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Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? - Politics (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? (3365 Views)

Why Do European Countries Have A Single Ethnic Group Dominating A Country? / No Single Ethnic Group Can And Will Carry Nigeria / No Single Ethnic Group Can And Will Carry Nigeria (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by AntiBalaka: 8:36am On Jul 08, 2019

I think you have answered the question your self.

Ethnic grouping is not a single determinant of whether a country will be successful or not.


Hitler expelled all degenerate races like Jews and gypsies and in less than 7yrs, Germany became the most prosperous, cohesive and harmonious nation on earth.

Google about NAZI Germany and how Hitler salvaged that country from the death grip of international Jewish banksters.

They fought Germany because it was at the forefront of confronting Jewish Bolshevik communism.

This is why I keep preaching against Nnamdi Kanu over his close ties with Israel and Jews.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by urahara(m): 8:36am On Jul 08, 2019

I feel to make the cut $22,000- $25,000 should be the mark.

$15,500 is less than a third of the USA.

They are like middle class people. They aren't rich but are comfortable.

Have u ever wondered how a country will be if it's per capita gets to something like $300,000 per capita.

Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by grandstar(m): 9:42am On Jul 08, 2019

Have u ever wondered how a country will be if it's per capita gets to something like $300,000 per capita.


Won't be a bad idea. Even my hometown Ondo will have skyscrapers. People won't be swarming into Lagos. Lots of immigrants everywhere doing jobs the locals snob their noses at

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by freeze001(f): 9:47am On Jul 08, 2019

This is not true. Britain alone could claim up to five ethnic groups. I suggest you learn about ethnic groups in Europe.

Five? But there is clear majority that can and does dictate the pace of leadership and development while others democratically fall in line. We are talking of Nigeria with over 300 ethnic groups...no contest please.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 9:55am On Jul 08, 2019
I think your narrative is misleading.

No country in this world is as diverse and self contradictory as Nigeria.

The US population is over 70% white and over 70% Christian.

The second single largest racial or religious group is less than 15% of the population.

That shows that the US is way more homogeneous than Nigeria has ever been or will ever be.

The ignorance

There have always been different classes of whites in America. At different times they were despised and looked down on. Italians, Irish, Spanish, Germans, all with their different cultures.add that to religious differences Quakers, Mormons, catholics, protestants.

There was a lot of initial resistance to JFK because rather than the traditional WASP, he was Irish and catholic.

You want the homogeneity you crave, look for countries with apartheid.

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 9:56am On Jul 08, 2019


Hitler expelled all degenerate races like Jews and gypsies and in less than 7yrs, Germany became the most prosperous, cohesive and harmonious nation on earth.

Google about NAZI Germany and how Hitler salvaged that country from the death grip of international Jewish banksters.

They fought Germany because it was at the forefront of confronting Jewish Bolshevik communism.

This is why I keep preaching against Nnamdi Kanu over his close ties with Israel and Jews.

This is where all this rubbish talk about homogeneity leads.eugenics, racial purity, mass murder.

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Horus(m): 10:07am On Jul 08, 2019
List of the 56 ethnic groups in China

Han (汉族)
Zhuang (壮族)
Manchu (满族)
Hui (回族)
Miao (苗族)
Uighur (维吾尔族)
Yi[?] (彝族)
Tujia (土家族)
Mongol (蒙古族)
Tibetan (藏族)
Buyi (布依族)
Dong (侗族)
Yao (瑶族)
Korean (朝鲜族)
Bai (白族)
Hani (哈尼族)
Li (黎族)
Kazakh (哈萨克族)
Dai (傣族)
She[?] (畲族)
Lisu[?] (傈僳族)
Gelao[?] (仡佬族)
Lahu[?] (拉祜族)
Dongxiang[?] (东乡族)
Wa (佤族) (Va)
Shui[?] (水族)
Naxi (纳西族) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭))
Qiang[?] (羌族)
Du[?] (土族)
Xibe (锡伯族)
Mulam[?] (仫佬族)
Kirghiz (柯尔克孜族)
Daur[?] (达斡尔族)
Jingpo[?] (景颇族)
Salar[?] (撒拉族)
Blang[?] (布朗族 Bulang)
Maonan[?] (毛南族)
Tajik (塔吉克族)
Pumi[?] (普米族)
Achang[?] (阿昌族)
Nu (怒族)
Evenki (鄂温克族)
Gin (京族 Jing1)
Jino[?] (基诺族)
De'ang[?] (德昂族)
Uzbek (乌孜别克族)
Russian (俄罗斯族)
Yugur[?] (裕固族)
Bonan[?] (保安族)
Menba[?] (门巴族)
Oroqin[?] (鄂伦春族)
Drung (独龙族)
Tatar (塔塔尔族)
Hezhen (赫哲族)
Lhoba (珞巴族)
Gaoshan (高山族)

