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Food / Re: Who Knows What This Plant Is Called In English? by Pathfinder121: 2:31pm On Jan 20, 2022
It is Celery

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Romance / Re: My Fiancé Wants To Call It A Quit Because I Don't Relate With His Siblings by Pathfinder121: 9:02am On Nov 16, 2021
I am in a similar situation myself, I am introvert while my wife and in-laws are extrovert. You will have to make genuine effort that you care about them. Inconvenient yourself to be an extrovert at this stage after marriage you can revert to your introvert nature gradually, they will understand.
Do make sure you are convinced about this guy before going all the way unless the atmosphere in your home will be determined by your sister in-laws.
Programming / Re: I Want My Son To Be A Programmer, How Do I Go About It by Pathfinder121: 2:29pm On Apr 30, 2021
9 year old is too young, what he or she needs now is parents love and proper upbringing. Don't allow Nigeria environment to pressure you into damaging your child.
Family / Re: Three Experiences That Make Me Think I'm Married To The Wrong Person by Pathfinder121: 10:52am On Jan 22, 2021
Hey married man,

From your write up, poverty is the main issue here. Work hard and pray hard to break the yoke of struggle and poverty in your life and then see your wife attitude towards you.

You are not capable of marriage financially and partly maturity issue hence this complain.

Get a role model in marriage to guide you.
Stop giving excuses bro. Face your marriage, make it work and don't be a coward.

If you don't know God then this is the time to know him.

Good luck�

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Nairaland / General / Re: What's The Greatest Lesson You Learnt In Life? by Pathfinder121: 6:15pm On Dec 02, 2020
Work hard (Determination, discipline, perseverance and patience) and pray hard towards achieving your goal.

Education is a common denominator for all but building relationships in the right places will deliver the success you desire.

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Family / Re: 3 Nice Girls. What Do I Do? by Pathfinder121: 3:37pm On Jul 17, 2020
You are not a good husband material. This will definitely end in premium tears for any of the unlucky lady. You are toying with 3 precious heart.

You are so shallow to the point that you don't know what you want. Confused entity well done.

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Career / Re: Where Can Someone With Bsc. Statistics Work? by Pathfinder121: 2:54pm On Jun 02, 2020
That is a golden ticket you have there. Come out with strong 2.1 or 1.1. Do data analytics studies/certification on the side: SQL, R, Python, Tablue and get familiar with all statistical tools. Approach organizations for free work experience while in school.

If pepper rest, japa to Europe for Masters in big data management, AI, Machine learning or Data analytics. You will get offers while studying for your Masters.

Thank me later
Travel / Re: Coronavirus Lockdown: A Nairalander In Ireland Shares His Experience (Photos) by Pathfinder121: 11:35pm On Mar 31, 2020

That's 4 k a month , not great same as taxi drivers earn but don't have to declare.

If you add Dublin expenses, you'll realise you're just getting by.

When treasury bills were good , some people with 70 million invested were earning close to your salary without lifting a finger.

Anyway I'll stop here ... Thanks for listening

It is all making sense now. Honest living is one of the puzzle missing here for you oga. When I came across your contributions and Lamentations, I was incline to you being a taxi driver or in the shadow jobs with easy tax avoidance.

Nothing is ever enough for .....


Travel / Re: Coronavirus Lockdown: A Nairalander In Ireland Shares His Experience (Photos) by Pathfinder121: 11:22pm On Mar 31, 2020

Ive worked with several companies, they don't promote you for years.

When you look back your life is gone.

You have bigger better opportunities in the uk.

Please tell me how many multi nationals are in Ireland all together.

Are you telling me you can't see people are struggling? For real.

Half of the Irish population are on low income jobs like retail, admin , hospitality etc.

Brah be honest it's not great, after many years you'll realise you're making a big mistake especially if you are well educated.

Trust me , I'm not trying to be mean, just honest.

Ireland has the highest concentration of multinationals companies in Europe. It is defacto silicon valley of Europe. It is also about getting the right/relevant qualifications and excelling at the very competitive interviews.

UK pay less in comparison to Ireland but not that significant. There is always a trade-off in one or two things between the 2 countries.

A number of factors will determine career progression and the industry/ sector you will work in.


Travel / Re: Coronavirus Lockdown: A Nairalander In Ireland Shares His Experience (Photos) by Pathfinder121: 11:11pm On Mar 31, 2020
It seems you are yet to roll with the right people. I have friends who finished from UL and Griffith College in Limerick. Two are now working in Facebook in Dublin while some are working in Amazon, Johnson and Johnson and other good companies. While some people are not making it in life, others are doing fine. You are only telling us about the negative side as if there are no positive sides too.

