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Religion / What Is Sin Against The Holy Spirit? by CityPastor: 8:44pm On Dec 28, 2014
You often hear people mimic others who speak in tongue or you see some people trying to demonstrate the Holy Spirit.

How do you know when you have sinned against the Holy Spirit? It is difficult to know, because some things are done against the Holy Spirit that you are not even aware of.

You need to be careful in your dealings with the Holy Spirit because the sin against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable.

Jesus said you can sin against him and be forgiven, he said every blasphemy, even sinning against God can be forgive, but when you speak blaspheme against the Holy Spirit you can never be forgiven either here on earth or the world to come.

It is true that not all pastors that casts out demons uses the power of the Holy Spirit, but how do you which is which? The bible says, by their fruits you will know them. Don’t judge the power of the Holy Spirit because any man of God who truly casts out demons does so with the power of the Holy Spirit, and condemning that act of the man of God is sinning against the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 12: 31- 32, “Every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven- except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come”

So mind what you say about the Holy Spirit, you may not know the boundary of what to say or not say about the Holy Spirit. I think this is why it is called “Holy”. It is Holy and should not be touched with anything dirty.
If you see a man of God who truly uses the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out demons and you say, “Lair” then you have called the Holy Spirit liar! Be careful.

The word of God says, all sins, including fornication, adultery, murder can all be forgiven, but the sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven.

Sinning against the Holy Spirit is not forgivable, either here on earth on in the world to come.

Source: http://citofgod..com/2014/12/what-is-sin-against-holy-spirit.html

Religion / How To Gain Your Spiritual Freedom (matthew 6:5-16) by CityPastor: 6:27pm On Jan 05, 2014
And when you pray…”

That means you should pray. (It’s part of your constitution). And when you pray (not if you pray). There must be a time, a season, when you are given to pray.

“And when you pray, thou shall not be like the hypocrites are, for they like to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have their rewards. But thou when you pray, enter thy closet”

There’s a private closet.

“And when thou has shot thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly”

What you do in secret will generate rewards in your life.

God that seeth in secret will not reward you in secret but will reward you in the open. The results will be in your business, the results will be in the open, your stardom will be in the public.

Your Father that seeth you in secret will not reward you in the secret; He will reward you in the open, in the name of Jesus.

Matthew 6: 16 “Moreover when you fast…”

That means fasting is part of our constitution when you fast, not if you fast, that means there’s a time, there’s a season to fast.

“When you fast, do not be as the hypocrites of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces that they appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto they have their rewards. But you when you fast, anoint your head, wash thy face that thou appear unto men not to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret shall reward you in the open.

That means, there are physical, practical benefits for fasting and praying.

Oh, you labor, you come to church, fasting and praying, and you need to know that the results will not be in your privacy alone, it will be evident to all.

Evident in your family life, evident in your businesses, evident in your health, evident in the public. So I believe that this secret affair we are having with God will culminate in our glory in the name of Jesus Christ.

That means in the open, shame will be far from you, reproach will be far from you, hiding your face from colleagues will be far from you. But God will cause you to be able to lift up your heads amongst your colleagues because you will rise, you will shine, destinies that has been covered is getting total deliverance this night, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Exodus 4:22 “And though shall say unto Pharaoh, doeth saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first born, and I say unto you, let my son go that he may serve me. And if you refuse to let him go, behold I will slay they son, even thy first born.

So our mission tonight is to let you go. “Say to Pharaoh to let my people go so that they may serve me.”

If you are willing to serve Him and continually serve Him then your deliverance will be fast.

Kingdom service, a heart for God is a catalyst in the school of total deliverance.

“Say unto Pharaoh, ‘let my people go, that they may serve’”

The reason why I am going to fight you- Pharaoh is so that you will let them come and serve me, not to go and be drinking, not to be healed and be roaming about the streets. Not to be prosperous and then turn against God, or adding to the camp of Satan.

“Let my people go, that they may serve”

I want you to make a decision afresh to serve God.

Joshua asked them, he said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Serving Him with your life. When we get born-again we said, Lord, I surrender my life to you. You are the Lord of my life and the savior of my soul.

Serving Him with your energy, serving Him with your talents, gifting, serving Him with your experience, money, resources.

With that decision on ground, you have perpetual deliverance. That even when Pharaoh tries to rise again your deliverance is sure from them.

“Let my people go that they may serve”

They were in slavery. What is slavery? Being under control of another person. Slavery means being under control, you are not free, something is controlling your joy, something is controlling your destiny, something is controlling the future; that comes in various forms, in the New Testament pattern, it could be a curse. You know sometimes a curse controls people’s life, they don’t have anything-it’s the curse that determines their destiny. For some people is a kind of tradition or something that is controlling their lives.

A slave does not have his own time, destiny. The destiny of a slave is in the hands of the slave master- that is what they called bondage. You can’t go until the slave master says go, you can’t eat until they give you break to eat.

When serving you are working and working until they say go and break, that’s when you can eat, you can’t eat at your own time. You can’t travel.

Now, this other definition will help you see that you must fight.

Slavery means- work done under harsh condition with little or no pay.

Some are in slavery and they don’t know. Work done under harsh conditions with little or no pay.

Some of you are struggling in the sun, you sweat, and the shirt you bought white has turned to brown by the struggles of life and after the wahala of the whole month, nothing to show for it.

Many are like that, they are being controlled by economic forces. They are sweating but have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Not that they are lazy, but they are still like a slave.

Work done under harsh conditions and at the end of the struggle, at the end of the labor, little or no pay.

In case you are in category like that, you must desire change tonight. How God will do it, leave it to Him.

“Let my people go that they may serve me, because at that time, as a slave you can’t say I want to go and serve God, can you? They will slap you! You serve God when they allow you.

So the first thing you must experience is- spiritual freedom.

He said, the time has come that those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

You can’t be under a spiritual spell and serve God adequately. So this night whatever spiritual; authority that is affecting your destiny, other than the authority of the God of Abraham, that authority will give up today in the name of Jesus.

Every negative nightmares will cease from tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. All those chasing you in the dreams, chasing you in the daylight will stop in the name of Jesus, and any other spiritual stronghold, they will let you go this night in the name of Jesus.

Source: http://citipastor..com/2014/01/how-to-gain-your-spiritual-freedom.html
Religion / Disobedience Is Destructive (genesis 3) by CityPastor: 4:29pm On Jan 05, 2014
Many of us have heard or read this, “The wages of sin is death”- that’s very true.

Let me also tell you that disobedience is destructive and can also lead to death if you fail to change and repent on time.

In the very beginning of the world after God had created the man and formed a wife for him from his own bone (Read the importance of a partner). The Lord God then put the man and his wife in the
Garden of Eden.

The Garden of Eden is God’s original plan for the man He created, where he would live and bear children and dominate the world.

In the Garden of Eden, there was everything and everything there was good.

Having placed the man there, the Lord God instructed him and his wife not to eat from a particular tree which was named “Tree of life and knowledge”. The tree was located at the middle of the garden.

