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Phones / Android Tablets of 100k In Lagos by ikes9(m): 10:29am On Mar 22, 2022
I'll go straight to the point with this
What kind/brand of a brand new tablet will 100k get you here in Lagos?

Omoh why do most of my questions on here go unanswered,well I'm looking at the Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 or Lenovo tablet p11
But the prices I see on online stores are not in sync ,one site says it's 98k,the other says it's 150k+
So please if anyone knows the amount these two tablets I mentioned are really going for now in the physical market ,I'd really like to know so I can plan accordingly
Thank you..
Religion / Re: Lifestyle Is The Best Way To Evangelise Today. Do You Agree? by ikes9(m): 9:40am On Sep 05, 2021
Every form of evangelism has its place in the whole mix,people NEED to see your LIGHT,see that you're DIFFERENT in every way,that lifestyle would add strength and power to your verbal Testimony . You can't be a hateful person or a hypocrite and expect someone to listen to your verbal Testimony it can't work like that .
The Church as a whole NEEDS to do better,we can't be living life like unbelievers
One thing I like to say is "The world says YOLO, but I say I'll live forever with God and in God " . Have that Heavenly mindset and see your scope of things change . The message of the Gospel is the most wonderful miracle ever and Christianity is the most exciting journey one can ever embark on

Happy Sunday people


Religion / Re: The Scriptures That Clearly Describe Rapture; Come See. by ikes9(m): 11:09am On Aug 17, 2021
For the second part of your question, the rapture occurs only because JESUS appears. HIS appearing is what causes the rapture to happen and that, is after the tribulation.
Don't let anyone deceive you with evil cunningness.
We will all be tried.

Kindly read all my post on this thread from page one.

Hebrews 9:10
. 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

There is nothing like a 3rd coming in The Bible

That's what I've been saying, there's nothing like a third coming of Christ
So there's nothing like a pre-tribulation rapture
Religion / Re: Is Man The Highest Of God Creation? by ikes9(m): 1:19am On Aug 17, 2021
Man is God's greatest prize,we are the apple of His eyes that is why even after Adam and Eve sinned(rebellion,the very same thing Lucifer and the third of the stars did) Jesus Christ came to die for us,to give us an inheritance and a better identity
Man is the only being created in God's image and likeness, when a person becomes born again what happens? Christ comes to dwell in the person's heart,and the Bible tells us that Father and Son are one,that means Father and Son live in our hearts,and guess what? The Bible also says we have been marked in Christ with the seal of promise which is the Holy Spirit. So God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit dwell in a believer (which is man)
So please tell me, which other being has such privilege??
In Christ man is an heir of God and joint heir with Christ,a member of God's household, Kings and priests unto God,a citizen of Heaven. As Christians God has raised us up with Christ Jesus and seated us in the Heavenly Realms IN Christ Jesus. And the Bible tells us that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, if we are seated IN Christ,doesn't that mean we are also seated at the right hand of the Father IN Christ
Which other created being has such privilege??

We should read scriptures and ask for understanding,if Christians understood the authority and power they have in Christ,the world would have been a better place but I thank God that we're getting there
Religion / Re: Understand Spiritual WARFARE by ikes9(m): 5:00pm On Aug 12, 2021
When reading even your Bible, always pay attention to context. undecided

You are told Daniel had a vision and in that vision, Daniel was met by a man, a guide, who told him things. The man gives you many clues to help you sort through the vision, mentioning persons(not spirits) , including a Kingdom of Persia, and a people, Daniel's people

1. The Kingdom of Persia was an actual Kingdom which existed during the time of Daniel, whose King happened to be named Cyrus, the great - Daniel 10 vs 1.

