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Religion / Re: Oyedepo Reacts To Femi Adesina's "Giving Land For Ranching Is Better Than Death" by ibolomo(m): 6:05pm On Jul 06, 2018
Oyedepo stop wailing and advise your congregation to get their pvcs and vote out this terrorist government next year. That is more important than tithes and offerings.
when he told his congregation in 2015 that Buhari was not the answer, did they listen to him?
You can blame a lot of pastors for not voicing out on injustice, but not Oyedepo.
PS: I'm not a member of his church, before people start coming for me


Education / Re: First Year Semester GPA Of 0.2, I Need A First Class. Am on Verge Of Giving Up. by ibolomo(m): 11:55pm On Jun 24, 2018
My name is Amaka afuzor, and i am a student of Federal university of technology minna. Mechanical engineering. 100 level

Before you accuse me of being dull, I had a 204 in JAMB.
I always wanted a first class, but
I decided to check my result yesterday only to see F parallel and some good grades out of 10 courses.
Pls am 22 and I need to pass so I can get a good job after graduation.
I know I didn't give my books much attention this semester.

I am confused because I will be asked to withdraw if I get a cgpa less than 2.0 on a scale of 5 after second semester and don't meet the 10-8-8 requirement which I am very far from.

Tell me the honest truth, I can handle it.

Pls who knows how many percentage of final cgpa the first year performance takes In futminna

aunty, have you heard of 10-8-8 before?
the fact that you had an F in 10 courses already means you can't stay in faculty of Engineering.
the fight you have to fight for this semester, is to not weigh in below a CGPA of 2.0.
As and Bs parallel should get you there.

Just focus this semester, buy all the handouts you need from Post-Office and study them even before tests and exams come knocking and you should be fine.
if I may ask, what lodge do you stay in off-campus?
If it's one of the partying lodges and weed smoking lodges, you might have to pick somewhere else to go to at least read your books for a few hours everyday. Going inside school every evening with a company of your intelligent female friends could be a good idea.
Lastly, I believe you are a Christian, find a good fellowship and join, like FCS, NIFES, RCF (off-campus). the major reason is that most of them (FCS, I'm sure of) conduct night classes that will help explain things the lecturer may not cover, and also to pray concerning your results.
in the end, it's about Praying and reading! God will help you.
Phones / Re: How Long Have You Used Your Current Smart Phone ? by ibolomo(m): 12:20pm On Jun 14, 2018
apart from Samsung and Nokia Android all other Android phones na crap and dirty especially tecno and infinix.
infinix Own worse

the only thing when Samsung take Bleep up na that their battery
Uncle, go and do research on Redmi, Xiaomi, and One Plus, then come and rectify your comment abeg
Celebrities / Re: MURIC To Falz: "Withdraw ‘This Is Nigeria’ Video Within 7 Days Or Else" by ibolomo(m): 3:10pm On Jun 05, 2018

I saw a video showing some fulanis wearing choir robes with AK 47

I am yet to see a statement from CAN.

Or a statement from MURIC condemning the act.

Christianity & Tolerance.

It is obvious even to the blind that those Fulani men aren't Christians, in fact, I strongly believe they invaded a church and carted off equipment they have no idea how to use.
The way they were "maltreating" the drums is a case in point. It is apparent that it was an act of mockery of people they probably killed to obtain the robes and drum.
Please could you kindly indicate that by any shred of information available in the video that the men are Christians or Muslims?
Evil people are evil people, period! The evil men might have been further enabled by religious or ethnic bias, but inherently, they made the evil decision to have no regard for human life.
Until we start to see evil men beyond religious and ethnic biases, we will not be able to root them out, even if they are our brothers or neighbours.
Romance / Re: Chiamaka Obuekwe 'Social Prefect' Dumps Husband, Aniefiok Ntai 10 Weeks After by ibolomo(m): 11:33pm On Apr 29, 2018

Are you for real? is it the lady that dragged him to the altar? obviously the guy would have hidden his physical attraction from her cos i believe a man would not marry someone he doesnt want to marry.

Yes no lady can change a man but he was the one trying to make her gym to become slim so a man cannot change a lady too

No, a lady should not live the rest of her life with him if she doesnt like something about him, divorce is allowed.

Obviously you didnt understand her write up, if not you will get that she left him so that he can continue with all the slim ladies he wants, meaning he was cheating and she was becoming depressed.

