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Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Ngwakwe: 10:34pm On Mar 31, 2013
Don't mind them, Arabs are angelic beings whilst Jews are the devil.

Boko Harams are Israeli Jews or Jewish conspiracy at best.

Why can't a grown up mind his business and allow people to exercise their Universal Freedom of Association without sticking their nose where the sun don't shine?

Same reason why Arabic is inscribed on Naira notes.

Nigeria is a follow-follow country.


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by cfours: 12:11am On Apr 01, 2013
^ what fools.
if it pains you so, stop typing in english and start typing in hebrew.
abi you are also carrying british flags about?

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by cfours: 12:14am On Apr 01, 2013
[size=18pt]Nigeria: 38 Citizens in Israeli Prisons[/size]
By Golu Timothy, 24 February 2009

Tel-Aviv — A total of 38 Nigerians are cooling in the prisons of the holy state of Israel awaiting deportation. They were arrested for sundry offences, most of which borders on illegal immigration into the holy city.

This is coming as the mother of Nigeria's deputy senate president, and leader of the 2008 Christian pilgrims delegation, Senator Ike Ekweremadu narrowly escaped being kidnapped few days ago while her son was away to Israel.

grin grin grin grin grin


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by cfours: 12:17am On Apr 01, 2013
Israel begins mass deportation of Nigerians
On September 8, 2012 · In News
6:03 am

In what looks like a crackdown on immigrants in their country, Israel has started a massive deportation of Africans comprising mainly Nigerians in what they called ‘operation clean up’.

In the last few weeks no fewer than 50 Nigerians have been deported from the middle east country for reasons ranging from what they termed illegal stay, work permit and other flimsy excuses.

Due to the recent series of offensive and racist statements made by Israeli politicians, African diplomats in Israel are afraid to walk down the street, said African ambassadors in Israel during a meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon.

The meeting, which was attended by the ambassadors of Angola, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and the Ivory Coast, was recently held in the Foreign Ministry’s offices in Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli newspaper reported.This was after the wife of the Ghanian ambassador was arrested by Israeli police where she was on shopping in Tel Aviv.

Israeli’s claim that immigrants are responsible for the ongoing series of rapes and muggings committed in their country is a way of calling a dog a bad name in order to hang it.

Reports from Tel Aviv where most of the immigrants live show that most of them now hide inside their apartments without going to work for fear of being arrested while on the street. ’Many Nigerians living in Israel are very law abiding and go their normal businesses’ said an official of the Nigerian community who doesn’t want his name in print.

The recent crackdown has seen Isreaeli authorities

arresting Nigerians with families and taking them to detention camps sometimes with their very under aged children where they face harsh punitive measures and untold hardship before being deported to their country.

To worsen the situation, the Nigerian Embassy officials have never intervened in this ugly incidents being meted on Nigerians, our source revealed

Mr Iweka [real name withheld] from Enugu state said he has been living in Israel legally since twelve years working in a restaurant but was deported on the orders of his employer who wouldn’t want to pay his accumulated gratuity. He was arrested in his apartment by over twenty security agents and chained both legs and hands and bundled into a van even after showing them his valid papers and driven to prison. His lawyer took his case to court and after spending two months in the prison under harsh conditions was deported without concluding his case. He described is ordeal as a racist, barbaric and unhuman.

Member of the Israeli Knesset Shlomo Molla (Kadima) has warned that, “The State has failed to do its diplomatic due diligence .No one wants to migrate here if they’re doing well… It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to send them back, but these events – abusing them like that – that’s wrong.

“I’ve seen case where people where physically hurt. If that’s not incitement – what is?” he wondered.

Member if Israeli Knesset K Dov Khenin (Hadash) read testimonies given by teens suspected of assaulting migrants, detailing the violent abuse they had perpetrated. He further deplored the government’s actions against them.


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by cfours: 12:18am On Apr 01, 2013
see how ibo people are giving Nigerians bad name all over the world. due to their low self esteem and insecurity. na by force to go and do second class citizen on another man's land?
they do the same even in naija. Iboland is not enough to contain them.
How will carrying Israeli flag do anything to help you gain entry to israel. these people are out of their minds grin


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by deandavid(m): 4:17pm On Apr 01, 2013
Abor wears his kippah and his identity with pride.

"I am a Jewish Igbo," he says.

