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Make Me Your Wife - Literature - Nairaland

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Make Me A Wife / Beyoncé Did Not Make Me Popular – Chimamanda Adichie / Chimamanda Adichie: "Beyonce Didn't Make Me Popular" (2) (3) (4)

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Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 12:00pm On Mar 25, 2015

The noise from my neighbour's house woke me up, mr and mrs Ajayi were fighting again. I got up from my bed with a frown on my face wondering why it has become a daily routine for the Ajayi's to fight every morning. "Oh, dear" i murmured and tried some body stretching exercise. Just when i was about doing the second round of my yoga style exercise, i heard a familiar voice saying "Gloria, its 6:25am. You better get up from that bed and come do your chores". I hissed knowing i wouldn't complete my exercise and hurried to the kitchen, where my mum a young petite woman in her late thirties was preparing bean cake and pap.
I greeted her in our yoruba dialect and started my chores. At around 7:05am i was already settled in my uniform of pink shirt and black skirt. "Shhhh, don't tell. Am more beautiful than a mermaid" i whispered to myself as i made my way to the dinning.
"Omolara, how many times have i told you not to eat without your brother?" My dad asked with a fake frown.
"Am sorry, dad" i said. One of this days i would beat this sluggish mouse called Kelvin, i hate the way he delays during meal time, he better stop this behaviour of his before i pounce on him, i thought.
Kelvin is my younger brother and the last of two kids. Oh, yes that's me being the first Child to the Adekunles. Mr Thompson Adekunle, my dad was an engineer working in a construction firm. While my mum, Mrs Juliet Adekunle was a nurse. You see, we are blessed as a family, cute with brains. One would say, we took after our parents, yes that's true. But sometimes i wonder where my brains are when it comes to mathematics, because even the eight years old sluggish brother of mine was a genious when it comes to mathematics.
"Oh boy, this kid is cute, he has got a spaced teeth with nice dimples. He is the best in his class, and he always gets the best teasing from girls his age especially the Ajayi's last daughter who was just seven years old. Although he helps me get my maths' home work done but am still far more better than him. Hmm, am smart you know and he is just too slow. Winks, i wonder when i would stop talking to myself, phew" i wiped my sweat from my forehead.
Well, back to the moment, i sneezed as Kelvin entered the dinning after keeping us waiting for a while, because he wore a powerful perfume. Dad scolded him, and made him say the prayer before meal and i shone my teeth because i was happy he deserved it.
We got to school 7:35am and i being an ss2 student of the 'great fountain international school'. A girl of average height, beautiful, smart, and brilliant except when it comes to mathematics. Fifteen years ago, i was named after my grandma because i had similar resemblance with her. Big eyes, great dimples, with spaced teeth and i was named Gloria Omolara Adekunle, i was my grandma's photocopy but the only difference from her was my dark complexion. I believed i was dark because i love chocolates alot.
I being the class prefect and assistant game prefect ensured that my class and other classes were kept clean by making sure the sweeping rooster was called.


Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 12:14pm On Mar 25, 2015

Lovely story darl.

keep 'em coming tongue
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 1:38pm On Mar 25, 2015
Keep it comin' fast Dear....
BTW, Kitnah, U're always everywhere?
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 1:40pm On Mar 25, 2015

