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Mayofab's Posts

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Food / Re: What's Your Worst Cooking Blunder? by mayofab(f): 5:10pm On Aug 25, 2012
I was boiling rice, I got distracted and burnt it, my mum said it was alright, that it happens to everybody sometimes so I put another one on the fire, And it burnt again! By this time I just started crying. Surprisingly, my mum just laughed at me, third time, I stood over the pot of rice for the entire time it took to cook. When my dad got home the whole family decides to laugh at me for my misfortune that day and left me watching pot. The last attempt was perfection grin

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Literature / Re: From PHCN, With Love…… by mayofab(f): 2:57am On Aug 24, 2012
I nearly died laughing reading this. Beaurriful, jhust beaurriful grin grin grin grin
TV/Movies / Re: Have You Seen The New Coca Cola Advert? It Insults Africans by mayofab(f): 5:34pm On Jun 11, 2012
finallytalking: Has anyone seen the new coca cola advert?
I think coca cola should re-edit the text in their latest promotional advert. There is a very insensitive line there:
Am i the only one who thinks this is a put down?

You are seeing the opposite of what they were trying to achieve , they are actually showing you the good things about Africa, how we are the most connected, how we send money home when everyone else is in crisis, how we are partying and having a good time while the world is in shambles,how our music industry is thriving, how while everyone is worrying we are chilling drinking coke. It wasn't meant to be literally taken as one coke. Hope this helps
TV/Movies / Re: Have You Seen The New Coca Cola Advert? It Insults Africans by mayofab(f): 5:22pm On Jun 11, 2012
Arosa: I like the advert, it's not bad to relax because all African economies are growing while the rest of the western world are in recession.
Music/Radio / Re: Christmas Songs In Nigerian Laguage by mayofab(f): 8:46am On Dec 25, 2011
Odun Nlo Sopin
this is more like a new years song because it means the year is reaching its end
Music/Radio / Re: Wizkid Stole Pakurumo? by mayofab(f): 3:49am On Aug 10, 2011
y is anybody suprised he stole a song?we have so called artists like terry g & his likes killing us wit noise,at least d stolen song or songs are bearable,lets c wat happens

LWKMD grin you don talk am. i dont understand how terry g is popular all the tracks are just headache inducing.
Romance / Re: Old Skool Naija Love Letter by mayofab(f): 7:29am On Aug 03, 2011
chai!!!! love nwantintin
Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Can You Recommend An Excellent Tailor In Lagos? by mayofab(f): 4:26am On Aug 03, 2011
I recommend 2mi Clothiers by Tumi , 9 Adebisi Close Off Ajao Rd. Surulere Lagos. Perfect work. reliable and makes all my clothes, Ask for Tumi

(those are mostly female clothes on her page but she makes mens outfits as well.)
TV/Movies / Re: Wich Do You Prefer: Nigerian Or American Movies? by mayofab(f): 6:31pm On Jul 17, 2011
I prefer bollywood to the both of them.no offence

everything about our movies are depressing be it cinematography, angles, story, realness, lighting, editing, depressing
Education / Re: Futo Students In Mini Riot? by mayofab(f): 5:43pm On Jul 07, 2011
@ Anotoni i wonder why your first point of call is that you're not in Nigeria, Who gives a damn about where you are? Do you think Boko Haram haven't got affiliates in SA? You better keep you head by watching you fingers on the keyboard! I guess you left Nigeria for South Africa Last week, !

