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Do You Consider Somalis As Black? - Culture (41) - Nairaland

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Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 11:00am On Aug 03, 2013
Looool! Nigger talking about bleaching and weave fixing grin

while the greatest and most powerful somali in the world bleaches,fix weaves and chase after whites, u guys are really inferior no doubt about that grin

she's a muslim,so why must she dress like a wh0re

Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by sambos994(m): 11:06am On Aug 03, 2013

africa has different history, than europe. Why pick ethiopia a racist country.

their are 40 plus negroid countries, 7 arab countries, and 4 cushitic countries

yet u pick ethiopia.

also add to the fact afrocentrism revolves around ethiopia

It wouldn't make any difference if the capital wasn't in Ethiopia. Just because the headquarters is in Addis Ababa doesn't make Ethiopia any superior. It doesn't change the fact that there are 3 major powers in Africa...South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt.
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 12:58pm On Aug 03, 2013
iman weara make up, she is a model.

she married a rich black guy and then a white guy. she isnt the greatest somali and no somali looks up to her, she isnt even a pracitcing muslim

why is nigerian police in somalia? your women have been voted the ugliest with too much testastrone
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 5:51pm On Aug 03, 2013
somalia11: iman weara make up, she is a model.

she married a rich black guy and then a white guy. she isnt the greatest somali and no somali looks up to her, she isnt even a pracitcing muslim

why is nigerian police in somalia? yo
what a dumb question?? Why are u so interested in nigerians?? U won't see a single nigerian in ur forum,actually the world recognized our beauty that's why we are the first and only african nation to have won Miss.world,so ur post is irrelevant my slave,

the greatest somali actually begged a bantu to marry her,wow that's great (no wonder i easily get somali girls on fb than my fellow bantus just for flirting angry) very true,aystafa mostafa being the latest somali girl grin ,ur fellow somali girls just won't let me be on fb,i will bring them all to this site soon grin

somali girls actually look like men angry and are so inferior.

I will put u to shame and show u how cheap ur women are grin

hahahahahahhahah grin grin
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 6:11pm On Aug 03, 2013

this is better than i thought. an hiv infested ethiopian, who has been eating raw meat for hundreds of years courtesy the somali people is talking trash. how the times have changed. like my mom says. if you live long enough you will see anything.

which one of the filthy ethiopian ethnicity do you belong to? or should i say how long have you been eating raw meat?
nawaaa ooh! Why were u fighting with u fellow horner?? U need to start showing some respect to ethiopians,they are superior than u and their country is far better of than ur zoo grin
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 6:28pm On Aug 03, 2013
lmao when the troll gets out-trolled this is actually funny ahaha