The school bell rang, and within minutes the assembly ground was filled with students. I hurried to the ss2 girls line and fixed myself into a position, where i got a tap from behind. It was Deborah Omonaiye, my best friend. We smiled and chuckled at each other, whispering words only we, could understand. We listened to the announcement made by the principal, who left after the announcement leaving the ss3 prefects to end the assembly with the usual routine of show me your nails, where is ur socks etc.
The ss3 prefects shared themselves into different class with the head boy, Deborah's immediate elder brother, Nicholas Omonaiye inspecting my class. I have never agreed to be on the same boat with Nicholas, i can't stand him. I remember how he had written me a love letter in my jss1, which i gave to the principal who punished him infront of every one present at school that day. And since then, we have become enemies, now, i wonder why he chose to inspect this class. Nicholas looked more handsome than ever, he has a well built tall body with fair complexion, he was known as smart, funny and intelligent but the only thing i know about him was his arrogance.
I kept my calm even if i couldnt stand the sight of him, i thought i would explode if he comes close to me but he seems to draw near, as he moved towards me on this line.
"Oh, how i hate him, see the way he keeps flirting with the female students. Yuck i feel like throwing up" i said irritated, to Deborah who laughed uncontrollaby.
"What does he even feel like?" i held on tightly to Deborah's hand as Nicholas got to me.
I was restless and already sweating and felt like throwing up on him. He looked at me and smiled making me wonder why he was smiling. He drew closer to me and whispered into my ear and i felt like melting into the ground. He left me to inspect others, then after which dismissed us into our various class.
I lost concentration in class that morning, and wondered why he wanted to see me during lunch break. Deborah was the only one who knew what Nicholas told me, she has told me a million times that she can't wait 2 have me as her sister inlaw.
While still in deep thought, the school bell rang for lunch break, and i felt sick as the sound of ban ga, ban ga, ban ga came out from the bell. I buried my face in my hands and prayed that moment pass me by, i also dismissed Deborah with a nod when she asked if i was alright telling her i would join her at the school's restaurant. I composed myself and was determined to eat before seeing the headboy if not i would lose my appetite for the rest of the day.
I hurried to the school's restaurant but was stopped from buying my snacks by Raymond the games prefect who happens to be Nicholas best friend.


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Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 1:48pm On Mar 25, 2015

Lovely story darl.

keep 'em coming tongue
Tanx Kitnah
Keep it comin' fast Dear....
BTW, Kitnah, U're always everywhere?
Tanx ThRONeKiD
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 1:50pm On Mar 25, 2015
'but he seems to draw near, d moving towards me on this line.''

Always proofread and Avoid Abbreviations!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 1:51pm On Mar 25, 2015

Tanx Kitnah

Tanx ThRONeKiD
You're welcome! Hopin' to learn a lot from U Ma'am!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 2:01pm On Mar 25, 2015
'but he seems to draw near, d moving towards me on this line.''

Always proofread and Avoid Abbreviations!
Tanx alot i appreciate.

You're welcome! Hopin' to learn a lot from U Ma'am!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 2:04pm On Mar 25, 2015

Tanx alot i appreciate.

Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 2:10pm On Mar 25, 2015
Keep it comin' fast Dear....
BTW, K.itnah, U're always everywhere?
Literature is my drug na tongue
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 2:14pm On Mar 25, 2015
Great beginning. Keep it up
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 3:33pm On Mar 25, 2015

Literature is my drug na tongue
Thats Nice.... Now, I really wish I'm a writer too, then We'd be closer than this!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by TheSonOfMark(m): 4:03pm On Mar 25, 2015

Nice story...Scratch that- brilliant story!

In addition to what Thronekid opined, I think you should work on your use of imagery- paint pictures with words. I call it lexical realism. Be a wordsmith - manipulate words that strike a cord or two with the readership.
I especially like to employ pun. You know, make the reader pause to mule over a phrase till he experiences his 'eureka' moment.

Nonetheless, this a beautiful story

1 Like

Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 4:41pm On Mar 25, 2015

Nice story...Scratch that- brilliant story!

In addition to what Thronekid opined, I think you should work on your use of imagery- paint pictures with words. I call it lexical realism. Be a wordsmith - manipulate words that strike a cord or two with the readership.
I especially like to employ pun. You know, make the reader pause to mule over a phrase till he experiences his 'eureka' moment.

Nonetheless, this a beautiful story
Well done Sire!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 5:46pm On Mar 25, 2015

Thats Nice.... Now, I really wish I'm a writer too, then We'd be closer than this!
let's wait and see smiley

Aint you the writer of utopian deuce??
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 5:55pm On Mar 25, 2015

let's wait and see smiley

Aint you the writer of utopian deuce??

I never ever write o.... Me na just reader!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 6:01pm On Mar 25, 2015

I never ever write o.... Me na just reader!
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 8:04pm On Mar 25, 2015

Ma'am! U nabbed Me.... My new story writing moniker be dis ooo
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 10:18am On Mar 26, 2015
Great beginning. Keep it up
Tanx Jollyjoy.

