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Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Nobody: 5:28am On Mar 07, 2013
Buhari has proven me right, instead of selling Nigeria abroad, he has continued the illiterate sympathy seeking games.
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by edetcnn(m): 5:46am On Mar 07, 2013
With the kind of criticism Buhari is getting here for what I know is a very correct analysis of the Nigerian situation, there is little wonder why we are where we are today. To all those saying he went "outside" and betrayed his country, I wonder what you guys mean by "outside" when almost all of of you come here and post more disparaging and scathing remarks about the state of the nation, and forget that in the present age, every single line on this forum is an "outside" statement when you consider how many foreign nationals (including their government agencies) visit Nairaland. If you ask, " why did he have to go "outside"?" Then please tell me when the truth about Nigeria stop being the truth, because it is spoken "outside' Nigeria? May God help us all.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by talk2s(m): 6:18am On Mar 07, 2013
Oh yes, he was 'obviously telling the truth' as claimed by many.
But my question is: why to the wrong audience.
He obviously overstated it.
He misfired!
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:24am On Mar 07, 2013
the Chairman pointed out that 18,000 public officers consume in the form of salaries, allowances and other perquisites N1.126 trillion naira (£4billion) of public funds. The total Nigerian budget for 2013 is N4.9 trillion (£20 billion). This is the worst form of corruption and oppression.

You all see where the problem lies?
Why would anyone feel aggrieved by Buhari's comment.
He had simply reinforced the truth that we all know -the nigerian nation is running on a broken system...And heading towards a failed state


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:25am On Mar 07, 2013
talk2s: Oh yes, he was 'obviously telling the truth' as claimed by many.
But my question is: why to the wrong audience.
He obviously overstated it.
He misfired!

Nothing wrong with the audience.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by kinethic: 6:28am On Mar 07, 2013
If you check all the ages of the people ranting against this man they might not be more than 25 years old..no experience,blind to see,thinking that Nigerian situation would be wished away.We need constructive action and this man possesses that.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla our problem still dey there..Nigerians we are stupid morons..
IDIOTs.....idiots ...idiots..


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by vicope: 6:29am On Mar 07, 2013

Shame on you, you illiterate donkey, for the rubbish you wrote up there. Who criticizes America more than Americans? Besides, Illiterate, did you somehow miss the fact that this is how he started off: "By convention one usually would like to talk about his country outside its shores in glowing terms extolling its virtues and defending its values and interests. But the situation in our country is so bad and no one knows this better than the international community, that it would be futile to take this line today. "

Anyway, let me leave you with this famous quote, hopefully your hypocritical self catches the drift:

"I will fight for my country, but I will not lie for her."---Zora Neale Hurston
The most sensible post so far!


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Inova(m): 6:33am On Mar 07, 2013
Joeadamu86: What do you expect from someone who is not democratically inclined?the military mentality is still flowing in his blood,what Buhari did is like a son calling his father a bad man,no matter how worst your country is still your country.
I don't understand wat is wrong with all of you on this thread.
And what has Buhari said that is wrong. And what should he hide. If ur father was a womaniser and wife beater; does not pay ur school fees even though he has money but would prefer to give it hide it for his personal use. Will you still defend that father in public? Never. In fact wat will you say in defence (people will just laff at you as a clown)
Now comming outa the analogy; to solve a problem you hv to do 2 things
1) You have to first of all identify the problem (which he did call it washing dirty linen outside or not) and
2) Proffer a solution (Which he also did)
Never let sentiments overule ur judgement.
Thiose that go out there to paint a good pix of nija and are still part of nija's problem; milking us dry like Okupe and Maku are the real unpatriotic entities.
Let TRUTH prevail
mostly in the public glare. Haba


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by genxris: 6:33am On Mar 07, 2013
It's very obvious that this man is very desperate to move into aso rock. This is same man who sent off a democratically elected president off from power.
Anyway he shed tears in 2011,I am sure he will likely shed blood in 2015 because he won't smell aso rock again
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:33am On Mar 07, 2013
Well, these gov't lackeys think its wrong to air our ills. I see nothing wrong, I see a lot wrong with people keen enough to support a horrendously corrupt ruling class. Imagine 18,000 gov't folks feeding on 25% of national budget. Ain't the rest of us fools?


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Nobody: 6:36am On Mar 07, 2013
bubadaniel13: Shame on General Buhari,i don't see a british or American citizen saying a bad thing about his/her country abroad,General Buhari keeps proving to us that he is not a good leader...
How long do we continue to pretend?


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:36am On Mar 07, 2013
genxris: It's very obvious that this man is very desperate to move into aso rock. This is same man who sent off a democratically elected president off from power.
Anyway he shed tears in 2011,I am sure he will likely shed blood in 2015 because he won't smell aso rock again

It's not about the messenger, it's about the MESSAGE!
The system in its present state is shittt! Judiciary is rubbish, leadership is absent, corruption everywhere. Why shoot the messenger?