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Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 7:44pm On Aug 03, 2013
yousuf12: lmao when the troll gets out-trolled this is actually funny ahaha
grin grin
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 9:24pm On Aug 03, 2013
yusuf khaniss yahow na difaac, hawiye miya tahay axmaq yahow
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 9:46pm On Aug 03, 2013
[QUOTE who="Amalicious"]Why are somalis so desperate to defend a religion given to them by arab slave traders? dont you have any pride?
This is how arabs treated slave girls, pure prostitution.
" Added is a detailed description, with complete revealing of the slave of the auction sale of slave woman, (rarely mentioned in the Arab medieval literature)
The female slave would be fumigated with aromatic smoke (tubahhar), perfumed and adorned (tuaddal) with incense, her waist would be tightened up waist wrapper. The caller (munadi) would take her by her hand and walk with her around the market calling for her sale. The immoral (fuggar) merchants would gather, inspect her hands, feet, legs, thighs, navel, chest, breasts and back. They would measure her behind in spans (yasbur) check her tongue teeth and hair the merchant does a thorough job (yabdul al-maghud). And if she had clothes on, he would strip her and scrutinize her, and ultimately he would check her vagina and her behind… If he liked her, he would buy the girl and she would stay with him for about 10 days. And when he had fulfilled his desires to the fullest, Zaid the buyer would say to Umar the seller, “ By the name of God, O Khawaja, let us go to the judge. Both would stand before the judge and (the unsatisfied buyer) would relate the defects (ayb) (of the girl) "[/QUOTE]
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 9:54pm On Aug 03, 2013
[QUOTE who="BLACK AMERICAN PRINCE"]http://www.ogaden.com/history-center/203-views-of-the-ogaden-people-under-ethiopian-colonialism.html
"The Ogaden Somali people were free, independent and powerful until colonial powers from overseas came to Africa and started arming the Abyssinian chiefs in the north of present day Ethiopia. The Abyssinians using the arms and expertise provided by the colonialists captured Harar in 1884 and started raiding Ogaden Somali villages in that area, killing the men and selling women and children as slaves. The Ogaden Somalis resisted vehemently the encroachment of the Abyssinian expansionists and succeeded in halting their advance. Even though the Abyssinian military campaign to conquer the rest of the Somali territory failed, the colonial powers recognised its claim over the Ogaden Somaliland and signed treaties with them."
Somalis were enslaved by the Abyssinians and sold off to Arabs at Assab, Massawa, and Nefasit.[/QUOTE] enjoy grin
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 10:16pm On Aug 03, 2013
Adamskuty: [QUOTE who="BLACK AMERICAN PRINCE"]http://www.ogaden.com/history-center/203-views-of-the-ogaden-people-under-ethiopian-colonialism.html
"The Ogaden Somali people were free, independent and powerful until colonial powers from overseas came to Africa and started arming the Abyssinian chiefs in the north of present day Ethiopia. The Abyssinians using the arms and expertise provided by the colonialists captured Harar in 1884 and started raiding Ogaden Somali villages in that area, killing the men and selling women and children as slaves. The Ogaden Somalis resisted vehemently the encroachment of the Abyssinian expansionists and succeeded in halting their advance. Even though the Abyssinian military campaign to conquer the rest of the Somali territory failed, the colonial powers recognised its claim over the Ogaden Somaliland and signed treaties with them."
Somalis were enslaved by the Abyssinians and sold off to Arabs at Assab, Massawa, and Nefasit.[/QUOTE] enjoy grin

lool, no somalis were slaves, and their was no arab slave trade in 1800's.

but its a fact somalis owned ethiopians as slaves since 1500's, but those slaves were women and they were freed and married and became somali after giving birth.

Ogaden is 1 somali clan that for some reason '' has been fighting' ethiopians since somalis invaded ethiopia in the 1500's

enslaving several hundred somalis who are from 1 subclan who invaded ethiopians doesnt mean somalia are slaves, those people were prisoners of war, during this time somalis were fighting ethiopians and the british.

if i capture 10 americans who were fighting me doesnt mean i enslaves white people
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 10:58pm On Aug 03, 2013
Down mah boy,scroll down slave cheesy
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 10:59pm On Aug 03, 2013

The indian ocean streches between the east Coast of africa and the west coast of india. It was once part of the route for a slave trade known as 'oriental' or eastern slave trade. From the century enslaved africans were taken to the middle east,North africa and india. This eastern slave trade was different to the slave trade across the atlantic ocean (the trans-atlantic slave trade) from africa to the america and the carribean. In the trans-atlantic slave trade the demand was for labourers to work on the plantations and in mines and mostly men were captured to supply the demand. In the eastern trade,the demand was for domestic servants,and mostly women were captured to supply the trade. This painting shows an indian woman in a chinese style room. The woman's pale skin shows that she's high class and her servant who's playing a flute also points to this. Sprawled on the floor beside the woman is a young african pageboy,presumably a slave bought from east africa to india.

