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Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says - Family (8) - Nairaland

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Feminist Allegedly Loses Husband To Her Non Feminist Friend / "I Did Not Come To Buy Human Being" - Groom Ran After Seeing Marriage List!! / Women Did Come From Men's Rib ( My Answer To The Feminst Woman) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by popcykaylah(m): 3:24am On Aug 30, 2018
See her head like kote fish
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by AlPeter: 4:37am On Aug 30, 2018
cococandy what's there to counter? Some questions/ arguments are just too stupid to even bother trying to answer?
is it her belief that God still is removing ribs from men to create women you want me to argue? or maybe it's the one that the first homo- sapiens was a woman? no? better, I am sure you would rather I try to argue her poorly veiled proposition that man are inferior to woman? The last is shows her hypocrisy and the real reason for her belief and that's why many here responded the way they did.
Elder001 to practice this your atheism well you need a lot more information than you obviously have in other to stop making yourself out as an ignorant clown. Who jumps on any wagon that seems 'cool'.
cc oldbeer hakeem12
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by elgramz: 4:45am On Aug 30, 2018
Feminism is a devilish philosophy, I keep saying it, it's just another tool of the devil to deceive people and turn them into enemies of God and Christianity
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by cococandy(f): 4:50am On Aug 30, 2018
there is nothing to counter because she is ugly. her ugliness is all the reason she is bitter. beautiful women are never feminists coz men love them and they love God.
if a crazy person opposes the Bible we just laugh. we cant waste time convincing her coz her problem is with God not us

I’m beautiful.
I’m a Feminist
God loves me.
I love God too because I know he’s or she is not the sexist bully you and your ilk paint to try and manipulate other people into doing what favors you.

I love myself. I love my fellow women dearly.
We will call bullshiit when we see it.

Anything you have to say contrary to what I’ve just said is your opinion. Doesn’t make it true

6 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by MISEDUCATIONS: 5:07am On Aug 30, 2018

I’m beautiful.
I’m a Feminist
God loves me.
I love God too because I know he’s or she is not the sexist bully you and your ilk paint to try and manipulate other people into doing what favors you.

I love myself. I love my fellow women dearly.
We will call bullshiit when we see it.

Anything you have to say contrary to what I’ve just said is your opinion. Doesn’t make it true
post your picture and we check if you're really beautiful.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by MISEDUCATIONS: 5:14am On Aug 30, 2018
You're clearly lost.
by all means bring me home to your point. coz you cant be praising Independent Single Ladies meanwhile claiming to be in a happy relationship. thats like claiming Africa is cool meanwhile you're a refugee in Europe. doesnt make sense.


Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by theophorus(m): 5:32am On Aug 30, 2018

Few questions;
1. Can we all be Leaders?
2. Can any Automobile/Aircraft have two Controllers at a time?
3. Men came from the Vagina of Women agreed but Who Impregnated the 'Women'?
4. The Bible is just another Story book agreed but How come most of the Prophecy in It are being Fulfilled?
5. Every organization has a Leader. So who should be the Leader in the Family?
6. Can we organise a Mixed Football World cup?




Listen, the Devils know if He is able to Destroy the Family.... 'fix the dotted lines'.


Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by cococandy(f): 5:44am On Aug 30, 2018
post your picture and we check if you're really beautiful.
I don’t have anything to prove to you. If I post it, anything you say makes no difference to how I see myself. And that should be every woman’s power. That’s your opinion doesn’t matter. End of!

1 Like

Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Skmoda360(m): 6:54am On Aug 30, 2018
She is fucking mad......psychopath.....!
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by bukatyne(f): 7:08am On Aug 30, 2018

When you don't have a relationship with God, you don't know his son Jesus and you read the bible carnally i.e without spiritual interpretation by the holy spirit then you are bound to misunderstand Christianity. God loves all. Men or Women.

God is not a Sexist! He is a God of order. He made Men and Women, and shared responsibilities for them according to their strengths. That you fall into the less logical, physically strong, and emotionally balanced sex isn't anyone's fault. Not even God's . Who are you o clay pot to question the works of your potter?

You are lost !


You and the OP are saying dame thing, just having different decisions.

She decided that Christianity does not pay her; you decided that it does because you seemingly have all the better qualities.... So what is the fuse about?

And if she shouldn't blame God, who should she blame? Biology? Her parents? Herself?

And if I didn't live on Earth, I might have believed you grin
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Nobody: 7:14am On Aug 30, 2018
My man once shared her post with me on WhatsApp, he got so irritated with her Facebook posts that he had to share it with me, well I have nothing to say, I told him it is expected of feminists, they don't disappoint in making obvious their stupidity.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by bukatyne(f): 7:16am On Aug 30, 2018

listen to this thing! Busy openning its smelly mouth vomiting sewage! i just pity an empty head.