So what you're trying to postulate is that she had no idea the man had a penchant for slim ladies? Oh, please.
I have seen it again and again in ladies who tend to believe trapping an irresponsible man with marriage will make him more committed to you.
You don't believe that he only started showing symptoms of cheating and hating her shape after the wedding, do you?
10 weeks is too short a period of time for all the stuff she said to have happened to the extent of her being depressed, thinking of suicide and the rest.
I am almost too sure that he had told her severally before the marriage to watch her weight and stuff.
I am not defending the man, as he is obviously an irresponsible and trashy man who doesn't deserve a woman in his life.
And please, don't try to bring gender bias into the discussion, if you didn't catch my earlier inferences,

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Romance / Re: Chiamaka Obuekwe 'Social Prefect' Dumps Husband, Aniefiok Ntai 10 Weeks After by ibolomo(m): 2:30pm On Apr 29, 2018
Most peeps above didnt bother to read her reasons smh!!! from her write up her husband loves slim ladies, question is why did he marry her if she is not his type? some men have poo as brains honestly.
The better question should be why the lady married the man knowing fully well that he wasn't physically attracted to her!
Many ladies jump into marriage pressured by society because they are becoming "of marriageable age", whatever that means.
To the ladies, you CANNOT, I repeat, you CANNOT change a man, if you don't like something about him before marriage, get ready to live with it for the rest of your life. The man can try to do better because he loves you, but expecting him to change overnight is a complete fallacy.


Phones / Re: 10 Reasons Android Beats The Iphone by ibolomo(m): 4:41pm On Apr 26, 2018
My man, the comparison is between iPhone and Android phones and not ‘some android products’ like you just outlined. Lay your points like a smart fella. iPhones in general, are still better. BTW, I used to be a fan of Samsung android(HATED iPhones then). You need to use one for at least a month or two to get the feel.
Since there is only ONE (ridiculously priced) IOS flagship, would it be right to compare it with just any random tecno phone on the market? nope.
Would it be fair to compare the iPhone 4 to the One Plus 5t?

That's why it's standard practice to always compare flagships with flagships.
You compare the best IOS has to offer and the best Android has to offer and juxtapose. Placing the best of IOS and Android side by side, Android wins! Simple as ABC.

Nice to see you resort to a typical iPhone user's defence mechanism to criticisms about the brand.
"you have to use it to know what's special about it".
We talk fact and stats, not sentiments and biases.
Phones / Re: 10 Reasons Android Beats The Iphone by ibolomo(m): 9:51am On Apr 25, 2018
If you were around me, I would have konked the living daylight out of your skull Silly post. iPhone will forever be better than android in a million ways.
And I hope you can bring facts and stats that support your assertion?
Even gadget review professionals like UnboxTherapy have given android phones an edge in recent times, but one Teddyhoncho in one corner of Nigeria seems to have an opinion.
The fact is, android phones are now better than iPhones, the fact that you are obviously an iPhone fan no matter.
The likes of phones like the Google Pixel 2 XL, Samsung Galaxy S9, Razer phone and the OnePlus 5t will give iPhone X a serious run for it's money, and for almost half the price.
If you want to postulate a different opinion, do so with facts and not wanton rants.

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Celebrities / Re: Tonto Dikeh Slams Tunde Ednut For Saying Nina Should Stop Using An Android Phone by ibolomo(m): 8:37pm On Apr 24, 2018
So she should use that over priced metal shiit called iPhone? I will choose a Samsung flagship over an iPhone even in my next world. IPhone is fvcked up, what is there to enjoy in the phone? Last time I had one I gave it out for free.
Exactly my thoughts.
It's statements like Ednut's that make me realise that some people don't think before type.
Android phones have way better camera than the Best IOS has to offer.
it's always interesting to prove to people that the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (which was released months before) has a better camera than their cherished iPhone X.
And let's not even begin with the S9 and S9+.

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Romance / Re: Girlfriend Beats Her Boyfriend For Impregnating Her Roommate (Video) by ibolomo(m): 7:42pm On Apr 24, 2018


Now u agree with me cheesy
No, I do not. cheesy
I do not support violence in any form, what she did is just as bad as a husband battering his wife!
I know it's a subconscious mindset that females being violent is less in gravity than males being violent, but it's just as bad, if not worse.
Romance / Re: Girlfriend Beats Her Boyfriend For Impregnating Her Roommate (Video) by ibolomo(m): 3:18pm On Apr 24, 2018

Men & women have different views sha...

Any woman in her situation will do the same thing or even worst, not only in Ng ... Also here in Asia.. But ofcurz some women here thought they are in Nollywood , juz acting like give a smile and walk out.. Who does that? undecided Until u feel the pain emotionally & psychologically, i will bet my rugged shoes 99% of women will do the same thing what the lady did.
True sha
Romance / Re: Girlfriend Beats Her Boyfriend For Impregnating Her Roommate (Video) by ibolomo(m): 2:03pm On Apr 24, 2018


When he banged his gf's roommate did he ever think the consequences?

