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Religion / Re: I Dont Feel God. by JPot: 10:59am On Aug 27, 2009
Dude I feel like God is linked to me in a vortex of life. I used to live life, or whatever I thought was life, in a depressed an lonely state.

I followed vain ambitions, aspirations, and carnal desires thinking that it would fill the black hole inside me. Only God was big enough to fill that black hole. I live knowing that I am in the center of His will, doing what He wants me to. I love Him, I smile, I feel like He is smiling back somehow.

Life is worth living to me. Because He is with me. I can't explain it to you really. Ask Him to enter, and you will experience it to.
Religion / Re: I Dont Feel God. by JPot: 9:27am On Aug 27, 2009
I feel God almost every day of my life man! That means that He most definitely exists! grin
Religion / Re: Tithe: Is It Compulsory For Christians? by JPot: 8:13am On Aug 27, 2009
Jesus commended the old woman who put one mite to the altar. That was the only time Jesus commended any type of monetary offering done to religious leaders.

Tithing was never preached by the apostles, or by Jesus. Jesus said, "Give to Ceaser's that which is Ceaser's and God's what is God's" That means support God's work on earth in whatever way you can, if 1 mite is all you have to offer God accepts it from the heart.

Tithing doesn't determine salvation. Living for God to our fullest extent, however, does.
Religion / Re: Christmas Should be Replaced! by JPot: 8:08am On Aug 27, 2009
Ogaga4, ,

If God is so guilty for all evil in this world, then who told Eve to eat the damned tree? Hmm? God? Heck no! Satan. Satan is the source of PRIDE, SELF-LYING, REBELLION, and OTHER-LYING.

God killed sinful people who followed Satan, and I am sure that one day, if you don't repent, He'll deal with you too.

There is nothing wrong with fearing God. Fearing Satan is the scariest, awkwardest, evilest thing in the created universe. Hail God! Forever, Hallelujah!
Religion / Re: The Morality Of Murder by JPot: 7:56am On Aug 27, 2009

Remove Luv from your name, Satanist.

Lifting up a knife against an influential Christian is just as good as saying "Yo I can't handle the spiritual pressure here, I'm so weak, I don't have enough Satan in me, so I'm going to chicken out of it and try to kill you instead"
Religion / Re: Who Is Jesus Christ? by JPot: 7:34am On Aug 27, 2009
Ephesians 4:4-6 “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.”

One Spirit - The Holy Spirit
One Lord - Lord Jesus Christ
One God - The Father

Does this suffice, Abuzola?
Religion / Re: How Can Satan Carry God by JPot: 7:26am On Aug 27, 2009
Jesus didn't die! Doh!

His flesh died, but His spirit didn't. After paying ransom on earth for our sins, Jesus didn't waste any time and went into Hell to resurrect and save as many good, conscientious, willing human spirits as possible. Then on the third day after his "physical" death Jesus returned in a new flesh which could even walk through doors. Jesus spent some time calming and instructing His disciples, then returned to Heaven where He stays even till now begging God to have mercy on us sinners.
Religion / Re: Why Evolution Is True by JPot: 7:20am On Aug 27, 2009
Oh my, huxley you just made me hickup!

Now let me post a link to some random creationist's blog, or better yet Youtube, and see how many converts I'll make. cheesy


As for the blog entry: God never said that we were the only living, free-willed, special organisms in the universe.

"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." Rev 1:25

God's hobby is making new things. Another thing He likes to do is humble proud people, who think highly of themselves. Space and mankind was the perfect combination to letting God do just that.
Religion / Re: Did God Create Hell? by JPot: 7:00am On Aug 27, 2009

I too, am starting to focus in into your problem.

You hold to the sovereign God theory, which claims that God is one with His creation as creation was made from Him. Your understanding is that God is inseparable from creation due to the fact that He created matter from Himself - from the matter within Him. Your continuous reference to atoms, electrons, and quarks leads me to believe that you think every atom in this tiny universe is under His guidance and control, and holds the essence of God's energy.

Here is what I believe: God is not energy or matter, rather He is a spirit that abides in a spiritual dimension. If God was a part of creation He would be subject to finite life, finite cycles, finite beauty, perishing organisms, perishing planets, perishing stars, etc. That does not go under my definition of Eternal, Infinite, and All-Mighty God, so I believe that God IS NOT part of His creation. If He was inside creation, creation would resemble perfection as He is perfect.

