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Travel / Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered Part 8 by obiaguna(m): 4:28pm On Dec 29, 2022
Hello Guys.

Please i did my biometrics at TLS Ikeja Dec 14th priority. Yet to get a decision or a mail regarding the next steps.

Been seeing people mention BRP. Don't know what it is but I'm expecting a decision on my visa so i can move ahead. Today is 29th and my school resumes on the 9th.

Thank you.

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Travel / Re: General German Student Visa Enquiries Part 4 by obiaguna(m): 6:13pm On Jul 28, 2017
Hey guys. Greetings to you all. I wanted to find out if there was an institute that offered german language classes in Abuja on weekend hasis. A credible one too. I'm interested in learning the languange and weighing the possibility of schooling there soon. Danke.
Family / Re: I Have No Money, Not Even To Eat. Edit: Got a Job now by obiaguna(m): 10:05pm On Jul 21, 2017
Hello. I don't really know how anybody can help, but don't know what else to do. I just thought I should ask, I literally cannot afford no food right now and i am so hungry..

zero eight one five seven one zero eight four one two

Hey man, i dont have cash to give to you right now but i think you are really smart and maybe a little bit of frustration here and there are beclouding your thinking. I want to chat with you and maybe we could help each other as i am at some place similar to yours but thank God for family and a few friends. I am done with school and i have worked for some years so i believe i can show or tell you some things. We could help and learn from each other. I think you are really smart. Send a pm man.

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Family / Re: I Have No Money, Not Even To Eat. Edit: Got a Job now by obiaguna(m): 9:56pm On Jul 21, 2017

Yeah right.

If you are really hungry, instead of looking for food from neighbours, family or friends even if it means trekking to their house, searching for any type of job that will give you a daily pay even if you'd be underpaid, you will be more interested in looking for, logging in to a free wifi to compose stories and refresh stories on the internet.

I say, the hunger never really wire you.

You dont have any help to provide yet you keep talking trash instead of minding your business. Stop being stupid and respect your stupid self.


Career / Re: What Can A Maths Graduate Do? by obiaguna(m): 10:08am On Jul 19, 2017
If A Maths Graduate Is Employed In A Bank, Will He Be Paid Same Salary With Accounting/ Banking Graduates?

What cant maths graduates do? I believe a degree in Maths comes with a high monetary reward. You can work in investment banking as a quant analyst or take up other roles in the investment banking too. Roles Hedge funds,PE, Corporate finance and asset management are desirable for maths grads. You can take the CFA exams to be even more desirable for these jobs. Bsc Maths + CFA would have banks salivating and drooling over you. These positions come with heavy salary as investment Banking and financial analysis is one lucrative field .
You can work as a data analyst or scientist. This field is billed to become the most desirable career in another 3 years as data is the new oil. With your maths degree you can take data science courses on coursera, udemy and data camp. They are very affordable and they possess quality content. Another thing you can do is to síť for the GRE and do a masters abroad via scholarships. You can focus on Data Science + statistics. If you are lucky to study in America, after your graduation you can get plum jobs ať the biggest tech coys in the world as a data scientist.
With your maths degree you can switch to economics. A degree in maths automatically qualifies you for a masters in economics. You can choose to specialise in oil and gas trading.
You can do programming as well.
You can also apply to be a business analyst ať Consulting firms like Mckinsey and BCG. You can do your masters and then a PhD so you can lecture ať the best schools in the world and consult for the biggest companies in the world. Guys with PhDs in maths are demi gods in the west.
The list is quite exhaustive and there is really no limit to what you can achieve with a maths degree. Personally speaking, its a sexy course that sets you apart from the rest. Just look for the sector that suits you and do the needful. Good luck .


Career / Re: Change In Career From A Banker To An IT Professional by obiaguna(m): 9:48am On Jul 19, 2017

I simply resigned my banking managerial position and applied at an IT firm and I was hired in.