Anyway, u wont understand how it feel until u being cheated by the person u truly love... cool
And what gives you the impression that I haven't been cheated on or heart broken before?
My healing mechanism is to form macho outside, walk away, seclude myself and cry myself to sleep.
That someone did something bad to you doesn't mean you have to inflict bodily harm to the person. Two wrongs don't make a right.
The way she behaved is how many Nigerian ladies (and men) are, that's why many of them had no issues supporting the likes of Cee-C even in the face of her unbecoming attitude.
Romance / Re: Girlfriend Beats Her Boyfriend For Impregnating Her Roommate (Video) by ibolomo(m): 1:04pm On Apr 24, 2018

I already said I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING..be it a female or male..

I bet if ur on the girl's shoes, u will do worst. It's easy for u to say " JUST SMILE & WALK AWAY "... smh
I wasn't berating you about cheating, but about your support for the domestic violence the lady portrayed.
And no, I wouldn't do worse if I was in the girl's shoes, cos my mama raised me better.

And PS, I have never raised my hand on another human being, I'm too concerned the person might die or something and I'll end up in jail.
Romance / Re: Girlfriend Beats Her Boyfriend For Impregnating Her Roommate (Video) by ibolomo(m): 10:42pm On Apr 23, 2018

That's BS by saying they are not engaged or married....So, does it mean she needs to wait til they get married before she can beat his black ass?

Instead of praying for me, pray for ur own soul.U needed that badly when the devil fork ur azz too..


Is it just me or all I see here is double standards?
No human being should be allowed to raise a finger on another human, no matter the provocation.
Imagine if the roles were reversed and it was a guy beating a lady for whatever reason, would you still hold this opinion of yours?
If she really wanted to do damage, she should have just smiled and walked away like nothing happened. The fear alone will kill the guy mentally, but what do I know?
Religion / Re: Pastor Asked Couple For Pregnancy Test Result Before Wedding Them In Church by ibolomo(m): 8:48am On Apr 16, 2018
You said they are married traditionally baa? That means their parents both consented? Brideprice paid and all? Okay.

Who is that Godman asking for pregnancy test? When Jesus attended a Jewish wedding in Cana, who demanded for pregnancy test results that time?
Uncle, the standards in Jesus' time were much stricter and worse than what we have now.
I mean, people who were found to be deflowered before marriage (not pregnancy sef) were stoned to death.
The MOG is not wrong to ask for pregnancy test, if you see the things that pastors have gone through in the hands of intending couples, you would be amazed.
I however don't support the ruling of not joining them if found pregnant, they should be wedded, but should face disciplinary actions. Shikena

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Romance / Re: My Mom Doesn't Want Me To Marry My Fiancee Because She's 5 Years Older Than Me by ibolomo(m): 11:06pm On Apr 11, 2018
My fiance and I have been dating for the past 3years. I attained 24 last week, I wanted to get married to her last year but I just wanted to wait till I attain 24.

The problem I have now is my mom. She is opposing our marriage because my fiancee is 5 years older than me, I'm 24 while she's 29. My dad has already endorsed the marriage, I'd have liked to go on with the marriage but I don't think going into marriage without both parents blessing is sensible that's why I need my mom's blessing and endorsement.

My fiance has good character, she's very kind and intelligent, I can't afford to lose her because of pressures from my mom at least I'm an adult.

I don't know what's happening, my mom endorsed our relationship but she doesn't endorse our marriage just because she's 5years older than me. The thing is, I can't leave this lady ,not now not ever, she have done so many things for me.

in fact she even promised to provide 80% of the things needed for the marriage!. She is rich, yes she is, the house I'm in living in now belongs to her, I moved in with her in 2016.

The truth is I love her and I can't afford to lose her because of my mom's wish. Both her parents and my dad have given us go ahead for marriage but my mom still doesn't want me to marry because of age and my fiance is beautiful.

I don't know what do now ,that's why I think I need advice from you guys,.I don't know if I should go ahead with the marriage without my mom's endorsement/blessings.

please advice
before you make a decision, you have to first collect your thoughts and be sure you're marrying the lady and not her money.
and also be sure that if and when she grows older, you'll not start to cheat on her.
after ascertaining these, you can go ahead and marry the lady in question. You should have a heart to heart talk with your mom though, make her see why it's good for you to marry the lady.

