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Celebrities / Re: Superstar Mo'Cheddah: Hot Or Hot? by fstranger: 2:03am On Nov 23, 2010
looks like a skank
Romance / Re: Black Girls In America, Is It True That It Is Difficult To Find A Man? by fstranger: 1:11am On Nov 23, 2010

Well, yeah some of my decisions are based on experiences and no these experiences do not involve being left at the altar or being promised marriage n left high n dry as most people tend to think that is what makes a woman go mad and go on a man hating spree lol, thats really not the case. As a matter of fact, i don't do the bitter ex rant ( i manage to get over things, yeah it was tough but i did).

I am what the African Culture would love to hate and i am what the West would consider as Alternative.

I dont know but it just happened. But i respect people who marry and have kids.

Maybe when i find someone to tame me i might become desperate and propose or run around to find him in parties grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

I know i am going to get shot for saying this but here it goes,

If i was ever going to consider getting married, the man would definately have to think very differently, so far all the people that i get on with are not black, finding a black man who thinks very diffrent and acts different is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack

some of us are really not into looks or what the average woman would want, I look for what is in the persons head, believe me, i meet some guys that make me want to poke my eyes out wink wink wink

going back to the topic,

American men are crazy! lol, some of them, having baby mamas is not being westernised, i think its actually very silly that some men think its a good thing,

Black American women are drama,

As for Nigerian American/british singles abroad, i BLAME all the naija men oh, once a girl lives abroad they start putting the girl down, instead they rather go to naija to find a wife, i wonder why some of them think that the women there are better,

i really need someone to explain why they do this, seriously

Nigerian men always become defensive about this but i find that its true, why do some men think the ones at home are better,
I blame the naija men for making women abroad desperate grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

so tell your fellow bordas that Aunty Nubian is coming to smack them grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
NubianQ, very well said by you. That said, I still want to be your baby mama! Get ma drift?
Culture / Re: I Don't Feel Nigerian by fstranger: 7:34pm On Nov 22, 2010
@ OP

I have a US passport, but I don't feel American,

What should I do?

Go kill ma self?

Anyway, you get my drift!
Celebrities / Re: Exclusive Gist: Genevieve & Dban’j Are Dating! (see Picture) by fstranger: 5:49pm On Nov 22, 2010

@fstranger,now i know you are sick,you should be comparing yoruba wif fulani people not ALMIGHTY NDI IGBO.ne kwa nu onye ofe mmanu a o,biko chalum na ezi.

Almighty DIRTY ndigbo my foot. Very ugly people.
Celebrities / Re: Saidi Balogun Is A Woman Beater by fstranger: 12:23pm On Nov 22, 2010
^^ Nigerian cops don't deal with issues like that. I will advise you to keep your opinions to UK based issues, to avoid coming off as "out of touch" with reality
Music/Radio / Re: Ruggedman Responds To 9ice: A Word Is Enuff For The 9ice by fstranger: 12:05pm On Nov 22, 2010
Can someone say something on the hook?
I thought it was splendid!
Best thing about the track!
Celebrities / Re: Saidi Balogun Is A Woman Beater by fstranger: 11:30am On Nov 22, 2010
^^ I disagree wif you. The reason I call myself a man is because I beat women. And, i do it pretty often. I started with beating my sister when I was young, now I beat my wife. I hope to one day graduate into the type of man strong enough to beat my wife's mother, those are REAL MEN!

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Celebrities / Re: Retta Or Funmi[vote] by fstranger: 5:35am On Nov 22, 2010
Whichever is Yoruba is hotter! just saying
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 5:23am On Nov 22, 2010

Thank You.

Sorry for whatever happened before
. wink

Huh, you are so sweet. No hard feelings, ok?.

Good luck with your life. Pls, enjoy your turkey. Nothing do you!

I enjoy internet fights, nothing personal ok?

And BTW, English and Education is fine. Just work hard and your dreams will definitely come true. I am rooting for you ok?
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 5:01am On Nov 22, 2010


Eventhough I did not major in English, and I work as a cleaner in Lagos, I will do my best to educate you:

Lie is an intransitive verb (one that does not take an object), meaning "to recline."  Its principal parts are lie (base form), lay (past tense), lain (past participal), and lying (present participle)

Lay is a transitive verb (one that takes an object), meaning "to put" or "to place."  Its principal parts are lay (base form), laid (past tense), laid (past participle), and laying (present participle).

If you see something lying on the ground, it is just resting there, like those dead bodies you referred to; if you see something[b] laying [/b] on the ground, it must be doing something else, such as laying eggs.