The Igbo are one of Nigeria's largest ethnic groups with population estimates ranging from 20 to 50 million. Abor is convinced that the Igbo's ancestors were Jews.

"The son of Yaakov, Jacob, [was] Gad and I learned that he was among those people who went out of Israel to exile," Abor says. "So from there he had a son called Eri and a son gave birth to a son called Aguleri and that's how the Igbo race began."

From generation to generation, some Igbo have passed down various versions of a migration story framed around Jacob, a patriarch of Judaism. A popular version of the narrative holds that Gad, the seventh son of Jacob, had three sons who settled in present-day southeastern Nigeria, which is predominantly inhabited by the Igbo. Those sons, Eri, Arodi and Areli (as mentioned in the book of Genesis), are said to have fathered clans, established kingdoms and founded towns still in existence in southeastern Nigeria today, including Owerri, Umuleri, Arochukwu and Aguleri.

Eze A.E. Chukwuemeka Eri, the king of a community in Aguleri, claims he presides over the throne of Gad's son, Eri.

Wearing a white shirt with the Star of David stitched on the front, King Eri points to a calendar on the wall of his palace that lists the names of his 33 predecessors. He has no doubts that Eri is his ancestor. He has even acquired land to establish an educational center for the study of Jewish culture.

"Israelites and Igbos are brothers," he says with a broad smile.

King Eri, like many, claims that the Igbo are the Jews of West Africa. They believe they are descendants of at least one of Israel's lost tribes. In the eighth century B.C. the Assyrians invaded Israel's northern kingdom forcing 10 tribes into exile. Historians say it is not unlikely that these tribes migrated westward to Africa.
When I grew up I heard, like virtually every Igbo here, that the Igbo people came from Israel.
Remy Llona, Niegrian author and lawyer

Throughout history, large populations of dispersed Jews also became "lost" through forced conversions and cultural assimilation.

"There is evidence that is scientific that the Igbos descended from the people that evolved in Israel," says Remy Ilona. He began investigating the stories from his youth more than a decade ago.

"When I grew up I heard, like virtually every Igbo here, that the Igbo people came from Israel," the Abuja-based lawyer says. His field work in Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Mali led him to conclude that Igbo and Jewish culture are not just similar, but "identical."

o yea? Dis is the 21st century, when we have dna testing, carbondating, arceaological advancements, igbos can as well go deep into research and excarvations to back this claim up with blood evidence. Else this is the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA, WITH THE GREEN WHITE GREEN FLAG( the most beautiful).


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by dealordea(m): 4:27pm On Apr 01, 2013
Once saw a lady driving by one early morning and she has Israeli flag in front of her dash board, was kind of surprised and am sure she must be an Igbo Girl, a Yoruba girl would prefer Nigeria flag.. Smhhh... grin


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:30pm On Apr 01, 2013
Ngwakwe: Don't mind them, Arabs are angelic beings whilst Jews are they devil.

Boko Harams are Israeli Jews or Jewish conspiracy at best.

Why can't a grown up mind his business and allow people to exercise their Universal Freedom of Association without sticking their nose where the sun don't shine?

What's the correlation between your rant and the topic?? undecided - and how's using arabic(which is an Islamic language to signify the religions in the country) on the currency related to flying Israeli flag(a Jewish country that doesn't believe in Christianity) undecided undecided undecided

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by obimind(m): 4:30pm On Apr 01, 2013
babapupa: Wa all know the people with no sense of identity and belonging.. They call themselves Jews today, tomorrow they are Japanese, after that they are taiwanesse, Koreans and so on....

smh @ ibo people..
What's the meaning of smh? Pls answers needed urgently.
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by madamebebe(f): 4:30pm On Apr 01, 2013
Beacuse in the bible they read, israel is described as the land flowing with miliki and honey cheesy so who won't want to claim it? grin

Op make sure you walk around wearing your native attire undecided afterall why you wan be westerner? Wear your nigerian attire o jare .. Its 'inferiority complex and ignorance' when you remove your ancestors identity to have americana own.. Stop claiming civilized, its for the westerners only..

Perhaps this is how they see it .. What do you think?


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:31pm On Apr 01, 2013
It's just lack of knowledge about history and illiteracy, to be honest... undecided


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by deandavid(m): 4:32pm On Apr 01, 2013
Ngwakwe: Don't mind them, Arabs are angelic beings whilst Jews are they devil.

