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JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal - Health (3) - Nairaland

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by thuao(m): 8:11am On Jul 17, 2014
What happened to live n let live that johesu memmbers re shouting in other threads.
Whn johesu goes on strike 'its legal' but when nma does the same its deemed illegical. Very funny.
If u re that relevant y not jst take over the hospital now n proove ur worth so the whole nation know. Rather than crying foul n running to court because of ur inadequacies.
The name itsef is an aberration JOHESU( joint health sector union). So doctors no dey the health sector again or na doctor sector doctors dey.
An alliance based on hatred/gread will definitely be scattered by greed on the long run.
If u re that important n relevant like u want the public to belif
1. Each body will fight for themselves no teaming up againt doctors. Let's imagine God forbid that FG agrees and allowed wanabes to attain Cmdd , within 2yrs in fighting will start na only nurses or pharmacist dey becom Cmdd dem no allow others . Even porters n cleanners will want to bcom cmdd. Atleast they re part of johesu and they all fought n won.
2. U will leave the striking doctors n even be happy they re not around cos u will asuume controL and manage patient successfully n the public will even sing ur prais and say to hell wth tHe doctors cos their absence was not felt. But we all know the truth of the matter.
Going to Court in Nigeria is time wasting stragethy. Thhe court wud adjourn till eternity. Or maybe that ur hope tht the court will ask that status be maintained vis-a-vis fg aggrement witj u.
I for one am tired of this write, idleness is bring n killing, even no Dr wud want to go on strike but that's the only language the govt understands even that one sef. Its like they only respect a lasting one ASUU 6mth+ asup 10mth+ coeasu like 10mth theReeabt.
I pray this impasse is setteled on time
Well we all sidon dey look.
And see the end of this season film.

1 Like

Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by idu1(m): 8:14am On Jul 17, 2014

I keep saying it that these JOHESU people don't really know what they want.
NMA didn't go on strike cos of an agreement.
The case in NIC is between JOHESU and MDCAN and not NMA.

When JOHESU presented their first set of demands to the govt, they had to go on strike before the govt could accede to such demands. Then doctors presented their own demands to the govt. When JOHESU saw those demands, they threatened to go on strike if the govt accedes to the demands of the doctors (even when their own demands have been granted). Yet people on here will be shouting how doctors are greedy. I hope this opens the eyes of d public to this evil called JOHESU.
NMA agreement that states other health practitioner should not be consultant in their own feild abi? How can they take that? Can docs work in the lab? Can they nurse a patient? They are free to become an expert ie consultant nurse or lab frm concern patients. Thanks


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by aikeron: 8:19am On Jul 17, 2014
I have sat back to observe this situation so far. And this is my problem with doctors, they are always babbling and ranting, yet avoiding the core of the matter. Why not address the issue at hand rather than flaunting ur usual vain ego? The FG has challenged doctors to a public debate on this issue but doctors do know most of the demands on their 24-point agenda are unjustifiable. How dare you try to frustrate other health professionals from attaining the peak of their career. Who has made u gods? It's not done anywhere in the world! Nigerians have grown, they have become more enlightened hence doctors cannot gather any public sympathy as far as this strike is concerned. Majority of the masses dislike doctors already cuz of their overbearing attitude.
A lot of doctors claim that Nigeria is not yet ripe for consultancy status to be initiated for other health professionals, fearing that there will be confusion in the system, yet they believe Nigeria is mature enough to have a Surgeon-general, for doctors to be paid as much as thr foreign counterparts and for them to have customized plate-numbers on their cars. Whatever happened to asking the government to streamline the practice by boldly outlining the job descriptions of a consultant pharmacist, consultant lab-scientist, etc as distinguished from a consultant doctor so as to avoid the so-called feared clashes. That would have seemed a more reasonable demand to make.
It baffles me that in this 21st century where the yearning of every developing country is to attain international best practices, our Nigerian doctors can stand up and scream that what is obtainable in many climates in the world should not be adopted by Nigeria.
As a matter of fact if priority is to be given in adopting any latest technology/methodology/guideline/policy/, such priority should be delegated in adopting developments related to health practices because human life is involved. There is no practice too early to adopt anywhere in the world as long as it will improve health and boost the quality of human life.
The consultancy training and title Doctors are trying to deny others from undergoing and attaining has always been in existence for years in saner climates. The Pharm D program that Nigerian Pharmacy schools are gradually adopting for example has been running in the US and other western countries since the 80's. It is also running across all the Pharmacy schools in Ghana, SA, even Kenya amongst other African countries. For how long do we keep giving excuses?
The usual insinuation by doctors that other health professionals are a collection of frustrated individuals who dropped out of medical schools or could not secure admission to study medicine is a laughable ego-induced generalization. I have a lot of colleagues who have genuine passion for what they studied in school. I for example scored 286 (enough to grant me admission into medical college) in one JAMB-sitting and went straight to apply for Pharmacy which I studied, and so did it go for a number of my friends.
Doctors have really had it their ways over the years in Nigeria, From the continual insistence that only doctors be made ministers of health and CMDs in public hospitals to using their over-exalted positions to intimidate and cow the government into yielding to their ever greedy demands. The time has come for other professionals to have their voices heard. Power is changing hands, and the time is now!


