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JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal - Health (6) - Nairaland

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by betatalk: 1:37pm On Jul 17, 2014
Johesu and NMA should hold a meeting and sort their problems without dragging innocent nigerians into their fight for supremacy
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by betatalk: 1:44pm On Jul 17, 2014

Don't be naive. The NMA has everyone over a barrel right now. No matter what happens in the courts, doctors are indispensable and thus will always be listened to. There's no 'big win' for JOHESU here, and I strongly doubt this will end the way they think it will.

Going to court to declare NMA strikes illegal will only serve to increase the tension. We'll see how it goes

Do u agree NMA need to act in a responsible manner and settle their supremacy issue with JOHESU without involving innocent nigerians who r dying from lack of attention.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 1:45pm On Jul 17, 2014
Medical Doctors no longer take the Hippocratic Oath during their induction since 1948. The oath they take now is called "The Declaration of Geneva (Physicians' Oath)" which is heavily modified/ revised from the original Hippocratic Oath to accommodate modern day medicine. For one, modern Doctors cannot be swearing to Greek gods (as was found in the Hippocratic Oath). Link below.

u people are dubious. The nightingale oath you guys were circulating nko? Weren't you told it was old and no longer used? But u accused them of modifying it to suit modern day nursing practice. But now u have come to force down ur own modified version. Double standard is a dent on integrity.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Hempe(m): 1:52pm On Jul 17, 2014
This is no more a comedy for the masses. kiss
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by iswallker(m): 1:53pm On Jul 17, 2014

And this is my problem with doctors, always babbling and ranting, yet avoiding the core of the matter. Why not address the issue at hand rather than flaunting ur usual vain ego? The FG has challenged doctors to a public debate on this issue but doctors do know most of the demands on their 24-point agenda are unjustifiable. How dare you try to frustrate other health professionals from attaining the peak of their career. Who has made u gods? It's not done anywhere in the world! Nigerians have grown, they have become more enlightened hence doctors cannot gather any public sympathy as far as this strike is concerned. Majority of the masses dislike doctors already cuz of their overbearing attitude.
A lot of doctors claim that Nigeria is not yet ripe for consultancy status to be initiated for other health professionals, fearing that there will be confusion in the system, yet they believe Nigeria is mature enough to have a Surgeon-general, for doctors to be paid as much as thr foreign counterparts and for them to have customized plate-numbers on their cars. Whatever happened to asking the government to streamline the practice by boldly outlining the job descriptions of a consultant pharmacist, consultant lab-scientist, etc as distinguished from a consultant doctor so as to avoid the so-called feared clashes. That would have seemed a more reasonable demand to make.
It baffles me that in this 21st century where the yearning of every developing country is to attain international best practices, our Nigerian doctors can stand up and scream that what is obtainable in many climates in the world should not be adopted by Nigeria.
As a matter of fact if priority is to be given in adopting any latest technology/methodology/guideline/policy/, such priority should be delegated in adopting developments related to health practices because human life is involved. There is no practice too early to adopt anywhere in the world as long as it will improve health and boost the quality of human life.
The consultancy training and title Doctors are trying to deny others from undergoing and attaining has always been in existence for years in saner climates. The Pharm D program that Nigerian Pharmacy schools are gradually adopting for example has been running in the US and other western countries since the 80's. It is also running across all the Pharmacy schools in Ghana, SA, even Kenya amongst other African countries. For how long do we keep giving excuses?
The usual insinuation by doctors that other health professionals are a collection of frustrated individuals who dropped out of medical schools or could not secure admission to study medicine is a laughable ego-induced generalization. I have a lot of colleagues who have genuine passion for what they studied in school. I for example scored 286 (enough to grant me admission into medical college) in one JAMB-sitting and went straight to apply for Pharmacy which I studied, and so did it go for a number of my friends.
Doctors have really had it their ways over the years in Nigeria, From the continual insistence that only doctors be made ministers of health and CMDs in public hospitals to using their over-exalted positions to intimidate and cow the government into yielding to their ever greedy demands. The time has come for other professionals to have their voices heard. Power is changing hands, and the time is now!

You sound like a broken record.. how did you score 286 in jamb sef... grin

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 1:57pm On Jul 17, 2014

People can lie ooo.
1st in class ke drop out ni..
Which school dash u 1st in class.
D real brilliant pharmacists are into research and manufacturing in big pharmaceuticals n are even better off than most drs.
Meanwhile mr 1st in class here is content with being a common drug dispenser and even struggling to be consultant drug dispenser. .
just admit you are intimidated. Actually, u can do better than this. Try harder.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 2:01pm On Jul 17, 2014
Dude was educatg u,yet ur bent on being ignorant.so they started a strike to divert people to deir private clinics?its important not to reason from ur anal canal u knw.
were u not thought how to spell in school? Or how to reason and make presentable presentation? All these yoruba medical schools sef. That's how will will see a 500level medical student blowing grammatical blunders in thick yoruba accent. So repulsive.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by sogodihno: 2:06pm On Jul 17, 2014

I keep saying it that these JOHESU people don't really know what they want.
NMA didn't go on strike cos of an agreement.
The case in NIC is between JOHESU and MDCAN and not NMA.

