my friend, let her drink water always up 4litres a day. eat in the morning b4 9am and by 2-3pm only everyday for the next 1month. Let her eat vegetarian meals for the next one month and see the result. The vege food will include grains, fruits and vegetables alone. Let her prayer sincerely to Jesus christ b4 using these things. It will work miraclously. Our diet is our problems.

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