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by imanuel5959: 8:19am On Jul 17, 2014
in as much as †ђξ hand, eyes, legs, nose etc are important for proper functioning of †ђξ body, whenever †ђξ head is not functioning properly, †ђξ whole body will be in disarray. So also, in †ђξ health sector, †ђξ nurses, cleaners, porters, lab technicians, pharmacists etc are very important and their work is very very important, however de doctor is †ђξ head of †ђξ team, and U̶̲̥̅̊ cannot succeed in †ђξ absence of Your head--de doctor. So all diz NMA/JOHESU squabble will not tek us anywhere, each party shld exhibit a high sense of decorum and professionalism for †ђξ good of †ђξ country/our patients. Everyone is important in his/her own rights, however Johesu cannot function in †ђξ absence of †ђξ Dr or take over †ђξ headship of †ђξ medical team from drs, else we aя̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ in for anarchy and endless infighting. †ђξ courts cannot solve dis problem. Also Johesu shld know ƌ̲̣̣̣̥at †ђξ hospital exists in †ђξ first place cos there's a dr around, so if †ђξ govt or court say drs shld no longer lead †ђξ medical team and all †ђξ drs decide to resign from govt own hospitals to open dia private hospital, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ johesu will soon discover ƌ̲̣̣̣̥at d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ will loose dia jobs and even beg to join †ђξ drs in †ђξ private sector, even for a later pay and worse condition of service. So pls enough of all dis nonsense, if U̶̲̥̅̊ want to be a Dr, go to medical school, U̶̲̥̅̊ cannot be a Dr from †ђξ back door or enjoy †ђξ benefits/sufferings from †ђξ back door.
And before anybody attacks me, I want to ask, Щњεn U̶̲̥̅̊ wake up in †ђξ morning and decide to go to †ђξ hospital, who do U̶̲̥̅̊ go to see?
Can a non-academic staff dream of being †ђξ vice chancellor of a university, or a non-lawyer, chief judge/magistrate/SAN, their academic qualifications notwithstanding??
When a patient decides to sue someone for probable poor mgt, who is being sued...†ђξ dr, nurse, lab technician, pharmacist, porter, cleaner, etc or who??
Pls let's call a spade a spade and not an instrument used in carrying sand or excavating †ђξ ground etc.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by house37: 8:19am On Jul 17, 2014
And this is my problem with doctors, always babbling and ranting, yet avoiding the core of the matter. Why not address the issue at hand rather than flaunting ur usual vain ego? The FG has challenged doctors to a public debate on this issue but doctors do know most of the demands on their 24-point agenda are unjustifiable. How dare you try to frustrate other health professionals from attaining the peak of their career. Who has made u gods? It's not done anywhere in the world! Nigerians have grown, they have become more enlightened hence doctors cannot gather any public sympathy as far as this strike is concerned. Majority of the masses dislike doctors already cuz of their overbearing attitude.
A lot of doctors claim that Nigeria is not yet ripe for consultancy status to be initiated for other health professionals, fearing that there will be confusion in the system, yet they believe Nigeria is mature enough to have a Surgeon-general, for doctors to be paid as much as thr foreign counterparts and for them to have customized plate-numbers on their cars. Whatever happened to asking the government to streamline the practice by boldly outlining the job descriptions of a consultant pharmacist, consultant lab-scientist, etc as distinguished from a consultant doctor so as to avoid the so-called feared clashes. That would have seemed a more reasonable demand to make.
It baffles me that in this 21st century where the yearning of every developing country is to attain international best practices, our Nigerian doctors can stand up and scream that what is obtainable in many climates in the world should not be adopted by Nigeria.
As a matter of fact if priority is to be given in adopting any latest technology/methodology/guideline/policy/, such priority should be delegated in adopting developments related to health practices because human life is involved. There is no practice too early to adopt anywhere in the world as long as it will improve health and boost the quality of human life.
The consultancy training and title Doctors are trying to deny others from undergoing and attaining has always been in existence for years in saner climates. The Pharm D program that Nigerian Pharmacy schools are gradually adopting for example has been running in the US and other western countries since the 80's. It is also running across all the Pharmacy schools in Ghana, SA, even Kenya amongst other African countries. For how long do we keep giving excuses?
The usual insinuation by doctors that other health professionals are a collection of frustrated individuals who dropped out of medical schools or could not secure admission to study medicine is a laughable ego-induced generalization. I have a lot of colleagues who have genuine passion for what they studied in school. I for example scored 286 (enough to grant me admission into medical college) in one JAMB-sitting and went straight to apply for Pharmacy which I studied, and so did it go for a number of my friends.
Doctors have really had it their ways over the years in Nigeria, From the continual insistence that only doctors be made ministers of health and CMDs in public hospitals to using their over-exalted positions to intimidate and cow the government into yielding to their ever greedy demands. The time has come for other professionals to have their voices heard. Power is changing hands, and the time is now!