What is ur beef with the guy, im steal ur wife? the guy is on Nairaland for the first time and he just wanted to introduce himself, why the uncalled for hate? Nigerians can be so ignorant sometimes.
Family / Re: As Parents, Do We Buy Into This? by mayofab(f): 4:13pm On Jun 28, 2011
LOOK. frankly i dont agree with the poster. why do we compare ourselves with the UK and US all the time. we have different cultures and ways of life. Did you know that in India it is considered very OK to live in your parents house even when you are married, your wife just simply moves in with you. will you call those spoiled children not leaving the harnesses of their parents. no! look in Nigeria, the culture of drivers and house-helps in there but it is not in other countries, will you say because rich children in UK dont have maids then Nigerian children are spoiled, no! its just a different culture.
I dont consider myself a very rich teenager but, I did grow up with lots of perks like drivers house-helps and holidays abroad, and now that i'm schooling in the US i realize that those things I had like maids and such is a foreign concept to even the rich here. but that does not mean i was unnecessarily spoiled or when i traveled business class, my parents were doing me an injustice. Look summer jobs are not easy to get in Nigeria. with the countries unemployment level, it is hard for an inexperienced teenager to get a job over the summer. in the US it is different, there are actually some jobs designed for young people.
i think it is balanced, in western countries life is easier in the day to day sense (traffic, electricity) so the perks that Nigeria's rich kids get is too balance out these things,
if a parent wants to give their kids the world, let them, there are far more spoiled disrespectful kids in these countries you are comparing Nigerian to. kids who get far more and who are worse of because of their wealth in their ability to do things themselves so dont compare all of Nigeria's elite kids with a few rich western kids. if you look at all of them as a whole you will see that Nigerians still raise their kids better
Education / Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by mayofab(f): 3:56pm On Jun 28, 2011
i humbly disagree. . . .

nigeria's standard of education is low. education isn't only about cramming stuffs in your head and pouring it out in the exams. it goes beyond that.
no engineering student in any nigeria university has worked with a router before and you are saying our standard of education is high. . .i laugh in boko haram.

interview a 10 yr old student in the usa and interview a 10 yr old student in nigeria and compare their level of intelligence. the difference will make you want to become a terrorist and target the education minister in nigeria and blow him up to pieces.

I think you and the poster both have a point. when it comes to hard work and given information then Nigeria's standards are high cuz im in college in the US and all the stuff i did in year one, where my secondary school stuvs. And here in the US nigerian students that is the ones coming straight from naija are considered some of the brightests, in fact once you tell a teacher you are from Nigeria he expects only top grades from you, but when it comes to exposure to new technology and new ideas then they have the upper hand.
Politics / Re: Naira And Kobo by mayofab(f): 3:50pm On Jun 28, 2011
^^^^ Does that make sense?

Nigeria is a patch patch country where people dont even know the origin of the country, national anthem, and that "Nigeria" (Nigga. Area) is nothing more than a derogatory expression.

Thats why theres foul odor in Aso Rock and the country is confused.

was this supposed to be a joke or are you just ignorant since when was Nigeria named after nigga area, ur social studies teacher must have been sleeping or else u would have know that it is named after the river Niger as in Niger area.
Jokes Etc / Re: Lets Kill English by mayofab(f): 12:07am On Jun 20, 2011
can u imagining. you peoples be destroy these fine language likes dis. shaked my head
Romance / Re: Can You Date A Lady/guy With A Very Poor Command Of The English Language? by mayofab(f): 6:56am On Jun 15, 2011
the english language is such a fickle thing to base a relationship on. date this man for what you see in him and how you feel about him or even just for what characteristics you have seen in him thus far. billions of people in the world today don't speak english and they get on just fine.
Romance / Re: Can You Date A Lady/guy With A Very Poor Command Of The English Language? by mayofab(f): 6:51am On Jun 15, 2011
If i should ask you do you speak Mandarin fluently?
You are just turning around in confusing endless circles .I said the English language is spoken internationally and used by most ppl to engage in business and u also said it but trying to digress from the issue again.Most major media networks in the world even though they speak their own languages also have a section for speaking english.Al Jazeera the arab major media network has a section for English so do many major big time media network in Germany,Belgium, India, etc.If you have to converse on an international scale you use the English language.If Mandarin is so very popular why cant you speak it?Why isnt Al jazeera the using it to converse with the world.If i have to talk to a turkish man or a Russian man and if i cant understand his language i use the english language as the first port of call and not Mandarin.Mandarin is a popular language in Asia but i dont recall it being popular in africa,europe and america and the those westerners who speak it fluently are those ones who travel to asia regularly.