Jews and Christians alike believe that on the first day God created space and matter. We read that God hovered over the water (matter). We do not read in the first book, first paragraphs that God was IN the water. Later we read that God made light (energy). Why would God make energy, if He already is "spiritual energy"? Is this some new type of energy, that didn't already exist within Himself? This photon energy that we call light was created By God, not Of God. If it were, than the Torah would have had that clearly written out.

Your human logic, is your own trap. Your belief is that everything needs a cause, and each cause inherits the previous cause. God did not need a cause. He was the cause. And from His cause sprung the universe, a completely different and individual cause. God being All-Powerful can do things like that. His creation is individual, sovereign in its own behalf, and makes decisions based on free will.

There are times at which God intervenes (intersects) the universe as He cannot bear to see where mankind is headed. Nonetheless God is still separate in 7th heaven, far away from all the troubles of the earth.

Another claim you made was that God has no definition for evil. I object to this claim as well since God intervened on earth through Moses and He made it clear that there is a code of conduct that man should follow. God made it clear that eating from the fruit of evil knowledge was WRONG. God continually sent prophets to judge people for their wickedness. God does have a definition for Good and Evil. And God has revealed Himself to us as being completely Good and Holy.

A quick question before this debate heats up to erroneous levels, are you Jewish? Your reference to God as G-d leads me to believe so. And if you are Jewish, what interpretation of Jewish scriptures do you support?
Religion / Re: I Think The Bible Is Just Weird by JPot: 10:38pm On Aug 25, 2009
At first I thought it was a huge conspiracy to deceive people, then I screamed at the obscenities in the book. Right now I think its just plain weird, what do you think?

The weirdest and most life changing book I've ever come across - for certain. Obscenities in the Bible are there to show us what NOT to do. It's not promoting human obscenity.

As for me I think that it truly is weird how much historical and archeological finds correspond to the Bible. Its weird how many people change their derogatory life-styles and follow Christ every year. It's weird how Christians form one of the biggest humanitarian aid society around the world, without asking for any profit. It's weird how many truths and interesting things I find in the Bible. It's almost as though it wasn't written by people at all.

That's why I love the Bible so much. It's juicy, it's truthful, it's deep.
Religion / Re: The Morality Of Murder by JPot: 10:26pm On Aug 25, 2009
My opinion is that murder is a last resort in any pressing circumstance.

When defending yourself (& family) it is better to cripple the enemy than kill him. Killing is a tool of Satan. That's my opinion.

I think that even atheists will agree with me on this.

Muslims, Wait, what are they even doing in this forum? shocked
Religion / Re: Who Is Jesus Christ? by JPot: 10:14pm On Aug 25, 2009
Abuzola, are you ignoring my posts on purpose in your own dwindling spiral of delusion?

Reread my post:

Jesus. He didn't preach the Trinity to the public, but he taught it to his disciples, then they taught it to us in the many books of the Bible. The Trinity is seen throughout all scripture, starting from creation, to revelation.

There are even some truths that Jesus spoke as parables so that people with closed hearts (non-believers) would not understand, and thus have less condemnation for the day of judgment. Likewise the Holy Spirit doesn't stop knocking into people's hearts because he runs out of patience. But because he loves you. He knows that you won't repent anyways, and stops building up accusation against you for the day of judgment, by stopping.

Jesus continually said that he is from the Father, and the same as the Father. On the day of baptism the gospel writers write that the Holy Spirit went down on Jesus in the form of a dove. The Holy Spirit was sent on the prophets, and kings in the Old Testament and inspired them to write things that only God could say.

Genesis 1:1 - Elohim is the Jewish word used instead of God. Elohim is PLURAL!
Genesis 1:26 - Who was God talking about when He said "WE"?
Isaiah 6:8 - Who is the "WE" and who said "send me"?
Matthew 28:19 - Why did Jesus want people to be baptised by all THREE?
1 Corinthians 13:14 - Popular ending to apostle's letters
Colossians 2:9 - Jesus has all Diety in Him. HE IS GOD, Elohim.
1 Corinthians 3:16 - So GOD LIVES IN US with His HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit = God


The Bible did. The Bible is Gods word.

So what is your problem? Why are you so stubborn? Is the Bible not enough for you? Maybe I should go to the Muslim forum, and bring up an irrelevant question like yours about Muslim faith and keep on rubbing it in your hides just because Mohamed never said it specifically. Would you like me to do that?

No, so treat us the same way. If you keep this up I'll have reason to report you and your arrogance to the moderators of this forum.
Religion / Re: Did God Create Hell? by JPot: 10:04pm On Aug 25, 2009
Assuming that God is powerless to prevent hell from becoming a place of torment for human beings, he must at least have known what would happen before it happened. If so, then he shouldn't have created hell or Satan.