You are just blabbing.The deserted hospital are indeed a testimony to the fact that majority of the masses now dislike doctors.286 indeed and you think that jamb result with what we all know about jamb and the high probability that you didn't get that score unaided is enough guarantee that you would have sailed through medical school and residency smoothly.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by MovingTrain(m): 8:20am On Jul 17, 2014
This is one of the most dicey matters in recent times. The Nigerian health sector is laden with a time bomb and JOHESU just pulled the plug off another grenade by suing NMA.

Looking at the Hippocratic Oath sworn by doctors and the practise of medicine, one will realise that only very little of that Oath, if any, has been violated.
I can categorically say that no doctor is at home sleeping. They are all working, saving lives somewhere, still having the patients as their primary objective but within the private setting.

Now we must realise that a patient is a patient be it in the public or in the private setting so I could boldly say there's no violation of the oath.

Looking at the claim by JOHESU that NMA is not a registered trade union and as such cannot embark on any industrial action or movement, this can only highlight the exact holistic aim of the union, which is to dethrone the doctor via a professional coup.
They move to distort the sanity in the sector, and yet wants to tie the doctor to his consulting chair.

I wouldn't give a thought to the claim holding waters but peradventure it does, the government, the judiciary, the patients, the general public and every parties involved should realise that

1) There is a contractual agreement between every employer of labour and her employee and if any breach is observed, either party can pull out.

2) Every doctor in the country has the right to decide which sector to work in, be it public or private. It all depends on choice and sanity of the environs.

3) There is no violation/abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath should every doctor in the country decide to practise within the private setting.
This is because the practise of medicine is patient centered and not sector centered..


The Nigerian Health Sector is highly volatile at the moment and should be approached with utmost caution. I appreciate that both parties have reasonable claims.
Nonetheless, the outcome of this unnecessary/unhealthy professional rivalry is in all our hands.

... And yes, I am a Doctor..


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by imanuel5959: 8:24am On Jul 17, 2014
in as much as †ђξ hand, eyes, legs, nose etc are important for proper functioning of †ђξ body, whenever †ђξ head is not functioning properly, †ђξ whole body will be in disarray. So also, in †ђξ health sector, †ђξ nurses, cleaners, porters, lab technicians, pharmacists etc are very important and their work is very very important, however de doctor is †ђξ head of †ђξ team, and U̶̲̥̅̊ cannot succeed in †ђξ absence of Your head--de doctor. So all diz NMA/JOHESU squabble will not tek us anywhere, each party shld exhibit a high sense of decorum and professionalism for †ђξ good of †ђξ country/our patients. Everyone is important in his/her own rights, however Johesu cannot function in †ђξ absence of †ђξ Dr or take over †ђξ headship of †ђξ medical team from drs, else we aя̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ in for anarchy and endless infighting. †ђξ courts cannot solve dis problem. Also Johesu shld know ƌ̲̣̣̣̥at †ђξ hospital exists in †ђξ first place cos there's a dr around, so if †ђξ govt or court say drs shld no longer lead †ђξ medical team and all †ђξ drs decide to resign from govt own hospitals to open dia private hospital, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ johesu will soon discover ƌ̲̣̣̣̥at d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ will loose dia jobs and even beg to join †ђξ drs in †ђξ private sector, even for a later pay and worse condition of service. So pls enough of all dis nonsense, if U̶̲̥̅̊ want to be a Dr, go to medical school, U̶̲̥̅̊ cannot be a Dr from †ђξ back door or enjoy †ђξ benefits/sufferings from †ђξ back door.
And before anybody attacks me, I want to ask, Щњεn U̶̲̥̅̊ wake up in †ђξ morning and decide to go to †ђξ hospital, who do U̶̲̥̅̊ go to see?
Can a non-academic staff dream of being †ђξ vice chancellor of a university, or a non-lawyer, chief judge/magistrate/SAN, their academic qualifications notwithstanding??
When a patient decides to sue someone for probable poor mgt, who is being sued...†ђξ dr, nurse, lab technician, pharmacist, porter, cleaner, etc or who??
Pls let's call a spade a spade and not an instrument used in carrying sand or excavating †ђξ ground etc. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