2. The one you call prince of the Kingdom of Persia was Cyrus's sons who is listed as the commander of the army of Persia - he was not a Spirit but a human being - Daniel 10 vs 13 undecided

3. the prince called Michael in the vision, also an important prince in the land of Persia, not some angel is mentioned. And in Daniel 10 vs 21, we are told of Micheal that he was a prince over Daniel's people, the Hebrews, suggesting to us that Micheal, was a man in the land. undecided

4. In Daniel 10 vs 20, Daniel's guide in the vision, described by Daniel as a man, not a celestial being, informed Daniel that had to go continue his engagement with the prince of Persia, informing Daniel that another prince, the prince of Greece, would show up. undecided

So, what "spiritual warfare" do you assume Daniel fought in this vision? undecided

You just gave yourself away with the first paragraph,so you twisted the words in the Bible to suite your wrong narrative, you comfortably changed the word angel to guide,a man that just told him things trying to separate the spiritual from the word

So the archangel Micheal is now a man in the land of Israel abii??

Hahahaha ,omohh suit yourself
I didn't even bother to read past the first paragraph, cause I know with an intro like that? Nah okoto meww you go yarn

1 Like

Religion / Re: The Reason Why Many Do Not Understand Pretribulation Rapture by ikes9(m): 12:49pm On Aug 09, 2021

I'd have made more comments on this here,but I'd rather you check the above thread

Look as nice and comforting as the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine sounds,it is not scriptural in anyway whatsoever,there's no Bible chapter or verse to actually support the doctrine
All the doctrine does is make the believer sort of comfortable, " ohh I don't need to bother myself with anything,the rapture will take us all away before everything becomes unbearable " well sorry to break your heart loves,all man go dey here when e happen

So hold on the God tighter than ever,this isn't the time to just be passive,but be active in the things of the kingdom,hunger to know the mysteries of the kingdom,hunger for intimacy with our Heavenly Father ,that's the only way we'll be safe from what is to befall the Earth
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 11:15pm On Aug 07, 2021
The rapture doctrine is most definitely not based on the movie series. undecided

Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 10:39pm On Aug 07, 2021
Lol... Everyone's eye is getting opened... As we've always prayed

My brother, I'm just imagining the millions of Christians that believe in a rapture,a doctrine that's solely based on a movie left behind series ,what their reactions will be when the Antichrist is revealed and they are still here on Earth,the anger, despair and all
And knowing the human instinct, they'll blame God for it, instead of blaming themselves for not studying their scriptures as they are meant to.
Sometimes I feel like it's one of the things that'll add to the great falling away spoken by Paul
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 8:20pm On Aug 07, 2021
So, keeping His followers from temptation implies they will be lifted off the face of the earth before troubles come? undecided

That's what some Christians say,and that's why I cited this verse,to tell them it doesn't relate to anything rapture
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:33pm On Aug 07, 2021
Why have I bothered to type this loooooong epistle,well it's mainly because I don't want my brothers and sisters in Christ to be ignorant,I'd confess the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is a very soothing one,it tells you "ohh don't worry,you won't be here to see all the evil that'll prevail in those days,so you good" but is that what the Bible says? Is that what Christ said??
Between believing what a pastor said and what Christ says in the Bible,I'd believe what Christ says even when it's a hard thing to swallow because He died for me,not the pastor or teacher, and because He is the Truth ,He can never lie , there's no confusion in Him .

Matthew 24:29
[29]Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken
it says immediately after the tribulation of those days.... but even immediately after the tribulation there are more things to happen , because I'm sure people will now start guessing dates because Christ said immediately after but go down further and what do you read??

Matthew 24:36
[36]But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. NO ONE but the Father knows when Christ will come back again,so you can't even predict any dates AFTER the tribulation....

We should stop trying to PREDICT dates,be aware of the signs to have an idea of the season we're in
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:25pm On Aug 07, 2021
The Rapture is different from the Second coming of Jesus. The rapture is the sudden catching of the Saints or true believers in Christ who live holy and pure sinless lives to heaven which will happen in the blink of an eye. Only the Saints will hear the trumpet sound and see the Lord in the air.
However, in the second coming of Jesus, he will come here physically to the earth to reign for a thousand years with the saints after the overthrow of the anti-christ and all eyes shall see him

Where is it specifically said in the Bible,that only the saints will hear the trumpet sound,and see the Lord in the air
And after the thousand years reign ,isn't the devil released once more? And doesn't he deceive the Earth again?? To wage one final war against good?? Gog and Magog war if I'm correct
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:22pm On Aug 07, 2021
Revelation 3:10
[10]Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth
This verse seems to support the notion of a pre-tribulation rapture, especially the bolded,but go further into the book and revelation and you see something VERY INTERESTING