This is in the US though.

With all due respect, this is not in any way well detailed or inspiring. One would have expected you to list the steps you took and skills you acquired that qualified you for the IT job.
How long did it take you? What specialisation did you choose and why? How did you handle the interviews and all that. I believe the OP was looking to see all these things and you didnt touch them in your reply. I would be very grateful if you can take your time to highlight the steps you took. Thanks.
Politics / Re: You Were In Power For 16 Years But Failed To Restructure Nigeria – APC Fires PDP by obiaguna(m): 9:29am On Jul 19, 2017
Issues that affect every nigerian should not be cheaply narrowed down to APC vs PDP as Nigeria is bigger than both parties. It's our collective duty as citizens to speak up and ask questions. We need to do away with party affiliations and tribal sentiments. Nigeria today is on a downward spiral and its spiralling very low and rapidly too. Restructuring, creating and implementing solid economic policies is much needed.
Politics / Re: You Were In Power For 16 Years But Failed To Restructure Nigeria – APC Fires PDP by obiaguna(m): 9:23am On Jul 19, 2017
Dear APC,

It's not PDP thats clamouring for restructuring but rather Nigerians who are tired of mismanagement and the embarassing incompetence of government at every level.
It's clear to the blind that Nigeria is currently not working and if things continue this way, we would be stuck with the same problems in the future which would be bad for us and our unborn kids.
Gone are the days when citizens were not totally involved with politics. Every policy, every speech, every act is now closely monitored and Nigerians are ready to react.
Please get your shit together and do the needful.
Career / Re: Do You Love Your Current Job? by obiaguna(m): 9:00am On Jul 19, 2017
God bless Eremy and Debbie.

I got my current job from one of Eremy's post in the Jobs/Vacancy section here on NL.

For those still searching, keep the faith and never give up, but pending that time try and do something, for you not to be idle.

Well, In other news, if you need 2017/2018 club jersey, check my signature.

Do you like your current job? Its a simple question amd your post doesnt answer the question. Stay on topic next time.
Travel / Re: Pilot Who Couldn't Make It To Church On Sunday Does This During Flight. Photos by obiaguna(m): 8:21am On Jul 19, 2017

who is that one saying there's pot hole on the air very soon you will buy gala on the air.

Would you convert the likes to cash?
Travel / Re: Pilot Who Couldn't Make It To Church On Sunday Does This During Flight. Photos by obiaguna(m): 8:12am On Jul 19, 2017
He's not paying attention.... with passengers lives in his hands.

Plus that beard....... makes him look like a terrorist.

Has the beard stopped him from doing his job? I dont even see how he looks like a terrorist. He looks clean and good.
Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 10:06am On Jul 17, 2017

OP rien05 . Please don't listen to this advise above. 95% of people telling you not to quit your job cannot be fools. MBA from any Nigerian school cannot help your life. Including Unilag MBA and the likes.

This guy below has told you all you need to know. Get his contact

It is funny that a lot of people that their parents still feed them don't understand what it means by quitting your job because of One useless MBA. Please oh. Use your head Op. while you still have it.

Lol im telling you. Imagine a sane person quitting his/her job for an advanced copy and paste MBA from mushroom Nigerian Universities. Smh.
Schools matter a lot for MBA programs and if oné can't be too arsed about it then you can sít in your office and do online MBA's from the normal good schools abroad. The good thing is that you would even get to travel there for your graduation so its quite fantastic.
Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 9:59am On Jul 17, 2017

Guy this cousera makes sense o...abeg do they issue certificate and how does one pay abeg enlighten me more. Thank you.