You should understand that people have different luck. So don't think everybody will struggle because you did.

The questions should be what services can you offer?

What are you really good at?

Have you equipped yourself with the necessary skills?

Nigerians who are good in IT and financial services are doing very fine here in Ireland. Even the health professionals are also doing fine here.

You are correct on this, I work for one of those companies you mentioned as a manager.

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Travel / Re: Coronavirus Lockdown: A Nairalander In Ireland Shares His Experience (Photos) by Pathfinder121: 11:06pm On Mar 31, 2020

I am returning, finishing off my property and setting up.

I'll tell you one thing , if you want a future leave Ireland

It's a mess !!!

Oga let's place a bet, you will run back.

I am a Dubiner who pays over €900 of my salary as income tax, so I know what am saying.

Allow the OP to enjoy his life/post in peace and hope of a better future considering that you have had enough of Ireland.


Business / Re: For People Who Grew Up Poor And Eventually Escaped Poverty, Whats Your Story? by Pathfinder121: 8:29pm On Mar 25, 2020
Summary of me Escaping Poverty: God, Determination, Perseverance, Service and Purpose.

1. You need to understand the meaning of Poverty before you can find a solution to it. Poverty is simply accumulation of needs

2. You need a reason to hate Poverty inorder to escape it. Am from a broken home, I saw what Poverty did to my mother despite being a fervent Christian. So I determined to break the cycle.

3. As a teenager, I hawked everything "hawkable" it helped me to build resilience and hardworking skills.
My first job after secondary school was #1000 as a teacher in year 2000 (too small right?) There is dignity in labour.

4. Select your friends: Some don't know they are poor, so stay away from such. Sacrifice youthful lust and exuberance, face your destiny. Older people make better friends, you will learn from their stories. Pray for Helpers of destiny.

5. Fight poverty physically and spiritually: I became born again in 2003. 50% of my poverty and problem was solved with that singular act. God showed me my future so I endured and persevered with my then challenges.

6. You may forget about Marriage or relationship when you are poor. It will save you from stress and keep you focus. After significant progress on your plan then marry or start relationship.

7. Get used to fasting and crying to God and crying for yourself.

8. Set goals and milestones for yourself. It helps you to know when you arrive at your destination. List what you intend to achieve at various age and stick with it. God works with plan and expectations. The Bible says the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut short.

9. Render service to people/serve people without thinking of reward. Value prayer over money or reward while serving people. Their goodwill and recommendations will give you what you need. This is very important.

In conclusion, you can do it because I did it with God on your side. Your children and your world will thank you for it. I live in diaspora and a regular intercontinental flyer.

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Family / Re: Married But I'm Not Connected With My Husband, Hence I'm Depressed by Pathfinder121: 7:51am On Feb 23, 2020
Accept your husband the way he is. His is someone else prayer point for coupling.

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Education / Re: How Bad Is Second Class Lower Division In The Labour Market? by Pathfinder121: 9:09am On Feb 04, 2020
Hmm.. Do you have a relationship with God? Your class of degree does not determine your class of success. God is the giver of all good things. I finished with same and God told me I will have jobs that First class candidates can't get. First to be employed in my set even before going NYSC. Think and plan beyond your class of degree.

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Career / Re: Should I Recommend My Best "Team Member" For A Higher Position Off My Team? by Pathfinder121: 8:32am On Dec 02, 2019
I understand your dilemma as I have been in this crossed road several times.

With all sincerity, I have got at least 6 members of my team promoted in space of 1 year. It increases your value, increases your organisational influence and makes you a reference point for someone lifting and success story.

Also, endeavour to change your mindset from being a survival or a typical Nigerian manager to Leadership mindset.

A leader reward good work in case of Mr X and serves as a pointer to other members.

Don't allow KARMA to teach you a lesson �

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Nairaland / General / You've Got To Love This Mother: Mother Call Police After Discovering Cannabis. by Pathfinder121: 10:36am On Mar 17, 2018
Mother of student (20) phoned gardai after discovering €19k of cannabis in his wardrobe

A bioscience student whose mother phoned a garda when she found just under €19,000 of cannabis in his wardrobe has received a three year suspended sentence.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Dayo Awosanya's mother called a garda she knew when she discovered herbal cannabis in a rucksack after noticing a smell.

Garda Alan Barry agreed with Richard Wixted BL, defending, that this was the first time he had heard of a drugs bust in such circumstances.

Judge Martin Nolan commended Awosanya's mother as a “woman of courage and principle” who did the right thing.

Awosanya (20) of The Boulevard, Bealing Village, Tyrrelstown, Dublin pleaded guilty to possessing the cannabis herb at his address on June 12, 2017. He has no previous convictions.