Revelation 12:5-6
[5]And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
[6]And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days

The woman fled into the wilderness BECAUSE God has prepared a place for her,if there wasn't a place prepared for her in the wilderness,I doubt she'd run in their and in Matthew 24:38-39
[38]For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
[39]And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be

Christ likened those days to the time of Noah,but you know one thing ? God gave Noah the dimensions to build the Ark ,and Noah preached to the people about the coming flood but they scorned and ignored him. And when the flood came Noah and his family were safe in the ark till the flood was over
I'd like to liken the ark to the place prepared for the woman in revelation 12, there's an ark for her,to protect and feed her in the time of trouble (tribulation) for a 1,260 days . Mind you,the Ark in Noah's time was still earth during the flood,and I believe the ark prepared for the woman in the wilderness will also be on Earth during the tribulation .
Brethren ,we would all be here during the Great tribulation,now isn't the time to be asleep now is the time to hold on to God tightly, build a very strong relationship with God, because we would need it for the times ahead
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:22pm On Aug 07, 2021
Revelation 3:10
[10]Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth
This verse seems to support the notion of a pre-tribulation rapture, especially the bolded,but go further into the book and revelation and you see something VERY INTERESTING

Revelation 12:5-6
[5]And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
[6]And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days

The woman fled into the wilderness BECAUSE God has prepared a place for her,if there wasn't a place prepared for her in the wilderness,I doubt she'd run in their and in Matthew 24:38-39
[38]For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
[39]And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be

Christ likened those days to the time of Noah,but you know one thing ? God gave Noah the dimensions to build the Ark ,and Noah preached to the people about the coming flood but they scorned and ignored him. And when the flood came Noah and his family were safe in the ark till the flood was over
I'd like to liken the ark to the place prepared for the woman in revelation 12, there's an ark for her,to protect and feed her in the time of trouble (tribulation) for a 1,260 days . Mind you,the Ark in Noah's time was still earth during the flood,and I believe the ark prepared for the woman in the wilderness will also be on Earth during the tribulation .
Brethren ,we would all be here during the Great tribulation,now isn't the time to be asleep now is the time to hold on to God tightly, build a very strong relationship with God, because we would need it for the times ahead
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:20pm On Aug 07, 2021
Luke 17:30,34-36
[30]Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
[34]I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
[35]Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
[36]Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

I know what you're thinking,this verse speaks about a rapture,but as we can see in verse 30, this is what happens WHEN the Son of Man is revealed to the world,it further reiterates Matthew 24:31 which says our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will send forth his angels to gather his elect from the four corners of the earth,where ever the elect will be,they'll be collected/caught up by the angels and taken to be with the Lord in the air,where we'll be transformed to be just like our Lord Jesus Christ
So you can see that this chapter and verse doesn't support a rapture of the church it speaks solely of the Second coming of Christ Jesus
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 7:04pm On Aug 07, 2021
1 year and 10 months... ofcourse you would. undecided
Do you ever post a smiling emoji??
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 6:58pm On Aug 07, 2021
According to Jesus Christ ,when He returns, He will judge the works of His followers who will be raised and gathered from all quarters of the earth for this event - Matthew 25 vs 1 - 46 undecided

However, there is also the reveal that when Jesus Christ returns, He will raise those of His other flock and they will reign with Him for 1000 years on the earth, before the judgment to come. And this we read partly of in Matthew 24 & Matthew 19. Those who will be raised to reign with Him, as far as I know, are those of Jewish decent whose inheritance includes the land of Canaan here on earth. undecided

I knew I'd see you here smiley
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 6:46pm On Aug 07, 2021
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
[51]Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed:
Not all Christians would be killed in the tribulation, there'll always be Christians left,and for the Christians remaining after the Great tribulation,when Christ returns the remaining Christians will be transformed

[52]In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed

Keywords here are... at the last trump,not middle trump but the LAST trump,the resurrection and then the transformation of the saints
So how was the rapture doctrine based on this verse? The LAST trumpet will sound,and from 1 Thessalonians 4:16 we know it is Christ who will descend with the trump of God,after which the dead in Christ will rise first