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by pchukwudi: 11:37am On Jul 08, 2019
Different classes of white in the US? Yes, but over 70% of them have always been rooted in common Judeo-Christian/Western values. Besides, the Italians and Germans did not start migrating to the US until much later. They came in as national minority groups. Homogeneity has always been strong in the US.

Diverse Christian denominations, regardless of their differences, have very strong shared values. And their level of diversity are pretty much reconcilable. And any unreconcilable views had never been basis for violence, war or genocide in modern era. You cannot say the same about Nigeria where you have near equal population of Christians, Muslims, and Pagans lumped together artificially and forcefully as compatriots.

So if the US model is your acceptable version of heterogeneity, then there would be no such word to define Nigeria's kind of self - contradictory and irredeemably flawed diversity. Oh, by the way, EVERY major ethnic group in Nigeria already has within itself those levels of diversity that you pointed out in your counter. So lumping those complexities from those and other diverse groups in one mega state does not help nation building in any way. You guys should learn from Europe's historic and modern political structures, if you ever want to make any progress and escape chaos.

Besides, my point in the earlier assertion was not to suggest the absence of diversity in the US, but rather to highlight the fact that the US - and in fact ALL developed countries of the world - have
just a single widely dominant racial/ethnic group in its diverse demographic structure. This is very unlike Nigeria where you have 3 prominent ethnic nationalities amongst a wide array of other diverse ethnic groups.

There is no longer a country in this world where you have the Nigeria's kind of political structure. It's extractive by design and oppressive by nature.


The ignorance

There have always been different classes of whites in America. At different times they were despised and looked down on. Italians, Irish, Spanish, Germans, all with their different cultures. add that to religious differences Quakers, Mormons, catholics, protestants.

There was a lot of initial resistance to JFK because rather than the traditional WASP, he was Irish and catholic.

You want the homogeneity you crave, look for countries with apartheid.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by pchukwudi: 11:43am On Jul 08, 2019
Please, kindly include the percentage of each group's population as a portion of the China's national population figure.

I'm waiting.

List of the 56 ethnic groups in China

Han (汉族)
Zhuang (壮族)
Manchu (满族)
Hui (回族)
Miao (苗族)
Uighur (维吾尔族)
Yi[?] (彝族)
Tujia (土家族)
Mongol (蒙古族)
Tibetan (藏族)
Buyi (布依族)
Dong (侗族)
Yao (瑶族)
Korean (朝鲜族)
Bai (白族)
Hani (哈尼族)
Li (黎族)
Kazakh (哈萨克族)
Dai (傣族)
She[?] (畲族)
Lisu[?] (傈僳族)
Gelao[?] (仡佬族)
Lahu[?] (拉祜族)
Dongxiang[?] (东乡族)
Wa (佤族) (Va)
Shui[?] (水族)
Naxi (纳西族) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭))
Qiang[?] (羌族)
Du[?] (土族)
Xibe (锡伯族)
Mulam[?] (仫佬族)
Kirghiz (柯尔克孜族)
Daur[?] (达斡尔族)
Jingpo[?] (景颇族)
Salar[?] (撒拉族)
Blang[?] (布朗族 Bulang)
Maonan[?] (毛南族)
Tajik (塔吉克族)
Pumi[?] (普米族)
Achang[?] (阿昌族)
Nu (怒族)
Evenki (鄂温克族)
Gin (京族 Jing1)
Jino[?] (基诺族)
De'ang[?] (德昂族)
Uzbek (乌孜别克族)
Russian (俄罗斯族)
Yugur[?] (裕固族)
Bonan[?] (保安族)
Menba[?] (门巴族)
Oroqin[?] (鄂伦春族)
Drung (独龙族)
Tatar (塔塔尔族)
Hezhen (赫哲族)
Lhoba (珞巴族)
Gaoshan (高山族)

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by kmariko: 12:30pm On Jul 08, 2019
For china
Dominant group.... Han
Dominant language... Mandarin
Dominant.. Culture... Chinese..


Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by ITbomb(m): 12:38pm On Jul 08, 2019
For china
Dominant group.... Han
Dominant language... Mandarin
Dominant.. Culture... Chinese..

Who else? Mention India grin
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by altruisticlomo(m): 12:48pm On Jul 08, 2019
I knew about this long ago before now let's just go back to the then three regions before it was amalgamated in 1914
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by forgiveness: 12:56pm On Jul 08, 2019
Let me ask you: how many tribes make up the US, can yi count all of them? US is the biggest economy and is a country of several different people from different ethnic backgrounds. How many tribes make up the Koreas yet they're so divided?

The truth is, to develop a nation requires the joint effort of a people who believe its possible, regardless of tribe and tongue. That we're not developed is not due to the fact that we're made up of many tribes but because we haven't gotten leaders with the right combination of intellectual wherewithal and ownership of this great Nation. When this happens, every other thing will fall into place.

That's just the fact!

Korea is divided but they are two different countries as we speak, and both are developing at their own pace though the S.Koreans are more prosperous.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by budaatum: 4:39pm On Jul 08, 2019

Five? But there is clear majority that can and does dictate the pace of leadership and development while others democratically fall in line. We are talking of Nigeria with over 300 ethnic groups...no contest please.
You need to learn some history. In my post you responded to is a map that showed way more than five, in England even, and in Britain as a whole.

Britain solved its diversity issues through war and conquest. It still is an immensely diverse country but wiser now. Thankfully Nigeria has arrived at a stage when wars are not how such issues are solved, though some would wish to take us back to the dark ages.

I am from Yorubaland. Many will see us as one ethnic group, but we can still point to diversity. We Oroluans battle with our neighbours in Ilobu, and even amongst us are diverse Sango worshippers and diverse Ogun worshippers, often with neighbouring Sangos disagreeing with one another not to talk of between Sango and Ogun. All over Yorubaland is the underlying battle between the Obatalans and the Oduduwans who would love to dominate. It's a constant battle that not even many Yorubas know is being fought despite its huge effect on them.

Pity is we have no books on this so it's little known, but a reading of Greek history will fill in the lack of understanding. They were constantly at war with one another despite all being Greek, and just as we are.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by kmariko: 6:02pm On Jul 08, 2019

You need to learn some history. In my post you responded to is a map that showed way more than five, in England even, and in Britain as a whole.

Britain solved its diversity issues through war and conquest. It still is an immensely diverse country but wiser now. Thankfully Nigeria has arrived at a stage when wars are not how such issues are solved, though some would wish to take us back to the dark ages.

I am from Yorubaland. Many will see us as one ethnic group, but we can still point to diversity. We Oroluans battle with our neighbours in Ilobu, and even amongst us are diverse Sango worshippers and diverse Ogun worshippers, often with neighbouring Sangos disagreeing with one another not to talk of between Sango and Ogun. All over Yorubaland is the underlying battle between the Obatalans and the Oduduwans who would love to dominate. It's a constant battle that not even many Yorubas know is being fought despite its huge effect on them.

Pity is we have no books on this so it's little known, but a reading of Greek history will fill in the lack of understanding. They were constantly at war with one another despite all being Greek, and just as we are.

If I may the map shown was pre Roman conquest.. Unification.. Rule... And governance of the british isle for over 400 years... So it doesn't really tell the story after the Roman rule... Though one must acknowledge that invaders.. From northern Europeans had a field day over the isles up until 1945....
But the fundamental structure the Roman's bequeathed... Language... Religion.. Culture judeo-chritian albeit western haven't changed... We can't say the same for post lugardian Nigeria.

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by tsdarkside(m): 7:11pm On Jul 08, 2019
European countries are more developed and among the first world countries. They are made up of the same ethnic group in a single country.

For example England is predominantly English
France is predominantly French
Netherlands is predominantly Dutch.

These people have a common language, ancestry and a common goal.

Just look at Nigeria for example where they packed Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Edo, ijaw into one country.