By the way, it's sexually more compatible for most ladies to marry younger guys, when ladies grow slightly older, the average sexual appetite tends to increase, meeting up with the younger guy's sex drive.
all in all, Good luck


European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Real Madrid Vs Juventus: UCL (1 - 3) On 11th April 2018 by ibolomo(m): 10:57pm On Apr 11, 2018

He will never be mentioned in the same breath as the football greats because he is penaldo. Few years from now we will all remember him as the one who usually converts Real Madrids dubious penalties.
but,but Messi has only two fewer penalties in UCL knockout stages na.....
Ronaldo won't be mentioned among the greats? Really bro? that you don't like the guy doesn't mean you should be selectively blind to their achievements.
you're just a sentimental football watcher.

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Real Madrid Vs Juventus: UCL (1 - 3) On 11th April 2018 by ibolomo(m): 10:51pm On Apr 11, 2018

I think Ronaldo should change his name to penaldo
He has only two penalties more than Messi in the UCL knockout stages, wonder what that says about Messi?

Haters are gonna hate.
of PKs were so Easy, Messi would have won Copa America.

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Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze Tackles Pastor Funke Adejuwon For Calling Him A 'Fool, Idiot' by ibolomo(m): 10:06pm On Apr 04, 2018
all these scammers called pastors keep throwing shades at freeze but none of them (even adeboye n oyedepo) could show us a Bible verse that supports tithing. u claim u are a pastor n u follow the doctrines of Jesus Christ by doing things in accordance with the Bible but u can't just bring just one single line. it's obvious they are just deceiving n brainwashing the gullible Christians. all they care about is tithe they don't care about Christians. none of them has talked about it organized a prayer concerning Leah sharibu case simply because it doesn't affect there pocket but at d mention of daddy freeze all Nigerian pastors must attack with insult n not Bible verses.

The first cause for concern for me was the fact that every single 'pastor' that tried to reply freeze did so with insults without addressing the issue at hand.
This goes to show that many of them support tithing without even knowing if the Bible supports it, and if so, the Biblical Exegesis that allows for it.
I in no way support Daddy Freeze as he has shown over and again that he doesn't practice what he preaches and is not better than the people he's trying to pull down. However, he is a necessary evil that will push people to search scriptures for themselves.

The only men I've seen so far that directly addressed the issue of tithing squarely and eloquently without name calling and insults is Matthew Ashimolowo and Pastor Chingtok Ishaku. I may not support some of Ashimolowo's teachings and methods, but he properly addressed the issue at hand.
Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze: To Be Like Dangote, Bill Gates Stop Listening To Oyedepo & Adeboye by ibolomo(m): 6:01pm On Mar 24, 2018

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Celebrities / Re: Simi Slays In Beautiful Outfit, Her Mother Gives Hilarious Reaction by ibolomo(m): 9:53am On Mar 22, 2018
Am I the only one that sees a ring on her ring finger? Is Similar engaged?
Religion / Re: Bishop Oyedepo Preaching Near Devils Shrine In Sango Ota by ibolomo(m): 1:03pm On Mar 21, 2018
I wonder. Think. Africans, think!
please find out about stuff before making such statements. in Yoruba, 'Esu' shrine literally means 'devil's shrine'. so I see nothing wrong with that the OP typed
Celebrities / Re: BBNaija: Simi Is Trending Over Her Outfit To The Eviction Show by ibolomo(m): 11:56pm On Mar 18, 2018
She lacks the beauty look.

She lacks any kind of sex appeal.

She lacks musical sense.

She lacks a good sense of dressing.

She lacks any fan base.

She even lacks a man to call her own.

Good thing God does not discriminate, as she would have lacked God too.

Modified: why my opinion of her dey pain una?I cannot have my own opinion again?if it pain you, please kuku go kee yourself.
bro, you should have insulted anything but her music sense and fan base.
She's one the best vocalists in Nigeria, who dropped an album that debuted on the top 10 Billboards World charts.
come and be going abeg
Celebrities / Re: Simi Dancing "Shaku Shaku" During BBNaija Eviction Show Rehearsal by ibolomo(m): 11:53pm On Mar 18, 2018
when last did she release a hit
you mean apart from her awesome album she dropped late last year? You mean a lady who made the Billboards top 10 international albums? shift abeg
Career / Re: 'Major Dagger' Drilling Students At The Nigerian Army Depot by ibolomo(m): 10:55am On Feb 05, 2018
What baffles me much in this country is, our military & Police were trained like animals & we still expect them to respect us & behave in a civilized manner, after uncivilized training.
guy forget that thing.
It's a matter of the initial or induced mindset they have, not the training.
You should check the US special forces training, 10 times worse than this.
the only thing I object to in the Nigerian army training method is flogging.
Family / Re: Blindfolded Man Identifies His Wife Just By Touching Her Hands (video) by ibolomo(m): 11:34pm On Jan 30, 2018
From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.

