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Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 9:56pm On Nov 24, 2023

These lazy zealots would not read their own history and be making noise on the pages of Nairaland platform.

They build their faith on delusion.

They really need that history and remove that fraud of a light getting brighter from their madness and insanities peddling brains

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Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by MightySparrow: 12:19am On Nov 25, 2023

those apostate materials housed in their e - libraries they outlaw them from. Loooool

Kingdom Hall of lies


Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by johnw47: 7:56am On Nov 25, 2023
Christendom's Churches that are a franchise for practicing pastorpreneurs/ churchpreneurs. grin grin

Ecc_7:6  For as the crackling of thorn bushes under a pot, So is the laughter of the fool

lost fraud jw janosky

not all Christian denominations are a franchise for practicing pastorpreneurs,
you false jw's just like the devil cannot stop lying:

Joh 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, that is his natural way of speaking, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Christendom. / (ˈkrɪsəndəm) / noun. the collective body of Christians throughout the world or throughout history. an obsolete word for Christianity.

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Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 9:05pm On Nov 25, 2023
Cc: Emusan, MightySparrow, Courz, Oteneaaron, Sand2022, OLAADEGBU come and see something.....

However, coming from apostate religious systems these brought with them many beliefs and practices which were, in fact, just so much wood material, hay and stubble. Among such were the beliefs that it was necessary to develop a beautiful character to get to heaven and that that was a Christian’s chief duty; the notion that Christians must appear sanctimonious and pious, evincing more concern over what men thought than over what God thought; false teachings such as that the political powers of this wicked world were the “higher powers” of Romans 13:1 who must be obeyed even though they contradicted God’s expressed commandments; that a pile of stone in Egypt constituted a witness to Jehovah (Isa. 19:19, 20); that one imperfect man living in our day was repeatedly foretold in Bible prophecy; etc.

Madness and insanities peddling peddlers such as

MaxInDHouse, Aemmyjah, Cornelboy, Janosky aka JaNosense food is ready grin grin grin grin

On the menu

1. false teachings such as that the political powers of this wicked world were the “higher powers” of Romans 13:1 who must be obeyed

2. they contradicted God’s expressed commandments; that a pile of stone in Egypt constituted a witness to Jehovah (Isa. 19:19, 20).... Pyramidology by Charles Taze Russell

3. that one imperfect man living in our day was repeatedly foretold in Bible prophecy Charles Taze Russell

4. All those you call christendom are apostate religious system yet you will readily talk to them and ignore ex members. The many madness and insanities peddling packed into your brains.

5. Your religious organization were involved in false teaching when they say Romans 13:1 is all about Jehovah and Jesus while christendom you called false teachers were correct grin grin


Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 9:47pm On Nov 25, 2023

your werey peddling brains upgraded from mumu and no get sense cannot comprehend the answer as captured in Romans 13:4......

For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, AGENTS of wrath to BRING PUNISHMENT on the wrongdoer.

After reading the above the floor is still open for you werey peddling brains to add more delusions alongside your wailings and sifia pains. Looool!

Wetin concern Romans 13:4 with the wars your country have fought with other countries?

FAITHLESS miscreant SHAME ON YOU achorladey
. grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 9:49pm On Nov 25, 2023

Wetin concern Romans 13:4 with the wars your country have fought with other countries?

FAITHLESS miscreant SHAME ON YOU achorladey
. grin grin

Faithless miscreants peddling peddler alongside your upgraded werey peddling brains, you can only ask questions again when you saw what is contained in Romans 13:4.

Your shame peddling and shamelessness will not end today grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 9:56pm On Nov 25, 2023

Way to go! smiley

ALL the FALSEHOOD that FAITHLESS miscreant typed there about Armageddon whereas Revelation 16:14,16 is in your own Bible.

Aside other GIBBERISH in Achorladey's head. grin grin ;

This is the way your delusion is cast on marble.

Kumuyi slave nah anywhere FAITHLESS miscreants face or follow..

grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:00pm On Nov 25, 2023

Faithless miscreants peddling peddler alongside your upgraded werey peddling brains, you can only ask questions again when you saw what is contained in Romans 13:4.

Your shame peddling and shamelessness will not end today grin grin grin

Achorladey IBERIBEISM pro max.

San San brain.
grin grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:05pm On Nov 25, 2023

Drunk ke?
Keep listening to lies

No mind that deluded WAILER DECEIVING HIMSELF.

He is so deluded he imagines that everyone takes alcohol.

Brewery Firms would close down if people were like Janosky.

grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:10pm On Nov 25, 2023

The GB are master deceivers. Just listen to them talk. This people ehn?!
MaximumSide is mumunized.

See your gods of men the real McCoy of master deceivers in action (in screenshots).