1 Like

Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by aikeron: 8:25am On Jul 17, 2014
thuao: What happened to live n let live that johesu memmbers re shouting in other threads.
Whn johesu goes on strike 'its legal' but when nma does the same its deemed illegical. Very funny.
If u re that relevant y not jst take over the hospital now n proove ur worth so the whole nation know. Rather than crying foul n running to court because of ur inadequacies.
The name itsef is an aberration JOHESU( joint health sector union). So doctors no dey the health sector again or na doctor sector doctors dey.
An alliance based on hatred/gread will definitely be scattered by greed on the long run.
If u re that important n relevant like u want the public to belif
1. Each body will fight for themselves no teaming up againt doctors. Let's imagine God forbid that FG agrees and allowed wanabes to attain Cmdd , within 2yrs in fighting will start na only nurses or pharmacist dey becom Cmdd dem no allow others . Even porters n cleanners will want to bcom cmdd. Atleast they re part of johesu and they all fought n won.
2. U will leave the striking doctors n even be happy they re not around cos u will asuume controL and manage patient successfully n the public will even sing ur prais and say to hell wth tHe doctors cos their absence was not felt. But we all know the truth of the matter.
Going to Court in Nigeria is time wasting stragethy. Thhe court wud adjourn till eternity. Or maybe that ur hope tht the court will ask that status be maintained vis-a-vis fg aggrement witj u.
I for one am tired of this write, idleness is bring n killing, even no Dr wud want to go on strike but that's the only language the govt understands even that one sef. Its like they only respect a lasting one ASUU 6mth+ asup 10mth+ coeasu like 10mth theReeabt.
I pray this impasse is setteled on time
Well we all sidon dey look.
And see the end of this season film.

My dear shut up if u are too ignorant to talk. Don't u know that NMA is not a registered trade union and therefore doesn't have the constitutional right to negotiate or push for any demands ? If u are to make any argument, make it on this basis and stop ranting. JOHESU have found a loophole on the Doctors' side to explore and they strategizing really well.
Don't forget a lot of things in this country are political. If you don't shine your eyes and make the right noise at the right time, u are most likely going to the abandoned. Read In-between the lines.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Wisdytech(m): 8:30am On Jul 17, 2014
Cheated By Lover: 21-yr-old Student Commits Suicide In Calabar -

Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Samgreguc(m): 8:32am On Jul 17, 2014

You are just blabbing.The deserted hospital are indeed a testimony to the fact that majority of the masses now dislike doctors.286 indeed and you think that jamb result with what we all know about jamb and the high probability that you didn't get that score unaided is enough guarantee that you would have sailed through medical school and residency smoothly.
and does it still guarantee one sailing through Pharmacy school?


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 8:36am On Jul 17, 2014
In another news, Medical Dr. Paul Orhii's NAFDAC failed to remit more than 1 billion naira to federation account.


Did we hear such when Pharm Dora was there?

Hmmm, now tell me why they won't rather die protecting their unmerited portfolios as CMD, NAFDAC heads,Ministers, Director of Kitchen, security etc

It's all about grab..grab..grab for them.

Let astute Health Administrators head our Hospitals. Physicians should concentrate on treating patients. That what they are trained for, not fighting to lord over other health professionals who are also well lettered.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 8:40am On Jul 17, 2014

You are just blabbing.The deserted hospital are indeed a testimony to the fact that majority of the masses now dislike doctors.286 indeed and you think that jamb result with what we all know about jamb and the high probability that you didn't get that score unaided is enough guarantee that you would have sailed through medical school and residency smoothly.

Don't mind him, we know his type.

Medicine like they say is not made and cut-out for the brilliant but for the"

Most people who have jumped into reading medicine on account of shear brilliance have been disappointed when they could not scale through pre-clinical school and it is this lot who went on to study allied courses like pharmacy that have gone rogue on doctors.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by DebateNigeria: 8:41am On Jul 17, 2014
MovingTrain: This is one of the most dicey matters in recent times. The Nigerian health sector is laden with a time bomb and JOHESU just pulled the plug off another grenade by suing NMA.