[53]For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 6:46pm On Aug 07, 2021
2 Thessalonians 2 :
It seems some persons of the Thessalonian church were at that time, preaching that Christ's second coming was VERY VERY imminent ,and Paul wrote them a letter to soothe their troubled minds and impact knowledge unto them at the same time

2 Thessalonians 2:2-3
[2]That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand [3]Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
Isn't Paul saying is this verse that ALL Christians will be on the earth to witness the revealing of the Antichrist?? And if you read the New testament you'd notice one constant,from Peter to Paul to James to John . They all charges the saints to be aware of the second coming of Christ,and NOT a SUDDEN CATCHING AWAY

1 Thessalonians 1:10
[10]And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come
The wrath to come isn't the Great tribulation,but the second death,which is the lake of fire and brimstone, that's the wrath Christ has saved us from,because we're in Christ death has no hold over us anymore,but we're in Life and Life is in us because Christ is LIFE

1 Thessalonians 4

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
[15]For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
[16]For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
[17]Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

This verses agrees with Matthew 24
Religion / Re: The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 6:45pm On Aug 07, 2021
Now to get straight to the point of this post,there are several scriptures which point ONLY to the second coming of Christ,we can argue that the word RAPTURE isn't in the Bible, but that argument isn't strong cause I mean,the word BIBLE isn't in the Bible,but we call the Scriptures Bible
Matthew 24 :15-31 :
[15]When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understandsmiley
What is the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet daniel? Isn't that the Antichrist? And isn't the core message of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine about being TAKEN AWAY before the tribulation?? Before the son of perdition is revealed?? this verse 15 shows that we would all be here to see the Antichrist standing in the holy place... And what do the next verses say?

Matthew 24:16-17
[16]Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains
[17]Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house
Christ himself is saying to his disciples and to us as well, because we are His disciples,that AFTER the we see the abomination of desolation,we should all RUN, Christ didn't mention a sudden taking away He said we should RUN/FLEE into the mountains

Matthew 24:21-22
[21]For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
[22]And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened
For the ELECT'S sake,not just for anybody's sake ,but for the elect's those days would be shortened,so if there's a catching away,or catching up before the Great tribulation,why did Christ Himself mention the elect?
You could say "ohh the elect here are those who will repent after the tribulation" really?? Are you being honest to yourself? You seem to forget that ,the disciples are the ones that asked Christ for the signs of the end times,so Christ answers were directed to each and everyone of us who are in Him

Matthew 24:27
[27]For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be :
This lovely verse completely destroys the notion of a hush hush event that is the rapture ,right? The coming of the Son of Man will be seen by ALL and not just a selected few

Matthew 24:29
[29]Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken
[30]And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory
[i] Why would they mourn? Because they refused to believe and they know in their very spirits what is to befall all of them ,i really pray and hope more people come to know that Jesus Christ is all that they need, there's no one like Him, nothing compares to Him, He's our everything and outside Him we are nothing [i]

[31]And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other

After Christ descends from Heaven,He sends forth his Angels to gather His ELECT ,the same ELECT that the great tribulation is shortened for their sakes. And isn't this gathering of the elect by the Lord's Angels synonymous to the CATCHING AWAY? OR CATCHING UP??
From Matthew 24 we see that there's no such thing as the rapture
Every Christian will go through the Great tribulation, Christ himself tells us to endure to the very end in verse 13 of this Matthew 24,He didn't say endure to just before the Great tribulation ,we are charged to endure to the VERY end
Religion / The End Times And Rapture by ikes9(m): 6:45pm On Aug 07, 2021
As a child,I used to always hear about the rapture, Christians getting excited whenever they discuss the topic,and as I matured I got to understand why they were excited. Then I began to hear about pre,mid and post tribulation rapture and because most pastors (at least 99% of them) supported the pre-tribulation rapture,I also believed in it. But when I began reading my own Bible,and not just relying on what pastors or teachers said I began see and realize that the whole doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture isn't scriptural AT ALL

Verses that seemingly support the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine:

