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Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 10:35pm On Jan 27, 2013 |
This thread would serve as a collecting point for propaganda stories on Islam/Muslims that turned out to be false: This picture was actually used on NL can't recall the thread, as muslim killing christians in Jos. 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 2:36pm On Feb 01, 2013 |
This was repeated on NL can't point where the initial lie came from but trust nlanders in spreading unconfirmed tales When I saw these I had to call God with all His names that I know. And speak in tongues. What is becoming of this human race? me said; Op, as long as there is no link, I will have to call u a two faced liar! And even ur photo never showed the boy actually get crushed . . . U can do better, in any society sharia or not the boy would have been arrested by the police charged to court, the picture seems more like jungle justice . . . But no links seems u have something to hide . . . the op replied a non Muslim website gives the context of the picture; Origins: The above-displayed photographs have been circulating on the Internet since at least 2004, usually in e-mail forwards that set them in one of several Arab/Muslim areas (e.g., Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestinian territories) and claim that the boy pictured is being punished under a harsh Sharia law system that imposes a penalty grossly out of proportion to the nature of the crime (i.e., having his arm crushed under a vehicle because he stole a loaf of 1 Like |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by BetaThings: 8:09am On Feb 04, 2013 |
vedaxcool: This thread would serve as a collecting point for propaganda stories on Islam/Muslims that turned out to be false: There is an embedded video of the incident here Here is a youtube report I saw several emails on this. Christians claimed a bus was going from the SE to the North and that it was stopped at Jos, the muslims asked to step out and the bus set on fire! Christians are very wicked. They will leave no lie untold to bismirch Islam Allah is our protector 9 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 10:58am On Feb 04, 2013 |
Truly they are very wicked they practice evangelism by lies, unfortunately our friend has copied this methodology of passing doubtful stories about others and bad stories just to promote his own short sighted version of religion, In the coming weeks more stories would be posted hopefully this thread would run into pages! 1 Like |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 9:16am On Feb 08, 2013 |
Pamela Geller, premiere anti-Muslim loon hoax perpetrator loves creating fictional stories and passing them off as real news. She has a particular penchant for fabricating stories about Nigerian Muslims, in her racist eyes all Africans look the same. Recall her attempt to frame the Congo gas tanker explosion over a year ago in which hundreds of Congolese were incinerated as an instance of Nigerian Muslim on Christian violence. Anything goes for Geller if it dehumanizes Muslims, the more so to incite her followers towards her Ayn Rand inspired view of Muslims as “savages.” In her recent lie against Nigerian Muslims she claims they crucified a cat in protest of the anti-Muslim movie, “Innocence of Muslims,” (h/t: Robert4 & Paul) Nigerian Muslims Crucify A Cat on the Cross to Protest Freedom of Speech Geller is frolicking in hate land again, her post has been picked up in the Islamophobia echo chamber, with JihadWatch, Israel Forum, Exposing Liberal Lies and thousands of others reproducing her blogpost. The above picture originated in Ghana not Nigeria, and surfaced nearly a year ago, reported by in the article “Society for animal protection decries crucifixion of cat” and on the Cat Defender blog, October 22, 2011 here is no evidence that these youth who crucified the cat were Muslims. Considering that Ghana is a predominantly Christian nation, a more reasonable assumption would be that the perpetrators of this crime were Christians–such an assumption based on no evidence would, however, still be wrong. It’s beyond disgraceful that Geller would use such a crime to dehumanize Muslims–it’s despicable. Such actions are par for the course with the anti-Muslim movement that seeks above everything to obsessively subjugate Muslims and crush/erase their religion from the face of the earth. read more A Danish website by the name ofhttp://tosseanstalten./ has more on the origins of the story. According to their research the picture does not emerge from Ghana but Angola. Read the translated article: 5 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by BetaThings: 7:05pm On Feb 08, 2013 |
vedaxcool: Truly they are very wicked they practice evangelism by lies, unfortunately our friend has copied this methodology of passing doubtful stories about others and bad stories just to promote his own short sighted version of religion, In the coming weeks more stories would be posted hopefully this thread would run into pages! Hahahahahah. Machiavellian. Sometimes I wonder if it is about spirituality? Why would anyone require lies to back up a religion? BTW I believe the two that practise it are actually closer than most people realise Insha Allah, I intend to list out the common features someday |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 11:42am On Feb 11, 2013 |
BetaThings: It has more to do with massaging a hefty ego . . ., I look forward to such thread in the future! |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by deols(f): 7:19pm On Feb 11, 2013 |
I like this thread 1 Like |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 12:56pm On Feb 18, 2013 |
^^^^ Hang on for the ride! You would eventually love this thread! |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 2:49pm On Feb 18, 2013 |