Looking at the Hippocratic Oath sworn by doctors and the practise of medicine, one will realise that only very little of that Oath, if any, has been violated.
I can categorically say that no doctor is at home sleeping. They are all working, saving lives somewhere, still having the patients as their primary objective but within the private setting.

Now we must realise that a patient is a patient be it in the public or in the private setting so I could boldly say there's no violation of the oath.

Looking at the claim by JOHESU that NMA is not a registered trade union and as such cannot embark on any industrial action or movement, this can only highlight the exact holistic aim of the union, which is to dethrone the doctor via a professional coup.
They move to distort the sanity in the sector, and yet wants to tie the doctor to his consulting chair.

I wouldn't give a thought to the claim holding waters but peradventure it does, the government, the judiciary, the patients, the general public and every parties involved should realise that

1) There is a contractual agreement between every employer of labour and her employee and if any breach is observed, either party can pull out.

2) Every doctor in the country has the right to decide which sector to work in, be it public or private. It all depends on choice and sanity of the environs.

3) There is no violation/abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath should every doctor in the country decide to practise within the private setting.
This is because the practise of medicine is patient centered and not sector centered..


The Nigerian Health Sector is highly volatile at the moment and should be approached with utmost caution. I appreciate that both parties have reasonable claims.
Nonetheless, the outcome of this unnecessary/unhealthy professional rivalry is in all our hands.

... And yes, I am a Doctor..

Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by house37: 8:42am On Jul 17, 2014
and does it still guarantee one sailing through Pharmacy school?

So he wasnt able to sail through pharm school.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by babxe: 8:46am On Jul 17, 2014
1. The post of Deputy Chairman Medical Advisory
Committee (DCMAC) has been circularised and operational.
Rather than abolish it, the NMA hereby demands that four
(4) DCMACs for teaching hospitals and three (3) for the
Federal Medical Centres be appointed forthwith to assist the
CMACs whose statutory responsibilities are too heavy for
any single individual to handle. Directors in other
government agencies are supported by several Deputy
Directors, why not the CMAC who is also a Director? Such a
DCMAC must have same qualifications as the CMAC.
2. The NMA is opposed to the appointment of Directors in
the Hospitals. This position distorts the chain of command
in the hospital, induces anarchy and exposes the patient to
conflicting treatment and management directives with
attendant negative consequences.
3. The NMA demands that grade level 12 (CONMESS 2) in
the health sector MUST be SKIPPED for medical doctors.
Consequently no medical/dental practitioners should be on
that grade level anymore.
4. The title “CONSULTANT” in a hospital setting describes
the relationship between the Specialist Medical Doctor and
his patient. It will be a source of confusion if the title is
applied to any other health worker who statutorily does not
own patient. NMA, therefore, declares with unmitigated
emphasis that if “non-doctor consultants” are appointed, it
will lead to chaos and anarchy in the health sector. This
should not happen.
5. Relativity in health sector is sacrosanct. The NMA hereby
demands for immediate implementation of the January 3rd,
2014 circular. The NMA also demands the immediate
payment of the arrears of the corrected relativity for 22
years during which her members were short changed.
Much as we are not against salary increase for any
category of workers, either in health or elsewhere, the NMA
demands for immediate adjustment of the doctors’ salary to
maintain the relativity as agreed and documented once
CONHESS is adjusted.
6. That Government should expedite the passage of the
National Health Bill (NHB), and extend Universal Health
Coverage to cover 100% of Nigerians and not 30% as
currently prescribed by National Health Insurance Scheme
7. Surgeon General of the Federation MUST be appointed
with immediate effect.
8. The entry point of the House Officer should be corrected
to CONMESS 1 step 4 as originally contained in MSS/MSSS
while the Registrar/Medical Officer is moved to CONMESS 3
step 3.
9. Clinical duty allowance for Honorary Consultants should
be increased by 90% of CONMESS
10. Adjust the specialist allowance as contained in the 2009
collective bargaining agreement. Additionally, ALL doctors
on CONMESS 3 and above MUST be paid specialist
allowance or its equivalent that is not less than 50% higher
than what is paid to other health workers.
11. Hazard allowance MUST be at least N100, 000 per
month for Medical Doctors.
12. Immediate release of the circular on rural posting,
teaching and other allowances which MUST include house
13. Immediate withdrawal of the CBN circular authorizing
the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN)
to approve licenses for the importation of In-Vitro
Diagnostics (IVDs).
14. Immediate Release of Circular on retirement age for
Medical Doctors as agreed with the Federal Government
15. The Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of
Health should formalise and implement the report of the
interagency committee on residency training as well as
release the uniform template on appointment of Resident
Doctors in line with earlier agreements. Moreover, a
concrete Funding framework for residency training must be
established. The Overseas clinical attachment must be fully
restored and properly funded in the interest of the nation.
16. That in the interest of harmony in Federal Medical
Centre, Owerri the government should pay the salaries of
our members in the centre as agreed on 21st October, 2013.
17. Immediate concrete steps must be put in place for the
reintegration of our members back into the IPPIS platform.
18. All attempts to coerce house officers not to join NARD
must stop.
19. The orchestrated intimidation, harassment and physical
assault of our members in departments of Pathology
(Laboratory Medicine) by Laboratory Scientists which is
being tolerated by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)
must stop.
20. The Endless circle of incomplete salary payment to our
members in many hospitals in the name of shortfalls in
personnel cost must stop.
21. Universal applicability of all establishment circulars on
the remuneration and conditions of service for doctors at all
levels of Government must be guaranteed.
22. Government should as a matter of urgency set up a
health trust fund that will enhance the upgrading of all
hospitals in Nigeria.
23. The position of Chief Medical Director/Medical Director
must continue to be occupied by a Medical Doctor as
contained in the Act establishing the tertiary Hospitals. This
position remains sacrosanct and untouchable.
24. The NMA henceforth shall not accept the continued
violation of any of the terms of the 2009 Collective
Bargaining Agreement. This is exemplified by the payment
of Medical Physicists and Optometrists with OD (who are
on CONHESS) call duty allowance using the CONMESS
Circular. Similarly, the phrase “Ministries, Departments and
Agencies” (MDA) in the said agreement should replace
“Federal Ministry of Health and other Federal Health
Institutions” as contained in the 2009 CONMESS Circ