Nice story...Scratch that- brilliant story!
In addition to what Thronekid opined, I think you should work on your use of imagery- paint pictures with words. I call it lexical realism. Be a wordsmith - manipulate words that strike a cord or two with the readership.
I especially like to employ pun. You know, make the reader pause to mule over a phrase till he experiences his 'eureka' moment.
Nonetheless, this a beautiful story
Tanx sir. I wud introduce dat soon. Wud b working on it as i update.
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 10:24am On Mar 26, 2015
I know its wrong starting a story and abandoning it. I hereby apologise for the delay. I promise to update as soon as possible. Would try to drop an update before the end today. TANX
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Queening(f): 12:04pm On Mar 26, 2015
Re: Make Me Your Wife by sanandreas(m): 4:07pm On Mar 26, 2015
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 5:21pm On Mar 26, 2015

Raymond, gave me a strict instruction to meet the head boy at the library and i wondered why Nicholas chose the library which is always deserted during the lunch break.
I felt like a defeated lion as i headed for the library, cursing under my breath at the thought of Nicholas. My heart beat increased as i got to the library, i sighed and opened the door playing deaf, to my rumbling stomach and my trembling legs.
A sudden boldness filled me as i walked inside, i got to a spot and stopped, straining my eyes if i could have a view of Nicholas.
"Gloria" i heard Nicholas calm voice from where i was and made my way to the extreme end of the library where he sat like a dove motioning me to sit down. I sat on a seat placed before him ignoring the plates of rice and drinks infront of me.
"Gloria" He said again this time more gently.
"Nicholas, please tell me why am here" i insisted, and frowned. He held my gaze for a while before he spoke.
"How long should we live like this?" he asked avoiding my eyes.
"For as long as we keep speaking to each other" i murmured.
"Even when am dying with this feelings for you?" i heard the pain in his voice and felt a chill in my spine
"What feelings?" i asked rudely
"It's only a fool, who wouldn't know i still love you" Nicholas said with a shy smile.
"Who are you calling a fool? I just hope the words you splashed from that river you called a mouth wasn't meant for me?" i asked.
"No it wasn't" he quickly answered me.
"Okay" i swooshed out a long breath. "If this Nicholas, doesn't end this conversation before the end of this lunch break then am going to smash his head on the wall and hide his body inside the ceiling" i thought and gave him a stern look.

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Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 9:10pm On Mar 26, 2015
The library became quiet again with my stomach singing a song i couldn't stop.
"Well, since we have nothing more to say to each other i'd like to leave" i said.
"Without eating? Besides am not done. Here, have something to eat" he opened the drink and plate of rice for me.
"Please o, when did this start? Did i tell you am hungry or that i want to die eating your poisoned food?" i pushed the plate of food.
"You are insulting me, Glory" he wore a frown. "I mean i did nothing wrong to deserve this ill treatment from you. Or do you want to tell me that i was the first to write you a love letter? For Christ sake...Glory, what do you want me to do? I got the punishment i deserved, i stayed off your track all this while then why....." interrupted by me.
"Am sorry if you saw it as an insult" Already feeling guilty.
"I promise i would let you go once you finish that food infront of you and when i have said my mind okay?" he
assured me.
"Whatever" i ate few spoons of the rice and caught him unawares staring at me as i drank the drink.
"Why the stare?" i asked instantly.
He ignored my question and made for my lips. I was breathless and speechless after the kiss which lasted for thirty seconds. I never wanted that kiss to stop for it was heavenly. I never thought a kiss that brief could make my knees so weak.
"Glory, am in love with you, i fell inlove with you the first day i set my eyes on you" Nicholas took my hand in his and kissed it. "No woman has and no woman would ever take the space you occupy in my heart. Glory, please look at me, don't cry. I promise i will always make you happy" He said passionately.
"Just shut up" wiping my tears from my face. "And leave my hand this minute. Who gave you that right to kiss me? What came over you?" cleaning my lip.
"Am sorry Glory, i didn't know what came over me" Nicholas apologised.
"I regret coming to school today" i said but i needed another kiss from him and so i prayed silently.
"Gloria, please don't say that. I am truely sorry for hurting you" Nicholas went down on his knees and pleaded.
"Please Nicholas, for the sake of our parents and your sister, stay away from me. Let it not be heard that i, Gloria Omolara Adekunle did not warn you Nicholas Oladapo Omonaiye o. As you can see, am drawing my ear for you" Nicholas burst out laughing uncontrollably at the sight of me warning him.
"Ok, go ahead and laugh like an hyena. This is the last" i got up, ready to leave.
"Gloria, don't dare walk out on me. Remember am still the head boy" Nicholas said.
"Don't provoke me o Nicholas, if not this school won't contain the both of us because it would become world war three. Head boy my foot why not hammer head of horror? Head boy who goes about looking for innocent students to pass his mouth disease to" i replied him.
"Hahahaha, bye Glory. Am expecting you later tonight" Nicholas said admist tears and laughter.
"Something is wrong with you" i said as i rushed out of the library. On getting outside, Deborah who was talking with Raymond ran towards me and asked me why i was crying and the only thing i could say was "I hate that demon".


Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 12:05pm On Mar 27, 2015

I couldn't help but wonder why my thoughts were on Nicholas as i hurried to pick Kelvin at the close of school.
"Oh that kiss, i thought it would never end. Why him? Why is he the first man to write me a love letter and the first to kiss me? Why do i hate him this much, when he is just a nice guy? Nice guy? Please don't deceive yourself, he is not worthy of that title. Infact i hate everything about you, Nicholas" I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't know Kelvin was talking to me until he tapped me.
"You seem to be in another world full of chocolates" Kelvin teased.
"Why do you say so?" i asked
"You never uttered a word or answered my questions. I thought maybe you were thinking about senior Nicholas. Ehen sister Lara, tell me why were you crying when you went to see the head boy" he enquired.
"Me, ke! Omolara? Which head boy? I pretended.
"Senior Nicholas, your worst enemy" he answered.
"Who? What connection do i have with him? I frowned.
"Sister Lara, i was with my friend Victor in the library when the labour prefect drove us out, well we hung around, then i saw the head boy and the games prefect enter inside the library and later came out without the head boy. Minutes later, i saw the game prefect talking with you before you went into the library and came out later wiping ur face. It was after you went to your class, that the head boy got surrounded by the labour and games prefect when he came out. At first he looked sad but later brightened up after chatting with his friends. So sister, there is no denying this" Kelvin explained.
"Story teller, must you know everything?" i asked grinning.
"That's my proffession"
"Okay, he wanted us to be friends. He apologised for all the evil he has done to me." i said.
"Why does he want your forgiveness now?" kelvin asked
"Well that's because he doesn't want to go and face the bigger world without making peace and the ss3 student just finished their waec exam so they would be leaving soon. I told him i wasn't interested and he knelt down crying and begging me that was why i was crying when i came out" i lied.
"Ok, senior Nicholas is a nice guy. Who knows he might even be the one to marry you" he said
"Shut up" i said abruptly.
"Hahahahahaha, i was only joking" Kelvin said.
On getting home, who met my mum home from work early preparing jollof rice. We greeted her in our yoruba dialect and went to freshen up.

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Re: Make Me Your Wife by sanandreas(m): 12:07pm On Mar 27, 2015
Happy birthday my diamond. Wish u all the best life would bring. I love you.
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 12:12pm On Mar 27, 2015
*Winks* i c u
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 12:15pm On Mar 27, 2015
Happy birthday my diamond. Wish u all the best life would bring. I love you.
Oh dats so swit. Tanx a bunch
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Queening(f): 12:25pm On Mar 27, 2015

*Winks* i c u
i promise i didn't do anything lipsrsealed lipsrsealed.....btw am not happy
Re: Make Me Your Wife by Queening(f): 12:35pm On Mar 27, 2015
Owkay...i am through reading d update thanks and happy birthday and i love u too WITH DA LOVE OF GOD
Re: Make Me Your Wife by betybuk(f): 12:38pm On Mar 27, 2015
Hbd.... I wish U all d best !

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Re: Make Me Your Wife by Nobody: 6:18pm On Mar 27, 2015
Owkay...i am through reading d update thanks and happy birthday and i love u too WITH DA LOVE OF GOD
Lol. Tanx dear
i promise i didn't do anything lipsrsealed lipsrsealed.....btw am not happy

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