The end of the eastern slave trade began when the british ended slavery in india in1843 throughout much of the area,though, slavery remained legal until a country came under european rule ( for example egypt in 1882) or until the country tried to join the league of nations after the first world wae (for example saudia arabia)

slaves taken to the middle east and north africa were not just from africa, until about 1500, slaves were also bought from northern europe ,but as this suppy route dried up the numbers bought from africa increased. In the eastern slave trade,enslaved africans were taken from east coast of africa ( the modern countries of kenya,tanzania,mozambique and the island of madagascar) they also came from the savannah aread (which includes countries such as mali,niger,chad and sudan) and the horn of africa (which covers djibouti,somalia and ethiopia) slaves were sold to merchants from north africa and the middle east.

There are no records for the numbers of enslaved africans sold before the 17th century from the savannah area of africa (which include countries such as mali,niger chad and sudan) and horn of africa (which include countries such as djibouti,somalia and ethiopia) . It's estimated that in the 17th century about 10,000 slaves per year were sold to north africa and middle east,including yemen,iraq, and down to india,the numbers of enslaved africans sold to these areas increased in the late 18th century. This was because french merchants bought slaves from east africa for the growing sugar plantation on the french owned islands in the indian ocean. Brazilian merchants also begam buying slaves from the same areas for the sugar plantations in brazil.after 1800,then trade to the persian gulf and india increased rapidly. By the early 19th century about 30,000 people were being sold into slavery from the eastern areas of africa, they were being bought and sold through the main centre of the trade on the island of zancibar (off the east coast of africa,of which is now the country of tanzania).

It has been estimated that over the twelve centuries from 750 to the 20th century (slavery continued in this area well into the 20th century and beyond) almost 12,000,000 enslaved africans were traded to the middle east,north africa and india. The eastern slave trade,over a much longer period,took from africa about the same number of people as the trans-atlantic slave trade took in 300 years

Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 12:29am On Aug 04, 2013
slavery in somalia was bantus, once they became muslim they were freed. It was these bantus who arabs brought from central africa.

Somalis also had bantu slaves as farming is looked down upon
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by sambos994(m): 3:07am On Aug 04, 2013
Still haven't proven how Ethiopians are "gods" to us. Funny thing, most Ethiopians I know don't want to associate with Somalis.
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 6:11am On Aug 04, 2013
somalia11: slavery in somalia was bantus, once they became muslim they were freed. It was these bantus who arabs brought from central africa.

Somalis also had bantu slaves as farming is looked down upon
u can't fool me black boy,only about 80,000 bantus were present in somali by 1930,the population of bantus before the start of 18 century won't be up to a thousand,u guys had slave at the same time were also enslaved,merchants from arabia,india bought slaves from somali right from the 15th century,during that period bantus weren't present in ur zoo!

Somali were enslaved,u can't hide it

and westafricans also had slaves to,we sold these slaves to the americans
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 8:05am On Aug 04, 2013
Adamskuty: u can't fool me black boy,only about 80,000 bantus were present in somali by 1930,the population of bantus before the start of 18 century won't be up to a thousand,u guys had slave at the same time were also enslaved,merchants from arabia,india bought slaves from somali right from the 15th century,during that period bantus weren't present in ur zoo!

Somali were enslaved,u can't hide it

and westafricans also had slaves to,we sold these slaves to the americans

bring proof, as this subject is disscussed like a dead horse on somali forums. somalis were not enslaved, as we are muslims, even bantus who converted to islam were freed, so you views are baseless.

and no arabs controlled somalis, as they were several hundred in somalia, and it was the somalis who had allies with arabs and ottoman turks who defeated ethiopians.
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 1:59pm On Aug 04, 2013
Semira22: Hey Guys! My name is Semira, bout 22 yrs old, undergraduate student. I 'm of  mix nationality.  I ' love Nigerians, have one of them as female  friend in my school. I am a person who is optimistic, hardworking, devoted, clever, trusting, geniune, honest, faithful, loyal, trustworthy, perceptive, caring, loving, romantic, sincere, sharing and nice person of all time. I am a very warm friendly person with a good sense of humor, I like the nature, sports, music, dancing, singing some outdoors activities and traveling, I equally like going out as well.