i think most of these demands are pervaded with greed
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Joenz(m): 8:46am On Jul 17, 2014
A very good move by JOHESU and this will put an end to this very issue that has lingered for far too long.Left to some of us,this would have been done a long time ago.I ask,is anything wrong in NMA and its allied associations vis ARD,MDCAN,ASSOPON etc registering as trade union?We await the decision of the court while reminding the NMA of the its probable humiliation if the court first order that status quo should be maintained.My olive branch to NMA,avert this impending public disgrace now by doing the needful,a stich in time saves nine they say!


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 8:52am On Jul 17, 2014
emaboi: Chai! Its already morning shaa and this rain is pouring it down again.

Lol. Rain don dey spoil show for person here over the last 4days.

This Doctors strike is a deliberate attempt to pull patients to thier private clinic. This is very true. I have relations who own private clinics and they can attest to increased patronage in thier clinics this striking period.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by drobadebayo: 8:54am On Jul 17, 2014

Lol. Rain don dey spoil show for person here over the last 4days.

This Doctors strike is a deliberate attempt to pull patients to thier private clinic. This is very true. I have relations who own private clinics and they can attest to increased patronage in thier clinics this striking period.
Sir,permit me to say that u hv impaired reasoning.how could u think like that


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by house37: 8:54am On Jul 17, 2014
Joenz: A very good move by JOHESU and this will put an end to this very issue that has lingered for far too long.Left to some of us,this would have been done a long time ago.I ask,is anything wrong in NMA and its allied associations vis ARD,MDCAN,ASSOPON etc registering as trade union?We await the decision of the court while reminding the NMA of the its probable humiliation if the court first order that status quo should be maintained.My olive branch to NMA,avert this impending public disgrace now by doing the needful,a stich in time saves nine they say!

There is freedom of association guess that's the reason why pharmacists, lab scientists, optometrists,cleaners,clerks ,mortuary attendants etc can all come together to form an association.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by nobilis: 8:56am On Jul 17, 2014
idu1: NMA agreement that states other health practitioner should not be consultant in their own feild abi? How can they take that? Can docs work in the lab? Can they nurse a patient? They are free to become an expert ie consultant nurse or lab frm concern patients. Thanks

My guy, doctors work in the laboratory. They are called pathologists. Doctors can nurse patients but they don't do it because it is not their job description. Doctors work in radiology departments, they are called radiologists. There are doctors who specialise on the action of drugs in humans and how drugs interact with the human body and how drugs interact with other drugs. They are called pharmacologists and toxicologists.

If JOHESU has a problem with NMA demands, they should be pestering the govt, not NMA because NMA is not demanding anything from them.

Why would an association sue another association for embarking on strike action? And you're here talking trash. Where is your common sense, bro?
If NMA is not a trade union, is it not left for the govt to know what to do? Or has d govt not been aware of that?