Actually many surveys will tell you that mandarin is the world most spoken language when you add up its native speakers to its secondary speakers as surprising as it may sound and this are numbers that have been documented for over ten 10years over and over again . so if experts keep getting the same ratios then there must be something to it.
Politics / Re: Maiduguri: Boko Haram Gives Conditions For Cease Fire by mayofab(f): 6:43am On Jun 15, 2011
Amnesty for all criminals.if the ND militants can be pardoned despite all they have done,why can't boko harams be granted amnesty too ? What is good for the goose is good for the gander !

but there IS a difference between ND militants and boko haram!!
ND militancy started as a last resort to the maltreatment of people in the ND in the course of oil pilferage and lack of amenities and jobs,
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Can I survive on 90K per month? by mayofab(f): 6:35am On Jun 15, 2011
no cannot but u can as well lose the job then i take over. Guy, half bread is beta than chin-chin. Give yourself brain.
hahaha lwkmd grin grin grin grin grin grin
Forum Games / Re: Start The Sentence With The Last Word (pidgin Version) Part 2 by mayofab(f): 7:19am On Jun 06, 2011
chop chop, she dat na d only tin we you dey tink?
Culture / Re: Which Tribe Have The Hottest Dance Step In Nigeria? by mayofab(f): 7:04am On Mar 24, 2011
We pride ourselves on having at least 250 tribes / languages in Nigeria, (not sure if it's that much though) yet when it comes to it, all that gets mentioned is Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo and "others".

Why don't other tribes get a mention

No body said other people should not mention their own, but when they dont, kilofe ka se? (wetin you want make we do), force it out of their mouths? those three are the largest and they make up about 70% of the population so it stands to reason.

For all those who feel under-represented please stand up and rep ya tribe!!!
Politics / Re: Buhari's Wife Speaking At A Gathering by mayofab(f): 8:27pm On Mar 21, 2011
wow people, this is hilarious. how come we bother so much about how they say what they say than what they really say? we all didn't go to school and cannot know how to speak English Language. its not our fathers language. how is that an issue? if the wife of the president of another country makes a mistake on a national television, we hardly notice it but wait until the wife of our dear president make the same mistake and Nigeria will stand still for weeks. comeoff it guys, how is that so so important? so we all know that she has a thick accent, big deal and we also know that Buhari's wife has thicker accent, bigger deal. check out the wives of the presidents of oither countries or even presidents of some countries, they don't speak English at all so you guys get a grip on your selves. don't you know that if you don't know how to speak English by the time you finish secondary school, you will never be able to speak good English in your life?

our fathers language or not , if you are the first lady of a country where English is the official language. you have an obligation to at least , ahan, at least manage na!! it is not the accent, it is wrong pronunciation, they are two different things nothing excuses umbrella to become HUMBULLELA, she is an ambassador of our dear nation by being the first lady, we cannot be disgraced. Shelling is not the same as accent.
Politics / Re: Buhari's Wife Speaking At A Gathering by mayofab(f): 8:12pm On Mar 21, 2011
You ppl need to realize good intelligent ppl exist that dont speak english. Smh

Why are some folks just so fuxcking slow? Dude, if italian is your first language then no problemo. But, if english is your lingua franca and u sound like GEJ's wife; u need to kill urself!

HAHAHAHAHAHA grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
ma guy!!!! , mehnnn, you harsh gan oooo
Politics / Re: Describe The Term "job Security" In Your Own Words by mayofab(f): 5:47pm On Mar 21, 2011
chei!! lwkmd

I hope this is a joke.

Mehn, you all have a great sense of humor. I have been laughing since i opened this thread. :DNo need to watch commedies when there's nairaland. Lol.

honestly , i totally agree cheesy cheesy
Politics / Re: Describe The Term "job Security" In Your Own Words by mayofab(f): 5:40pm On Mar 21, 2011
Please, this is not funny. This is not a time to laugh, how did we endup with this 'coconut head'? Which way Nigeria? . An ordinary, "I beg your pardon", would have made a huge difference.
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Family / Re: Would A Nigerian Dad Ever Strike His Adult Daughter? by mayofab(f): 5:25pm On Mar 21, 2011
Before nko, if im still living under my fadas roof and i mess up , the man no go even hesitate sad . his hand will just connect with my face
Family / Re: Would A Nigerian Dad Ever Strike His Adult Daughter? by mayofab(f): 5:23pm On Mar 21, 2011
Before nko, if im still livinguner my fadas roof and i mess up , the man no go even hesitate sad

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