I want to meet a Male Nigerian, must be smart, open minded, intelligent good looking between the age of 20 to 38. For friendship, romance, fun or relationship.

Please! only serious guys needed.

Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 8:07pm On Aug 04, 2013
Help you out lol adiga bilaway you are mad cos you are getting outwitted by Adamskuty lmao

Ps I'm a royal Darood Ismaeel Al Jabarti saxib Mijartayn - Umar Mahmoud. You are a midgaan aren't you?
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 10:23pm On Aug 04, 2013
yousuf12: Help you out lol adiga bilaway you are mad cos you are getting outwitted by Adamskuty lmao

Ps I'm a royal Darood Ismaeel Al Jabarti saxib Mijartayn - Umar Mahmoud. You are a midgaan aren't you?
lmaooo! Yusouf so he was asking u for help?? grin thank God not all somalis reason like that bush rat called somalia11

1 Like

Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 10:34pm On Aug 04, 2013

He called me khanees(gay) then asked for help lool he's one crazy troll grin
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Adamskuty(m): 10:37pm On Aug 04, 2013
yousuf12: Adam

He called me khanees(gay) then asked for help lool he's one crazy troll grin
loool! He's dragging u guys name in the mud,he's a cancer to the society
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 10:46pm On Aug 04, 2013
yousuf12: Help you out lol adiga bilaway you are mad cos you are getting outwitted by Adamskuty lmao

Ps I'm a royal Darood Ismaeel Al Jabarti saxib Mijartayn - Umar Mahmoud. You are a midgaan aren't you?

am omar maxamood too warya
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 10:54pm On Aug 04, 2013
Why claim us lol we do not produce sick individuals like you.

Waxa ee shegta cida aa ka tahay Umar Mahmoud?

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Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by romania5: 10:55pm On Aug 04, 2013
[size=18pt] white peepalz so scare'D of horner'Z it dont make no gootttt damn sense Loool[/size]
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 10:56pm On Aug 04, 2013
yousuf12: Why claim us lol we do not produce sick individuals like you.

Waxa ee shegta cida aa ka tahay Umar Mahmoud?

not gona give out my social niggga
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 11:10pm On Aug 04, 2013
What social you lowly peasant?

I can tell you I am from the same sub clan as former Somali president, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. If you don't know then I won't tell you midgan yohow

1 Like

Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 11:14pm On Aug 04, 2013
yousuf12: What social you lowly peasant?

I can tell you I am from the same sub clan as former Somali president, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. If you don't know then I won't tell you midgan yohow

war nin yahow ma idaftit
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 2:46am On Aug 05, 2013

war nin yahow ma idaftit

Somalis are the most miserable people on God given earth. Y'all bunch are not good at anything. Y'all have low iq and are mostly iliterates. Y'all can't even produce any physician in that country at least that explains the fukk teeth that you guys have. Then again u can't ask people who haven't figure out how to feed themselves and keep flies out their face the task of becoming a physician. That's too much to ask.
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 3:05am On Aug 05, 2013

Somalis are the most miserable people on God given earth. Y'all bunch are not good at anything. Y'all have low iq and are mostly iliterates. Y'all can't even produce any physician in that country at least that explains the fukk teeth that you guys have. Then again u can't ask people who haven't figure out how to feed themselves and keep flies out their face the task of becoming a physician. That's too much to ask.


The aids will kill u soon
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by Nobody: 9:29pm On Aug 05, 2013
Marka aa dadka daftit ban ku daafi abaha isha ka wase
Re: Do You Consider Somalis As Black? by somalia11: 9:57pm On Aug 05, 2013
yousuf12: Marka aa dadka daftit ban ku daafi abaha isha ka wase

caqli lix saac

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