1 Corinthians 15:50-52:
Their main argument here is in verse 52 which says "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
This talks about Christ descending with a shout,the voice of an archangel and with the trump of God,and the dead in Christ shall rise

1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
Their main argument is in verse 10 ..... Even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come
Revelation 3:10
Their main argument here is .. ...I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell on the earth

I must confess these verses are very convincing

But I have to ask is the rapture and the second coming of Jesus Christ one and the same? Or are both distinct events ??...
If they are one and the same,then there's absolutely NOTHING like a rapture only the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST,and if they are distinct events,well that means there's a second and a third coming of Christ and I don't know about you,but my Bible only points to a second coming,and the second coming ends everything, evil is forever removed and everybody is judged

Religion / Re: What Line From A Christian Song Resonates With You by ikes9(m): 10:32am On Aug 01, 2021
I have a lot though
These are some of them :

"I was found before I was lost,I am yours before I was not,you bear the scars for all my mistakes..."

"It was my cross you bore,so I could live in the freedom you died for"

"Liberated ,set free by Royal Blood , celebrated God sees me as His son,and He runs to hold me in His arms"

"God I need you like water,God I need you like I need air to breathe.."

1 Like

Religion / Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ikes9(m): 8:34am On Aug 01, 2021
If you are going to respond to the questions I posted, get straight to the point. undecided

The one verse you posted from Paul's letter to the Roman's clearly states that his belief is that the gifts are irrevocable, so where do you get your assumption that if not exercised, the gifts become inactive? undecided

About Salvation, my question was quite clear and given that Salvation, as spoken of by Jesus Christ in John 3 vs 16 - 17, is not righteousness, I don't understand your response at all. undecided

Earlier in your comment, you included a verse that clearly told you that God's gifts are irrevocable, yet you are willing to believe still, and this by randomly accessing unrelated verses out of context mind you, that one can loose God's gift of salvation, how come? undecided

Rather than try to teach another, you ought instead to focus more of your attention on reading and understanding scripture in context so you can actually understand what it is you claim to believe in. undecided

From the bolded,I'd say you believe in the Once saved always saved doctrine or Hypergrace my dear,as nice as that doctrine sounds ,it's hogwash

“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12)
What does the above verse tell you? You are meant to WORK OUT your salvation,and what does working out entail? Efforts ,growth etc

So YES you can LOSE your salvation,when you become UNFRUITFUL

If you still refuse to understand,that is your cup of tea
You seem to have Biblical knowledge,and that's fine but it's obvious you lack spiritual intimacy,because you don't seem to fully understand the verses you drop in these your posts
Truly, Biblical knowledge without spiritual intimacy leads to intellectualism
And you dodged my first question,which already answers it

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Religion / Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ikes9(m): 2:42am On Aug 01, 2021
Where in the Bible did Jesus Christ, the one supposed source of these spiritual gifts you claim, tell you that if you do not nuture gifts of the spirit, you will loose them or it goes "inactive"? undecided

None of the verses you quoted seems to point at this even being possible, so where does this belief or doctrine of yours come from? undecided

Since we are on the topic of "gifts", do you loose the salvation you are gifted with by Jesus Christ or does it go "inactive" if you don't nurture it as well? undecided

First question I want to ask you is this
Are you a Christian? ,That you seem to have a certain knowledge of the Bible doesn't make you a Christian,and the way you subtly attack people's faith and beliefs makes me doubt you're a Christian

This comment of yours shows you lack understanding when it comes to gifts or even the Christian walk
When you don't exercise your spiritual gifts ,they certainly become inactive,they don't go away ,but become inactive because you aren't exercising/using them
Romans 11:29 For gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

About salvation,what do you understand by it?
Man's righteousness is as filthy rags before God, so Christ came to die for us ,so that we can be saved
Galatians 3:11 Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, “The righteous man shall live by faith.”
Faith in who? In Jesus Christ,we stand in Christ's righteousness,we wear His righteousness as a garment and identity .