Gda Barry told Diarmuid Collins BL, prosecuting, that Awosanya said he was holding the drugs for a friend and was to be given some money for the job.

Awosanya said he had thought the cannabis was worth about €1,000 and wouldn't have become involved had he known its true value.

The student said he had been spending €50 a week on cannabis for personal use.

Gda Barry agreed with Mr Wixted that his client had been fully co-operative in interview and expressed remorse for getting himself into a “stupid mess”.

Mr Wixted sumitted to Judge Nolan that Awosanya had started using cannabis recreationally to deal with his mother's cancer diagnosis around that time.

Counsel said his client had since stopped using cannabis and had broken away from his peer group.

Judge Nolan accepted that Awosanya probably had an obligation to third parties to hold the drug. He took into account Awosanya's previous clean record, his early guilty plea, full co-operation and the fact he had good career prospects.

He suspended the sentence for three years.

Travel / Re: Should I Go For NYSC Or Continue My Journey Abroad? by Pathfinder121: 5:17pm On Mar 16, 2018
Jump on that plane to save your generation and future. I am a living proof, skipped service for Europe and I am better off today while most of my mates who served are still looking for their way in the jungle.

Thank me later.


Education / Re: I'm Worried, I Finally Graduated With 2:2, Any Advice For Me? by Pathfinder121: 8:40pm On Mar 14, 2018
It depends on how you spent your time on campus bro. I became bornagain and God addict in 200 level after 3 carry overs. I was victimised and eventually graduated with 2.2.

God promise me I am a first class candidate with that mindset and God's grace, every job I applied I got.

I work at the most popular social media company today.
Health / Re: Speech Therapist In Owerri Needed For My Son by Pathfinder121: 9:36pm On Mar 06, 2018
It is probably a symptom of other developmental issues. Considering limited info, services and speciality in Nigerian, you ( and they) may not get the full picture.

From personal experience, it could be as a result of ASD ( Autism Spectrum Disorder).

I will recommend searching on Google for further info.

Tips are :

- Engage the child in activities that stimulate his or her senses.

- Use of picture to describe daily activities and next activities.

- The use of flash cards with pictures to encourage single word formation.

- Role play and taking turns to play games.
- Outdoor activities with age mate and favourite persons.

- Breakdown your words to the child when communicating.

- Avoid the use of longer words/sentences when communicating.

- Repeat words to derive action and attention.

If you need further tips or information, let me know.

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Nairaland / General / Why Do Nigerians Write, Text Or Post In Capital Letters? by Pathfinder121: 6:48pm On Mar 02, 2018
I will like to hear people' s opinion on this.

My perspective ( inform by Education, Profession and working abroad) is that writing, texting or posting in capitals amount to shouting.

Examples abound on Facebook post, text messages soliciting for assistance and others.

What is your take on this?
Health / Re: Egg Donor Chronicles: My Experience In A Nigerian Fertility Clinic (with Pics) by Pathfinder121: 5:21pm On Feb 20, 2018
Your regrets and suffering are in the gym building their muscles for impact of your life.

Wait for it. Esau story will be better than yours.

May a God fearing man never meet you, may you meet your kind.

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Nairaland / General / Australia Bans Sex Between Ministers And Their Staff After Deputy Pm's Affair. by Pathfinder121: 3:55pm On Feb 15, 2018
AUSTRALIA’S PRIME MINISTER imposed a formal ban on sex between ministers and their staff today after his deputy made “a shocking error of judgement” by having an affair that left an aide pregnant and the government reeling.

Malcolm Turnbull announced the amendment to the ministerial code of conduct at an extraordinary press conference during which he slammed deputy Barnaby Joyce for causing “terrible hurt and humiliation” to his wife and four children.

“Barnaby made a shocking error of judgement in having an affair with a young woman working in his office,” he said.

“In doing so, he has set off a world of woe for those women and appalled all of us.

“Our hearts go out to them. It has been a dreadful thing for them to go through in the glare of publicity.”

Joyce, 50, has been under immense pressure since his affair with former media advisory Vikki Campion, 33, who is now pregnant with their child, became public last week.

It has led to allegations that he breached ministerial rules, with the crisis dominating the front pages and parliament question time, with calls mounting for him to resign.

Joyce, whose National Party is in a coalition with the prime minister’s Liberals, will take leave next week, allowing him to side-step the role of acting leader while Turnbull is on a visit to the United States.

Turnbull departs for Washington next Wednesday for meetings with US President Donald Trump and is scheduled to be overseas for four days.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, as deputy Liberal leader, would normally step in if Joyce was unavailable. But she will also be travelling, which means Senate leader Mathias Cormann will take the position.