The life of your deities in that bottle your gods of men sold to you cures Covid 19.


grin grin grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:22pm On Nov 25, 2023

Dó you have faithmeter , how dare you say I don't have faith because I don't buy into your delusion?!

The evidence of your delusion speaking for itself.

You sprayed the life of your deities to cure Covid 19 & every night on your doorstep before you sleep because Deuteronomy 20:4, Joshua 1:9 & Psalms 91 are NEVER enough for you.

FAITHLESS miscreant. grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:26pm On Nov 25, 2023

This is the proof that someone has or does not have faith:

Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. Hebrews 11:1

What did God promise that you're expecting to see as evidence of God's Hold Spirit in action even though you can see it?

God promised that in the last days individuals from different nations will form one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers after studying the Bible {Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-3} and they will relate as if they're speaking the same language! Zephaniah 3:9

Nobody needs to tell you that this is what all FAITHFUL PEOPLE should be out there looking for to be sure that those involved in such thing are under the control of God's Hold Spirit since they're also imperfect humans like all others.

So whatever makes you see it but keep speaking against it means you're FAITHLESS, that's exactly what Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and other Jewish Rabbis in the first century failed to see but common Jews like Peter, Matthew, Philip, Thomas, John and the rest saw with their minds eyes! Matthew 13:16 smiley
This is where FAITHLESS miscreants put their faith.
grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:38pm On Nov 25, 2023

lies like prominent members of "Jehovah's organisation" are fornicators, child abusers, wife swappers and beaters, drunkards e.t.c
Achorladey IBERIBEISM and LYING.

He shared this screenshot PROVEN evidence that those involved in those unholy practices were EXPELLED, according to 1 Corinthians 5:1-13.

Because Peter and Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ meant that the disciples were betrayers?

Achorladey IBERIBEISM Pro max.
grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:47pm On Nov 25, 2023

Let's see what the WEREY peddler has to say....

He asked to confirm the fact that your brains are now functional at werey peddlings after being upgraded from mumu and no get sense peddling grin grin grin

We know it is not a business center in your werey peddling brains but in the brains of the GODS that upgraded your brains from mumu and no get sense peddling,they know kingdom halls are sitting huge sums of money all over the world and are being sold out repeatedly as the need for more money arise and their favourite customers all these while are those you call Pastorpreneurs. grin grin Sellers of kingdom halls dedicated to JEHOVAH grin grin grin

From my comment above you and your GODS are involved in same line of business. They equally breed buyers and sellers of properties in your midst. Alabara and Alagbata grin grin grin

Finally your response to the post shows what those christendom do freely and your madness and insanities peddling brother aka MaxInDHouse says should be done in Christianity is what you don't do. Hypocrites and hypocrisy peddling from your WEREY peddling brains grin grin grin

From Genesis to Revelation, JEHOVAH'S Servants have bought & sold Properties.
Please continue WAILING in sifia pains.
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 10:47pm On Nov 25, 2023

Achorladey IBERIBEISM pro max.

San San brain.
grin grin grin

Your Werey brains filled with sandfill sandfill cannot be cured from IBERIBEISM pro madness peddling yet grin grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 10:51pm On Nov 25, 2023

From Genesis to Revelation, JEHOVAH'S Servants have bought & sold Properties.
Please continue WAILING in sifia pains.

You don eventually use your WEREY peddling brains peddling wailings and Sifia pains [/b]confirm your "Jehovah’s organization" are into the [b]buying and selling business grin grin grin grin. like the other Christian denominations you point accusing fingers grin grin

You see indeed why we say you be mumu and no get sense peddling peddler for nairaland. For our what you call lies are indeed truths grin grin grin grin

I will remind you of the werey peddlings you just type in the nearest future. grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 10:56pm On Nov 25, 2023

Achorladey IBERIBEISM and LYING.

He shared this screenshot PROVEN evidence that those involved in those unholy practices were EXPELLED, according to 1 Corinthians 5:1-13.

Because Peter and Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ meant that the disciples were betrayers?

Achorladey IBERIBEISM Pro max.
grin grin

When I shared it your now upgraded werey peddling brains denied it and call it lies and buttered about your ex grin cheesy grin grin now you want to colour it were expelled when even up till today many of such are still housed in your Jehovah’s organization carrying out such acts with reckless abandon aided by the policies and procedures of your GODS grin grin grin grin

Because Peter and Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ meant that the disciples were betrayers?

