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Romance / Re: 17-year-old Model Named Most Beautiful Girl In The World For The 2nd Time (photo by Hermes019: 11:30am On Jan 02, 2019
I thought it was Barbara Palvin sef grin why they come resemble
Religion / Re: What Are The Problems Of An Atheistic Position? by Hermes019: 10:37am On Jan 02, 2019

What's this one saying? Read and comprehend my post again and come up with a logical response to it. All I see here is balderdash.

Explain that nonsense I highlighted above, taking into consideration the distinction between atheism and theism. You don't believe in God but you believe an entity (which could in fact be a deity) has caused or played a role in the existence of the universe.

That's tripe. You're just confused.
Saying I am confused and calling what I said "nonsense" is a bit harsh and uncivilized but I will let it pass

Could you define God ?
Tell me God's features and
Tell me how you came to ascertain them

I hope we can have a mature and intellectual conversation without cursing at each other or trying to claim that "I am right and you are wrong "

I also modified the post I made earlier u might want to check that out
Religion / Re: What Are The Problems Of An Atheistic Position? by Hermes019: 10:24am On Jan 02, 2019


All right. Although, I'm irreligious, I'm not an atheist either. And I also hate labels.

I perfectly understand why an atheist would regard the concept of God in religions as a sham. God and his attributes, as explained in religions, are creations and fabrications of men.

That doesn't mean there is no God. But I don't like to use the word, "God", to describe the Entity that I regard as Infinte Intelligence because that word has been grossly abused by all those jealous, insecure, and vengeful gods of religions that seek to be worshipped.

I know the universes, men, animals, and all that exists are created by an Entity. I prefer to call it The All, as Hermetic philosophers would say, or the Infinte Intelligence, and such an Entity wouldn't demand worship, punish people for evils they commit, and wouldn't create paradise or hell as places of reward or retribution, as the case may be.

And the Entity isn't sitting up there, monitoring our activities and regulating our affairs; every living thing, planet, universe, multiverse ... lies in The All. In other words, we are all parts or aspects of The All.

Associating things, like worship, prayer, forgiveness, benevolence, hate, love to the Infinite Intelligence is erroneous like the religionists do.

For instance, when science gets to an advanced level and virtually all societies become advanced ones, there is no need for anyone to pray. Prayer, as some philosophers say, is for the weak. Thinking is better and wiser.

The universe is governed by laws, and these laws do not recognize Forgiveness. The Infinite Intelligence is not emotional like the gods of religions.

All other examples I gave above — love, hate, etc.— are mere relativistic concepts, whose meanings and implications change, depending on your frame of reference.

I don't fathom how atheists have sought answers to these questions satisfactorily and reached the conclusion that there is no Infinite Intelligence (not God or gods as described in religions) behind the creation of our world and several hundreds of billion worlds out there.

Most people became an atheist due to the way and manner God is described in religions. After studying a number of religions myself, I have seen their flaws, which is why I embraced irreligion.

I have also studied atheism, and its core concepts, like the problem of evil and the problem of good, and have seen its flaws. (Though if a large percentage, or even 50% of Nigerians were atheists, this country would have been much more developed than this.)

How is it possible for the hundreds of billions of planets and billions of galaxies to come into existence from NOTHING?

I feel atheists, having recognised the flaws in religions, should also critique the atheistic philosophy and note its flaws, and read books on philosophy, especially the Hermetic Philosophy. These will enable one gain a better insight on reality and grow, instead of being stagnant in the parochiality of atheism.
I think the problem is that you don't really understand what atheism is
As an atheist I don't believe in God but that does not mean I don't believe that the universe could have an entity which caused or played a role in its existence ,there are a lot of things that we don't know about yet about the universe so I can sit here and make up theories about things I know nothing about,the word God like u said is often abused,I agree and you are also guilty of that because what u described in ur post as "The All" is not exactly what God is, so I think u are mixing things up
Atheists are not people who say that the universe does not have an entity that played a part in its existence,rather atheists are people who say that "God"(I mean the dictionary definition of God,not your own definition) is not the entity that played a role in the existence of the universe even if such an entity does exist,or once existed.
The entity in this case could be a singularity,uncountable or infinite, a being,a force,an immaterial thing or something completely beyond our reasoning and comprehension
So atheists are not close minded as you suggest,if the definition of God would be changed from a being that has emotions like us to mean the entity that played a role in the existence of the universe without any feature or nature being attached to it,then I could describe myself as agnostic,till then I am an atheist and I have no questions about my opinion