The tree of knowledge will open the man’s eyes then he will become as creative as the Almighty God Himself, that’s why today man keeps advancing in wisdom, he can invent things. He has continuously advanced technologically since the days of Garden of Eden.

If the man had eaten the fruit from the tree of life, he would have lived forever, no man would have died, but the serpent who was described as shrewd (something or someone that is very intelligent, good at judging situations and likely to be right).

He deceived the woman who also deceived the man that God made. And they both ate from the tree of knowledge. As soon as they ate this fruit, they became wise and their eyes opened and they noticed they were naked.

Once God realized that the man He made was now wise and the next thing he would do will be to eat from the fruit of life and live forever, God banished him from the Garden and so he no longer had access to the tree of life.

If they had first eaten the fruit of life, possibly they could have lived forever even if man had been banished from the garden. But because man ate from the fruit of knowledge, he is knowledgeable and capable creating things, he could have been able to also create man if he had eaten from the fruit of life.

To prevent man from becoming God, God banished him from the garden and cursed him, that was the beginning of curses, almost from the very beginning of time, and that was the beginning of death.
Genesis 3:16-19: “Then He said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”

“And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.

“It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains.

“By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”

Every human being born of a woman is under this curse and it is only through the intervention of Jesus Christ that you can be free from the curse.

That’s why a man will toil and go through all sorts of pains before making it in life, but he will still die at a certain age. Because Adam and his wife disobeyed God.

If you read from Exodus you will see that thousands of Israelites were destroyed in the wilderness during their migration because of their disobedience.

God has laid down for man commandments, you can call them manual (Read the commandments).

Anyone who fails to observe those commandments will be destroyed eventually. Its like refusing to follow the manual or instructions by a manufacturer, you will either destroy the item or destroy yourself.

In this our Year of New Beginning, I pray that the Almighty God will have mercy on you, forgive your sins and give you another chance to live, amen.

God bless you.

Source: http://citipastor..com/2014/01/disobedience-is-destructive-genesis-3.html

Religion / The Importance Of A Partner (genesis 2:18-24) by CityPastor: 10:32am On Jan 03, 2014
Genesis 2:18 “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the woman to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him”

God the Creator Himself after making heaven and earth, he also created herbs and trees and land for the man he formed to cultivate it and make it productive.

He later discovered that the man He made was lonely and it wasn’t good for the man to be alone and so He decided to create a helper for him.

Because God was still in the testing stage, He created birds, and other animals as companions for the man and brought them to the man He created but He observed that none of them were good companions for the man, none of the animals fitted the man and so he was still lonely.

So God thought to Himself that the best companion for the man is something or someone who resembles him or that is from him.

“So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man” Genesis 2: 21-22

“At last” the man exclaimed “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘Woman’, because she was taken from ‘man’”. Genesis 2: 23

“This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife and the two are united into one” Genesis 2: 24

You now see why some men become prosperous after marriage! Because the man has been struggling and doing all the chores by himself all the while alone, he has been alone, lonely without a helper. If when he marries he finds the right woman God created for him, then he finds a helpmate; he becomes whole, he becomes complete.

This is the purpose of marriage, for an incomplete and imperfect man to become complete and perfect.

It is therefore important as a man to locate your partner created for you by God, and then everything will begin to work perfectly for you.

Just like Adam said, “At last!” you will also exclaim- “At last!”

I pray that in this “Our Year of New Beginning” the Almighty God will cause you to meet that right partner in Jesus name.

Stay blessed!!!

CITY Pastor- “Teaching the word of God in the purest form”

Source: http://citipastor..com/2014/01/the-importance-of-partner-genesis-218-24_3.html

Romance / Pearls Of Love: Episode VIII by CityPastor: 12:58pm On Sep 19, 2013
“Thanks Ann” I said still very sober, unsure of what she had going on in her mind. As much as it seems that women are quiet and tolerant, what goes on in their mind is one thing you may never find out, unless you are a very good probe.

“How was your night?” She asked, I guess she wanted us to forget what had happened and focus on what we can do to further the relationship, which was still very young then.

“I hardly slept’, I told her.

There was no way I could have slept that night, with thoughts of losing flying in my brain like a pilot who suddenly lost control of his aircraft; puts the aircraft above allowed height and when he suddenly remembers he was in the sky, abruptly brings it down.

That was how my night went, it was unthinkable for me to imagine someone else suddenly snatching Ann away from me, just because of a flimsy mistake.

I promised myself all through that night, that such an episode would not repeat itself, regardless of how she annoyed me.

“I didn’t sleep too” She said “I thought we had come to the end of it!”

“But you didn’t really mean it, when you said the relationship was over? I asked, intending to find out the truth, if she could possibly do without me at any particular time in her life.

It sounds stupid, but I had never liked anyone way I like Ann, maybe never in the whole of my life time.

“You know, I can’t go contrary to what you want, whatever you want is what goes, you are the guy here, don’t forget” she managed a smile.

Even after several years I still find very difficult to understand the kind of person Ann is, she has a very smooth way of doing her things. Simply put, she get anything she wants done, the way she wants it. As good as her temperament is, so is also bad. The same she takes advantage of her easily adopting to situations and it pays off; it can also have negative effects sometime because one can easily say she was nonchalant to issues that she should have woken up to. This same behavior affected our marriage.

Like right now, I wasn’t sure what she had on her mind, I have learned bitterly to allow women keep their secrets, they will only reveal as much as they want to, you cannot lure them, cajole them or even threaten and deceive them into revealing their secrets to you, unless they chose to.

I remember the titanic story, as great as the love story that existed between the two love birds in the ship, even to the sinking of the great titanic ship, the woman never revealed all that story to her husband, even up to her old age; how can someone manage to keep such an amazing story away from her husband! Women are truly amazing.

We sorted out our differences over a meal at the campus’ social center; we talk about the things that could irritate us when with one another and see the best ways on how to avoid them as much as possible.

I was a very temperamental person but a very good companionship, willing to always go to lengths to please his woman, while Ann on the other hand was a loving woman, a great companionship, but when she gets angry, she’s a difficult person.

The relationship continued to be a great relationship, with so many admirers, we suddenly got many fans across the campus, many of them wanting to emulate us but finding it difficult, especially with a campus like ours where you find thousands of female students, who are not just beautiful and with the right shapes, but also brilliant, smart and intelligent, some of them, daughters of highly placed politicians and business moguls.

Ann took ill after the second month we started dating. Two months seemed like a whole year, we thought it was malaria and so after treating malaria without any fruitful results, we tried using typhoid medications, but the ailment persisted for weeks.

This was a very difficult period for us, it affected our relationship, I guess, partly because we were usually so close we hardly find any time to leave one another alone, and also because I didn’t understand what the possible problem is.

After treating malaria and typhoid, what else could be the problem?

Even her dressing sense was out of this world, Ann who would normally dress very smart and attractive, now suddenly look an old witch; she no longer had the petite look that attracted her to me.

We quarreled all the time, I was truly getting fed up of the whole thing, she was so annoying and irritating, not to talk of the obvious laziness.