When JOHESU presented their first set of demands to the govt, they had to go on strike before the govt could accede to such demands. Then doctors presented their own demands to the govt. When JOHESU saw those demands, they threatened to go on strike if the govt accedes to the demands of the doctors (even when their own demands have been granted). Yet people on here will be shouting how doctors are greedy. I hope this opens the eyes of d public to this evil called JOHESU.
The demands of dz doctor is against most of d demands that FG just met. so granting NMA demand is undo d agrement btw JOHESU and FG

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by texazzpete(m): 2:07pm On Jul 17, 2014
Joenz: lol,keep up with ur larger-than-life delusion holding to ur all-in-all believe.Let the tension increase,it has always been high,we r all in d sector n we will keep up with it

Please leave me out of your petty kobo-kobo squabbles. As an Engineer, I have no bone in this fight. Strike doesn't affect me one bit since I'm robustly covered by a health Insurance scheme as well as a full medical coverage from my company. More often than not, i argue on the side of the Doctors because I've seen first-hand the improved output of Medical doctors whose welfare are well take care of.

What I will not do is copy you and send my brains away on holiday. I will not deny reality. The doctors have a very strong hand to play here. JOHESU really is on a weaker foot. Going to court will not make any difference.

it will be amusing seeing JOHESU's reaction when the FG gives the NMA what they want. Will JOHESU now go on a protest strike and stay in the risk of being accused of hypocrisy for abandoning patients?


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by idu1(m): 2:07pm On Jul 17, 2014
Some nurses can perform surgeries? Do you know what you are saying at all?
Is like u are one of those lazy doctors? What is the big deal in surgery? I know an female auxiliary nurse trained by a surgeon to perform surgeries. Is a matter of learning and dedication. U better wakeup from ur slumber.

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by texazzpete(m): 2:11pm On Jul 17, 2014

Do u agree NMA need to act in a responsible manner and settle their supremacy issue with JOHESU without involving innocent nigerians who r dying from lack of attention.

The Nigerian society gives most of these essential professions no other option than to embark on industrial action to compel the Government to do the right thing.

Let the innocent Nigerians be mindful of voting in people who will provide good governance. I assure you that if the Nigerian masses really prioritized healthcare as one of the key electoral deliverables, leaders would do more to ensure that tension areas in hospitals are reduced.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by texazzpete(m): 2:16pm On Jul 17, 2014
idu1: Is like u are one of those lazy doctors? What is the big deal in surgery? I know an female auxiliary nurse trained by a surgeon to perform surgeries. Is a matter of learning and dedication. U better wakeup from ur slumber.

As far as I know, you need a license from the Medical and Dental association to practice medicine. Your nurse friend is doing something illegal, and for you to condone it (and even encourage it!), you must be a morally and ethically corrupt human being.

I shudder to think of how this your love for illegality plays itself into your own line of work. It's people like you that steal money from offering boxes in churches and embezzle money from your office.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 2:20pm On Jul 17, 2014
nouveaux: were u not thought how to spell in school? Or how to reason and make presentable presentation? All these yoruba medical schools sef. That's how will will see a 500level medical student blowing grammatical blunders in thick yoruba accent. So repulsive.
see kettle calling.........grin
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 2:25pm On Jul 17, 2014
...............and in other news, i hear pregnant women at uyo teaching hospital staged a protest and warned the nurses not to book any of them for antenatal.
they said if the nurses couldn't produce the doctors they came to see,they shouldn't bother asking them to pay for service.
I need someone at UUTH to confirm this.....


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 2:26pm On Jul 17, 2014
phantom: see kettle calling.........grin
at least I never bragged And pls. I don't like old men quoting me.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by drobadebayo: 2:28pm On Jul 17, 2014
nouveaux: were u not thought how to spell in school? Or how to reason and make presentable presentation? All these yoruba medical schools sef. That's how will will see a 500level medical student blowing grammatical blunders in thick yoruba accent. So repulsive.
Well I was taught nt "thought" olodo.
Nd if u meant d "behindcanal",that was nairaland's work u fool.U also think from ur an*s

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 2:30pm On Jul 17, 2014
nouveaux: at least I never bragged And pls. I don't like old men quoting me.
you are shameless. calling someone out for spelling blunders.
please humble yourself and edit your post.correct the mistakes and pretend like it never happened but if you insist on defending yourself you will make a fool of yourself.