Yeah they do issue certificates. Not just Cousera but a whole lot of others. The good thing is that whatever they would teach you at any masters degree program can be learnt online so it saves you the hassles of quitting your job and travelling a lot.
Exceptions for those that want to migrate via a masters degree.
They mostly award scholarships. I took some courses for free then they would send you a certificate. You can also include it on your LinkedIn page which i think is a fantastic way to get recruiters to notice you.
NB - You can always pay via your masters card if the need be. Its easy really.
Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 10:11am On Jul 14, 2017

I don't agree with you that no employer values a Nigerian MBA. Do you know how much executive MBA in LBS costs? How long can she save that?

Hello. I said that an MBA from LBS is valued but not oné from Unilag.
She can take professional courses and keep working and getting promoted cos experience is key. She doesnt sound like she has even worked for 5 years so talks of MBA at this moment is totally unnecessary.


Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 2:12pm On Jul 13, 2017
Hello,I want to talk to you about choosing the right course on coursera. Can I drop my number so you reach out to me,thanks .

Hello. It's really simple. Log on to cousera and register. Then search for subsets of fields that interest you. You would find various courses under those subsets then select anyone. Say you want to learn coperate finance now. You would have to search for finance first then coperate fin

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Career / Experienced Young Finance Analyst In Need Of A Job. by obiaguna(m): 2:53am On Jul 13, 2017
Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 2:13am On Jul 13, 2017

I am 29 years old and I studied BSc.Geology. I currently work as a Procurement Specialist. I know that there are professional courses in Supply chain Management but I feel a Masters tops them. Well maybe i will just wait save up and maybe do CIPS

Take CIPS. Work for 10 years then you would afford much better MBA's. Experience is key.

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Career / Re: Should I Stop Work And Do A Masters Programme? by obiaguna(m): 2:10am On Jul 13, 2017
Dear Op. Listen carefully. An MBA from Unilag is worthless. A total waste of time and it wont open any doors for you. MBA's are supposed to allow you network with great minds for great jobs post school and also for the contents. I feel a hustling Nigerian should take an MBA for these two reasons. 1) If you have big dreams of working at the best firms and startups in Europe and North América and 2) If you are looking to migrate and you need something valuable to get good jobs abroad. The first optipn also goes for those that have the plum jobs here and are looking to go higher.Harvard, Insead and all.
I would encourage you to face your work, save money, and rack up experience cos its the most important thing in the corperate world. Take online courses via cousera and the likes or do professional exams. The only Nigerian MBA that can make a difference in your fortunes might be from Lagos Business school. No employer would bat an eyelid for an MBA from Unilag so aim higher and work really hard. All the best dear and congrats on securing your job.


Family / Re: Please How Do I Get My Friend Out Of Depression ? by obiaguna(m): 10:43am On Jun 12, 2017
Not Everyone would understand what that person is going through. It comes from a place of emptiness, nothing to hope or look forward to now, sadness and all. You wake up each day without having anything to smile about. Nothing makes sense anymore. Its really not easy coming out of this i tell you but i believe in prayers and faith that with time all will br well. Im going through that phase now and i try as much as i can to not misbehave . I just pray quietly for inner mental strength and ask God to send new opportunities my way. Your friend should be lucky he has you and his gf. Advise him to give his business one more shot and believe in himself again. If i had funds to start a business now im sure i would be less sad and more hopeful só let your friend make the best of his situation. Cheers.
Career / Re: How Do You Cope Doing A Job You Don't Like by obiaguna(m): 3:44pm On Jun 04, 2017