At nights we hardly sleep, she would go to the toilet as much as ten times if not more than, she hardly eat, and for someone of her size that was petite, she now looked worn out, aged and lean like a malnourished baby.

I shared part of the guilt as I also refused to eat so as not to look inconsiderate, well apart from that, I was too engrossed in the challenge we had to even think of food.

I was also not concentrating on my lectures like I used to do before. Always waiting to see her shadow pass by my lecture room, then I find a way to squeeze out of the classroom and that would be the end of my class for that day.

We would leave the department and go off campus where we resided in a one room, located in several rooms apartment in a low housing block on a street, a short distance away from the second gate of the campus.

My impatience with her was becoming so obvious, she had suddenly become a burden for me, I know what a lot of other guys would have done, was to abandon her at such critical times and look for another girl to spend their time with, but I was so into Ann, the least I could do at time for a woman, I truly loved for the first time, and probably the last time in my life was to give her some supports.

Keep Reading @: http://www.ackcity.net/pearls-of-love-episode-8

Religion / One Plus One Is One- Pastor William Kumuyi by CityPastor: 10:15am On Sep 16, 2013
In the most rudimentary mathematical calculations, one plus one is two. But God neither sees nor thinks like man. Therefore God’s perception of marriage disregards this universally acceptable mathematical principle. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife. And they twain shall be one flesh; so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder” (Matthew 10:7-9).

When two individuals: man and woman with distinct personalities, backgrounds, orientations, come together in intimate and indissoluble marriage union, it is not simply that two people are living together, it is much deeper than this! God comes at this unique oneness and impresses it on us from several different angles. First and foremost, a woman by definition, by origin and by name is ‘one who was taken out of man’, “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man” (Genesis 2:21-23). So then, a woman is of the same substance as her husband.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/one-plus-one-is-one-kumuyi

God also taught us this oneness by the woman’s unique suitability to her husband’s world. At creation, God observed that there was not found an help meet for Adam for God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:20,18). There was a lack, a deficiency in man. The woman therefore makes the “fullness” of man, and supplies what is lacking in man.

Furthermore, the scripture declares, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh: but nourisheth and cherishet it” “He that loveth his wife loveth himself” (Ephesians 5:29,28). A man cannot divorce himself from himself. Such is the intimacy between the will of God in marriage. God expects that husband and wife should work together as one in everything they do- in the training of their children and in building of their home. They are to grow together, live together and understand each other more completely, as the years go by, as two fractions of one single whole.

The wedding vows are a promise that they made before God that they will not give up on each other inspite of their differences, but continue to wait on God to harmonise their operations together. The process of blending therefore begins when a couple genuinely recognizes God who brought them together and surrender themselves to the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For the singles who are genuinely saved, the blending starts when they sincerely pray through and accept the will of God for them in marriage. As couples make up their minds to “leave” and “cleave” and to prayerfully, patiently and obediently keep to the word of God, one plus one will surely become one till death parts them.

Religion / How To Win War Without Fighting- Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa by CityPastor: 8:39pm On Sep 15, 2013
This message will be a universal lesson for you, instead of just being an international lesson.

I am going to speak from four places in the Bible and the topic is “How to Win War without Fighting”

1 Samuel 17:50, “So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine and slew him, but there was no sword in the hand of David”

He slew Goliath, but there was no sword in his hand- so no police could charge him for murder. When the siren began to blow and they arrive and met Goliath on the floor, and they picked David up- “you killed someone” and they searched him, no sword, when they looked at Goliath’s side, there was a 7ft long sword, and David had nothing. So police says, “You are discharged and acquitted for want of evidence”.

But there was no sword in the hand of David, yet he slew!

Brothers and sisters, you can win without fighting- halleluiah!

Time will come when you will learn that the battle’s the Lord’s not by mouth but by action.

The reason many Christians have bruises and wounds is that they fight too much. I have been in war fronts for 33 years and 11 months, no bruise.

The reason is this: I win before I fight; I know exactly the day my enemy is going to die and in what hour. So I don’t live in anxiety or in anxiousness, I live in strength- halleluiah!

Many Christians that I know, all over the world want to be happy and be at peace but they don’t know how! They try and then the ministry of going to church became daily warfare. It’s true that we are at war, but God can win for you.

You can win without fighting, and you can win before you fight. How will it happen?

Let’s read 2 Thessalonians 3: 1-5, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord, may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you: and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for all men that have faith.

“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord touching you that ye both do and will do the things which we command you”

Many, many, many years as a preacher I tried to run from the devil and I found that the more I ran from him, the closer he is to me. The more I tried not to let him come near me, the closer he was, until one day I read “Not you to run from the devil, but resist him and he will flee”

I took that for years and I said from now devil you cannot launch attack anymore, I will beat you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I will beat you every day. And the more I beat the devil, the more i had war to fight.

Listen to me, if I defeat him on Monday, I still fight him on Tuesday, if he comes on Wednesday I beat him, on Thursday he may give me a knock down, but I give him a knock out on Friday.

I began to win every day until one day I came to dis text: 2 Thessalonians 3:3, “God is faithful”.

I said in Benny Hinn’s Church when I saw half of the 7000 people in service who had come for healing. And I said, “How many of you believe that God is going to heal you?” and they all clapped and I said praise God, tonight God will not heal you.

And I asked, you know why? I am not going to allow Benny Hinn to pray, many were disillusioned. And I said turn to Psalm 107:20, that’s the reason he will not pray for you tonight and they reads:

“He sent His word, and his word healed and delivered them from all their enemies” so I said if the word cannot do it, Benny Hinn would be wasting his time.

No man can improve on Christ, no Christian, miracle worker, signs and wonder performer, dead raiser like me, can improve on Jesus- meaning? What Christ is not able to do, no man can help him.

You can go to all the prophets in the world, any prophet that does not refer you to God is a false prophet.

The first sign of knowing God’s elect is when the elect of God’s says, I am a servant under God. The first sign of knowing those whom God call is the one when you one to lie flat on the ground, he says, “Get up, I am like you, God is the boss,” that’s how ton know a man of God.

I wish men and women come to church to thank God for what He’s done, than to come for miracle every day.

Every time they say “sick, come out”- you run, Monday you run out, sick, Tuesday you come out, sick, when will you be well?

Every time you stand up- I was poor, the Lord bless me, next week, I was poor, and when are you going to be a man? Why is that it’s always you the enemy is against?

But when I read this scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:3, “God is faithful, he will establish you, and keep you from all evil”- Halleluiah!

I believe that to be kept from evil is better than to be cured from sickness; sickness is evil, poverty is evil, shortage is evil, lack is not good, but God can keep you from it all- halleluiah!

I prefer to be well, I like to be well 365 days of the year than to be healed six months of the year, because every time you are seriously sick, the devil leaves a mark behind. Every time you are seriously injured, there’s a scar to remember, but when God turn your scar to star, then you start to jump and praise His name.

“The Lord is faithful; he shall keep you from evil, in your job from evil, in your marriage from evil, in your home from evil- halleluiah!