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by timowale: 2:35pm On Jul 17, 2014

My guy, doctors work in the laboratory. They are called pathologists. Doctors can nurse patients but they don't do it because it is not their job description. Doctors work in radiology departments, they are called radiologists. There are doctors who specialise on the action of drugs in humans and how drugs interact with the human body and how drugs interact with other drugs. They are called pharmacologists and toxicologists.

If JOHESU has a problem with NMA demands, they should be pestering the govt, not NMA because NMA is not demanding anything from them.

Why would an association sue another association for embarking on strike action? And you're here talking trash. Where is your common sense, bro?
If NMA is not a trade union, is it not left for the govt to know what to do? Or has d govt not been aware of that?

An association is legally permitted to engage another in litigation as in this scenario.be reminded that NMA pioneered the litigation process challenging the competency of other health union(JOHESU)'to be forwarned is to be foreharmed'
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by drobadebayo: 2:36pm On Jul 17, 2014
nouveaux: at least I never bragged And pls. I don't like old men quoting me.
Dude u are a very big fool.ur so daft to think I d write behind based canal instead of an*l canal.thats d mods work u idiot.they change words dey see as vulgars if ur too stupid to to figure it out

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by drobadebayo: 2:37pm On Jul 17, 2014
Dude u are a very big fool.ur so daft to think I d write behind based canal instead of an*l canal.thats d mods work u idiot.they change words dey see as vulgars if ur too stupid to to figure it out
Omg it's stup**d not silly
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 2:37pm On Jul 17, 2014
ndudi elumelu says the FMOH is not ready to settle this issue as agreements reached with doctors more than 3months ago have not been honoured.
he acknowledged the fact that doctors were being owed to the tune of 7billion naira and expressed his sadness at the inability of the MOH to resolve issues.
he also complained about the absence of the health minister at today's hearing even though he knew about it and said that chukwu might be subpoenaed or forced to appear before the commitee.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Victomolola: 2:38pm On Jul 17, 2014
phantom: ...............and in other news, i hear pregnant women at uyo teaching hospital staged a protest and warned the nurses not to book any of them for antenatal.
they said if the nurses couldn't produce the doctors they came to see,they shouldn't bother asking them to pay for service.
I need someone at UUTH to confirm this.....
I think johesutes are competent than doctors, why are they not doing the work now?

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Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 2:44pm On Jul 17, 2014
This was ur post sir


Lol. Rain don dey spoil show for person here over the last 4days.

This Doctors strike is a deliberate attempt to pull patients to thier private clinic. This is very true. I have relations who own private clinics and they can attest to increased patronage in thier clinics this striking period.

"Deliberate attempt"
Now I c ur nt just stupid but also a liar. A stupid liar Mr RedBenson,thats what u are.

Thank you. You can now go. I dont trade words with half-educated, half-illiterate people. You know who you are.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by phantom(m): 2:48pm On Jul 17, 2014

Thank you. You can now go. I dont trade words with half-educated, half-illiterate people. You know who you are.
haba my brother.... you made a mistake.it does not take nothing from you to apologise and move on.


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Tobbie9(m): 2:53pm On Jul 17, 2014
Abeg where is skelewu74 ?
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 2:54pm On Jul 17, 2014
phantom: haba my brother.... you made a mistake.it does not take nothing from you to apologise and move on.

Mistake? Apologise? To who?
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Nobody: 2:55pm On Jul 17, 2014
Dude u are a very big fool.ur so daft to think I d write behind based canal instead of an*l canal.thats d mods work u idiot.they change words dey see as vulgars if ur too stupid to to figure it out
why don't you walk into a bookshop and get some books on manners, courtesy and grammar? It would do you good. Not in mood for exchange of insults, if I start, nl would collapse. Alainilari oponu omokere
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by Dodfather(m): 3:19pm On Jul 17, 2014
What a shame!!!
The so call JOHESU that are coveting consultancy have no clue on how to treat patients in doctors absence but have gone to challenge NMA strike in court. Only nitwit wouldn't know better at this instance


Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by McDaniels0007(m): 3:25pm On Jul 17, 2014
Episiotomy follow for surgical procedure too na.
Re: JOHESU Sues NMA, Says Doctors Strike Illegal by McDaniels0007(m): 3:28pm On Jul 17, 2014
idu1: Is like u are one of those lazy doctors? What is the big deal in surgery? I know an female auxiliary nurse trained by a surgeon to perform surgeries. Is a matter of learning and dedication. U better wakeup from ur slumber.

episiotomy follow for Surgical procedures too na. I concur.

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