Hearts15: please guys please don't just scroll pass. please I beg you in the name of almighty GOD pls someone should please help me and my daughter, we have nothing to eat since yesterday please.we have been surviving on drinking garri and help from a few friends but lately everyone has abandon us and the garri we use to have hope has finished. the little money I have I used it to pay for house rent so that we can at least have roof over our head while I await for my salary please. am pleading for help please, not for my sake but for my daughter please am a single mother. No matter how little it will go a long way to help us. May GOD bless you Acct num;
First Bank Faith
Have faith and believe God to touch the heart of any kind hearted person here to help you dear, It is well. So sad
Sleeping with your married boss even while pregnant for your own hubby?? I don't even know how to react to this tbh.. wait o, did they know all this and still went ahead to elect her as MP with her questionable character?? Christ Jesus!
She was shagging her boss (married), a frontbencher, whist married. It continued for 18 months even whilst she was even pregnant. It ended MP Field's marriage but Liz apologised to her husband who let it go.
Hahahahahahahaha, to run for politics, just make sure even your own great great grandmother had nothing in her closet before she died.
The videos started going viral immediately after she met the Queen today. That is letting her know the "Sword of Damocles" is hanging over her head.
Her confessed extra-marital affair 18 years ago whilst pregnant for her husband, have started making the headlines almost immediately. Likely, it's not just a Nigeria thing to dig dirt.
End my marriage you mean? My dear, my husband knows me in and out. I'm even the one that advises my friends to be plain with their spouse. If I get 20 chikers today, I will tell him when I get home. Even the ones I fancy a little, I will still tell him and he will use it to mock me. We will play and laugh over it. The secrets I keep from him is my maiden familys secrets. Aside that, I'm an open book.
True but sometimes these things are a distraction. With this now she won't be at ease in parliament, and those loyal to the crown will hardly allow her be. I've dealt with these Brits before so I know how they think.
She hasn't even settled down and dirt has started flowing. Allow a woman be great for once
fergie001: In 1994, as a 19-year-old at Leeds University, Truss led a group of students behind a bid that the system of monarchy should be abolished after the reign of the Queen. And the vacancy be filled with a Head of State by a directly non-elected Executive President subject to a referendum.
Don't mind the weak asses. Instead of them to appreciate the wisdom that comes with age and the fact that she's aging gracefully, some of them like Righteousness2 who's generation will never achieve half of what she has achieved is using her looks to massage their dead egos. Bunch of lazy broke ass men
SeriouslySense: , they are very funny people. Celine Dion, has lived her best life, has made use of her talent, has had a quality experience some will dream for.
We will all grow old soon. And most of us will age so quickly, but the appearance does not matter.
I wonder o, isn't she going to get old at some point? Nigerians think everything is Africa Magic where people regret stuff at the end of the movie. Lmao!!