Listen to this:

2 Thessalonians 3:16 “Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means”

Peace of God by God himself, always by all means.

Say it to yourself- peace of God, by God himself, for me, always by all means.

God give you peace, always by himself, always, at any cost, whatever it will cost God, for you to have peace, always by all means. Always by means you will have peace!

If Goliath is to take peace from David, God will give David peace by all means, without a sword in his hand.

Listen to me: God himself, give you peace by himself, always by all means.

Let’s try the word “Always”- say it to yourself:

How many times in a year? - Always

How many times in a day? - Always

How many times in a week? - Always

How many times in a month? – Always

How many times per hour? - Always

Now let’s try the word “Peace”:

How many times in a week? - Always

How many times in a day? - Always

How many times in a month? – Always

How many times in a year? –Always

Who is going to give it to you? God, by whom? - By himself.

Jesus said, my peace I give to you, not as the world give.

My choir use to sing some songs before I stopped them from singing them… such as… “If you want joy, you must jump for it, if you want joy, you must jump for it…

I have to jump before I have joy? How am I going to jump when I have no joy? If jumping is going to give me joy, then a frog must win the first prize, because frog jumps everywhere.

God give you His peace by all means, always by Himself. It’s not the peace of once a month, it’s not the peace of when the choir sings and jump, Jesus says, it’s the peace of God that passes man’s understanding.

When you wake up and they say, the weather today is below 3, all roads closed, and you have an appointment- you say halleluiah! If you are asked why you are laughing, say, “God give me peace, always by all means”

You were going for interview for job, time- 9’0clock, for the interview, and by 7:30 there is snow all over the streets, and you are smiling and suddenly by 8’0clock you receive a phone call that you shouldn’t bother coming for the interview because you have already been employed with a double promotion!

Why? By all means, always, by Himself- God- Peace- halleluiah!

Anxiety and anxiousness is a sign that God is not with you. When you are over anxious and spend too much time in anxiety, you are saying , “I’m in church but I’m not in Christ because if you are in Christ, the first sign of Christianity is peace! Amen.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/how-to-win-without-fighting


Religion / How Idahosa Was Robbed In New York. by CityPastor: 8:34pm On Sep 15, 2013
I arrived United States a week ago, I got to New York, the pastors who came to welcome me at the airport came by 6 am, my flight didn’t come till 10 am and they left, to come back. They were told the plane would come between 10 and 11, so they went back.

I didn’t know, when I came out of the custom and immigration, I carried my briefcase, with cheques, cash, my Bible, passport, half of my life in the natural is inside my briefcase (anybody who carries my briefcase knows what is inside); everything, my arch bishop’s chain, my gold, whatever! Anything! Bank cheque books, everything- gold card!

I decided to call my office in Washington to find out what flight I was going to Bahamas with, because I am the key-speaker in the 3rd World Congress in Bahamas.

As I put the briefcase down, a man came and said; “You need a taxi?” and I said, “No please” another person at then back said, “You need a taxi?” when I turned and moved my leg, they took my briefcase.

Within one second, the cash I’m traveling with, my return ticket, passport, bank cheque, books, my Bible, my books, name it, all gone, in a second.

Heat came on me, suddenly I’m stack naked with nothing with me, not one dime.

I didn’t know what to do! The first thing I heard was- peace!

This is a Saturday, I’m going to Bahamas, I didn’t come to America, I only passed through; my passport gone, tickets gone, cash gone, cheques, somebody gave me cheques to pay into his account, other cheques from sons in the ministry, I had no money on me for anything, whatsoever and this was a Saturday.

Within 5 minutes, police surrounded me, they said, “This is New York, this New York, this is New York, you know this is New York, it’s gone!”

Not one person gave me words of encouragement, up to police, all they said was, “You were in a wrong place”.

But I heard one voice- peace!

Say peace! Peace from God, by himself, by all means, always! Halleluiah!

So what did I do? I called the ambassador of Nigerai, I called staffs and they said I should go to hotel and rest and call back by 3’0clock.

There’s no money to pay for hotel! They gave me money, I went to hotel, stayed there and by three’0’clock, I called.

I was asked to come to the embassy, “we are going to open the embassy for you, on Saturday, by 3’0clock”

5 pm, I had new passport, on a Saturday!

The company that runs airline to Nigeria sent me 2 first class tickets for my wife and me- free!

By all means- God Himself!

When you have anxiety and anxiousness, you lose control, but when you have peace, when anything try to happen to you, find alternatives.

Peace by all means! Always! Halleluiah!

You can win war without fighting, by all means, God Himself- halleluiah!

I got to Bahamas on Sunday with a news passport, new Bible. Peace by all means, by God Himself.

Matthew 2:7-13

“Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, “Go and search diligently for the young child, and when ye found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

“When they had heard the king, they departed and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshipped him and they opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

“And when they were departed, behold the angel of the Lord appeareth to Jospeh in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word; for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him”

For the records:

When You Leave Where God Sends You, You Star Vanishes

From Matthew 2: 7, we are told that the wise men went to Herod’s house, when Herod saw them he said to them secretly, “Go search for the baby, when you find him, come and tell me, I will go also and worship him.

The Bible say, when they went to Herod’s house, the star that was leading them vanished. When you leave where God send you, to Herod’s house your star will vanish.

Immediately they entered Herod’s house, the star disappeared. But we are told that when they came out of Herod’s house, the star reappeared and they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw it.

Don’t go to Herod’s house when you are looking for Jesus. Don’t go find out anything about this church from another church, if you want to know anything about Living Word, come to Living Word. If you go to another place to ask of this church, your star will disappear.

No Pastor Should Squat

When they came into the house (Matthew 2:11). Everybody thinks Jesus was always in a manger, he spent only few hours there, he left the manger and went into the house.

Nobody can give gold, silver and frankincense in a manger. If you need gold, you need silver, you need frankincense, and you must be in a house.

That’s why no pastor should squat; no pastor should squat with anyone. Pastor should find a home to live, Jesus had house. The wise men couldn’t give him their gold and silver in a manger until they met him in the house. If you want to get honor and glory, be in a house, be born in a manger but don’t spend eternity there.

It doesn’t matter where you start but don’t end up there. Halleluiah!

Jesus was born in a manger but never lived there!

Why? God will give you peace by all means.

Anyone Can be attacked by the devil

Now the Bible says specifically in Matthew 2:12, “For Herod would seek to destroy the young child’s life.

Verse 13, “And when they were departed, behold the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother, and flee.

Any time there’s going to be danger in a Christian’s life; God will make him stand up! Why? He will keep you from all evil.

Question: what offense HAS Jesus committed that Herod wants to destroy him? Did he do bad, has he stolen, did he lie, was he taking his thrown, did he fight? Why did Herod want to destroy him when he had committed no offense?

Answer: Nobody is too holy for the devil’s attack.

You say, “I pay tithe, I give offering, that’s no guarantee for the enemy to go to hell yet. I vow- fine! When you give tithes, offerings, pay your vow, God rebukes the devourer for your sake. Giving is a protection from lack, its not a deliverance from attack.