Yeah and in that case He shouldn't have made us either because in all life there is liberty and pursuit of happiness. Some people pursue happiness with evil intentions, others with good intentions.

God knew what would happen. He even knew that He would have to die a painful, bloody death on a cross for mankind. He knew it all, and didn't with-strain Himself from creating life.

God brings all things to good. He allows pain, to test the faithfulness of His children and eventually let us feel the fullness of His heavenly embrace.
Religion / Re: Jesus Endorses Making The Rich Richer And The Poor Poorer by JPot: 9:42pm On Aug 25, 2009
Mr. Huxley you are entering the lava grounds of Christianity!

Feel the thrill? I do! I love it.  smiley

Your question was:
This suggests that SOMEONE is deliberately taking something (whatever that may be) from someone who ONLY has a little.   Who is doing the taking away?  Where is the cut-off level below which you will have things taken away from you, and above which you have things added to you?

Imagine, you first become a christian.  You would be somewhere below that cut-off point.  How long would Jesus (or whoever) wait before he begins to take things away from you?  In fact, why would Jesus even have to wait?  Does he not already know how you are going to turn out, given his omniscience?

Let's put it this way, God gives salvation to all, and takes it away from those who could care less about Him. The cut-off point is when a person stops caring, or even feeling guilty about his/her actions. When a person could care less about God's Word, doesn't feel condemned by it, and would even mock the Word - You can rightfully say that this is the cut-off point. Anywhere before this point, the Holy Spirit is still working in the person, and the person is on His way to salvation.

For example: A person was given some little advice, a little sermon, or some passage of Scripture and didn't react in a positive way AT ALL, even after the continuation of his entire lifespan, he is still unaffected by those words. So he loses that little bit of truth that he had, DUE TO HIS OWN IGNORANCE AND VANITY. God takes away the possibility of salvation, DUE TO HIS OWN IGNORANCE AND VANITY.

Now about predetermination,  This is a question that is commonly asked by atheists/skeptics and I was literally waiting for it to come out of your funnel.

Does God make actions now, based on what He knows will happen later? Well let's look at some examples:

[li]He saw Judas Iscariot as a willing disciple who would follow Him faithfully NOW. Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him LATER. What did Jesus do?[/li]
[li]He saw the 10 lepers on the road begging for help, ready to kiss His feet if it meant that they would be healed NOW. Jesus knew that only one of them would return and thank Him LATER. What did Jesus do?[/li]
[li]God chose Abraham to be the lineage for His nation NOW. God saw what Abraham's children would do in the wilderness, and how they would continually forsake Him LATER. What did God do?[/li]
[li]Lets get more specific,  God made man NOW. God knew that man would reject Him, and He would have to send His only son to die on a stick to save man LATER. What did God do?[/li]

So your answer is, yes God knows the results of this great chess game. But He doesn't make the choices for you, or change anything in the present just to make the future right. This is His standard of righteousness. Its His way of remaining blameless for our actions.

Get it?
Religion / Re: Did God Create Hell? by JPot: 9:15pm On Aug 25, 2009
So what your saying is that God is the author of every single evil action on earth, as He is the originator of all? God is within everything even the screen on your desk, just because He made it. Is that what you are trying to say? If so, your conception of God is skewed.

The way I understand it God IS NOT His creation. The Bible explicitly tells us to worship God, not His creation, meaning there is a difference.

I believe that God is the originator of all, but is not associated with anything that contradicts His nature (i.e. Lucifer). Omnipresence is a belief meaning that something completely subsides in known/created space. God is OUTSIDE of space, in His own dimension where there is no context for evil. This is a spiritual dimension (not locational dimension) which supersedes our dimension.

God is NOT the universe, He is the creator of the universe. He is the creator of Hell, but doesn't subside in Hell. He is fully capable of being present in every place in this created universe at once, even Hell, and being a spirit He wouldn't feel the pain of Hell as it was created for evil. He isn't evil, so how can He feel the wrath of Hell?

God cannot be undermined by His creations. God can't be put into a box, in which He is somehow belittled. He supersedes it all, and has a plan for it all.
Religion / Re: Satanism by JPot: 12:27pm On Aug 25, 2009
I pray for the likes of you daily. cry
Religion / Re: Why Do Christians Celebrate Birthdays? by JPot: 12:25pm On Aug 25, 2009
Christianity isn't a religion! cheesy

I feel so free! cheesy

It doesn't bind me! smiley

It sets me free! kiss

Christ is my life, not my religion! grin

Christianity is a lifestyle! What we do to prove we love Christ. smiley
Religion / Re: Jesus Endorses Making The Rich Richer And The Poor Poorer by JPot: 12:17pm On Aug 25, 2009
Are you saying it is wrong for the Holy Spirit to leave an inactive individual? It is His choice, is it not?