Like we have anything in common.

Imagine a country with Igbo people only, a country with Hausa people only, a country with Yoruba people only.

We don't have to worry which tribe is going to rule or if my ethnic group have senate President or federal appointment or not.

We'll focus on building our ethnic nation. I swear Nigeria must divide. We are not one

That's just my observation about developed and undeveloped country because a country like Nigeria can never developed

europeans fought and killed each other alot....

i dont think you wanna be like them....

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by tsdarkside(m): 7:18pm On Jul 08, 2019
before you admire people,try to learn their history....
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by tsdarkside(m): 7:19pm On Jul 08, 2019
Please, kindly include the percentage of each group's population as a portion of the China's national population figure.

I'm waiting.

dont mind him....

he is probably a ipobian....
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Daviddson(m): 7:47pm On Jul 08, 2019
How come the OP who created this thread yesterday has deactivated?

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Elimon(m): 8:11pm On Jul 08, 2019
diversity is not our problem...check China And India....pre Independence ethnic politics..
...1966 coups
...Biafra wars...
has built hatred and suspicion that can never be remedied
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by budaatum: 10:41pm On Jul 08, 2019

If I may the map shown was pre Roman conquest.. Unification.. Rule... And governance of the british isle for over 400 years... So it doesn't really tell the story after the Roman rule... Though one must acknowledge that invaders.. From northern Europeans had a field day over the isles up until 1945....
But the fundamental structure the Roman's bequeathed... Language... Religion.. Culture judeo-chritian albeit western haven't changed... We can't say the same for post lugardian Nigeria.
I can very safely say the same about Nigeria, that we have been bequeathed "Language... Religion.. Culture Judeo-Christian albeit western", and I would go as far as claiming we benefit from it if only because I'm using it (language, technology) to communicate with you.

As for the map being of a certain period, post Roman, actually, I always feel I'm travelling back in time whenever I'm in Nigeria. Our philosophy is of about 300 years ago Europe and our developmental state is like 500 years in the past. That's just my opinion though. I'm sure we are only about 200 years behind but would catch up in about 50.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Midas01: 10:52pm On Jul 08, 2019
You're wrong. The whites were Irish, Spanish, Italian, Swedes, Norwegians, Germans etc heck even Asians. They multicultural and very diverse just as Nigeria of today but they all had a common goal and that was to make their country work.
I think your narrative is misleading.

No country in this world is as diverse and self contradictory as Nigeria.

The US population is over 70% white and over 70% Christian.

The second single largest racial or religious group is less than 15% of the population.

That shows that the US is way more homogeneous than Nigeria has ever been or will ever be.

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by pchukwudi: 11:14pm On Jul 08, 2019
Yea. Clap for yourself. Professor of US demography. Diverse ni siverd ko. angry

You're wrong. The whites were Irish, Spanish, Italian, Swedes, Norwegians, Germans etc heck even Asians. They multicultural and very diverse just as Nigeria of today but they all had a common goal and that was to make their country work.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by pchukwudi: 11:22pm On Jul 08, 2019
Homogeneity does not and cannot lead to any of those outcomes. Forced diversity and compulsory multiculturalism would.

*Edit: Sorry, Adanna, the pbove was meant for someone else.


Five? But there is clear majority that can and does dictate the pace of leadership and development while others democratically fall in line. We are talking of Nigeria with over 300 ethnic groups...no contest please.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by pchukwudi: 11:26pm On Jul 08, 2019
Homogeneity does not and cannot lead to any of those outcomes. Forced diversity and compulsory multiculturalism would.


This is where all this rubbish talk about homogeneity leads.eugenics, racial purity, mass murder.
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 11:35pm On Jul 08, 2019
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 11:38pm On Jul 08, 2019
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 11:53pm On Jul 08, 2019

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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 11:57pm On Jul 08, 2019
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 10:50am On Jul 09, 2019
Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Banmeallday: 4:08pm On Jul 09, 2019
Europeans are and have always been tribal but learnt over the years to respect that aspect. Today they are united and in peace after respecting tribal boundaries and are even united against the foolish people who are upholding what Europeans created instead of upholding the cultural values systems their forefathers created.....


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Re: Why do European countries have a single ethnic group dominating a country? by Nobody: 4:43pm On Jul 09, 2019

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