The same werey peddler who told us the other day that the apostles were teaching and practicing wrong doctrines now wants to change mouth and add more lies and manipulations when cornered as usual. You see your IBERIBEISM peddlings in your WEREY peddling brains grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:57pm On Nov 25, 2023

In the course of events, while A·polʹlos was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland regions and came down to Ephʹe·sus. There he found some disciples and said to them: “Did you receive holy spirit when you became believers?” They replied to him: “Why, we have never heard that there is a holy spirit

Let's rephrase

In the course of events, while A·polʹlos was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland regions and came down to Ephʹe·sus. There he found some disciples and said to them: “Did you receive force when you became believers?” They replied to him: “Why, we have never heard that there is a force


The disciples received God's finger also known as the hand of God in Ezra 7:28 & Ezekiel 37:1.

"You will receive power when God's finger comes upon you", Jesus promised the disciples,Acts 1:8.

Power & active force are inseparable.

Awon werey WAILER gringrin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 10:59pm On Nov 25, 2023

ALL the FALSEHOOD that FAITHLESS miscreant typed there about Armageddon whereas Revelation 16:14,16 is in your own Bible.

Aside other GIBBERISH in Achorladey's head. grin grin ;

This is the way your delusion is cast on marble.

Kumuyi slave nah anywhere FAITHLESS miscreants face or follow..

grin grin grin

Werey peddling brains exposed as usual for the many sandfill and gibberish packed into that faithless miscreants peddling brains
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 10:59pm On Nov 25, 2023

When I shared it your now upgraded werey peddling brains denied it and call it lies and buttered about your ex grin cheesy grin grin now you want to colour it were expelled when even up till today many of such are still housed in your Jehovah’s organization carrying out such acts with reckless abandon aided by the policies and procedures of your GODS grin grin grin grin

No evidence for Achorladey's LYING and FALSEHOOD.

Nah him way.

grin grin

he same werey peddler who told us the other day that the apostles were teaching and practicing wrong doctrines now wants to change mouth and add more lies and manipulations when cornered as usual. You see your IBERIBEISM peddlings in your WEREY peddling brains grin grin grin

Achorladey's LYING and FALSEHOOD.

Nah him way.

1 Corinthians 15:12
"How is it that some of you (the disciples) say that there is no resurrection of the dead?"

Achorladey, Did Jesus teach them there is no resurrection of the dead?

Achorladey Awon werey pro max
grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by johnw47: 11:05pm On Nov 25, 2023
The disciples received God's finger also known as the hand of God in Ezra 7:28 & Ezekiel 37:1.
"You will receive power when God's finger comes upon you", Jesus promised the disciples,Acts 1:8.
Power & active force are inseparable.
Awon werey WAILER gringrin grin

Ecc_7:6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, So is the laughter of the fool

lost fraud jw janosky

God's finger is a phrase referring to The Holy Spirit

Act 1:8  but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;

1Co 14:33  For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 11:07pm On Nov 25, 2023

Ecc_7:6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, So is the laughter of the fool

lost fraud jw janosky

God's finger is a phrase referring to The Holy Spirit

Act 1:8  but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;

1Co 14:33  For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints

Oga, use the contents of that bottle to wash your brain. grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by johnw47: 11:11pm On Nov 25, 2023

so lost fraud jw janosky, you hide behind a couple of cartoons that don't even apply to me:

rev 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 11:11pm On Nov 25, 2023

The disciples received God's finger also known as the hand of God in Ezra 7:28 & Ezekiel 37:1.

"You will receive power when God's finger comes upon you", Jesus promised the disciples,Acts 1:8.

Power & active force are inseparable.

Awon werey WAILER gringrin grin

Werey peddling brains stated

Power & active force are inseparable

We already know the power and active force stated above meant the holy spirit in his werey peddling brains filled with sandfill sandfill peddling gibberish.

Are power aka active force inseparable from holy spirit? grin grin grin grin

See from your darling NWT states.......

by beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by hard work, by sleepless nights, by times without food; by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindness, by holy spirit, by love free from hypocrisy, by truthful speech, by God’s power; through the weapons of righteousness in the right hand* and in the left,

Your NWT confirms your WEREY peddlings when it indeed confirm God's power and holy spirit are separable grin grin grin grin Problem of your WEREY peddling brains filled with sandfills and gibberish peddlings grin grin grin grin

Your same NWT stated...
and said to them: “Did you receive holy spirit when you became believers?”+ They replied to him: “Why, we have never heard that there is a holy spirit.”

Let's rephrase grin grin grin grin

and said to them: “Did you receive God's power or active force when you became believers?”+ They replied to him: “Why, we have never heard that there is a God's power or active force."

"You will receive power when God's finger comes upon you", Jesus promised the disciples,Acts 1:8.

Werey peddling brains you will receive God's power when God's power comes upon you.
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 11:12pm On Nov 25, 2023

Oga, use the contents of that bottle to wash your brain. grin

Your Werey peddling brains filled with sandfill needs it more as you have been peddling gibberish and Sifia pains from that brains
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 11:15pm On Nov 25, 2023

These lazy zealots would not read their own history and be making noise on the pages of Nairaland platform.