When you pay your tithe, your pocket is full of money, when you eat your seed, you have no harvest. But that will not stop the devil from knowing your home address.

No Land is too dangerous for God to keep you.

Matthew 2:14, “When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt.

This is where Pharaoh was looking for a boy to kill but God said go, where I am sending you, Pharaoh will be stupid he will not know you are in town.

No land is too dangerous for God not to keep you. Egypt was dangerous, but God say go there- stay!

You don’t need to grow to beat the devil

Matthew 2: 19-20 “But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child’s life.

They are dead that sought, they are dead who sought your life, they are dead- go to Egypt so your Herod can die when you are away. Don’t be at home to be charged for murder. I take you away, but when I kill him in your absence, you can come back after his funeral service.

He was a child when he went to Egypt and was still a child when he left Egypt, but Herod died- halleluiah!

You don’t need to grow to beat the devil if God can beat him for you. You don’t say when I grow up, I’ll beat the devil, let God beat him for you.

Flee to Egypt, while you are away, I God will give you peace by all means, but when you are away, you will have peace in Egypt, when you come back, you have peace.

Go to Egypt for peace, by all means, while you are there I will kill who waited to kill you. So you can have peace by all means, always.

Your Herod is dead- I say your Herod is dead- your Herod is dead, your marriage Herod is dead, your business Herod is dead, the church Herod is dead, and whatever Herod you have is dead- halleluiah!

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/how-to-win-without-fighting-2

Religion / Muoka Is An Anti-christ And A Liar by CityPastor: 2:19pm On Sep 08, 2013
Muoka is an anti-Christ. He has 18 police posts in his church. Policemen follow him everywhere he goes.

He preaches about “Putting Angels on guide” on his posters, yet his own angels on guide are the policemen who follow him everywhere.

He has fake army, fake Navy, fake police and Nigerian police.

“People are dying with your deceits, you claim to have angels on guide and yet you use policemen as guides”

“If not for God, since 2010, I would have been dead through all your plots and efforts.

“You have deceived people into calling God of Chosen and praying to you instead of calling on God”

The anti-Christ have come. See churches that have been in existence in forty to fifty years, they have not reigned the way Mouka have reigned in very few years.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/muoka-is-an-anti-christ

Religion / Who Is The God Of Chosen? – A Python! by CityPastor: 1:19pm On Sep 08, 2013
“Mouka Lazarus, I am asking you who is the God of Chosen? Who is that God of Chosen?”

I want to expose this anti-Christ, this man. There are so many things happening in that business place. I call it a business place because it is not a church, church can never be like that. The gathering of children of God can never be like that.

Muoka is using it in the name of church, deceiving people, but you Christians, Nigerians, all over the world, Mouka is a businessman, and Chosen is a business center.

Lazarus, you are worshipping a python, and you know!

“Why are you after me? - It’s because I refused to join you. How can I join Lazarus with my clear eyes to be doing evil?”

I thank God for bringing me out of Lazarus camp, Lazarus cage. It’s better I die and go to heaven, than being in Lazarus cage and die and go to hell.

The python can go to hell- Muoka you are worshiping a python. The policemen following you saw the python, Lazarus Mouka. They wanted to kill it and you refused.

One of your leaders, working with you said he should go to Yaba and invited the zoo people to take the python, but you said no, why did you refuse, it’s because you are worshipping the python.

What is that python doing in your pulpit? Look at your pulpit Muoka, look at canal!

Nigerians, open your eyes, shine your eyes, and shine am well-well. The anti-Christ has come to Nigeria.

Who is the God of Chosen- Muoka Lazarus? Who is the God of Chosen? The God I know is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/who-is-the-god-of-chosen

Religion / Suffering Of An Average Chosen Customer by CityPastor: 12:48pm On Sep 08, 2013
There are fake pastors and real men of God. A lot of terrible things are happening in the Lord‘s Chosen. Muoka has pure water factories, schools, while some of his pastors cannot afford to pay their children’s school fees. Some cannot pay their house rents, the poorest pastors are Chosen pastors.

Look at Chosen members- if you are a girl and of 18 years and happen to go to Chosen, and spend seven years, you will look like a 70 years old.

If you have money before going to Chosen, after five, six years, you will be begging for food.

Muoka has frustrated people such that if a Chosen is your neighbor, you will never know peace in your life, you will have no peace.

I am not saying there’s no God, there’s God, heaven is real, and there’s death. What we are trying to do is to expose people who have deceived many and led them to hell.

Muoka used his useless slave camp to destroy souls. If you see Chosen members, they walk like people without brain; he has a machine where he programs their brain so that they behave like goats

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/suffering-of-chosen-members

Religion / Muoka's Lies About The Apron by CityPastor: 11:39am On Sep 08, 2013
Why I am saying this man is a wicked man is because this apron I founded, Muoka now said in the Sun Newspaper that the apron is a protector, that is you happen to encounter any attack by an assassin or armed robber, you should say, “I am a Chosen” three times! It is a lie!

The same Muoka who is deceiving Nigerians, who is claiming apron has power to protect is always wearing bullet prove vests. Government should intervene and investigate and you will see that what I am saying is the truth.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/muoka-lies-about-the-apron

Religion / How Mouka Use People To Make His Billions by CityPastor: 11:30am On Sep 08, 2013
Mouka was using my star, if not, why is he after me? Muoka, what have I done, did I steal your money, did I kill your mother? For you to take me to six courts!

Muoka, you are a wicked man, a deceiver, you have finished Nigerians!

Muoka used me like a foolish woman to bring people to his bondage camp. I was like a complete mad woman.

When I was in PDP, I had a car, I was doing well. Lazarus, if it is not you, I will be in the House of Rep. I know where I will be in life today. I have been a millionaire since 1990. You made me a tout today, but I know God will remove me from your bondage, already I am out.

There’s no frustration, nothing in my life that will make me to come back to you in life again.

You are devil, a witch, a killer. I want Nigerians to go and do proper investigations of these miracles in the homes and areas of the so-called receivers of his miracles.

There’s no crusade you don’t make up to N100 million with this apron. That apron I started is sold for between N500 and N700. Whatever you are selling in the crusade ground, regardless of how small, you must purchase the apron.

I am telling people, Muoka is a thief, a wicked man. I know as you read you may think I am spoiling him or abusing him, no I am telling you the truth.

I started that apron, then I led a group called the Chosen Mopol, which I established in that place, we go for evangelism.

I started the apron in Abuja 2006 crusade. Posters are not allowed on walls in Abuja and so I came up with the idea of the apron. We used the apron as advert then, now Muoka is using it for business.

I was the founder of apron, founder of Chosen Mopol. At that time I was the only one wearing the apron in Chosen as a whole.

This apron is what you are using as advert all over the world. I started this apron for you. If your customers are 500, Lazarus I brought 300 for you.

He doesn’t help people; he has no provision for widows, for the needy. He doesn’t help anybody, all he is interested in, is buying lands here and there.

