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Wolos4real's Posts

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Politics / Re: Michael Anthony Who Saved A Baby From Fire, Dies by wolos4real: 3:03am On Sep 24, 2013
Ohhhhhh not only he saved a life he saved many generations.u are a hero. R I P
Phones / Re: BBM On Android And Related Issues by wolos4real: 2:55pm On Sep 21, 2013
Loll,jst like u are dloadin anytin frm bb wrld
Sports / Re: Samuel Okwaraji Died 24 Years Ago by wolos4real: 12:54pm On Aug 13, 2013
church Agbasa:
Point of correction you don't know how old i am and i don't know how old you are so your elder sister claim holds no waters but that aside your suggestion is wrong.How will you feel after your father was immortalised for another to be renamed with what he was immortalised with.That aside is not done anywhere in Nigeria cause Dan Anyiam had people that also clamoured for his immortalisation just as you are doing.There are other places he can be named after that aside his statue still stands at the National stadium in Surulere which is a rare occurance in the Nigeria.
not only in lagos national stadium his status is also in Frt of Dan Anyiam stadium state he came frm R I P bro
Politics / Re: Lagos Dumps Beggars, Homeless In Onitsha by wolos4real: 11:21pm On Jul 25, 2013
Lagos state is nt tired of u stayin and establish but dnt liv thousands of miles and cus nuisance in Lagos.#fact#
Islam for Muslims / Re: Muslim Students Reject Hijab Ban In Lagos Public Schools by wolos4real: 11:49am On May 21, 2013
If u want wear Hijab go skool pls go to Muslim skools and govmet skools pls mission skools lik c a c,Methodish and co.u hear?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Rochas To Pay All Unemployed Imo Graduates Monthly Allowances. by wolos4real: 6:13pm On May 20, 2013
My pple pls na lie oooooooo I was der tday as one of d corper of d state cus he calld we corpers too all na lieeeee big one for dat mata,na so he talk sey he de pay corpers 20k wic neva pay kobo for WE corpers.....pls shine ur eyes come 2015
Education / Re: Once Upon A Time JAMB: Share Your Past Experiences With JAMB by wolos4real: 8:20am On Apr 29, 2013
Jambbbbbbbb my first jamb 2002 was withheld I didn't want to wait I went to polytechnic wen I finished my ND prog I re wrote it n scored 220 but cudnt be admited soooooooo went bak for my HND.........jst remains 1mth to colect my n y s c cert.tankz to u DEAR GOD
Romance / Re: Can You Date Your Ex Boyfriend/girlfriend Ever Again? by wolos4real: 10:08pm On Apr 15, 2013
Yes I can if I didn't see any one beta dan her.
Romance / Re: What's Your Take On A Christian/Muslim Relationship? by wolos4real: 1:39pm On Jan 17, 2013
[quote author=foliks]I am a christian lady dating a Muslim guy for about a year now,the guy has been everything a woman can ever ask for in a man. Before I met him I dated my first boyfriend for 5yrs but those years were the saddest years of my life and each time I try to leave,he comes back begging and another relationship.

I was supposed to have left me because he found out my first boyfriend is still around now my..
Firstly,love is not enof in marriage u may love ur curent guy now but wen it comes to religiol mata my sister tink twice all I cud advice u is dat gv second chance to ur ex......av seen xtians and muslim in dsame city,state,town peacefully but not in dsame roof peacefuly but ur own mayb first time.a word is enof for d wise
Romance / Re: Why Do People Return Their Ex Pics? by wolos4real: 1:48pm On Jan 08, 2013
hot n cold: I find it intriguing and puzzling,when people do this things angry angry.My questions are:

1)Was the Ex that bad,for his or her pics to be returned?

2)Were their never enough memorable moments to over shadow the sour ones?