All calls are recorded

All phone call recordings saved

WhatsApp is monitored

Twitter is monitored

Facebook is monitored

All social media and forums are monitored

Inform those who do not know.

Your devices are connected to ministry systems.

Take care not to send unnecessary messages

Inform your children, Relatives and friends about this to take care

*_Don't forward any posts or videos etc., you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc._*

Police have put out a notification termed ..Cyber Crime ... and action will be taken...just delete ...

Inform your friends & others too.

Writing or forwarding any msg on any political & religious debate is an offence now....arrest without warrant...

This is very serious, plz let it be known to all our groups and individual members as group admin can b in deep trouble.

Take care not to send unnecessary messages.
Inform everyone about this to take care.

Please share it; it's very much true. Group admins please be careful.

First off, all calls made in Nigeria CANNOT be recorded by the government, even if they wanted to, we don't have such resources in the whole of the country, I mean, Nigeria doesn't even have 1 data centre to store such huge bulk of data.

Secondly, Whatsapp CAN'T be monitored either, cos whatsapp runs on an end-to-end encryption, even if they intercepted 1 message, they wouldn't be able to decode it.
Even if twitter and facebook is monitored, they will most likely not be able to trace you to your home address. I mean, Nigeria doesn't even have a functional individual IP address to track devices.

That your devices are connected to ministry systems is just plain erroneous, they couldn't get such powerful mainframe systems, even if they wanted to.

Also, cyber crime has always been an offence in Nigeria, it's what allows "yahoo boys" to be prosecuted, it's not meant and cannot be used to gag social media.
There is still freedom of expression.

Please, let's verify information before forwarding them, so as to avoid widespread panic.

God bless you!

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Crime / Re: Pastor’s Wife Who Sent Her Nudes On Church’s Whatsapp Page Attempts Suicide by ibolomo(m): 9:30am On Jan 30, 2018
Why is she trying to kill herself? She is the wife of a pastor, they should pray the shame out of their lives. Dumb people. This same woman would probably have spoken against the dangers of hell but decided to tread that path.

Fake people
it's obvious that you hold prejudice against pastors.
please read the news properly before commenting.
she wanted to send it to her HUSBAND!
I'm not saying it was good of her, but it's not exactly bad either!
Crime / Re: Pastor’s Wife Who Sent Her Nudes On Church’s Whatsapp Page Attempts Suicide by ibolomo(m): 9:28am On Jan 30, 2018
Suicide no B Am... The biggie Is That She B Pastor Wife.
and don't was intended for the pastor.
go and read the news again abeg.
she bin wan jazz up she and her husband sex life, shit backfired
Politics / Re: I Saw Nigeria In Flame Yesterday In My Dream. Pray For Nigeria. by ibolomo(m): 12:34am On Jan 23, 2018
I smile at the evil ones when they hatch and devise their plans, cos in the end, God will win!! It has always been that way, it isn't about to change.
when the kings of the earth set themselves, He that sits in Heaven laughs at them.

What we must ensure as Christians is to do whatever is in our power, get a voters' card, vote for who God directs us to and pray.

As per the dream, it was revealed, not to create fear, for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of BOLDNESS, and of a sound mind.

the outcome of 2019 elections will shock everyone, the machinations of men will fail!

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Crime / Re: Udala, UnilagOlodo Rape Accuser, Refuses To Show At Police Station (Photos) by ibolomo(m): 8:39pm On Jan 02, 2018
Jail term for what exactly?
defamation of character.
it's an actual offence in Nigeria. It's why Aunty Kemi Olunloyo is still in jail till now.
I hate ladies that try to make men look like devils, and use rape threats as a bargaining chip to cower guys. From what I gather, the "rape incident" did not occur recently, and I doubt that she immediately reported to a police station, so she basically has no case, any good lawyer will successfully defend the guy.

I hate this girl, not because she is trying to tarnish a guy's image, but because because of her, people will not believe actual rape victims anymore.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester United Vs Newcastle United (4 - 1) On 18th November 2017 by ibolomo(m): 8:30pm On Nov 18, 2017
Watching dis match on bein2, I'm actually enjoying d Arabic commentator more than d match itself.
Are you watching online or using g TSTV?
Celebrities / Re: Grazia Magazine Edits Lupita Nyongo Dark Skin & Hair. She Calls Them Out by ibolomo(m): 1:16am On Nov 11, 2017
Who is she?
Grammy Award winner, supporting role in Award winning movie "12 years a slave", actress in movies such as queen of Katwe and Star wars...

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