Boko Harams are Israeli Jews or Jewish conspiracy at best.

Why can't a grown up mind his business and allow people to exercise their Universal Freedom of Association without sticking their nose where the sun don't shine?

igbo u r smarteer than this na, i believe the rise of Nigeria economically and technologically lies in the hands of igbo,if the right conditions are met, i will even say igbos are the most intelligent people in nigeria, i didnt say brilliant, but intelligent. But this type of inferiority complex atitude and still boasting about it, is falling my hand 4 igbo abeg. Assuming isreal even send them, e 4 beta.

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:33pm On Apr 01, 2013
madame_bebe: Beacuse in the bible they read, israel is described as the land flowing with miliki and honey cheesy so who won't want to claim it? grin

Op make sure you walk around wearing your native attire undecided afterall why you wan be westerner? Wear your nigerian attire o jare .. Its 'inferiority complex and ignorance' when you remove your ancestors identity to have americana own.. Stop claiming civilized, its for the westerners only..

Perhaps this is how they see it .. What do you think?

Biblical Israel or the Jewish state in the middle east

The earlier we all understand that the biblical Israel is different from the Jewish/Zionist Israel created for Hebrew converts of European descent, the better for our African minds... undecided


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:34pm On Apr 01, 2013
Ngwakwe: I fly Israeli flag in my fleets.

It's my choice and my adopted country. It's nobody's business neither is your opinion solicited or required.

If baffles me when some isolated confused fellows try to dictate their opinion and choice to a set of people who holds alternative ideas or views.

If something is not a crime, it becomes foolish to condemn it outrightly.

oya keep on rocking the flag na! grin Lemme see whether the real jews won't burn you at the stakes if you try nonsense for their country. Mtcheew no be only adopted country. so many comedians dey for this nairaland. grin


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Ahasuerus: 4:34pm On Apr 01, 2013
It's a pity the average Nigerian especially based on the comments I have seen shows that Nigerians cannot differentiate or identify their allies and foes. What's wrong with flying an Israeli Flag?
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by deandavid(m): 4:36pm On Apr 01, 2013
madame_bebe: Beacuse in the bible they read, israel is described as the land flowing with miliki and honey cheesy so who won't want to claim it? grin

Op make sure you walk around wearing your native attire undecided afterall why you wan be westerner? Wear your nigerian attire o jare .. Its 'inferiority complex and ignorance' when you remove your ancestors identity to have americana own.. Stop claiming civilized, its for the westerners only..

Perhaps this is how they see it .. What do you think?
na lie o, we are talking of flag u talking abt clothing, do u know the meaning of a flag?


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by FXKing2012(m): 4:36pm On Apr 01, 2013
We are seeds of Abraham so it's ok to fly the "star of David".

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:36pm On Apr 01, 2013

Biblical Israel or the Jewish state in the middle east

The earlier we all understand that the biblical Israel is different from the Jewish/Zionist Israel created for Hebrew converts of European descent, the better for our African minds... undecided

My brother, our people die from a lack of understanding/knowledge of very basic things. No be only land wey dey flow with "Milk and Honey.", Akamu/koko, ogogoro and otapiapia for follow flow too. grin


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:40pm On Apr 01, 2013
Ahasuerus: It's a pity the average Nigerian especially based on the comments I have seen shows that Nigerians cannot differentiate or identify their allies and foes. What's wrong with flying an Israeli Flag?

When did black people become "allies" with Israel?? The same Israel that's silently killing Ethiopian Jews(real Jews), no?? The same Israel that gave nuclear warheads to apartheid South Africa, no


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:41pm On Apr 01, 2013

My brother, our people die from a lack of understanding/knowledge of very basic things. No be only land wey dey flow with "Milk and Honey.", Akamu/koko, ogogoro and otapiapia for follow flow too. grin


I wish some of them could take their black ignorant ar.ses to Israel and see if they won't get castrated over there... grin

Silly people...