![]() Islamophobes purposefully mistook these girls as child brides The Loon world was whipped into a frenzy based on, as usual, the reinforcing winds of ignorance and hate. In what was meant to be an unremarkable story, Tim Marshall a reporter for Sky News blogged on a mass wedding celebration in the Gaza Strip officiated by Hamas. Marshall reports in his excellent blog The party is for 450 grooms, the brides are elsewhere, some among the 5,000 or so guests. It’s the way things are done here, Personally I’m for the mixing of the sexes, but I’m not about to argue, I’m outnumbered. So what has gotten the Loon world completely riled up? Well it seems that many of the anti-Muslims misconstrued the occasion and thought the grooms were actually marrying the little girls who were their nieces or cousins! Tim Marshall explains, Our report on this put it into context saying that it took place just a mile from the Israeli border and was a message from Hamas about its strength confidence and future fighters. Oh and that the brides were elsewhere. Pretty straightforward. So which sites are these, and what have the various reactions been? http://barthsnotes./2009/08/06/gaza-wedding-report-provokes-paedo-hysteria/ gives us a hint, The many websites that picked this up have responded in various ways: some issuing corrections, some quickly deleting their postings, and some insisting that it’s all true and that Marshall is trying to cover up the fact: “Why”, demands one site “would Tim Marshall defend the Gaza pedophiles?” One of the sites that decided to scrub was Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch, which is worth noting as Spencer claims some sort of academic expertise on Islam. Where does this collective hallucination and fixation on fiction originate from? The simple, straight forward answer is that it comes from the collective hysterical hatred shared by those who despise Islam and Muslims. It is a manifestation of Islamophobia, “ie. an irrational fear of Islam.” It springs from the idea that Islam is evil, inherently backwards, oppressive to women. The talking point goes, “Muhammad was a pedophile who married 9 year old A’isha and these vile Mooslims must be doing it now on this massive scale!” George Readings puts this into some context in a recent post on The Spitoons (via Bartholemew), The “argument” goes that Muslims believe Muhammad to be a perfect model for behaviour and therefore the fact of Muhammad’s marriage to A’isha somehow proves Islam to be a depraved religion…This attempt to aggressively apply a modern British definition of paedophilia to seventh century Arabia strikes me as a sign of severe anthropological illiteracy… Poor Tim Marshall scoured the net in an attempt to let the Islamophobes know that they had gotten it wrong but what was the result? I spent a few hours visiting websites and leaving comments where I could. To little avail. Instead I received a steady stream of vitriol. The best response was on a site run by a Debbie Schlussel . The guy who posted it said he wasn’t interested in the detail. The detail being the fact that the girls weren’t the brides. Debbie Schlussel is not new to LoonWatch readers, her doozy looniness is par for the course, so Tim shouldn’t worry, but he hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “It showed how much some people want to believe nonsense like this, as it re-inforces their prejudices, always a comfortably fun thing to do.” This is exactly the case — loaded with a bagful of prejudice and preconceived notions the Islamophobes took the wedding to be an affirmation of their pre-set conjectures. When they were presented with the fact that they had stupendously erred some corrected themselves while others went into denial. It almost reminds you of some Biblical literalists who believe the world is 6,000 years old, you can present them with all the overwhelming evidence that point to the fact that the world is many millions of times older but they will stubbornly hold on to their literal interepretation of the Bible. This is not much different, and serves as a sweeping manifestation of the kind of irrationality that ignorance coupled with hate can produce. and even here on NL we have seen this story being posted! 3 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by chakula: 6:26pm On Feb 19, 2013 |
Hmnnn |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 10:11am On Mar 08, 2013 |
kwenu: A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daughter. The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When they went to well every story has it Achilles' heel, the fact that this story was that its author doubt it authenticity but oput of reigious intoxication still peddled such stories: Stalwert: Glurge: Muslim girls buried alive by their father are fed and comforted by Jesus until rescuers come for them. 3 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 8:18pm On Apr 10, 2013 |
Cucumber “fatwa” seems to be only shoddy reporting by Sheila Musaji There was supposedly a fatwa written which would deserve ridicule if it exists. The original article about this was posted on Bikyamasr, an Egyptian news site, and the article was written by an individual named Manar Ammar. Manar Ammar is identified as a Senior Reporter and Women’s Editor for The article quotes an UNNAMED Islamic Cleric residing in Europe who “has banned women from touching bananas, cucumbers and other elongated fruit and vegetable due to their sexual resemblance” The Bikyamasr article refers to the source as “The unnamed sheikh, who was featured in an article on el-Senousa news”. I tried searching for el-Senousa news, but got nowhere. There is no site for any such entity. I can find nothing about them searching the net except for hundreds of articles reposting the article from Bikyamasr which mentions el-Senousa as its source. Muna Khan at al Arabiya reports the same problems I had in