Wait o!

With your ideology about men/women relationship, you believe in the Bible?

Or you have your own special Christianity undecided

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by bukatyne(f): 7:24am On Aug 30, 2018
No one tried to counter her points with reasonable argument. Instead they all jumped on her looks. Simply because they had nothing sensible to say to prove her wrong. Bunch of poor minded folks.

And this is exactly why feminism is very very vital to civilization. When people think a woman’s value should be based on how men see her appearance. So because y’all don’t think she’s beautiful, whatever she has to say makes no sense?

Well I’m probably talking to the wall. Can’t expect simple minded plebs to try and reason a conversation out of this.

@1st paragraph:

I honestly wonder.

Girl said if anyone could prove her wrong, she will become a Christian again.

Peeps against her would mean they are Christians. However, their uncouth posts and views in other areas leaves very little to be desired.

In words of Ghandi: I don't like you Christians but I like your Christ. (I might be paraphrasing here).

It is well o.

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by fof1: 7:35am On Aug 30, 2018

As shared by a Nigerian feminist named Nkechi Bianze...


Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by bukatyne(f): 7:37am On Aug 30, 2018
It bothers me when people use the Bible as a defense for their stupidity. The Bible did not preach equality or inequality. What the Bible preaches is love- man/ woman, humanity. The Bible called the woman a “helper” in Genesis- and the man had no helper and was lonely, and God made a woman from the ribs of a man. There was no where the Bible said the man is superior to a woman. God gave them the first commandment and that’s to be fruitful and multiply. What this means is the woman is a helper for the fruitfulness of a man. It is obvious why many marriages are failing and it’s clear it’s ignorance. Women who have the right mentality and understanding are enjoying their homes. If you don’t understand what feminism is, it’s better you shit up so you don’t sound stupid like the above lady.

Funny how you say women who have the right mentality would enjoy their homes. Not people of the right mentality ie including men.

@1st paragraph, men have used the Bible to support inequality forever.... In fact, it is their inequality handbook. Start with submission, women should not talk in churches and throw in the Old Testament. You have a perfect recipe.

You see the reason for my paragraph right?

1 Like

Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by shounited74: 7:41am On Aug 30, 2018
She dey take style look for husband but she don miss road, who go even say hi too this fat poo.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by bukatyne(f): 7:55am On Aug 30, 2018
My man once shared her post with me on WhatsApp, he got so irritated with her Facebook posts that he had to share it with me, well I have nothing to say, I told him it is expected of feminists, they don't disappoint in making obvious their stupidity.

Not surprised.

I am sure there must have been some talking points in the post or reasons you believe she is not correct.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Nobody: 7:58am On Aug 30, 2018

Not surprised.

I am sure there must have been some talking points in the post or reasons you believe she is not correct.
Her Facebook posts reek of stupidity. Go check her up on Nkechi Bianze and see for yourself.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Nobody: 7:59am On Aug 30, 2018

As shared by a Nigerian feminist named Nkechi Bianze...


The Bible only call the Man the head and never said Woman is inferior. God did not took a bone from the leg of a Man to create the woman so that she will be under him neirher did he took a bone from his head so that she will be above him, but he took a bone out of his rib to form a woman so she can be part of him to support him, God called her a helper.
The Bible never made women to be inferior to Man, but for Men to head the home/family. As we all know that every organization function well with leadership.
So being under the leadership of someone does n't make you inferior, that a man is the head of the home does n't make a woman inferior to the Man.
Here is what the Bible say:

Ephesians 5:21-25 KJV
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. [22] Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. [24] Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. [25] Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Now i believe love comes first, when the husband loves the wife, i'm sure the respect and submision he will get them.
Cc: pocohantas

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Cyoung4real(m): 8:08am On Aug 30, 2018
thats like saying people were not created by God but came from women' vaginas. on another note; Why are Nigerian feminists so UGLY. the average nigerian woman is not pretty as it is. it becomes worse when the woman is a feminist.


bruh believe me, none of them be feminist. na those people wey chair no reach dey sidan for ground.

if you know you know
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Nobody: 8:10am On Aug 30, 2018

Funny how you say women who have the right mentality would enjoy their homes. Not people of the right mentality ie including men.

@1st paragraph, men have used the Bible to support inequality forever.... In fact, it is their inequality handbook. Start with submission, women should not talk in churches and throw in the Old Testament. You have a perfect recipe.