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by thuao(m): 8:57am On Jul 17, 2014
My dear shut up if u are too ignorant to talk. Don't u know that NMA is not a registered trade union and therefore doesn't have the constitutional right to negotiate or push for any demands ? If u are to make any argument, make it on this basis and stop ranting. JOHESU have found a loophole on the Doctors' side to explore and they strategizing really well.
Don't forget a lot of things in this country are political. If you don't shine your eyes and make the right noise at the right time, u are most likely going to the abandoned. Read In-between the lines.

Haba can't u make ur point witjout resulting to making arrogant comments.
U seem more intelligent than that.
As for legality or otHerwise let the court decide.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by jpphilips(m): 8:58am On Jul 17, 2014
thuao: The battle in health sector has taken another turn as johesu has sued nma over the illegality of their strike


How is the NMA strike affecting JOHESU who by virtue of politics have attained the highest medical toga "consultant"?
Are they indirectly telling us that the new consultants paid from tax payers money are useless because the absence of the old consultants have collapsed the health sector?
#just thinking aloud#


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 9:00am On Jul 17, 2014
Joenz: A very good move by JOHESU and this will put an end to this very issue that has lingered for far too long.Left to some of us,this would have been done a long time ago.I ask,is anything wrong in NMA and its allied associations vis ARD,MDCAN,ASSOPON etc registering as trade union?We await the decision of the court while reminding the NMA of the its probable humiliation if the court first order that status quo should be maintained.My olive branch to NMA,avert this impending public disgrace now by doing the needful,a stich in time saves nine they say!
grin grin......the earlier you realise that JOHESU is inconsequential in this matter, the better for you.
your HOR are busy running helter skelter to save the situation.abi you no see elumelu dey shake like leaf for TV?
let me tell you what will happen.the money will eventually be released WITH APOLOGIES.
the issue of consultancy and directorship will be difficult for JOHESU.already the judg in the matter is hiding because the heat has become too much.
if you have not seen that NMA has the yam and the knife,then.........grin


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Joenz(m): 9:00am On Jul 17, 2014
Anyone that says wetin concern JOHESU with NMA's strike needs to get his head examined asap.Where were you when MDCAN,inspired by NMA went to court to stop the implementation of FG's agreements with JOHESU?NMA and its sister associations are well aware they are fighting a lost battle.If you must stop the implementation of an issue a court of competent jurisdiction has given judgement over,should it not be by approaching the same court or a higher one?how come they wanted it by strike?I must commend the awareness of all the parent associations in JOHESU.We relax and watch as the issues unfold.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by sammhi(m): 9:02am On Jul 17, 2014
Below is the modern day doctors(physician 's oath). please note the bolded sentence in red.
activist should sue doctors for breaking this oath. the health of the patient is no longer the first consideration

Physician's Oath

At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:
•I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
•I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
•I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration;
•I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers;
•I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;
•I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
•I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Chykechin(f): 9:05am On Jul 17, 2014

And this is my problem with doctors, always babbling and ranting, yet avoiding the core of the matter. Why not address the issue at hand rather than flaunting ur usual vain ego? The FG has challenged doctors to a public debate on this issue but doctors do know most of the demands on their 24-point agenda are unjustifiable. How dare you try to frustrate other health professionals from attaining the peak of their career. Who has made u gods? It's not done anywhere in the world! Nigerians have grown, they have become more enlightened hence doctors cannot gather any public sympathy as far as this strike is concerned. Majority of the masses dislike doctors already cuz of their overbearing attitude.
A lot of doctors claim that Nigeria is not yet ripe for consultancy status to be initiated for other health professionals, fearing that there will be confusion in the system, yet they believe Nigeria is mature enough to have a Surgeon-general, for doctors to be paid as much as thr foreign counterparts and for them to have customized plate-numbers on their cars. Whatever happened to asking the government to streamline the practice by boldly outlining the job descriptions of a consultant pharmacist, consultant lab-scientist, etc as distinguished from a consultant doctor so as to avoid the so-called feared clashes. That would have seemed a more reasonable demand to make.
It baffles me that in this 21st century where the yearning of every developing country is to attain international best practices, our Nigerian doctors can stand up and scream that what is obtainable in many climates in the world should not be adopted by Nigeria.
As a matter of fact if priority is to be given in adopting any latest technology/methodology/guideline/policy/, such priority should be delegated in adopting developments related to health practices because human life is involved. There is no practice too early to adopt anywhere in the world as long as it will improve health and boost the quality of human life.
The consultancy training and title Doctors are trying to deny others from undergoing and attaining has always been in existence for years in saner climates. The Pharm D program that Nigerian Pharmacy schools are gradually adopting for example has been running in the US and other western countries since the 80's. It is also running across all the Pharmacy schools in Ghana, SA, even Kenya amongst other African countries. For how long do we keep giving excuses?
The usual insinuation by doctors that other health professionals are a collection of frustrated individuals who dropped out of medical schools or could not secure admission to study medicine is a laughable ego-induced generalization. I have a lot of colleagues who have genuine passion for what they studied in school. I for example scored 286 (enough to grant me admission into medical college) in one JAMB-sitting and went straight to apply for Pharmacy which I studied, and so did it go for a number of my friends.
Doctors have really had it their ways over the years in Nigeria, From the continual insistence that only doctors be made ministers of health and CMDs in public hospitals to using their over-exalted positions to intimidate and cow the government into yielding to their ever greedy demands. The time has come for other professionals to have their voices heard. Power is changing hands, and the time is now!