He is building houses all over the world.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/how-mouka-make-his-billions

Religion / Atrocities And Evils Mouka Lazarus Committed Against Nigerians by CityPastor: 3:29pm On Sep 06, 2013
Mrs, Juliet cries for help as she further exposes the acts of this so-called man of God that she has experienced, blasting the man of God for cheating, deceits and lying and all manners of evils against Nigerians.

She also said that, he doesn’t practice what he preaches. All that Lazarus does is just, “The more you look, the less you see”, but for every wickedness, there’s a judgment.

“What Muoka is doing is “the more you look, the less you see”

Look at me:
See woman’s picture before joining Chosen. “This is me before I went to Chosen.

They said I should bring my picture that they want to burn it, later they called me and Muoka told me that he would build house for me, that he would buy me a car that I should go and testify that I was a prostitute.

My dear brothers and sisters, I was born in 1973 and married in 1992, I met my husband in 1985, never lived in a hotel, I have never been a prostitute in my life, Muoka used all these to deceive people, “The more you look, the less you see”

This magazine deceived a lot of people all over the world. The magazine made millions of naira with this publication.

They used this strategy on the same magazine to bring people to Chosen. He used me to deceive people, in short, he has finished Nigerians.

Then he used me to destroy my marriage. He preaches that divorce is a sin, but whatever he says he does not practice and does the opposite.

He put me on a magazine that I was mad for five years and that he delivered me. I have never been mad, I was born in 1973 in Aba, then moved to Lagos in Ikeja cantonment with my sister, then when my husband came to marry me, we lived at Ikeja, then from Ikeja we moved to Festac, then to Amuowo Odofin in 1996, even the Local Government Chairman of Amuowo Odofin knows me very well. I have never been a mad woman.

If Mouka said I was mad, let him tell you people where I was mad, if I was mad, at least the people in my street will know that I was mad. Let one person in my street come and testify that I was mad- I have never been mad in my life.

Most of the testimonies in that bondage so-called Chosen are fake- Muoka used me to bring people to his slave camp, now I am exposing this to tell them that what I was doing was done out of hypnotism.

Please if you are one of those I invited to Chosen, I apologize, please my dear, everything there is not real.

Religion / How Muoka Turned Me Into A Prostitute by CityPastor: 3:12pm On Sep 06, 2013
This particular Victor Ukut wrote in Muoka’s paper that I am a prostitute and published it all over the world. Somebody that calls himself a man of God.

This picture he out on the magazine is my picture he collected when I went to his church, he said the picture is a sin that I should bring the picture that he would burn it, but he used it against me that I am prostitute.

Look at a man of God- that I am a prostitute, a married woman. So I want Muoka to tell the world the hotel where he has recovered me. Because he has been using me, he used me for seven good years.

He published another one- “Chosen Mopol, Wanted Dead or Alive by Police”. He shared it all over Nigeria, the world, that police wants me dead or alive, that they should look for me. A man of God! What did I do?

What offence did I commit? This write up about me Mouka put on magazine can make people kill me and my family, on a church magazine, that police wants me dead or alive, just to deceive people.

Police did not want me, it’s a lie, and he’s just using it to deceive his customers. If Lazarus for instance has 500 customers in his church, I brought 300 of them, so I was the one he used to catch them, he is now using these blackmails to deceive them , to tell lies, somebody who calls himself a man of God!

“Lazarus, you said you are not the one who carried my shop away, when we went to senate, they proved there that it was you who carried the shop.

You did everything to buy Lagos State Government, you did everything for them to remove my shop, but because Lagos State government cannot be bribed, you went to police. That is in spite the fact that my shop is not on your land, it was a good Samaritan who gave me the land.

You tried using Alausa people, but I thank Fashola because there was nothing Muoka didn’t do to spoil your name, now he used Ikeja High Court to remove my shop.

Look at me, those who supply my goods are after my life for their money, you are after my life too, Lazarus, what have I done to you? Please Lazarus, can you explain to the world my offence?

My happiness is that, I am not a thief, I am not a prostitute, I have never had any problem with anyone to the extent that I will be sued to six different courts of law. Not to talk of you who call yourself a man of God!

I was with the politicians; never had problem with them, I never published against any politician, never published against any personalities. I never published against anybody but you, a man of God, Mouka, because you that I know your secrets, that is why you are after my life.

My life, my husband’s and my children’s life is in your hands. My blood is in your hand.

In the court, the judge asked me where the police was when all of these was happening. Meanwhile I wrote a petition even to the IG to intervene.

And they replied that I should come , they took the matter very seriously, but Mouka, you said, because you have money you can get whatever you want.

I even wrote to the senate president because it was too much for me to bear. Mouka was boasting that with his money he can get whatever he wants, he can do anything and escape with it.

The senate replied that I should see the senate committee on police affair. The head of the committee was a senator I met where I went for prayers and he told me that I wrote a petition against him. He challenged me that why did I go to the radio house to spoil his name and that he would frustrate me for this.

And really, heaven and earth bears me witness, I said nothing against that senator. But the senator told me to my face that since he is a senator in charge of police, whatever he tells the IG is what the IG does. And so he truly frustrated the whole case.

Police knows the truth and ready to work, but the senator is using his powers to suppress them not to do the right thing, since then he has been on Mouka’s side. Muoka is using him to frustrate me.

I have not seen my family, senator; I believe that you have family too. I don’t know you from Adam, the first day I came to your office you were very kind, but I am disappointed that this liar deceived you.

The day I went to his office and narrated the whole ordeals to you, you understood everything, but now they are using you to fight me not to see my family, not to be able to raise money to pay those I owe money.

After everything it is well known that it is Mouka who has my container. Muoka yet is boasting that he is above the law, he is boasting that he is above the government.

But Muoka, I know there’s God, Muoka, remember, there’s God. I have nobody but I know that I have Christ and I believe out there are real pastors who believes and trust in the Lord.

I am crying for Christians to come into this matter. Ask Lazarus Muoka what I have done against him.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/muoka-made-me-prostitute

Religion / How Lazarus Mouka Persecuted Me by CityPastor: 2:51pm On Sep 06, 2013
The G.O of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, Pastor Lazarus Muoka sought for her, pleading for her return to the slave camp.

“Then, I was in that church, after some months, Mouka came to my house, because of my contribution in that Chosen; they will never forget it until that bondage is over.

“Mouka came to my house with his driver- Obi Jack, his OT, his lawyer and two policemen. He knelt down; crying that I should come back, but I told him I would not come back.

The persecution started when she refused to go back to the slave camp. I was fought legally, illegally, just to make sure that me and my family was frustrated, and the question is, is this a real church of God as it claims? If it is, does God force people to serve Him at a particular place?

When Mouka found out that I wasn’t coming back, Mouka arrested me with PPR, Frank Mba who is in the Force Headquarters now was the Officer in Charge. After investigation, Frank told them it was an injustice (Frank, God bless you). He told them to release me.

Then Mouka arrested me again with my eight months pregnancy at the CP’s office, he said I came to his church with matchet and destroyed his church.

After the policeman saw everything, I was released. Then Mouka wrote a petition to Panti, that I am a murderer and kidnapper, and so I was arrested for kidnapping my child.