They build their faith on delusion.

Sparrow using this bottle for Covid 19 cure & protection (the commands of his gods of men) has accused someone else of building. "faith on delusion."

Whereas nah bodyguards surround the altars of his pastorpreneurs business centres that Sparrow attends every Sunday.

grin grin grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 11:18pm On Nov 25, 2023

No evidence for Achorladey's LYING and FALSEHOOD.

Nah him way.

grin grin

Achorladey's LYING and FALSEHOOD.

Nah him way.

1 Corinthians 15:12
"How is it that some of you (the disciples) say that there is no resurrection of the dead?"

Achorladey, Did Jesus teach them there is no resurrection of the dead?

Achorladey Awon werey pro max
grin grin

Rinse and repeat tactics, deny, lie that it is not the truth and no evidence about your lies packed into your WEREY peddling brains. When I your WEREY peddling brains evidence you will screenshot to use as truth for others just like you have done some minutes ago. Problem of allowing sandfill to be packed into your WEREY brains grin grin grin grin

Achorladey, Did Jesus teach them there is no resurrection of the dead? Achorladey Awon werey pro max

You are still peddling your mumu and no get sense question that your committee of madness and insanities peddling peddlers were too ashamed to raise their heads that you could raise such a question?

You werey pro max peddling brains cannot remove that gibberish from your sandfill brains grin grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 11:20pm On Nov 25, 2023

Rinse and repeat tactics, deny, lie that it is not the truth and no evidence about your lies packed into your WEREY peddling brains. When I your WEREY peddling brains evidence you will screenshot to use as truth for others just like you have done some minutes ago. Problem of allowing sandfill to be packed into your WEREY brains grin grin grin grin

You are still peddling your mumu and no get sense question that your committee of madness and insanities peddling peddlers were too ashamed to raise their heads that you could raise such a question?

You werey pro max peddling brains cannot remove that gibberish from your sandfill brains grin grin grin grin

1 Corinthians 15:12
"How is it that some of you (the disciples) say that there is no resurrection of the dead?"

1 Corinthians 15:12 evidence dey pain the FAITHLESS miscreant.

grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 11:24pm On Nov 25, 2023

1 Corinthians 15:12
"How is it that some of you (the disciples) say that there is no resurrection of the dead?"

1 Corinthians 15:12 evidence dey pain the FAITHLESS miscreant.

grin grin

Hanged as usual, your still to tell us where the apostles were teaching and practising wrong doctrines grin grin grin. The pains from the sandfilled werey peddling brains will not go away now grin grin

Werey peddling brains put the disciples grin grin grin. Na apostle Paul and Peter teach them and practice it. Gibberish and sandfilled peddling from werey peddling brains

Looking for back up for the lies and manipulations packed into your WEREY peddling brains by your GODS grin grin grin
Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by johnw47: 11:28pm On Nov 25, 2023

Your Werey peddling brains filled with sandfill needs it more as you have been peddling gibberish and Sifia pains from that brains

janosky: Oga, use the contents of that bottle to wash your brain

fearful lost fraud jw janosky didn't even have that to say to me, he edited post later,
he just posted two cartoons that had nothing to do with the truth i posted, he such a coward

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Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by Janosky: 11:30pm On Nov 25, 2023

It amuses me when the likes of Maximum madness and Janosky are ranting here. I have their members around me. My own blood brother was ousted out of his house by his wife and children. The wife was born into Jehovah's Witnesses's family. He too joined and married there. With the unforgiveness in them, they are still qouting irrelevant scriptures.
This people and hypocrisy are Siamese twins.

Sparrow & WAILING nah Siamese Twins. grin

Oga Sparrow you go & settle the rift in the Family of your fellow Trinitarians who accused your gods of men of meddling,aiding and abetting the conflict in his home.

Nah your assignment be that..........
HYPOCRITE wey tie HYPOCRISY like gele
. grin grin

Re: Victims Of Jws Will Thank You! by achorladey: 11:34pm On Nov 25, 2023

Sparrow & WAILING nah Siamese Twins. grin

Oga Sparrow you go & settle the rift in the Family of your fellow Trinitarians who accused your gods of men of meddling,aiding and abetting the conflict in his home.

Nah your assignment be that..........
HYPOCRITE wey tie HYPOCRISY like gele
. grin grin

Werey peddling brains you have successfully confirmed the sandfilled and gibberish in your brains and that what MightySparrow stated abound in your midst by you saying.......

go & settle the rift in the Family of your fellow Trinitarians who accused your gods of men of meddling,aiding and abetting the conflict in his home.

You will keep nailing your WEREY peddling brains as your lies and manipulations get exposed grin grin grin

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