finding the actual source of this story, and says “According to the Canadian news site, it’s been difficult to find the El-Senousa site on which Bikya Masr based its article on. A simple search of the website takes you to a list of articles on the story being quoted but not to the main site itself.” She points out that there have been enough of what I call “stupid fatwas” to make anything easy to believe, but, it is an irresponsible rush to judgement to just assume something is true and publish it without any fact checking. I found the article from Straight here, and it says “That’s some pretty good flame-bait, but is it legit? According to the article in, the story originally appeared on something called “el-Senousa news”, but good luck finding it. In fact, a Google search for “el-Senousa news” only points back—many times over—to the article in Between that and the somewhat intangible location and identity of the “unnamed sheikh” in the article, the tale of the vegetable-fearing Mullah is starting to look a little short on authenticity. What’s more likely is that the independent news service is reacting to the troubling emergence of the hard-line Salafi Al-Nou party in Egypt’s (reportedly fraud-ridden) election—a story that, sadly, isn’t so cockamamie. This article was immediately picked up and posted with appropriate anti-Muslim comments by just about every site in the Islamophobic echo chamber. Robert Spencer posted the “story” from Bikyamasr on Jihad Watch and included in his lede “It’s all about controlling women, like so many aspects of Islamic law. Sharia Alert from Eurabia”. The always ladylike Pamela Geller posted this on Atlas Shrugs under the heading No cucumbers or bananas for you, slut! and included in the lede “Obama say, “Respect it!” Jay Leno’s wife Mavis say, “The Qur’an is more liberal with women than the Bible.” Geller say, “One banana split, please, and a side of cukes, with extra whipped creme, thankyouverymuch.” Weazel Zippers simply posted the article with no lede, but the comments their readers posted in response are truly hateful. For example: — ALL of Islam is a plague, a disease of the mind and soul. — Folks there is going to be a war—-I mean a real war where winner takes all and these animals will gladly die for their cause so we better get ready to do the same…..and I don’t ever again want to hear the term moderate muslim….my reply to that is show me one—just one. You get the idea about the response to this article, and that response is not to a particular unknown shaikh, but to all Muslims. Perhaps the author of the article and the Egyptian site that posted it are unaware that there is a problem with Islamophobia out there. Why would anyone post an article about an unnamed person residing somewhere in one of the 47 countries of Europe who had supposedly issued a stupid fatwa without any corroborating evidence that this was even true. What is the point of raising this issue in such a thoughtless way? This is not a satirical article making fun of the stupidity involved in such a fatwa. This is not an article that provides concrete facts about the author of the fatwa, or that provides any counter arguments. There are no facts here that others could use to counter the fatwa, or to make a judgement about the author. Whatever the reason that Bikyamasr had for posting this bit of unsubstantiated nonsense, the only effect it has had was to give the Islamophobes yet another item to use for years to come to bash Muslims. This article was not just irresponsible, it was as stupid as the supposed fatwa would be if it in fact exists. I would like to see either a clarification of the article with actual information about the supposed fatwa and its supposed author (that can be verified), or an apology for engaging in reckless speculation and passing on of rumors. It’s not as if we don’t have enough actual members of the Muslim lunatic fringe that need to be countered, that we need to make them up. UPDATE 12/10/2011 I received an email from the Founder and Editor of Bikyamasr Thank you for your email. I am Joseph Mayton, the Editor and Founder of I would like to bring your attention to the corrected version of the article, which now has the appropriate name of the publication where the information first appeared in Arabic, with a link. We take full responsibility for this error and have stated so on the article. It is unfortunate that it has been taken out of context, but we feel that by talking about the anger it initially sparked was properly done. At the end, these places are going to take any little bit of information for their own purposes. It is sad. I hope you will understand that we do our utmost to source anything from a third party, as any other news website would. If you have any other questions, or would like to interview me, or our staff, please let us know. Thank you very much for the email, Joseph The article now lists the source of this “fatwa” as el-Sawsana news and the link takes you to a site that is only in Arabic. I don’t speak Arabic, so am unable to make out what the original article of this “news” item might have been. I received a second email from Joseph Mayton asking me to check out a follow up article that they have now posted Cucumber sheikh “far from the truth,” says Egypt Islamic leader. This new article quotes Sheikh Gaber Taye’ Youssef, identified as “An Islamic scholar and chairman at Egypt’s Religious Endowments Ministry said this sheikh could not be more “far from the truth.” ... He expressed serious doubts that the sheikh sourced is even qualified for his position. “Nonesense and wrong, such talk is empty of any logic or sense and has no roots or relations with Islam or its belief system,” said Youssef when interviewed him over the phone early on Saturday. Sheikh Youssef’s opinion is exactly what any mainstream Muslim already knew. I am glad that Bikyamasr has made the