When a lamp runs out of fuel it burns out. If you have no drive for Christ, He has no drive for you, except that you should repent and start again.
Religion / Re: Pre-Marital Sex Is Not Fornication by JPot: 12:13pm On Aug 25, 2009
Abozula Jesus and the Church unite in spirit, not in sexual contact.

Abozula, Jesus said "Send me" in Isaiah 6:8-10. He did want to go, but when the cup was coming and Jesus saw how hard it was going to be he asked God to pass it by if possible. But it didn't pass by because JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED. The hour had come.

As for pre-marital sex:

"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." (Hebrews 13:4)

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." (Revelation 21:cool
Religion / Re: Is It Right To Criticise Men Of God by JPot: 11:59am On Aug 25, 2009
The question was "Is it Right to Criticise Men Of God"

Problem is many pastors are Men Of Satan living like Pharisees belittling everyone else, while living a lucrative worldly lifestyle.
Religion / Re: Jesus Endorses Making The Rich Richer And The Poor Poorer by JPot: 11:52am On Aug 25, 2009
In context:

Jesus starts a parable about sowing seeds (gospel of God)
He says seeds fall on different soil (different personalities/circumstances)
He says some seeds grow, others are stolen (by infamous Satan via doubt)
He says that some weeds grow up (things that separate us from God's will)
He says that in the end the sower reaps the harvest (God takes up the saved ones)

Jesus was saying that we should be aware of Satan's presence in our lives, and be diligent not to loose our life in Christ with the Holy Spirit. He says that the cares of the world (thorns/weeds) should not blot out our Christianity. He says that those who grow in Spirit and Truth will be given more life, but those who don't will wither away.

Make sense?
Religion / Re: Jesus Endorses Making The Rich Richer And The Poor Poorer by JPot: 11:36am On Aug 25, 2009
Do you ever read MacArthur, or a study Bible?
Religion / Re: Jesus Endorses Making The Rich Richer And The Poor Poorer by JPot: 11:26am On Aug 25, 2009

Second context HOLY SPIRIT, hold on tight to it.

Huxley you remind me of that one guy who thought that the snake in Genesis never had legs. That guy wrote up 100 or so of these unfounded alleged parodies just like yours on SkepticsBible.com

You guys make me laugh. Lol cheesy
Religion / Re: Who Is Jesus Christ? by JPot: 11:22am On Aug 25, 2009
Genesis 1:1 - Elohim is the Jewish word used instead of God. Elohim is PLURAL!
Genesis 1:26 - Who was God talking about when He said "WE"?
Isaiah 6:8 - Who is the "WE" and who said "send me"?
Matthew 28:19 - Why did Jesus want people to be baptised by all THREE?
1 Corinthians 13:14 - Popular ending to apostle's letters
Colossians 2:9 - Jesus has all Diety in Him. HE IS GOD, Elohim.
1 Corinthians 3:16 - So GOD LIVES IN US with His HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit = God

Need I post any more?
Religion / Re: Who Is Jesus Christ? by JPot: 11:09am On Aug 25, 2009

In the Qua ran' did Mohamed reveal every single truth about Muslim-ism in black and white that any lay person who walked up would understand it right away? DID HE?

Did Mohamed say "Here is proof for Allah's existence" "Here is who he is, he's an angel" "Here is why it is ok to kill people" etc? I don't think so. You have to dig, dig deep. Then you find out what Mohamed meant to say, by reading in between the lines.

Same thing with Jesus. He didn't preach the Trinity to the public, but he taught it to his disciples, then they taught it to us in the many books of the Bible. The Trinity is seen throughout all scripture, starting from creation, to revelation.

There are even some truths that Jesus spoke as parables so that people with closed hearts (non-believers) would not understand, and thus have less condemnation for the day of judgment. Likewise the Holy Spirit doesn't stop knocking into people's hearts because he runs out of patience. But because he loves you. He knows that you won't repent anyways, and stops building up accusation against you for the day of judgment, by stopping.

Jesus continually said that he is from the Father, and the same as the Father. On the day of baptism the gospel writers write that the Holy Spirit went down on Jesus in the form of a dove. The Holy Spirit was sent on the prophets, and kings in the Old Testament and inspired them to write things that only God could say.