Turnbull said the break would allow Joyce to “consider his own position”.

The prime minister could sack him, but that risks fracturing the ruling coalition and could cause a rift between the Liberal and National parties.

‘No good comes of it’

Joyce admitted to the affair after a picture of his pregnant lover was splashed across the front page of the Sydney Daily Telegraph, and has publicly apologised to his shattered wife of 24 years Natalie and their daughters.

See http://www.thejournal.ie/barnaby-joyce-leave-3852779-Feb2018/ for more.
Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Of 5 Years Broke Up With Me Because Of What Her Pastor Said. Help! by Pathfinder121: 3:15pm On Feb 15, 2018

wait bro God showed you the lady did God show her you re the man.
your sense of judgement met be beclouded and work with ur imagination when u sleep therefore thinking is God that show you but your want and insatiable for d woman is actually working on you.

Trust me this vision is not one sided, u can't go out of God visions, if he showed u,he will show the woman

Am amused at your response though and you are wrong. I never had any premonition or meditation about her. It depends on your walk and relationship with God.
Nairaland / General / First Ancient Britons Were Black With Curly Hair. by Pathfinder121: 2:20am On Feb 07, 2018
Black skin, blue eyes and curly hair: DNA tests reveal the extraordinary face of the first ancient Briton and 10,000-year-old Cheddar Man is directly related to one in ten people in the UK today.

By Colin Fernandez Science Correspondent For The Daily Mail and Harry Pettit and Tim Collins For Mailonline.

- The bones are the oldest near-complete human skeleton ever found in Britain and were unearthed in 1903.
- Researchers extracted DNA data from bone powder by drilling a 2mm hole through the skull's inner ear bone.
- It showed that there was a 76 per cent chance that Cheddar Man was ‘dark to black’ by today's standards.
- Research suggests the first inhabitants of the British isles developed white skin later on than thought.

Please see http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5358699/First-Brit-dark-skinned-blue-eyed.html for further read:

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Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Of 5 Years Broke Up With Me Because Of What Her Pastor Said. Help! by Pathfinder121: 4:07pm On Feb 03, 2018
Have you prayed personally and God told you she is your wife? If not, God back to God in personal intercession and seek clarity. Sacrificing a 5 year old relationship for a blissful future shouldn't be a problem.

From my personal experience, God showed me a lady as my wife and she refused my request. I let her be but today am married (with unfathomable fulfilment, achievement and happiness) but she's not.

No Pastor can choose a wife for you, they can only guide you and sometimes personal interest are paramount to them.

If you want a wife and a glorious future, go to God in prayer and seek His face. You require patience, determination and perseverance though.

Thank me later.


Education / Re: 5 Easy Steps To Insert References In Your Project/ Thesis by Pathfinder121: 8:50am On Jan 14, 2018
A better way of doing the referencing is using citethisforme.com on Google.

It is important you are familiar with the reference style indicated in the project, Harvard style is mostly used and required in European Universities.

Also, considering the incessant power outage in Naija, the Endnote could be an alternative.
Education / Re: What Is The Difference Between B.sc Degree And B.sc (Hons) Degree? by Pathfinder121: 8:52am On Sep 04, 2017
B.Sc degree is simply B.Sc ( Ordinary) degree at level 7 and usually completed within 3 years with lesser credit/ course work and without requirement for Thesis/dissertation according to Irish/European standard certification grade. A one year add-on is required for Hons degree and most masters programme.


B.Sc (Hons) is completed in 4 years with final dissertation and more credits/course work at level 8.

Please peruse the image and link as follows for further context. http://www.nfq-qqi.com

Music/Radio / BBC Launches PIDGIN English World Service. by Pathfinder121: 9:42pm On Aug 21, 2017
The BBC has today launched an online site for a language without an alphabet which changes on a daily basis and yet is spoken and understood by more than 75 million Nigerians.

On Monday BBC World Service launched an online portal that is entirely in Pidgin and, like the rest of the BBC's sites, features text news, features and podcasts.

It is the first of 12 new language services as part of its biggest expansion since the 1940s, backed by £289million in Government funding.
It's a challenging, exciting experiment,' said Bilkisu Labaran, the corporation's editor-in-chief in Lagos, the commercial capital of the west African powerhouse.

Labaran and her 15-strong team, which includes web designers, journalists and social media experts, are seeking to transform Nigeria's use of Pidgin, under the banner 'make dem hear'.

'We want to be pioneers in what written Pidgin can be,' she said.

Details in the link as follows:
http ://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4807890/BBC-Pidgin-takes-airwaves-Nigeria.html.

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