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:42pm On Apr 01, 2013
Toaskarity: because they are the Jesus choosen ones wink jst like arab are allah choosen one. Yoruba choosen ones for oduduwa, igbos choosen one of chineke wink

Jesus' chosen ones?! Did you even go to school at all? Do you have an idea what the Jews regard Jesus as?
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by RedLight1: 4:42pm On Apr 01, 2013

oya keep one rocking the flag na! grin Lemme see whether the real jews won't burn you at the stakes if you try nonsense for their country. Mtcheew no be only adopted country. so many comedians dey for this nairaland. grin
grin grin grin so many comedians i tell u
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Arcard(m): 4:44pm On Apr 01, 2013
so any body dat put isrealis flag na igbo, british flag yoruba,saudi flag northerners american flag ?
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:45pm On Apr 01, 2013
Starlett: Israel! The Nation to love, the place to be!
I recall that when I bought my first car, it's flagship mascot was the Israeli flag entwined with the Nigerian flag. Solidarity with Israel and the Jews is one sure way (and shortcut cheesy) to God's blessings.
My people, I strongly encourage you to tap into this strategic move.

Ummm.... sorry to be the one to break this to you o, but if youre Christian the Jews consider you a heathen. The only other religion jews "recognize" outside of their own is Islam... go figure.

Oh, just so you know, Jesus was a Jew and not a christian. Dont believe me? Ask a Jew.


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Inoknowbook: 4:46pm On Apr 01, 2013
deandavid: I noticed a trend recently, i see some Nigerians having Isreal flag in their cars, not that its a crime, but am kind of interested, why do they do that? I even noticed it a pentecostal church altar. I have also seen a car sticker with the inscription "i am jew or a proud jew" why these sudden love for isreal? When i see that of U.S. being flown i ascribe it to because they are the world power, if britain maybe because they are our colonial masters, even some people do hang Ghana flag, probably because they are our neighbour, but isreal.... its too far abeg, so my question is why do Nigerians hang Israel's flag?

You are being hypocritical, if you were able to 'understand why people fly American and British flags but not the Israelis'. The reasons you gave for your so called 'understanding', were too flimsy. If I were to go by your process of reasoning, I am more likely to understand the reason behind flying of the Israelis' flag than that of any country, after all, Jesus Christ was born in Israel.
So, I see this post as a pathetic attempt to deride an ethnic group knowing fully well that a minority amongst the group traces their root back to Israel. We are not fooled. Shame on you!


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by bettercreature(m): 4:46pm On Apr 01, 2013
Having alqaeda arround or boko harram is far better than isrealites
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:48pm On Apr 01, 2013


I wish some of them could take their black ignorant ar.ses to Israel and see if they won't get castrated over there... grin

Silly people...

I dont know if you recall when the U.N wanted to pass a resolution against racism (basically against discrimination of blacks) guess the 2 countries that walked out in protest and abstained from voting?

Yup, you guessed right: Israel and the U.S.


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by bettercreature(m): 4:48pm On Apr 01, 2013
I no know book:

You are being hypocritical, if you were able to 'understand why people fly American and British flags but not the Israelis'. The reasons you gave for your so called 'understanding', were too flimsy. If I were to go by your process of reasoning, I am more likely to understand the reason behind flying of the Israelis' flag than that of any country, after all, Jesus Christ was born in Israel.
So, I see this post as a pathetic attempt to deride an ethnic group knowing fully well that a minority amongst the group traces their root back to Israel. We are not fooled. Shame to you!
You no know book!


Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by PENMIGHT(m): 4:50pm On Apr 01, 2013
Isreal is no friend of christains, their Pilgrimage to that nation notwithstanding! The Zionist state have their agenda to annihilate the whole world through the Freemasonic Orders. The Islamic world is a friend to Nigeria much more than u see the Zionist state do.
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by Nobody: 4:51pm On Apr 01, 2013

I dont know if you recall when the U.N wanted to pass a resolution against racism (basically against discrimination of blacks) guess the 2 countries that walked out in protest and abstained from voting?

Yup, you guessed right: Israel and the U.S.

Thanks, bro.

Most of them don't even know that Israel is the most racist country on this planet... I'm sure AIPAC influenced the US walk out... Arabs and most European countries are also very racist - however, Israel is in a league of its own... grin
Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by FXKing2012(m): 4:52pm On Apr 01, 2013
Research has shown that Igbos are descendants of Jews which is why many Igbos are fair in complexion. So it's ok to fly the flag of your ancestors.

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Re: Why Do Some Nigerians Fly Isreali Flag In Nigeria by searay(m): 4:53pm On Apr 01, 2013
The same way Nigerians preferred wearing Manure, Chelsea, AssAnal etc Jerseys even when watching NPFL games.

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