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by miiraaj: 6:37am On Mar 07, 2013

What exactly have you said? I said show me one tangible thing Buhari did with over 200 billion! Haba, is that too hard to find? The guy is a corrupt idiota. That is why he can come out to give Abacha a clean bill. Birds of the same feather!

But seriously, how old are you? I guess you should be one of these teenage tweeter generations!

Asking for accomplishments of PTF? Mtchew!
Go and meet your daddy and ask him about the achievements of PTF.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by 1dickatatime: 6:37am On Mar 07, 2013
Oloshi what did he say that was incorrect?
I don't know why so many garbage are born in Nigeria.

Bros I thought it was just me o,this guy is a typical illustration of garbage in,garbage out. Pathetic to say the least.

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Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:39am On Mar 07, 2013
the Chairman pointed out that 18,000 public officers consume in the form of salaries, allowances and other perquisites N1.126 trillion naira (£4billion) of public funds. The total Nigerian budget for 2013 is N4.9 trillion (£20 billion). This is the worst form of corruption and oppression.

Whine on about the messenger! Forgeting the fact that a few bigheads have kept us in darkness for years, literally.

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Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by miiraaj: 6:44am On Mar 07, 2013

You really need to go beg your step-mom for tying your destiny and throwing it into the Atlantic Ocean. Your a freaking lost cause.

Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Nobody: 6:49am On Mar 07, 2013
Buhari should go and sleep. He went their to talk trash but didn't give just 1 solution to the problems he mentioned.

No US or UK citizen/politician will say something bad about his country even when things are bad.

Buhari killed his career when he ended civilian rule for military rule and he has not yet changed, he is just a wolf in sheeps clothing and a more bitter human being than before.
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:50am On Mar 07, 2013
Tell me anything good about this nation.
No light
No water
No roads
No security
No welfare
No adequate healthcare
No good public transport.
No nightlife
No good tertiary education
No good government services
No good electoral process

High infant mortality
High level of corruption
High level of extra judicial killing
High number of touts on roads
High level environmental pollution
High cost of housing
High number of abuse cases

People still pee on road sides
People still believe in witchcraft
People worship men as god
People are aggressive and wicked


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Pataki: 6:51am On Mar 07, 2013
Buhari has said nothing but the truth here. I am disgusted that there are still fetid disgusting reasoning human beings in Nigeria. Are you not tired of a system that does not work? Are you not tired of doing 'yes-sir', 'yes-ma', to a bunch of corrupt few who continue to truncate your future as well as that of your un-born generation?

Buhari honestly spoke the truth. He spoke about poverty. Economic empowerment to the nation. A bunch of greedy Nigerians continue to accrue the wealth of Nigerians to themselves. I am saddened when I see a lot of my colleagues jobless and roaming the streets. I am saddened that people still in darkness. Your President went on CNN and OPENLY LIED about the state of affairs in Nigeria! There is nothing more disgraceful than a president lying against its own citizen in the international arena.

Buhari not only spoke excellently about the ills of the nation in the democratic dispensation, he equally noted and mentioned the role International Observers played in stamping gross madness into our various past elections. Keeping quiet to the injustices and irregularities observed under past elections. Nothing can be more honest and plain other than what Buhari has stated.

To criticize Buhari for stating the obvious truth; implies, you are an ENEMY of the truth and an ENEMY OF A PROGRESSIVE NIGERIA.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by AyeyeAAyeye: 6:51am On Mar 07, 2013
Buhari, will u shut dat ur dirty mouth. U should be thanking God 4 IBB who sees u as a brother by not killing u during the coup. Or is it vengeance u wnt 2 come 4? Even d rago(s) will not even vote 4 u, not 2 talk of normal humans. Nonsense alacrity!!
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:53am On Mar 07, 2013
gboss4sure: Buhari should go and sleep. He went their to talk trash but didn't give just 1 solution to the problems he mentioned.

No US or UK citizen/politician will say something bad about his country even when things are bad.

Buhari killed his career when he ended civilian rule for military rule and he has not yet changed, he is just a wolf in sheeps clothing and a more bitter human being than before.

He proffered a lot of solution. Probably you didn't want to read that.
He said, " generate power, encourage agriculture, build industries, employ the youths, provide small credit to sme's...."


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by henrysam(m): 6:54am On Mar 07, 2013
grafikii: Nigerians hate the truth yet they want a better life. Some of you would have preferred okupke or abati's lies

Your head is too correct. A nation deserves a leader she wants that's is why things are not moving in this country.with these comments from Nigerians on Buhari, people worst than GEJ will continue to rule this country. Why are we all clamouring for good governance when what majority of us shy away from truth.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 6:55am On Mar 07, 2013
Ayeye A. Ayeye:
Buhari, will u shut dat ur dirty mouth. U should be thanking God 4 IBB who sees u as a brother by not killing u during the coup. Or is it vengeance u wnt 2 come 4? Even d rago(s) will not even vote 4 u, not 2 talk of normal humans. Nonsense alacrity!!