Does all of this suffice, or do you want me to get precise verses from scripture to condemn you even more? Look at chi-babies post 1 John 5:7
Religion / Re: How Can Satan Carry God by JPot: 10:54am On Aug 25, 2009
You are hatefully trying to put me into a corner with that question.

But yes, I boldly declare that God is nothing without Jesus.

Are you Abuzola without a head? Or is 1/3 of your body enough to get you through the day?

Jesus is nothing without God. They are one, in a unique way.

But when Jesus was crucified on earth we read that God turned away from Jesus (no longer dependent on Jesus) as he soaked up all the sins into himself. Then he died, neutralizing all sins. Then God (who was also Jesus) rose Christ from the dead (now they are one again) in a new and undefiled flesh, that we may also one day rise from this earth in new flesh and enter heaven.

I literally chewed up the meat right there. It should be quite understandable now.
Religion / Re: Jesus Was Hung In A Tree - Not A Cross! by JPot: 10:43am On Aug 25, 2009
Someone posted that worshiping a cross (derived from Egypt) is idolatry,

I just wanted to point out that no modern day Christian worships a cross, or Mary, etc. We worship Jesus.

Ever heard the expression: It's the thought that counts.

Everyone has heard about your disgust for pagan icons that have sifted into modern-day Churches. But that doesn't mean that we serve Satan because we have some ancient resemblances of Ankh on our Church steeples. And it doesn't mean that we should PASTE all of this hate towards Catholicism in our brochures. People aren't interested in it. They are interested in Christ our Savior.
Religion / Re: Jesus Was Hung In A Tree - Not A Cross! by JPot: 10:24am On Aug 25, 2009
"Jesus Was Hung In A Tree - Not A Cross!"

Okay, Does that change the meaning of the gospel? Does it stand in the way of salvation. Do all of this detail-derailing time-consuming OH Easter is pagan. OH christmas wasn't celebrated in Decemeber, Ho Ho Hoax. OH Catholics are the anti-christ. Etc Does it in any way bring people to Christ, or does it make you look like fools in a nutshell rebelling against common beliefs?

What kind of message are you sending? What are you portraying as your first-impression to potential converts?
Religion / Re: Why Do Christians Celebrate Birthdays? by JPot: 10:13am On Aug 25, 2009
Incase you're wondering it's 2:00am over here. A time when you make mistakes and get very irritable. Sry about that. wink

No harsh feelings, right?
Religion / Re: Jesus Loves You by JPot: 10:06am On Aug 25, 2009
Have you ever gazed up on the cross
To see him crying?
Have you ever seen his kind eyes,
which were loving and true?
Have you ever put your hands
to his bruises, and said "Thank You".
Have you ever felt love,
when love was needed most.
Are you lost in the deserts, forests, and scrapers?
Are you longing for rest, and a
rock on which to stand?
Then look at Christ. Into his eyes.
Open wide.
He's dying for you.
Religion / Re: Why Do Christians Celebrate Birthdays? by JPot: 9:58am On Aug 25, 2009
As astrologers, they were servants of false gods and were, wittingly or unwittingly, led by what appeared to them as a moving “star.” They alerted Herod to the fact that the “king of the Jews” had been born, and Herod, in turn, sought to have Jesus killed. The plot, however, failed. GOD intervened and proved superior to the demon gods of the astrologers, so instead of returning to Herod, the astrologers headed home another way after being given “divine warning in a dream.”—Mt 2:2, 12.

And as pagan God forsaken astrologers they were smart enough to give gifts to Jesus that corresponded to his eventual death on the cross. They were so pagan and God forsaken that God intervened and spoke to them in a dream. They were so God damned evil that they worshiped the only Son Jesus Christ.

Satan and his henchmen don't worship Christ. No questions asked.

And yea, I knew that there weren't three of them and that they came a year late. The point is that there is nothing wrong with giving presents, or celebrating. Jesus celebrated all the time, and utilized those opportunities to preach to laymen.
Religion / Re: How Can Satan Carry God by JPot: 9:51am On Aug 25, 2009
Nope. They do all things together.

Elohim is hard to visualize, but it is what we believe.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
15 John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.’”
16 And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

God was the Word. God begott (gave birth to) ONE AND ONLY SON. The Son (who was the Word) incarnated into flesh and dwelt among us.

Then upon baptism the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, God the Father speaking from heaven, and Jesus Christ in the flesh communed (were) together, just like they are now linked together in ways unknown to us.

For those who do not know the light, they are in darkness, and do not understand these truths that are so simple and intuitive to us. I pray that God may enlighten you in this subject, and remove the vial of confusion that separates Him from you. He really loves you.

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