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father

Now when you become newly born again,do you immediately start healing the sick? Or raising the dead?? No ,that is because you're still a baby in Christ and you need to mature in Him before you can start operating in this gifts and fruits of the spirit

The Christian walk/salvation is ALL about GROWING in Christ Jesus, growing into His image

So to your question,can one lose their salvation? Well if you don't grow in Christ,you won't be productive, and that means you aren't bearing fruit,And if you aren't bearing fruit ,well the Bible says you'll be cut off and cast into the fire

Why did I make this lengthy post? Well to make you understand the very basics of Christianity,and so you don't go about asking these kinda questions

And to the OP I'm very happy for you,cherish your gift and grow in it ,and also seek for more ,our Heavenly Father wants us to have more of Him

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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by ikes9(m): 3:13pm On Jul 30, 2021
Brother shadeyinka
I'm dropping the dream here for you.

Let me begin by saying, I'm partly Cameroonian and partly Nigerian. And my village binderies with Cameroon and what devides us is a River. On the other side of the River is Cameroon Ground, while on this side is Nigeria.

Prior to this dream, I was down. No, I was not sick. I was feeling down because my orphaned kids didn't have food and I didn't have money. I can stay, but children cannot. So, I was feeling down.
A Christian friend chatted me up telling me he was led to reach me that it was laid in his heart that I had a need, so that's why he chatted me up. I told him the situation of things, he transferred some money to us and i bought food for the children.

So, that same night, I had a dream.
In the dream, I found myself on the other side of the River, meaning, on Cameroon ground. But, there was no ground or land for me to stand on. I stood inside water, because the River had over flown it's banks.

During rainy season, that River really wells up to the point that every activity on it ceases until it goes down. So, I saw myself standing inside it. There was no beach, it was just water and bushes on both sides. And the river bed was wide, the Current was high. The water was dark and fearful. But I was not afraid of the water at all. I can swim and I knew I could swim across without drowning.

Now, i can't tell what happened before then. I dont know how i crossed over to that side, as there was no boat or any one else besides me. I was all alone.

The situation seemed so hopeless that ordinarily, I shd have despaired, but I was not. I knew I could swim across that River to my village, but there were challenges.
The Current was too strong and fast moving, and
It was dusk. It was in the twilight. There was no one to see me drifting off to come to my aid. There was no boat.

I stood there considering what to do, confident that I could swim across.
I considered my position, if I started swimming from the point where I was, by the time cross to the other side of Nigeria, the current will drift me far down the point where I wld climb to land. The current will drift me to the bushes, and, I will get lost in the bush because it was dark and I was alone.
I didn't have any fear whatsoever, i only had considerations.

What was I to do? I stood there stranded, although not afraid.

And, all of a sudden, I saw a movement from my left view
from a distance coming towards me. I could see a movement on the water, but I couldn't make out what or who it was because it was getting dark. I thought it was my dog which I had lost. But, when the movement came closer, i discovered it wasn't a dog, but a man.

He came to me. He wore a combat shot and hooded shirt, white or milky in color. His face was not so clear for me to describe. But, Meehn, he looked strong, very firm with very strong arms, like a military man or a gym instructor.

He held my face with both his hands. He pressed his forehead on my forehead and asked, 'How are you?']. The tone of his voice mehn!!!!, It was so calm, so soothing. the care and love in his voice and the way he said it. Wow. I have never felt comforted and cared for as I felt there and then.
I said ' I am Fine'.
He kept on talking, at this point, I couldn't hear what he was saying anymore, I don't know why. But, he kept talking. His voice was muted. I saw his lips moving his face was so close to my face, I was feeling his breath on my face, but no sounds came out. I don't know why.

Then, something very strange happen. I heard him say, [b] 'The Lord Jesus Christ said I should tell you not to worry's
But, these words didn't come from his mouth, they came from his center. As if from the middle of his chest. Like from his backbone. They came like an arrow and entered into my chest.

He didn't speak them, like he thought them and the words entered into my chest also. Very strange.

When he said that, I felt like melting with peace and joy. At that point, I had everything i needed in life. I had no care whatsoever.

He kept talking. But I couldn't hear.
Then, suddenly, I was no longer on that side of the River anymore. I found myself in a reception like waiting room. Like I was waiting to be called in for something, I don't know. I was in the company of other people now, but, that strong man was still with me. All the while talking. But, I wasn't hearing what he was saying.
He sat by my left hand side, Almost like attached to my ear, lol. He obviously was saying something very important, because I saw the expression on the face of the man sitting directly opposite me. He could hear what the man was saying to me. Like the man was giving me messages, but, I wasn't hearing. But the guy opposite me was so awed that it showed on his face. I could get what my man said, by looking at the man opposite me.