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Travel / Re: Luanda, Angola - The 'African Miami' (pics) by obiaguna(m): 5:57am On Feb 25, 2017
Man. Nigeria is terribly ugly and messed up. Look how beautiful and developed other countries are and take an inward look at Nigeria. It's disheartening that a nation filled with so much natural resources and sound human capital is perpetually tied to massive suffering and backwardness. This country has suffered terrible leadership and might even fall out of the third world country rader and possibly become the scum of the earth. I weep for my country o.. People are moving to greater things.. Greater tech.. Smart start ups but all we do here is import sub standard products from China and brand ourselves as entrepreneurs. Go to school come out and start selling snacks, engaging in make up and selling one thing or the other ,none of which is actually produced here. How did we get here seriously?
Travel / Re: Anambra: Drone pictures Of Some Locations by obiaguna(m): 5:12am On Feb 25, 2017
This is nice. Just that the shoprite building looks a tad bit too ordinary. Isn't it meant to be a combination shoprite store and other malls. I feel it could have been more beautiful. Every other thing looks nice . Can be better though but we would get there.
Car Talk / Re: 2014 Toyota Land Cruiser Armoured : A Review of Gov. Obiano's Offical Car by obiaguna(m): 5:16pm On Feb 24, 2017
Only god knows what Peter Obi is driving now. Useless ex gov

Peter Obi.. Useless? Says more about you then.


Car Talk / Re: 2014 Toyota Land Cruiser Armoured : A Review of Gov. Obiano's Offical Car by obiaguna(m): 5:15pm On Feb 24, 2017
I hope dis isn't a campaign strategy cos we are booting this man out come November

You can't do nothing.
Career / Re: CFA Candidates In The House by obiaguna(m): 12:30am On Feb 11, 2017

Dear llade,

I think the CFA programme more than repays the expense. For some, it does over a long time. For others (like me) it does over a short time (few months after getting the charter, I did a job for about 3 nights that paid me what it cost to write all the exams. I have had many more of such payments over the years). That is just talking about recovering the cost of writing the exams. The more important thing is what it does for your career. The CFA charter gives you instant recognition amongst finance people. For instance, when I look at a charterholder, I see someone who is hardworking, intelligent, and tenacious. That must surely count in job interviews, promotion considerations, etc. The knowledge you gain from the CFA programme is so much that you can hardly be in a place where finance, economics, management, corporate governance, accounting, etc are being discussed, and not dominate the discussion. You just make contributions to the discourse and people wonder how come you know so much.

A mistake people make is to expect the charter to get them instant cash or promotion at work. This may or may not happen. However, always remember that you can create cash with the knowledge you have. Do you know that derivatives are presently not traded in Nigeria? Do you also know that the exchanges want to launch them this year? Someone has to create the products that will be traded in the derivatives market. Why can't that person be you? Do you know we do not have enough rating agencies? Or investment research houses? Or data company like Bloomberg? Or good financial reporters and presenters for the media? I could go on all day. The thing is that you must think outside your present job. You must ask yourself which of the numerous opportunities you would like to pursue.

Finally, who says you cannot check out of the country with your charter? You hold a globally-recognized qualification, so why not? I have been fortunate to visit may countries of the world, and have seen the recognition my charter gives me. Of all my qualifications, the CFA has given me the most benefit. So, don't despair. Write that L3, get your charter, and begin to flenjor smiley

You have succeeded in answering a question I have been struggling to answer for a long time. You have convinced me beyond reasonable doubt as I was always doubting the relevance of chasing the CFA charter and not getting any job after. Surely I know there are more benefits but you have piqued my optimism and I want to sit for the June 2018 exams. Why 2018? - I fee I need ample time to study and get properly acquainted with the program as a first time pass would spur me further and - MONEY.. Lol.. I have to save and pay for a lot. This is my own masters and MBA so it's from my pocket but please I would really like to speak to you privately. I would really really love to. Thank you sir/ma.
Business / Re: I Need Constant Supply Of Uncraked Palm Kernel Nut by obiaguna(m): 2:45am On Feb 08, 2017

No one has delivered 1gramme since let alone in KG

Wow that's surprising as they all sounded very committed and ready. I only came to read up and source for knowledge. I want to delve into this business in the not too distant future but I have limited knowledge about it now. Still looking for help but hopefully you find what you are looking for.
Business / Re: I Need Constant Supply Of Uncraked Palm Kernel Nut by obiaguna(m): 7:09pm On Feb 05, 2017
Can I get reliable ppl pls?