P.S I am not saying that such entity as described in my post exist,my opinion is simple,the universe is very complex and there a re a lot of things we don't know about it yet,science is making giant strides but it is unfortunate we don't recognize or even acknowledge them,u are an example,for you to question evolution shows that we are still far,even if it didn't occur exactly in the pattern described by scientists we have numerous solid evidences that evolution did occur but I won't go into that,but of course u should know that evolution doesn't claim to exist how the universe began.Back to what I was saying,I am not emphatically claiming that there is an entity that caused or created the universe(whatever u thnkthe word "created" means),I am rather implying that such is possible,there are a myriad of other possible explanations that could be given as well,so for now I wouldn't say that such an entity exists until there is proof so in that sense I would describe myself as agnostic (if I can use the word).
Lastly considering the relatively little knowledge I have about cosmology I feel that if such entity does exist it would be something beyond our comprehension maybe undimensional
Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 7:42pm On Jan 01, 2019
First pick where i said Christianity is not a religion there in my post. You just jumped to that conclusion yourself. i practise Christianity not as a religion but a lifestyle so what's with the rants. Dude to you it seems like i said it to sound special. I DON'T CARE. Let me ask a question which religion did Jesus practice? Which religion did his disciples practice? Which religion did Cornelius practice?
Get out of the box. read your history.
OK u don't understand the angle I'm coming from,whatever u say
Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 5:57pm On Jan 01, 2019
I don't believe in religion either though I believe In God. I have come to realize religion is man's effort to reach God.
I am a Christian not because I go to church but because I pattern my life towards being more like Christ.
The problem many have with Christianity is looking at folks that practice the religion rather than live the life.
I am not a Christian because I go to church but because of my choices.
So Christianity is not a religion ?
I don't know why you guys like putting things the wrong way
Christianity is primarily a religion,of course it can also be considered as a lifestyle,both descriptions mutually exist,stop saying Chriatianity is not a religion just to sound special and score cheap points ?

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Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 3:37pm On Jan 01, 2019

i don't know. That's why i believe there must be a life beyond what we see, hence there is a God. if you know, you can educate me.
The difference between me and you is this
We ask the same questions,but you choose to believe things you make up by yourself,on the other hand I know that I as a human am of limited knowledge and still learning about the universe,I don't make up things to suit me the way I want,I understand that I may never get answers to some questions,or rather the answers I may get might be unsatisfactory or disappointing,so I don't bother myself filling gaps with things I cannot prove,I rather concentrate on living a happy life and leaving behind a good legacy,I was born in the late 20th century,it is not my reponsibilty to explain what happened eons before my existence
Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 3:32pm On Jan 01, 2019
Well Op I can relate to your condition although I'm not married but I recall how it went down with my parents when I initially left Christianity, we live together happily at the moment,but I try my best to be of good character to avoid them blaming any misdoing on my religious views.
My advice is that you continue to show her love and understanding, avoid letting anyone else know of ur religious views as it may cause her to be ashamed or mocked, I hope that you marriage doesn't end in divorce but if things don't work out well and you've tried your best don't feel too bad,such is life, separate amicably don't let your entire relationship with here be ruined,don't blame her though it could be very difficult for a religious person to have any close relationship with "heathens" like us yet they claim that there religion teaches love,peace and fairness,take a look at the comments most of them have been making,a lot of them can't come to terms with the fact that someone left their religion,it hurts their ego so badly,rather than profer advice to ur situation they would rather defend their religions and insist you are wrong for leaving.
Op I hope u keep us updated,I wish u the best
Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 3:10pm On Jan 01, 2019
i don't know how anyone will believe that there is no God. Yes the bible & Quran has a lot of contradiction that confuses me a lot but i believe there's a God both Muslims and Christians make reference to or can you explain how the spirit in you that speaks came to be and where it goes when you are dead?
One question for you,where was this "Spirit" before you were born ?