His mouth isnt more dirty than a nation called Nigeria where people still defecate in the open. This is 2013, man! There's something called mobile toilets.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by COOLDUN: 7:02am On Mar 07, 2013

The chap did not argue if he was telling the truth or not... You can as well pick up a mega phone and announce on your house street that ur mum has a boil under her left breast or that you are very sure that your dad has an extramarital affair....just an instance pls,am not insulting u. Yes we know it's the truth and they know what is happening, so what's the point in further buttressing it before the British? What do you seek to achieve by that?

Then it is better to hide the fact that your mother has a boil under her left breast for the sickness to cure itself right? whether he exposed the secret or not the fact remains that hiding the truth will do no one any good. I am not Gen M. Buhari's supporter but a supporter of truth.

What you guys want is all the lies the government is feeding the whole world with everyday while things are getting worse.A problem shared is a problem solved. Let the whole world hear the real problems of Nigeria. I am happy that most , if not all of you agreed that he exposed the truth and not lies.

We shall know the truth, speak the truth, because it only truth that can set us and the nation free. Gen M.Buhari God bless you. for exposing the truth.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by joeyfire(m): 7:04am On Mar 07, 2013
GARRI (x7):

You need Education, infact a state of emergency has to be declared in your life as you are incapable of sensible thought and sane reasoning..

The Human Race will be better off without the likes of you..


If you weren't already known on this site as a bytch azz "notice-me" I might have taken you seriously. If you had even tried to analyse with an ounce of objectivity I might have replied you. Fvck off kid I don't roll in the hay with pigs. If you are one of those cursed online hacks working for politicians don't bring your stench near me oh, face your fellow hacks
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Pataki: 7:04am On Mar 07, 2013
Ayeye A. Ayeye:
Buhari, will u shut dat ur dirty mouth. U should be thanking God 4 IBB who sees u as a brother by not killing u during the coup. Or is it vengeance u wnt 2 come 4? Even d rago(s) will not even vote 4 u, not 2 talk of normal humans. Nonsense alacrity!!

Where is IBB today to be reckoned with Nigeria or Nigerians? Nigeria needs an effective leader. A leader that demonstrates that corruption is a bad way of life. An exemplary leader.

You have a dirty mouth, most likely stained by dirty hands. You reek of corruption and you are proud of this corrupt entity called Nigeria. I really pity your un-born generation if an immediate solution is not found to your rancid way of thinking and arrogantly exuding it on the internet. Seek help while it is near you!


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by vicope: 7:05am On Mar 07, 2013
phildon: I'm waiting for u to come n kill me
grin grin grin
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Benjoh(m): 7:05am On Mar 07, 2013
But you people are so ridiculous oooo,Buhari was analysing what is happening in our country and same time providing ways out and instead of us to peep and take our bite on how the solutions he's mentioning here will be useful to every one of us,we begin to be calling him names and all that,Haba! Nigerians! You are dangerous to lead,advice and teach. So you want him to keep hailing the bads. What is spectacular about NIGERIA that the world had not known? Just yesterday A Ghanian twitted about Niageria that "a common Nigerian is always in an abject poverty that we are not good to be befriend to them" tell me what is new to the World about Nigeria? 2weeks ago Bill Clinton said the same thing while he was passing speech on EKO atlantic of FASHOLA,that Nigeria viruses are Bad leaders and Corruptions,he stated this on our soil so what is new about what Buhari has uttered? In fact We are all Monkey as whites do call us. Ingrate.


Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by talk2s(m): 7:07am On Mar 07, 2013
sammyudoh: I see no harm in the general telling nigerians in the diaspora the truth about their father's land. Or what do you expect a man of proven integrity to do

Sammy, nsuto proven integrity ke eto ado anie yak aben mbat afong idung nnyin akeyet ke idung owo.
It's not done!
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by phildon: 7:10am On Mar 07, 2013
GARRI (x7):

Please do it yourself.

Pour 15 Cl of Angle 90 into half a bottle of coke..(35 Cl bottle)..

Drink it..

..And the rest they say will be history!!

cheesy cheesy
I'm too busy to do that. Can u just come n lick my as*s to death?
Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by postemail: 7:10am On Mar 07, 2013
Benjoh: ............. 2weeks ago Bill Clinton said the same thing while he was passing speech on EKO atlantic of FASHOLA,that Nigeria viruses are Bad leaders and Corruptions,he stated this on our soil so what is new about what Buhari has uttered? In fact We are all Monkey as whites do call us. Ingrate.

Don't mind the Monkeys!
Let us pretend all is hunky dory in Nigeria.

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Re: Buhari's Speech At Africa Diaspora Conference London by Demdem(m): 7:14am On Mar 07, 2013
Good speech from the General. Absolute truth. Welldone.

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