What about the people that have been replying you. Isn't there any one that's reliable? grin

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Family / Re: Aso-ebi.. My Ibo Brethren, Why? by obiaguna(m): 1:57am On Feb 03, 2017
grin grin grin grin

Anything with my Nnes and Nnas in it translates to business!

"Time is money". Oge a diro.
Family / Re: Aso-ebi.. My Ibo Brethren, Why? by obiaguna(m): 1:56am On Feb 03, 2017
That's just one Igbo person but you couldn't help yourself. It's understandable. Nobody can force you or point a gun to your head asking you to buy asoebi. What can you do? - Don't buy that particular asoebi. Attend only weddings that you can "afford" the asoebi. Easy.
Family / Re: Can Someone Attend A Football Academy And Still Attend A University. by obiaguna(m): 1:40am On Feb 03, 2017
If you intend playing football professionally then I would advice that you skip university and focus on your football career full time. That's if the proposed university is in Nigeria. But a much better idea is you travelling abroad now, enrolling in school and playing football at the same time cos over there they have an enabling environment that would make you a pro while getting your education. I don't know your real age but if you are below 16/17 then you can look towards America. They run programs for young athletes and that's why a large percentage of American athletes are educated and some even go as far as having PhD's. Clint Dempsey that used to play for Fulham has both Bsc and Msc and he still plays football till date and there are a lot of others like that. You can try others European countries as well but if you would be in Nigeria for now then I would advice you to free school for now and join a serious academy and look towards getting signed by a club in the Nigerian league or getting signed abroad. Cos if you go to a Nigerian school you would be graduating at say 20-24 and you would lose competitive football fitness thereby making it difficult for you to compete. But if you join an academy Now and you train seriously then there is nothing you can't achieve. But think hard and ask yourself this question. "Am I good enough" and "Am I ready to work hard".
Politics / Re: Shamsudeen Bala Enjoying His Luxury Cars by obiaguna(m): 12:51am On Feb 03, 2017

2face is too uninformed to understand that in the process of moving Nigeria from a corruption to production based economy in a globally depressed economy, the hardship will be biting and harsh. We reached the highest heights of depraved corruption under GEJ and it is only a myopic inept thinker that would think we would just walk away from that without serious consequences.

Ironic that under those " extreme heights of corruption" we had it good. Economy was good. Zero inflation. Stable FX. Lights.. Water..Unemployment rate wasn't what it is now and so on and so forth. One begins to wonder why things have gone bad under an administration that is fighting ceaselessly against corruption. One begins to wonder why things are so bad right now. I mean this was supposed to be the administration to take us to the promised land but right now there is no land talk more of any promise or future. It doesn't take anything special to see that this is the worst administration in the history of Nigeria, so easy that illiterates like Tuface and the common man can see but a supposedly educated person like you cannot see it and would rather make it an "us vs them" thing. Food for thought?
Politics / Re: Shamsudeen Bala Enjoying His Luxury Cars by obiaguna(m): 12:30am On Feb 03, 2017

I wish the protest was in the line of pushing for fast and tougher prosecution of looters. All what 2face listed in his planned protest are not new..unemployment, justice, power, education e.t.c but how can all these be dealt with if the big monster(corruption) is not gotten rid off. The chinese model of dealing with corrupt people would go along way in cleansing the nation of very bad people.

All in all. I am glad Buhari despite being old is trying his best to ensure faster prosecution as seen in the case of the subsidy scam convicted. I pray God grants him more strenght to continue his anti corruption drive.

Faster prosecution of Non APC members ? Yes you are correct. While you are praying for anti corruption drive, please pray that God grants him wisdom to rule the country and make policies that would better the economy so the common man on the street wont perish. While you are at that please pray that God also grants him wisdom to provide at least 10% of constitutional basic amenities like power and security. I know it's not easy but I believe God is still in the business of doing miracles. Thank you.

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