correction and published this follow-up article. However, I believe that republishing this information from el-Sawsana or any source without information on the scholar who issued the fatwa was still irresponsible. I can’t find any information in English about el-Sawsana, the original source of this, so have no idea about their motivation or even their respectability as a source of information. Update 12/13/2011 Joseph Mayton, the editor of BikyaMasr has just published the following update on this incident The past week has seen unprecedented scrutiny of our work here at The responses, comments and emails we have received over the article, “Islamic cleric bans women from touching cucumbers, bananas for sexual resemblance,” have been numerous. As a young news organization striving to report the news in the most honest, straightforward and timely manner possible, we are concerned over the manner of both our reporting on this issue and the way our article was used by a number of global organizations to promote their own partisan agendas. Looking back, it was my own editorial oversight that failed in allowing this story to be published. Editorially, it was my duty to not publish this story before we could gather independent verification about the details behind the original Arabic article from, the article that we referenced in writing our piece. Furthermore, I originally and mistakenly quoted as “,” only furthering the confusion and mistakes involved in this report. As Editor of, I am disappointed that I did not catch and hold this piece. The “Islamic cleric bans women from touching cucumbers, bananas for sexual resemblance,” article should not have run when it did. Arguably, it should not have been run at all. We should not have published about an “unnamed sheikh” in an unnamed European country unless we were able to garner more information on the issue, both on the sheikh himself and the news website the information was gathered from, independently. We realize that as a growing news organization with a growing reputation and readership, we have an increased responsibility to not only verify our own material at the highest levels, but further investigate the quotes and articles of other news organizations before referencing their work. This is our error. We apologize for the poor judgment on the matter. It is inexcusable. While the exact quote reported by may well have been exactly what it was reported to be by that website, without a name and location behind this person and comment, it is difficult to find the information credible. We recognize our pitfalls and their repercussions. The fact that this story was quoted by a large number of news organizations across the globe shows that our error in judgment can have serious, detrimental effects. For this, we would like to apologize to our readers for the inadequate editorial judgment I, as Editor and Founder, made in this instance. This said, we will learn from our mistakes, as larger and more established news organizations have learned and continue to learn from theirs. Journalism has a steep learning curve, and as a news organization grows, the costs of learning become more difficult to bear. The repercussions of our lessons learned are becoming more serious and are imposing a higher cost on our readers. The reality, in this circumstance, is that we should not have sourced a piece published by a small website based on such limited, unverifiable information. We accept responsibility for doing so and are working to correct the aspects of our organizational culture which allowed this mistake to occur. We view this mistake as a significant learning opportunity for us; a chance to grow and improve the work we do here at As such, and as part of a greater expansion plan we have been developing for the past few months, we are working hard to expand our operations and bring a number of new, experienced editors and writers to our small editorial team. Despite this mistake, we will continue to maintain our independence and provide the best and most credible news possible to our readers. Reporting in a fair and accurate manner on Islam is a difficult process, and one that takes very seriously. We will continue to push for more information on this story, from and other sources, in order to interrogate the accuracy of their original article. If we cannot uncover more information, then we take it as our duty to make this clear and do everything in our power to spread that revelation to those who have sourced and quoted us this past week. At the end of the day, we employed poor judgment on this article, for which we apologize. We are working to correct our mistake and guarantee that the potential validity or invalidity of this story is quickly verified. We apologize to our readers for letting them down, and will strive to assure them with our future work that we are making fundamental, institutional changes to assure that mistakes like this do not happen again. |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by deols(f): 6:41am On Apr 12, 2013 |
OMG! I saw that of the child brides. May Allah forgive me for I may have said something bad. 1 Like |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by tbaba1234: 7:15am On Apr 12, 2013 |
I usually don't comment on such stories. Most muslims do not know that there is a multi million dollar industry led by missionaries to spread lies against Islam. They have so much money and unfortunately most of the ummah is sleeping while shaytan is working overtime. Most people are fed so much anti Islam propaganda.The easiest way to become a millionaire is to write an anti Islam book. Any other faith would have been destroyed with the kinds of lies they peddle but Allah will perfect His light whether muslims are sleeping or wake up to their responsibility. 22 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by sino(m): 8:33am On Apr 12, 2013 |