His plan was for them to take me to court so that I could be remanded, because when you are charged to court for murder, you don’t get bail, you are remanded in prison. Muoka was trying to remand me in prison.

Mouka gave them money to take me to court, but the policeman, a member of the Mountain of Fire said, no. he is a born again, and said he couldn’t do that.

I was arrested with my one month old baby, my baby was crying then an officer in charge asked me what happened to the little baby, and I explained to him. (Let me tell you, there are good police officers, and there are fake ones).

After my explanation, he asked if I have Muoka Lazarus’ number and I said yes. I have his direct number because we were very close.

I gave the police people his number and they called Lazarus Mouka and I put the phone on speaker.

Muoka told them that I bought the baby for N50,000. Then I pulled off my clothes in Panti and pressed my breast and the breast milk came out. Everybody shouted. And they asked, what kind of church is this, what kind of man of God is this. So they were provoked and said Mouka must come and explain to them if this woman stole his money or what her offense is. So when they invited Mouka, instead of him to come to Panti, he sued me and the police to court.

He sued me and the IG that I used the police and locked him up for three days, that he did not eat anything.

He sued me with the IG and the DPO of Festac, the Area E Commandant, Commissioner of Police, AIG Police Zone 2, now the IG, just to stop the police from doing their work.

Then Mouka started sending hired killers to kill me. Then he called my husband and told him that I am a witch. My husband replied and told him that his wife is not a witch and that if I was, he Mouka made me one. Then he sent his mobs to beat my husband up.

My husband reported to the police, but he did not go there, when police called him, he did not go and he wrote a petition that my husband arrested him and put him in the cell.

He again sued me, he said I should pay him N1 billion. This is a man who claims to be a man of God, please Christians all over the world, and please judge this.

He sued me and my husband again, and in the process, when the former DPO and commandant was here they know what he was doing and didn’t support him, but just as there nice policemen, there are also fake policemen. The DPO then, was a nice man.

He used the Area Commandant- Okoro and remanded my husband in prison, and put him at large.

The case which he reported me for is the same case I had earlier reported at the Festac Police Station.

They came then to my shop with gun and camera to plant in my shop.

And I caught them with the camera and gun, then Muoka went and arranged with Okoro and they turned it against me and my husband and my husband was remanded in prison, if not for those real children of God who saved my husband from this case.

Muoka has been fighting me, Muoka has been sending hired killers to kill me, to make sure he destroys me and my family. He took me to six courts.

Lazarus, what did I do to you, you are deceiving people within you pulpit, telling them you are not the one, how can they go to court with your name and your lawyer’s name.

How can your lawyer sue me to court with your name and you say its not you Lazarus, you are a deceiver.

If your members know that you are the one who sued me to court, they will not be happy with you.

This is one of his lawyers he is using against me, his name is Victor Ukut, he has another one, Emma in Abuja, Obinna OT and many of them he us using against me.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/how-lazarus-mouka-persecuted

Religion / Why I Left The Lord's Chosen by CityPastor: 2:23pm On Sep 06, 2013
There was a widow living in a wooden tenth in that church, she’s from Anambra, her son was coming to baptism class, during his trip for the one of the baptism classes, he had an accident and was rushed to Igbobi, and POP was put on his leg. Before the widow knew it, the leg had rotted.

The mother snapped the boy’s picture and brought to me and I took it to Mouka that was in February 2010.

Mouka prayed and gave the picture back to me and I gave the woman. The woman later told me that in January she sold all she had after Mouka asked us to sell everything we had. She said she no longer had anything and was wondering how Muoka would pray and give her back the picture and left her in that condition.
So I said I didn’t know what to do. And so the widow went to meet Lazarus Muoka’s wife, she sent her to the Admin, and admin kept the picture for over three weeks. I went to the hospital to see the boy, for two days I did not eat, I was crying, asking God what to do.
I gave the woman, the little money I could afford. Then I called her and told her, “What I am going to tell you now, go to churches, and any church that helps you save this boy, I will follow you to that church.
I didn’t call any church; I didn’t know that was how God wanted to save me from bondage.
This woman now said, Muoka said God sent him to win 10 million souls, that anybody who goes to any other church will go to hell (that is what he use to tell us).

And I asked her- madam, are you in heaven? You are a widow and if that boy dies don’t come and beg me.

Muoka doesn’t allow us to associate with other people, even if my own younger sister or brother is wedding or doing something in another church, we don’t go because he said the whole churches would come to Chosen. Because God had sent him to win 10 million souls and any church that refuses to come to Chosen would go to hell, and that is the believe of his members.

It is what he is using to deceive them. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this woman went to Catholic Church, Mother of Perpetual and they helped her.

One day I was in church and this woman called me and told me she was Mother of Perpetual. I went there and discovered it was Mother of Perpetual that came to rescue her and her child. They paid the money, but before catholic got involved, the leg had been cut off.

I started crying when I discovered it was Mother of Perpetual that helped the boy because I was among the people who built Mother of Perpetual parish before I left catholic. So coming back to the same place was so surprising, and I started shedding tears.

And I decided that day was my last in Chosen and I informed the priest of the Catholic Church parish. Some members I knew then before I left were still there and they still know me. They showed me love and welcomed me back.
If you leave Chosen and happen to go back- my dear your life is at risk. They will show you hell, you will be an enemy to them.

Source: http://www.citofgod.com/how-i-left-chosen

Religion / The Naked Truth About Lazarus Mouka (the Lord’s Choosen) by CityPastor: 1:29pm On Sep 06, 2013
By Juliet Ezeyin Izu

Written by the City Pastor

Before I bring you this message let me quickly tell you how to identify fake pastors

They love money

They love women (brothers and sisters be careful)

Fake pastors use magic chalks, calabashes, blood of animals and incantations.

Fake pastors/ prophets bury live cows at the altar to increase their congregation (that reminds me of a story my mom told me after the death of my uncle- late Bishop Onaolapo of blessed memory; when they wanted to start building the church’s sanctuary, the contractor/builder came to meet the wife at home, knowing that if he should meet the late bishop with such suggestion, he would lose the contract.

The contractor asked bishop’s wife how they intended building the sanctuary, and she said of course with the money raised by the church, and he asked if that was all? She was surprised and asked him, what else? The builder now went on to narrate to her how other bigger churches would bury live cows at their altars foundation before commencing the building in order to get large members for their churches.

Late bishop’s wife warned the builder/contractor not to make a mistake of suggesting such to bishop as he would immediately terminate the contract. That is just one out of many pastors; however that is not the subject of discussion today.

Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

But there are false prophets also among the people, even as there are false teachers among you, who shall bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and brining unto themselves destruction and many shall follow their perilous ways.

This story is narrated by a woman who was in bondage in the Lord’s Chosen Church; she served Lazarus Mouka, helped him to deceive many people, and brought more that 50% of the members presently in the Lord’s Chosen, before she and Mouka fell apart.

She was known as “Chosen Mopol”, she was also known as “Operation Sweep” in the People’s Democratic Party of Nigeria.