He talked and talked. He got up to leave, he kept on talking. He got to the door, and stood again talking, but I was just smiling and feeling very pleased looking at the face of the guy opposite me.
At this point, I woke up.

I haven't recovered from the peace and Joy that flooded my being.

But, question, why wasn't I able to hear what he was saying? This is why I find strange.
God bless you.

Our Heavenly Father likes to make us curious about important things,so that we'll pursue him more in order to KNOW and SATISFY our curiosity, everything our Heavenly Father does is meant to bring us closer to Him
This case isn't different,I believe it's an invitation to know MORE,and the only way to know more here is to seek him more,I'd advise you go on a fast to know what was said in your dream
And I don't think you should take this your dream lightly either,cause I believe it's an invitation to walk deeper with God

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Religion / Re: Can Good Works Qualify One For Heaven? by ikes9(m): 10:09am On Jul 18, 2021
1. Jesus Christ Himself told you He was sent to the Lost sheep of Israel. That mission was concluded on the cross when He shed His blood and did to pay the ransome necessary to buying them from the Old Covenant Law which they were born into as Children of Israel. undecided

2. When Jesus Christ defeated Death, after His resurrection, He then threw the gate of the Kingdom of God open to even the Gentiles. undecided

3. Next time, If you see me twist scripture, let me know at that point what you dont understand and I will try to explain what I mean then. Accusing me without substantiation is akin to saying nothing at all? undecided

We move
Religion / Re: Can Good Works Qualify One For Heaven? by ikes9(m): 9:48am On Jul 18, 2021
Jesus Christ did not die for your sins but instead for the sins of the Lost sheep of Israel, the ones who He was sent to. undecided

According to Jesus Christ, your works is what will decide whether you will enter into Heaven or not.- Matthew 25 vs 31 - 46 - that is what will be judged on that "last day". undecided

I've noticed your comments on this section of the forum,and how you try to twist scriptures to your own satisfaction

That which is born of the flesh is flesh,and that which is born of the spirit is spirit
If Christ came ONLY for the lost sheep of Israel,why did he command his disciples to spread the gospel to the far ends of the Earth??

Believe whatever you want ,the scriptures speaks for itself


Religion / Re: Can Good Works Qualify One For Heaven? by ikes9(m): 9:06am On Jul 18, 2021
Good works doesn't qualify anyone for Heaven
If good works was all we needed to enter Heaven then Christ didn't have to come to die for our sins,but the problem isn't our 'works' but our nature
Christ came to die for us,so we could be birthed into a new nature (Christ's nature/identity),after being born again our works now become Valid

But faith in Christ is what gets us to Heaven

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Religion / Re: The Rapture by ikes9(m): 9:02am On Jul 11, 2021
We've always heard about this rapture doctrine in the church,in books and also Christian movies,but I want to ask
What is the scriptural backing/foundation for the rapture doctrine?
From the gospels Jesus Christ never spoke of a rapture,rather He spoke of His second coming and gave us signs of the times to know when His coming is near
So I ask again what is the scriptural backing for the rapture doctrine
Religion / Re: My Confusion About God And The Scriptures. by ikes9(m): 4:08pm On Jul 01, 2021
God knows everything,both the beginning and the end, but he gives us free will
When God put Adam and Eve in the garden ,and also put the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil,He didn't put it there to tempt man or anything like that ,He gave man simple instructions and also the consequences of going against such instructions,it was left to them to DECIDE ,and Man made their choice and you can see the consequences surely followed
Now to answer your questions(and don't think they're invalid,you just seek clarity and that's good)

1. You don't have to do bad things to ENJOY life, the question you should ask is WHAT IS LIFE ABOUT
When God met Moses in the burning bush in Exodus 3:14 God told Moses ,I AM THAT I AM
Life is meant to be lived from God,when you meet someone and you want to introduce yourself or say how you feel,you start with "I am... I am... I am...." Right?? What does that tell you? We are meant to live life from God, because God is life,what you see people doing here is just a poor imitation of what life is,and that's why Christ came to die for us, because as Christians we're in Christ and Christ is in us