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Family / Re: My Wife Is Not Comfortable With My Religious Views by Hermes019: 3:08pm On Jan 01, 2019
my advice is...... is better to believe in the existence of God,,, die and realize there's no God than to believe there's no God,,,, only to die and realize truly there's God
What if you believe in the Christian god and die to realize that the Muslim god is the true one ?,or vice versa (in case you are a Muslim)
Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 7:39pm On Dec 31, 2018

After all, no one lights a light and hides it. I wonder why they hide their light of God!
The way they make fun of atheists u would think there is anything so special about believing in God,like once you accept God you would become smarter than Einstein or Leibniz, or probably become richer than Bill Gates or maybe stop taking drugs when you are sick,you that believe in God still lives an ordinary life like me an atheist so again I ask what is so special in believing in ur God ?,does it increase my life expectancy ?

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Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 7:33pm On Dec 31, 2018
and you that knows how the spiritual world works, can you tell me how it has bettered your life in ways we atheists cant gain?
Help me ask am
God dis God DAT
What exactly do u gain from believing in God ?


Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 3:53pm On Dec 31, 2018
The divine creator
If this is your definition of God then I guess it is incomplete.
Anything can fit into the description "the divine creator" from a being(who has emotions like humans) to an inanimate thing (like a force),what are the features that God has and how did you ascertain them,in fact I am more concerned in knowing how u came to ascertain them cos anyone can type anything he or she likes what makes it true is the evidence presented

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Celebrities / Re: Wizkid Is Better Than Fela - Man Writes On Twitter by Hermes019: 3:38pm On Dec 31, 2018
The guy aired his opinion,to him wizkid's songs sound better than fela,I won't argue with him on that cos his ears and perception of music is different from mine but Fela is not just popular because of his music but his entire personality and all the contributions he made in creating the sound we know today as Afrobeat,I could go on and on,Wizkid is not in the same category as Fela kuti

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Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:55pm On Dec 31, 2018
The spirit is willing, but flesh is weak
Op tell us the God you are referring to
Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:51pm On Dec 31, 2018
are u telling us about god? You have said nothing cos u know nothing
I tire o
He has refused to even tell us what he means by "God"
Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:43pm On Dec 31, 2018
what are you saying, this is an open discussion. nobody is forcing anybody. I am beyond theory on who and what God is ? If you want to experience, I give you knowledge.. I know you won't want that, all you want is to keep arguing with words. smiles
Fine I want to experience,give me knowledge grin
Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:39pm On Dec 31, 2018

Easy bro,he is not that smart. grin
On the contrary the questions are quite easy, but I know he will start twisting them
Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:33pm On Dec 31, 2018
I don't mean to insult anyone but for those shouting that God exist,fine congratulations since u have seen the 'light' while the rest of us are still in darkness,but if u claim u have knowledge and probably access to something or someone supposedly as powerful as God is painted to be and yet you have nothing to show for it,your life is as ordinary as every other person,you dont even have knowledge beyond the average human then its either ur claim is untrue or u are drowning in water

Which is it ?

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Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:30pm On Dec 31, 2018
ok , just as you can't prove your dream, nobody can prove God for you.. And because you believe your dream which is important to you. those that experience HIM too believe, All in All

God exist !
Spot on !
If God exists and wants him to acknowledge his existence then God would reveal himself to him,why are u trying to convince him,you are not God and you have said it yourself that nobody can prove God to him so what is the purpose of this thread ?,what is your business if someone doesn't believe in God, are u God's secretary, or does it hurt ur pride and make u insecure that some people don't believe in what u believe ?,or do u feel pity that some people out of their "ignorance" are missing out on some things you are enjoying because they don't believe in God ?,u don't might sharing the largesse and benefits you have received

Which is it ?

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Religion / Re: You Become An Atheist Due To Limited Knowledge by Hermes019: 2:21pm On Dec 31, 2018
Op three questions for you

Define God

What are God's features

How did you ascertain them ?
Travel / Re: Christian Pilgrimage: Israel Denies 25 Nigerians Visas by Hermes019: 9:05am On Dec 31, 2018
One of the funniest things I learnt lately is that December 25th is not even a public holiday in Israel,can you believe that ?
Education / Re: Federal Government Scholarship (fsb 2018) Thread by Hermes019: 8:47am On Dec 21, 2018

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