When you see dead bodies on the floor, they are  lying  there, not[b] laying [/b] there

Hope that helps
Celebrities / Re: Saidi Balogun Is A Woman Beater by fstranger: 4:42am On Nov 22, 2010
So what? I beat women all the time.
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 4:33am On Nov 22, 2010

Please, I wish you could have seen what I saw. Dead bodies [size=18pt]laying[/size] everywhere, gunshots all through the day and the night, family members getting killed in your presence, bombs going off, etc. I am not gonna get into politics here. I do not care about Liberia because Liberia does not care about me. I will always consider America a home over Liberia. Home is where the heart is and the US is where mine is. Liberia will hold a special place in my heart but I am not forced to love Liberia just because its where I was born.

If I was not living in America, I still would not care about Liberia. If I was living in Ghana or Togo and enjoying these opportunities, I would profess my love for Ghana or Togo any day over Liberia.


Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 4:19am On Nov 22, 2010

I dont post much in response to you but i do notice folks and what they tend to talk about.

And there goes the problem, if you didnt get a chance to live in the US would you still not give a damn about Liberia? truth is you're not much different from the nigerians here . . . they spend all their time badmouthing the African continent just because a white man pitied them with a passport. Sorry but you do know Charles Taylor was a stooge for the same America you profess to love? You do know that the reason Liberia is split into two bitter factions is because of the US right? Or you just love the US because its shiny and cute with no principles at all?

I think the reason she likes America so much is because she gets to eat rotten turkey in a stress free environment, as opposed to Liberia where there are no turkeys. She is all about the White man's turkey!

1 Like

Politics / Re: Nigeria Secret Service Discovers Wired Bomb by fstranger: 4:11am On Nov 22, 2010


Please, avoid her like a plague.
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 4:04am On Nov 22, 2010

I'm laughing at your first statement. Anyway, I shall answer your question. I plan on writing children books, textbooks, teaching English in foreign nations, teaching disable children, writing poetry, plays, etc. With my degrees, the sky is the limit. [b]After that, I plan on getting my masters in Education Administration and become the head of my own school. Any more question about my majors? What did you think I was going to do the rest of my life?? Stand in a middle school and teach English to rude kids? [/b]
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

You know to achieve all of that, you actually have to get off NL and do some work, Just so you know!

Keep dreaming girl!
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 3:57am On Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying hard to be nice but a double major in English and education is not something you shld be telling a nigerian. grin what exactly are you going to be? A teacher? You just said it as if you were telling us you were studying something significant. English ko Creole ni.

She is prolly studying 'Ingrish' in a disreputable school somewhere in Haiti. With her poor writng skill, I doubt she lives in the US.

1 Like

Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 3:50am On Nov 22, 2010

LMAO. I know I promise not to respond to your stupidity but I just cant ignore your newest drivel.
FYI, I am not working as a cleaner in the US. I am double majoring in Enlish and Education and will be graduating in a few years. I am just 20 but I have accomplished more in my life than you can ever dream off. You are not the king of the jungle in Lagos. You are just an ignorant houseboy who gets slapped and kicked by your oga on a daily basis. In his eyes, you are worthless.
Now, get off your backside and go get your chores done you slowpoke.

Wait a minute, you are an English major? And you write like a third grader? I will advise you to go ask your school for a refund, because they've failed you. The English department at you school would be overcome with angst, if they were to see the way you write.


1 Like

Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 3:31am On Nov 22, 2010

LMAO. I know I promise not to respond to your stupidity but I just cant ignore your newest drivel.
Look at you again being ignorant. Is being ignorant a second job for you? You are one of those fools who, to make yourself feel better about your situation, claim that those of us abroad are living like second class citizens right?? Well, you can’t be more wrong.

FYI, I am not working as a cleaner in the US. I am double majoring in English and Education and will be graduating in a few years. I am just 20 but I have accomplished more in my life than you can ever dream off. You are not the king of the jungle in Lagos. You are just an ignorant houseboy who gets slapped and kicked by your oga on a daily basis. In his eyes, you are worthless.
Now, get off your backside and go get your chores done you slowpoke.

WHen I was you age, I had already finished my ND in Elect/Elect and had already obtained a college degree from one of the most prestigious universities in  NJ, US of A, graduating summa cu*m  laude. Double majoring in English and Education, id.iot like you.  I should not be conversing with you. You are not up to par with me, age-wise and intellectually.

HAHAHAHA, English and Education. God forbid bad thing

Anyway, go enjoy your Thanksgiving.

1 Like

Family / Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by fstranger: 3:10am On Nov 22, 2010
NubianQ Animashaun.

Sup Sister?

Whaddup yo?

loving ma di-ck?
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 3:05am On Nov 22, 2010
You think everyone is like you, working as a cleaner in ya USA.

Anyway, I understand how you feel, you just got here and you also want to belong.

And you think celebrating Thansgiving would make you more likeable to your slave masters. One secret: You slave masters do not give a damn about you. To them, You are bstill a SLAVE.