2. There is definitely a life after death,read the gospels of the New testament, Christ talked about hell many times,and that's why He came to die for us,to save us from hell and the lake of fire (the second death)
One thing I've come to notice about most Christians is that they fail to read the Bible literally,they translate or read it figuratively

3. Every body has a moral compass (the conscience) ,and honestly I don't really know

The thing with the devil is,he tries to tell you there are no consequences at all(same thing he told Adam and Eve) ,he whispers into your ears that you can do WHATEVER you want to do,and nothing will happen
Well beloved something will definitely happen,and what will happen is dependent on our actions and most importantly what side we're on
Religion / Re: Can Good Exist Without Evil? by ikes9(m): 10:15pm On Mar 20, 2021
Good can exist without evil, don't let the system of this world influence you into believing good needs evil to be valuable
At the end of everything,you'll see that Good can,and will exist without evil

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Religion / Re: Angels. Have You Seen One Before? by ikes9(m): 8:02pm On Mar 14, 2021
I've seen one it looked more like a grim reaper, I woke up in the middle of the night then felt someone was watching me I looked to my left and saw a creature in all black, standing there very close to me, I couldn't shout so I just went back to sleep

I went to church to talk to people about it, even the most pious people thought I was making it up, these are the same people that speak in tongues during deliverance that pray against demons 24/7, it seems they only believe in demons if it makes you roll on the floor anything else doesn't make sense to them

Years later I learnt about a phenomenon called sleep paralysis and many people had seen something familiar when they woke up at night

It wasn't sleep paralysis,what you saw was real,each human being has spiritual senses,and there are times we see things just for a few seconds,that we now think we didn't see it at all
Experience has taught me that,we actually see these things

I haven't seen any Angel before,but I know they are all around us, ministering, encouraging and carrying out their individual tasks

And I just feel like chipping this one in....

Every Christian NEEDS to work with the Angelic ministry, especially in these end times

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Religion / Re: Will There Be A Secret Rapture? by ikes9(m): 12:10pm On Mar 07, 2021
You know
Before I used to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture mainly because most pastors and Christian religious leaders preached it
But reading my Bible myself,made me realize certain truths..
The rapture will be AFTER or MID-tribulation
Matthew 24:21-22 talks about a great tribulation,never seen before in this world,and those days of tribulation would be shortened BECAUSE of the ELECT who are these elect,if not the saints
1 John 3:2 speaks of us seeing our Lord and Saviour ,and being like Him WHEN we see him..I believe this scripture rules out anything like a secret rapture the rapture will be a bold event,seen and noticed by ALL
Matthew 24: 27-31 further confirms that the rapture will be witnessed by everyone,and it goes further to say the Angels will gather up the Elect ,I'm guessing you know who these elect are
And one thing I always notice, whenever people give scriptures to back up their pre-tribulation or secret rapture doctrine,is they ALWAYS sideline the book of Revelation
Revelation 13:6-7 keyword in this scripture is 'The Saints' which saints will the beast war against?? If rapture will occur BEFORE the tribulation,which saints them will be left behind?
Revelation 7:14 it's talking about the saints that have come out of the "Great tribulation" ,not just any kind of tribulation,it must be referring to the tribulation Christ talked about in Matthew 24
Revelation 16 talks bout the 7 bowls of God's wrath being poured into the Earth ,at the end of every verse,you see "....and they repented not of their deeds" ,what does this mean? For those who speak of No repentance in a pre-tribulation scene ,this verse clearly contradicts that doctrine,the people on the Earth are supposed to repent when they see these things happening on the Earth ,we haven't even talked about the 2 Great Witnesses that'll be on the Earth at that time,we haven't talked about the millennium and the war that's waged AFTER the millennium....

Brethren read your scriptures,ask God our Father for understanding,do not try to interpret the word in your own way,most times it's better to read the word in a literal sense ,not seeking a new meaning for words, phrases or concepts you don't understand in the scripture

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