“My name is Juliet Ezeyin Idu, I am among the people who started PDP, I was a politician. My political name was “Operation Sweep”.

During one of her trips, she saw a very captivating sight that was so interesting, only to discover that, this was a church.

“I was coming from Abuja in a flight, I boarded a car to Festac from the airport, as we were coming I saw crowd at Ijesha Bus-stop and I asked what is going on, and was told it was a church and so I entered the church.

“When I came into the church, the pastor was preaching about sin, jewelries, necklaces etc. I use all those things, in fact I was putting on all of it that day. I later went home and the following day, I was watching a film, but all I heard in my head was ‘God of Chosen- God of Mouka’. I was hearing voices and I didn’t know where the voice came from, and I wasn’t seeing anyone.

“I was surprised and shocked and so I ran back to the church that was all”

After serving the church for several years, the church landed her into trouble.

“I am about to tell you what I went through for years. I am a Catholic; I wedded in Catholic Church since 1992. I was in peace with my husband; I never had any problem with my husband until I went to the Lord’s Chosen. I spent almost seven years.

“I was the one who started the Chosen Mopol and that apron they are wearing.

“There were a lot of atrocities, a lot of evil, my husband said I should stop going to the church, but I refused. My husband later called his relatives and insisted that I should stop going to Chosen, but I refused.

“I was asked to choose between my husband and the pastor of Chosen and I said I’d rather choose my pastor.

“My husband was angry and sent me out of the house. I spent three years and eight months living inside the bush, me a landlady in Lagos. I was thinking of any other thing except the ‘God of Chosen’ from Monday to Monday I go for evangelism.

It was a total bondage in the Lord’s Chosen Church, the so-called man of God- Lazarus Muoka hypnotized her to say all sorts of lies, she explains he grievances as she quotes actions of Pastor Lazarus.

“If you have a problem with Muoka and decide to leave his church, he would fight you with everything.

“In 2006, Lazarus was fighting one man called Ofoegbu, because I was his agent, he called me in 2007 and gave me N100,000 that I should go and write against Ofoegbu. He also called others in my group that we should write on Vanguard and so I and my group marched to Vanguard.

“He used a lot of pastors for this deceit, and when he is fighting with them, he will use you to fight them.

“Muoka said God sent him to win 10 million souls, so whatever he tells us, he wants us to do it, whether it is right or wrong; and whatever he says, we must obey and do it.”

Being brainwashed by the pastor of this church, Mrs Juliet excplained how she served this man, saying Muoka turned her into a rascal while she was with him.

“One day, while we were going for publicity, which I am the head of the publicity, so as we were going, my husband met me at Alaba Expressway, then he said, “Look at the way you are looking like a mad woman, come back home”

“I told him I would never come back home, this is because Mouka had told me that my husband was an occultic man.

“I told him I won’t come back and he said I must come back home. And I confronted him and told him, you occultic man, I will not come to your house again. This was in public, in presence of everyone that we went on publicity with.

“Later on, my husband said that on that day I was looking like somebody that was mad. He said, “Look at the wife I married and wedded!”

“So my husband saw what was going on. With God’s help he now said to me, what if he becomes a member of Chosen, would I come back home? And I said yes.

He said, okay and became a Chosen member. Then my husband went to their pastor’s school and Muoka ordained him as one of their pastors.

After church services, back at home, my husband would bring out the bible and ask me if I heard what the G.O preached?

And I would say yes, he then would play the VCD and ask me to bring the bible, when we compare what the G.O preached and what is on the Bible, they would be different.

“My husband continued to point the difference in what Muoka preached and what is contained in the Bible.”

Mrs. Juliet being fed up as fell from grace to grass, disturbed by the condition around and with the confusion of all the years, she was forced to leave the church.

“We always thought Mouka was right because we were manipulated. We didn’t know what we were doing, especially me in particular, I didn’t know what I was doing.

“Imagine somebody living in Abuja, doing very well. I have been a millionaire since 1990; I have never been a tout in my life. I have accounts with Ecobank, First Bank. If you are doubting me, you can call me and I will give you my account details to verify. I have never been poor in my life.

“When I was in Catholic Church, I was doing well, where we lived in belongs to my husband. My husband is a handsome, young man, so its not as if I went to Chosen for miracle or anything. I just went because, I heard it’s a house of God, and I said let me hear the word of God.

I was doing business until I went to Chosen and stopped everything. I built a wooden kiosk in the church where I was selling sweets.

I have never lived in a church in my life until then, and so when I was bitten by mosquito I was rushed to the hospital, before I came back the kiosk had been taken off. Then my husband bought a container to keep there for me to use to sell goods supplied for me by clients at Alaba and Idumota. I sell first and give them back their money when I have exhausted the sales.

The shop became big and I made a lot of money from it. Then I traveled for Onitsha crusade, by the time I came back, the shop again had been destroyed.

So I went to Alausa to ask why they destroyed my shop, because my shop was not along the road, it was on Chosen land.

Then one of the staffs at Alausa hinted that it wasn’t Fashola who destroyed my shop that it was the Chosen pastor.

I argued with the, that it wasn’t possible. I attacked them for spoiling a man of God, then they showed me the letter written with the Chosen’s letterhead which was written to request the removal of the container.

When I read it I was so mad, in annoyance I took an okada from Alausa, back to Chosen. At that time I was very close to the pastor. I didn’t need to fill a form to see Muoka, because we were very close.

“Muoka Lazarus- you know I am saying the truth. You know I will not lie against you, I did not want to go this way, but you are pushing me to go this way, let the whole world hear about it”

“I went to him and bowed before him, ‘my lord’ because I don’t call him Lazarus Muoka then, because I was still in his bondage, because Chosen is a bondage, as far as I’m concerned, Chosen is a slave camp.

“I said, my lord, how can you do this to me? He asked what happened and I explained to him, he said, it was a lie- it was Fashola people that did it.

“I told him it was a lie that I went to them and they showed me the letter and that I know this letter cannot get there without him signing it.

“He now said, ‘my daughter, what you are doing in Chosen pleases God, and pleases me, since you started that your business, you are no longer doing mopol, you are no longer going to bring people to the kingdom’”

“I was useful to him, I was one of his catchers, I was his agent and didn’t know what I was doing, it’s only God who saved me from that vulture’s hand.

“I said to him, my lord, I will not do this business again, and what am I going to do?

“he said, ‘Let me tell you, Lord of Chosen will provide for you’"

He brought a paper, wrote some quotations and asked me to go and read them.

When I came out of his office, I was crying and confused. But because my God is a good God and not God of Chosen, the mightier God, the great wonderful Jehovah; who loves those who serve Him, God now provided a helper for me.

So this brother gave me a place where my shop was. But upon that I was still going to that church. Calling it a church is a mistake- it’s a slave camp, bondage.

“Mouka Lazarus, your time is up because I know God will prove to you that there’s God. You used me, I dumped my family, my husband- my precious husband, my child, my everything. You used my brain; you turned me into a lying person, leader of mad people.

Go to page: http://www.citofgod.com/secrets-of-chosen-exposed and view more pictures and read the rest of the story

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