So continue to live like a third-class citizen, it's your choice. Just know that, eating Turkey aint gonna change anything. If you like, eat all the turkey we dey Walmart, abi na costco you dey buy ya own, still does not change a thing!

A word is enough for the wise.

As for me living in Lagos. . . well, it is better to be a king in the jungle than to be slave in the city.

A word is enough for the wise.

1 Like

Politics / Re: Sahara Reporters Interviews Fashola, Watch Video by fstranger: 2:52am On Nov 22, 2010


I hereby declare ROUND 2 open

Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 2:31am On Nov 22, 2010

If you think Thanksgiving is all about eating and Black Friday, think again. Like every holiday in America, it has become so commercialized so the meaning is forgotten. Its not just about having a day off. Some of us know the real reason behind it and thats why we celebrate it.

After spending five years in America, you now know more than Americans?

Look if you like, carry America for ya head, na u sabi.

It is my prayer that they deny you their citizenship so you can do us all a favor by hanging yaself. People like you should not live among us, your ilk are in Igbo Irunmale, living with demons and beasts.
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 2:07am On Nov 22, 2010
^^ It is funny how she hates herself so much that she'd do anything to act American, whatever that is.

I understand that she is still not over her US citizenship.

Eventually she'd realize that it does not change a thingy. She is still Black and the people she is trying to impress do not give a shyyt about her. I hope she does not commit suicide then.
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 1:48am On Nov 22, 2010

lol i dont understand why Seant21 needs to tell us at the slightest opportunity that she lives in America. We know everything about you. You just took the citizenship oath less than a yr ago and yet you're trying too hard to act more american than those born there.
Who cares what anyone eats on thanksgiving? I'm not eating anything - i'd be on the road for the most part. Time to go see the world and enjoy a few days away from the chaos that is life.
lol yeah we know "most americans" celebrate thanksgiving, many of us knew that before you were born. Find something else to do.
oo many people struggling to force themselves into American tradition . . . tomorrow they'll be back to ask us what to do about their lack of affinity to anything African. I bet if it was an African tradition most of you would shy away from it and pretend you never heard of it.
Care to enlighten us on anything Liberians celebrate? grin

Thank you my bro. As if she is the first person to get US pali, ki lan fi elewon se lalagbon, shior kelebe iso! Thanksgiving ko, C*unt sharing ni.
Music/Radio / Re: Ruggedman Responds To 9ice: A Word Is Enuff For The 9ice by fstranger: 1:33am On Nov 22, 2010
Well done Ruggedybaba.

9ice is a fuvking ingrate.

Why does ruggedman bring up Payne everytime he has issues with 9ice, may be hmmm it is all true, but I hope not.
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 1:30am On Nov 22, 2010
^^ Give thanks for what, Mrs. " I live in America?"

BTW, Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Canada, at least not the kind of Thanksgiving that is celebrated in America.

Also, Thanksgiving is not celebrated by all Americans.

And Yes, I work in the White house!

You can diss me all you want, it still has not changed the fact that you are just following the crowd mindlessly!

Think for a second, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 1:00am On Nov 22, 2010

Look at this fool.
Most people in America, whether foreigners or not, celebrate thanksgiving. Its a wonderful tradition.
If you are not celebrating Thanksgiving, why are you even responding to this thread?
You call me a fool for talking sense into your coconut head.

So who's the real FOOL!

I have never met a right thinking foreigner who celebrates Thanksgiving! It is an American tradition, marked by Americans, for Americans.

Go meet yout STUPID AMERICAN FRIENDS and celebrate YOUR STUPID AMERICAN TRADITION. You stupid c*unt.

For calling me a fool, may your parents bury you before Thanksgiving. Mi o ni jere e. Olosji
Food / Re: Whats For Thanksgiving? by fstranger: 12:43am On Nov 22, 2010
Thanksgiving for what?

A Nigerian celebrating Thanksgiving? Wonders shall never cease

I think you should direct your question to your parent, because it seems you are confused, and in need of a serious REALITY check.

Thanksgiving ko, C*unt taking ni. Olodo rabata. Afunu. Alinirori ara Galatia. Anuofia
Politics / Re: Video Of Alleged Assault On Actress Ufoma Ejenabor by fstranger: 7:15pm On Nov 21, 2010
Suit your self.
Politics / Re: Video Of Alleged Assault On Actress Ufoma Ejenabor by fstranger: 6:59pm On Nov 21, 2010
^^ The problem here is with you, who, despite calls to end this argument, have continued to run your mouth senselessly and out of point. It is time you called it a day and go make some money. It is obvious to everyone, but you, that your naive POV is  both idiotic and impracticable. So it is time you stopped posting on this thread for courtesy sake, before you are disgracefully kicked-off of it.

A word is enough for the wise

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