You see the reason for my paragraph right?
yea I used women as it is a woman who made the above claim. Submission does not equal inequality and I wonder what men who say women should not talk in churches do when their pastor’s wife talk. Like I said, it’s a deformed mind that sees a being as lesser in a relationship. People should stop using bible as a defense for their silly ness.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by anigold(m): 8:10am On Aug 30, 2018

As shared by a Nigerian feminist named Nkechi Bianze...


everyone wants his or her 1 second of fame... grin
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Blacknight28: 8:11am On Aug 30, 2018
I marvel at the level of stupidity some people sink just to prove an unexistence and baseless point. I would have loved to engage u in an educative session, but I won't coz I like it when some people decide to be stupid.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by anigold(m): 8:11am On Aug 30, 2018

just shut up.undecided
post your sisters pictures from zimbo, lets know how they are?undecided
can I see your pictures...
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by MISEDUCATIONS: 8:13am On Aug 30, 2018
I don’t have anything to prove to you. If I post it, anything you say makes no difference to how I see myself. And that should be every woman’s power. That’s your opinion doesn’t matter. End of!
just post the picture and shut up


Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by OldBeer: 8:14am On Aug 30, 2018
cococandy what's there to counter? Some questions/ arguments are just too stupid to even bother trying to answer?
is it her belief that God still is removing ribs from men to create women you want me to argue? or maybe it's the one that the first homo- sapiens was a woman? no? better, I am sure you would rather I try to argue her poorly veiled proposition that man are inferior to woman? The last is shows her hypocrisy and the real reason for her belief and that's why many here responded the way they did.
Elder001 to practice this your atheism well you need a lot more information than you obviously have in other to stop making yourself out as an ignorant clown. Who jumps on any wagon that seems 'cool'.
cc hakeem12
I don't know why you have to mention me.
I don't remember ever seeing your moniker or quoting it.
Whatever you have to say I am not interested. Keep that in mind in case of next time.
Good morning

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by mechanics(m): 8:18am On Aug 30, 2018
That's her opinion.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by OldBeer: 8:24am On Aug 30, 2018
My man once shared her post with me on WhatsApp, he got so irritated with her Facebook posts that he had to share it with me, well I have nothing to say, I told him it is expected of feminists, they don't disappoint in making obvious their stupidity.
This one done get man so she can mouth off.
No original thought.
Just remain to marry so your life goal on earth can be achieved.
Feminists are stupeed.
Yet you cannot clean the dust from Chimamanda Adichie's feet.
Wife material first class.
Clap for yasef

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Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Nobody: 8:28am On Aug 30, 2018
This one done get man so she can mouth off.
No original thought.
Just remain to marry so your life goal on earth can be achieved.
Feminists are stupeed.
Yet you cannot clean the dust from Chimamanda Adichie's feet.
Wife material first class.
Clap for yasef
Chimamanda is married so getting married is not an issh, I dunno why you sound so pained, we all can't be feminist, the earlier you understand that, the better for you.
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by pocohantas(f): 8:34am On Aug 30, 2018

The Bible only call the Man the head and never said Woman is inferior. God did not a bone from the leg of aMan to create the woman so that she will be under him neirher did he took a bone from his head so that she will above him, but he took a bone out of his rib to form a woman so she can be part of him to support him, God called her a helper.
The Bible never made women to be inferior to Man, but Men the head the home/family. As we all know that every organization function well with leadership.
So being under the leadership of someone does n't make you inferior, that a man is the head of the home does n't make a woman inferior to the Man.
Here is what the Bible say:

Ephesians 5:21-25 KJV
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. [22] Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. [24] Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. [25] Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Now i believe love comes first, when the husband loves the wife, i'm sure the respect and submision he will get them.
Cc: poco hantas
Coc ocandy.

I don't know why you are mentioning me.
This should be for your fellow men... undecided

1 Like

Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Kinggnicole(f): 8:35am On Aug 30, 2018
yea I used women as it is a woman who made the above claim. Submission does not equal inequality and I wonder what men who say women should not talk in churches do when their pastor’s wife talk. Like I said, it’s a deformed mind that sees a being as lesser in a relationship. People should stop using bible as a defense for their silly ness.

Submission means submitting your will to another person. Wtf are you even saying?
Re: Women Did Not Come From Men's Ribs - Nigerian Feminist Says by Kinggnicole(f): 8:37am On Aug 30, 2018
Chimamanda is married so getting married is not an issh, I dunno why you sound so pained, we all can't be feminist, the earlier you understand that, the better for you.

That's no reason you should refer to feminists as stupid. If we go by logic, it should be the other way round.
If I may ask, what makes her post stupid?


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