Let's have your views. grin grin grin
if u are d one dat broke d relationshp u wudnt return it but if ur partner broke up wit u u might return it cos of onetin HATRED all cos u dnt want to see her again she rili hurt u
Romance / Re: Seeing An Ex: Do Feeling Come Back? by wolos4real: 11:24pm On Jan 06, 2013
Wheneva I see my ex I curse d guy dat seprated us'7yrs relationshp'but somtim I tink God didn't make us as husband N wife. Tank God de didn't date for a month too
Jokes Etc / Re: 4 Words When The Co Ndom Breaks.... by wolos4real: 8:50am On Dec 13, 2012
ademiller: What are the four words u mutter or say When The Condom Breaks while ur kpekusing. Mine is "you are a daddy". Say urs...
Family / Re: What Will You Remember Your Mother For? by wolos4real: 6:28am On Dec 12, 2012
Plenty tinx but d one I will neva forget is wen she sold her pan which is meant to lay on her house for me all cos I wanted to liv Nigeria.mama mi u will liv long and reap all wat u av labour for.AMEN

1 Like

Romance / Re: Is It Right To Date Your Neighbour? by wolos4real: 5:59am On Dec 12, 2012

I have the same issue my people. I have a lady neighbour too, we are good friends and we do so many things together. We eat together, gist, watch movies together, and we even cook for each other. I so much like her and would love to have her as a partner by the grace of God. I'm so scared of opening up because I wouldn't want to spoil our friendship. I Enjoy our friendship so much. Please I need help ohhhh.
. Wen u wake up tday 12 12 12 go straight to and tell her u hav special news for u av been kipin since,hold her hands,tell her u wish to spend d rest of ur life wit her under one roof,my broda she will kiss u Imidiatly.tday is special day tell her special tin all cos she special
Romance / Re: Is It Right To Date Your Neighbour? by wolos4real: 5:49am On Dec 12, 2012
It all depends on who u are and who she is,I did it in my last year in skool bros it was hell cos am a playguy and she is one dating guy grl,she gave me everitin except breathin space,so if two of u can jst stay wit each oda,no grlfrds for u no boyfrds for her u wil neva regret it dude.it will even help u in practicing livin as a couple.

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Career / Re: What Do You Do For A Living ??? by wolos4real: 11:58pm On Dec 11, 2012
Am a corper and also a footballer........I want to bcome great footballer
Romance / Re: How Often Do You Offend Your Partner & How Do You Reconcile? by wolos4real: 6:28am On Nov 23, 2012
Una be fool: I hardly go a whole week without having a major quarrel fight with my baby kiss . Mostly, both of us deliberately create quarrels because it always ends with a French kiss kiss and that will be the end of it.
Me I foght wit my grl everwk untill she met someone in her skool she cm to me dat not interested again and I bag herrrrrrrrr but to no result.my guys av learnt my lesson.7yrs of relationshp ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Politics / Re: Have You Held Leadership Position? What Was The Experience Like? by wolos4real: 4:59pm On Nov 11, 2012
acidtalk: When we criticize our leaders for some certain decisions, we usually fail to realize that this set of people are human and can never be perfect in their decision making.

Aside from a leader being CORRUPT (which 99% of Nigeria's office holders are) I am always critical before judging a leaders decisions once it falls under corruption allegations and actions.

From Primary 4 up until my University days and till date, I have been in one form of leadership position or the other and I very well know how one steps on toes, loose friends, get jealous of, and condemned once you decide to carry out your duties diligently without favor, bias or being corrupt.

In my own case, I have lost best friends for not favoring them ahead of others who rightfully deserve something.

Broken relationships because I had little or no time while in "office".

Threatened if I reveal names of corrupt Student union members amongst many others.

Share your experience as a leader and what it caused you.
I held an office bk in skool 'sport director'S U G infact it was terrible to succeed
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Six Years After School, No Job Yet. He Is Frustrated & Confused, Pls Advice Him by wolos4real: 1:58pm On Nov 04, 2012
man119: I graduated in 2006 with a second class upper and completed my youth service in 2007.

Knowing that I came from a poor background,I started preparing for aptitude tests and interviews during youth service, learning vital softwares within my financial capacity.

From 2007 till date,I have written so many tests and have being invited for several interviews,but at the end of the day, the" man know man" issue crops up (don't want 2 name firms) and those of us that are children of nobody get thrown into the gutters we came from.