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Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by sino(m): 8:35am On Apr 12, 2013 |
This is an eye opener, Muslims need to wake up. There is this massive scheme to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims all around the world, unfortunately, some Muslims are being used. They are just employing what the kufaars of old had done, spreading lies and deceit about Islam. History does repeats itself. The bigwigs behinde this hocus-pocus know what they are doing and their goal is quite clear(and i must add that the shaitan is at the helm of their affairs), it seems they are gradually achieving their aims though, now some Muslims feel ashamed and apologetic about their deen, you hear such things like Islam is archaic, it needs reformation(Subhanallah!) Well, i do pity the NL bandwagon of #teampaintIslambad, perhaps they do not know, perhaps they do anyways, thier case is pathetic, cos if they don't know, they do have the opportunity to rid themselves of their ignorance but they wouldn't, and if they do know, then they are just plain evil there is no other explanation for it. "...They plot and they plan, and Allah too Plans but the best of planners is Allah" (Q8:30). Jazakumullahu khayran vedaxcool for bringing this up, and i think this thread should make front page. 7 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by vedaxcool(m): 3:12pm On Apr 12, 2013 |
^ amin thanks 1 Like |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by sino(m): 9:12pm On Apr 12, 2013 |
you welcome, looking forward to more revelations... |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by BetaThings: 9:23am On Apr 14, 2013 |
"Recent Miracle in Egypt" Detailed Analysis This widely circulated email relates the story of two little Egyptian girls who survived 15 days buried alive due to the intervention of a supernatural saviour with white clothes and bleeding hands who is later identified by rescuers as none other than Jesus Himself. There is no credible evidence whatsoever to support an email story claiming that two young girls survived for fifteen days buried alive because Jesus visited them in the grave every day and fed them. As well as circulating via email, the piece has also been posted to innumerable religious forums and blogs where it has generated substantial and often heated debate. According to the story, a Muslim man in Egypt murdered his wife and then buried her along with his still living daughters, one 8 years old, the other still an infant. However, Jesus came to the children every day, feeding the eight year old and "waking" the dead mother so that she could nurse the baby. It was not until the children were discovered alive and rescued from their premature grave 15 days after being buried that the miraculous experience came to be told. Or so this wildly fanciful tale would have us believe. Not surprisingly, there is not a single shred of evidence to support the story. I could find no credible news reports about such a miraculous rescue, nor any information about an Egyptian man who murdered his wife and buried his children alive. Naturally, if true, such an amazing event would have certainly garnered a great deal of media attention, not only in Egypt, but around the world. And a miracle like the one described would also have been thoroughly investigated by both Muslim and Christian organizations. The total absence of any credible confirmation of the story along with the absurdity of the claims mean that the story is surely a work of pure fiction. Even if entirely fictional, religious parables have their place and can serve to strengthen the faith of believers and effectively illustrate a particular worldview. However, rather than being a parable designed to reinforce a Christian ideal, this particular piece of nonsense seems more intent on denigrating and undermining the Muslim faith. In a world troubled by faith-based violence and misunderstanding, false stories such as this can only add to existing divisions and circulating them will serve no good purpose. As with many contrived stories, this one has no names and details about when or where the alleged story took place. In other words, there aren't enough facts to allow confirming the story if it were true. Some versions of this email claim it is an excerpt from an Egyptian newspaper but that the name of the paper is "being kept confidential." 2 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by BetaThings: 9:25am On Apr 14, 2013 |
You will hear people declare I cannot worship a God who cannot fight for himself But they are lying on His behalf and have been fighting for Him for ages anyway 4 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by tunde1200(m): 5:08am On Apr 15, 2013 |
Thank GOD I'm a muslim... And thanks to you poster for this eye opener... |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by SlyIg(f): 1:59pm On Apr 19, 2013 |
I don't make comments in this section o ... |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by omoredia: 2:00pm On Apr 19, 2013 |
you muslims should pls mind ur business never ever mention Christian in islam section abeg! 8 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by miqos02(m): 2:05pm On Apr 19, 2013 |
why is this on frontpage |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by Burger01(m): 2:15pm On Apr 19, 2013 |
Smh.. All in a bid to 'facade' Islam as a religion of peace.. Everywhere in the world there is muslim there is wahala. miqos02: why is this on frontpage Just can't stop wondering. Btw, it's just a desperate move to paint Islam what it is not..religion of peace. 8 Likes |
Re: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims by theripper2: 2:17pm On Apr 19, 2013 |
What diffuse nonsense is dis.? By the way, the Boston bombers are Muslims. 21 Likes 1 Share |
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