.... as a CONSULTANT in your field (which i fully support u should attain), hope you will be willing to allow the doctor to be the leader of the health team. His salary which should be more than yours in relativity (which he has not been granted in the past 22 Years!) should be given to him also according to international best practises! Will you?
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by treasuredbytemi(f): 9:06am On Jul 17, 2014
Oduduwaboy: Wetin concern JOHESU inside NMA matter ? They should go and attend to the patients now . Infact , the practice of medicine should be outlawed in Nigeria so that JOHESU members can have the patients to themselves ...with time too if they like they can gradually assume the title 'Dr' & Consultant which they so much covet ! Jobless doctor wannabes !
Now d buisnesss of JOHESU is the fact that med lab scientist are part of the body and they are the nail of this matter. What was the doctors business when they went on strike because of the circular sent out by CBN? Why didnt they leav it for NAFDAC to complain first abi doctors are now NAFDAC too? As for the "WANNA BE!" they all have the right to futher their and enlarge their scope amdbecome consultants in their specialized field. Thats obtainable every country where there is medical breakthrough. So i still maintain some docs are selfish and greedy. Let others study and attain their peak


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by idu1(m): 9:06am On Jul 17, 2014

My guy, doctors work in the laboratory. They are called pathologists. Doctors can nurse patients but they don't do it because it is not their job description.

NMA has no agreement with anybody, sir.

If JOHESU has a problem with NMA demands, they should be pestering the govt, not NMA because NMA is not demanding anything from them.

Why would an association sue another association for embarking on strike action? And you're here talking trash. Where is your common sense, bro?
Dont tell me what i know before......... If they can work in the lab or nurse a patient so a nurse or lab person can sit in a seat and be writing pcmcia and anti malarias.......... Is like u dont know some fast nurses can perform surgery but is nt their work. Lazy nigerian doctors


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by benghaziii: 9:08am On Jul 17, 2014
Some peepz are so foolish..nurses n other johesu members don't deserve to be called consultants...thats why dey call senior nurses MATRON OR PATRON if is a male...what else do they want...
This is a total jealousy laden inferiority complex...
A nurse will now tell a patient that she is a consultant n will leave the nurse"title outta it..n will keep managing patients wrongly


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by emaboi(m): 9:09am On Jul 17, 2014

Lol. Rain don dey spoil show for person here over the last 4days.

This Doctors strike is a deliberate attempt to pull patients to thier private clinic. This is very true. I have relations who own private clinics and they can attest to increased patronage in thier clinics this striking period.
. No mind that rain jawe, make he go fall for sambisa
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Joenz(m): 9:09am On Jul 17, 2014

There is freedom of association guess that's the reason why pharmacists, lab scientists, optometrists,cleaners,clerks ,mortuary attendants etc can all come together to form an association.
While I ignore your predictable and very usual jibes,who says thisnt freedom of association?ofcos u can associate as you so wish but u av no right watsoeva to assume the status of a labour union,make demands and call for strikes when u are not one.If u don't understand the issue,that's why JOHESU went to court.It is then left to the court to make its pronouncement which all parties MUST comply with.I'm expecting an ex-parte order which will compel NMA to go back to work until d determination of the substantive suite tho.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by skabber2: 9:10am On Jul 17, 2014
hehehe grin
So many funny comments, i can't just imagine how dump people can be. Freedom of this, freedom of that....
We have a constitution, Nigeria subscribed to the rule of law, it is not by mouth. There are laws, rules and regulations.
It is not compulsory you work with the government, if the terms and conditions doesn't suit you. You have the right to private practice if you can abide by its rules also.
Let the court decides. I remember doctors tried it with Gov. Fayemi in Ekiti, let them tell us the outcome.

"Kosi bi irun imu alagbase se gun to, eni to gboko fun loga e"

Except doctors want their own parallel constitution.

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