The issue tearing me apart right now is my mother's health. After loosing my dad in the Liberian peace keeping mission (He was a soldier @ 342 field artillery brigade, owerri), she went through a lot of trauma and was diagnosed of a heart problem.

The little money I make from daily construction site struggles (instead of staying idle) is nothing close to what is needed for her surgery. Apart from looking for daily bread, I write stories and songs to take my mind away from all I'm going through.

Click the link below, scroll down to download to listen to one song I did


A friend that has always being there for me suggested that I air the song, that it might be the breakthrough.

Considering my situation, all the years gone, the humiliation, insults and above all, my mothers health, should I keep applying for jobs or go ahead with music?

Please I need your advice to be strong. I see every one here as my strength. Your advice means a lot to me right now.
Man mi,I tink God has shown u ur way for not gvin u job since so face ur musik u wil meet favour der.bilivvvvvvvvvvvvv

Thanks for your time.
Phones / Re: Best Mobile Browser For Downloading Movies? by wolos4real: 8:58am On Nov 04, 2012
One browser is d best.
Health / Re: Men, How Often Do You Change Your Underwears? by wolos4real: 4:52am On Nov 04, 2012
I use it for complete two days den I change it but if I do D TIN D TIN gangan I change it immediately.
Romance / Re: Can You Ever Sponsor Your Lover Abroad??? by wolos4real: 3:25pm On Nov 01, 2012
I can do it so far she is trustworthy grl and she has helpd or been helpin me in d past.who knws if her goin will make my forture.
Romance / Re: Can True Love Exist In Poverty? by wolos4real: 4:26pm On Oct 31, 2012
My pple it can only work for A LITTLE while. Wen d grl is yet to mature or expose,but wen she s exposed N matured she will know wat moni is meant for even if u hav little moni and leta tins are not workin well ur grl will not stay wit u for d next 2 years.it only workd in our fore fadas generation.
Romance / Re: . by wolos4real: 4:39pm On Oct 26, 2012
Its beta to cry out of relationship dan to cry out of marriage.biliv me u are lucky.its not easy but jst take heart.sorryyyyyyyy
Romance / Re: . by wolos4real: 4:36pm On Oct 26, 2012
sandylurv: My relationship in which I had so much hope, where I found true love and hapiness, where nothing else mattered to me in this world has just come to an end because of genotype incompatibility (AS-AS).

I feel shattered ,broken, pained, disconsolate, heavy-hearted, sorrowful, aggrieved, wounded and bruised. My heart bleeds terribly, I've cried myself to sleep several times(usually I feel better after a good cry when I feel bad) but I still don't feel better. I find myself blaming nature, my stupid genotype, and God....I loved him, I still do, with every fibre of my being.

Oh God,we had ‎​so much in common, ideas, views, beliefs, birth month, family structure,physical attributes etc.I know for sure,I'll never find anyone like him **sobbing** Until now,I neva believed any human cud feel this much pain.

The amount of pain I carry in my heart at the moment is such that I keep wishing for death, maybe I would find some peace there. I cant say but maybe I feel dis bad cuz it seems soo easy for him. He has moved on, barely one week after.Maybe its just my imagination but it was really easy for him. I don't know if its usually so easy to let go of someone you truly and really love.

He was everything to me, he made me very happy, my world went round because of him, and now, my world feels so empty without him. We had decided to go ahead initially, with the plan of having CVS with each pregnancy but he is too scared to take that chance. This is the saddest thing that ever happened to me all my life. I still want him. Imagine finding someone you love completely, and finding all u ever wanted in that person but still not be able to have that person.

I'm praying to God for strength to carry on (even though I must be truthful, I'm sorry, but my faith and belief in him has greatly dwindled) as I really don't wanna do anything nasty.I don't understand why God would sit by and watch me go through dis and not intervene.

Any words of encouragement to help me go through dis would be appreciated, as I don't really have my friends around me at the moment and I feel so lonely in this world, plus I really needed to bare my heart one way or the other.

I hope I feel better after this. God bless you.

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