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Investment / Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Sleemzy3(f): 1:31pm On Nov 28, 2019

It is either the duration given to you is not up to 90 days, the rate given was not up to 7% or the whole of your 5.5 mil was not invested. Whatever it is you can make out time to contact them and collect your certificate/proof of investment to see if the contract was actually according to your agreed terms.
Thank you. I'll go there tomorrow. Can I cancel if the rate is very low?
Investment / Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by Sleemzy3(f): 12:26pm On Nov 28, 2019
Hi guys. I bought treasury bills from zenith's secondary market and was told the interest is about 7-8% as of last week. They deducted my money now and I got a ridiculously low interest of 44k on 5,500,000. The duration I filled was 90 days. Even the last one I did in May, I got 251k on 4.2m at 12% interest. Can I cancel it?

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Politics / Re: Uba Sani: Nigeria Should Start Printing Other Nation's Currencies And Passports by Sleemzy3(f): 6:54am On Nov 05, 2019

Can we know the names of the debtors please?!
copyright thief, what's your own in knowing the names of the debtors. If you know their names what will you do?

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Politics / Re: ASARI DOKUBO: Take What Belongs To Me & Rule Me? No! (Must-See) by Sleemzy3(f): 7:35pm On Mar 24, 2015
Asari, try rubbish from May 29,and you ll go back to the dungeon you left some years ago..

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Politics / Re: Mama Peace At It Again: Dancing Dorobucci In Ondo State Amid Massive Crowd by Sleemzy3(f): 7:28pm On Mar 24, 2015
He that finds a wife finds a good thing..

Despite her grammatical blunders, you can't take away her ruthless campaign for her husband..

Even if everyone thinks GEJ is clueless, she doesn't give a hoot..

For me, this is the definition of a wife!

No president's wife has ever campaigned like this in Nigeria. If GEJ wins, she definitely deserves a pat at the back for a job well done.
Don't be deceived. She's only doing all those to extend her stay in Aso rock... Do you know all she stands to lose if she leaves now? If you don't know ask Obj

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Politics / Re: BREAKING NEWS-- 10 Adamawa APC Exco Members Defect To PDP by Sleemzy3(f): 7:19pm On Mar 24, 2015
Even if Tinubu decides to decamp to PDP, I ll still vote GMB come Saturday


Politics / Re: Court Orders NCC, Telecom Firms To Pay APC N500m by Sleemzy3(f): 7:17pm On Mar 24, 2015
Don't forget to join the transformation train # I'm for GEJ. So join the PDP group Channel(C0033AAD7) so u can help enlight others on why to vote for GEj. His victory depends on you and I.
It's obvious you ve been paid. A reasonable Nigerian has 1001 reasons to vote out the weak and clueless GEJ


Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan’s Rally In Kaduna: 800 Policemen, Others Guard Deployed by Sleemzy3(f): 8:10pm On Mar 18, 2015

Which inevitable?... Buhari'S defeat, right?
You know the answer deep inside you. Even your Lord GEJ knows.


Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan’s Rally In Kaduna: 800 Policemen, Others Guard Deployed by Sleemzy3(f): 8:06pm On Mar 18, 2015
The first Lady should and must be protected! angry

Just because some touts attacked Aisha Buhari, I know some hooligans would want to retaliate by attacking the mother of the nation. It's a good thing she sent a representative in the person of Amina Sambo.

Jonathan Ni!!!
You are now ubiquitous in the politics section. I'm very sure you'll deactivate this account out of shame when the inevitable happens after March 28


Politics / Re: Mama Peace Rice: Eat And Experience Peace In Your Life [pictures] by Sleemzy3(f): 7:59pm On Mar 18, 2015

Don't you think they re just being generous?? Is it now bad to dash things to those that needs it?
See what this clueless government has done to our youths reasoning. Later you ll be shouting you are the leader of tomorrow. Can't you reason without sentiments?
Politics / Re: Mama Peace Rice: Eat And Experience Peace In Your Life [pictures] by Sleemzy3(f): 7:51pm On Mar 18, 2015

Agricultural Transformation at its peak. Now, food berekete for everywhere for naija.

food berekete? permit me to ask if you ve completed your dose for today
Jobs/Vacancies / Oath Of Secrecy @ my current job place even after working there for 2 years by Sleemzy3(f): 9:03pm On Mar 06, 2015
please guys, a mail was sent to us at my work place today that we should sign a oath of secrecy by Monday. Here is the content of the mail. I just want advice before signing it. Is it normal? I've been working there for close to 2 years now. Pls good advice needed

OATH OF SECRECY & CONFIDENTIALITY As an employee of Xyz Microfinance Bank (Xyz Nigeria), I understand and agree that the following conditions shall apply to my position.

1. Any information, recorded or not, received or acquired in connection with my duties is considered confidential. Confidential information includes all records which in any way would divulge information in regards to Xyz Microfinance Bank and its members of staff.

2. All information given out or discovered about Xyz Microfinance Bank and its members of staff’s circumstances and / or the operations shall be held in strict confidence by me
3. I will not make public statements to the media expressly or impliedly, on behalf of Xyz Microfinance Bank and its members of staff.

4. I shall act in a professional manner in the performance of my duties as an employee of Xyz Microfinance Bank.

5. I solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the bank's code of conduct and confidentiality, and that I will discharge and perform my duties to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment, without fear or favour, affection or ill will.
Art, Graphics & Video / Re: Where Are The Book Cover Designers? by Sleemzy3(f): 6:57pm On Nov 30, 2014
You can contact me... Adetoy01atyahoo.com

nice job... I just sent you a pm
Adverts / Get These Nice Watches At A Cheap Price by Sleemzy3(f): 5:27pm On Oct 01, 2014
Get these durable watches from us at a wholesale price of 2200 naira.

3ATM (water resistance), Japan Quartz Movement, Battery life: 4 years
Call, email, or whatsapp if you are interested...
Career / 8 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life by Sleemzy3(f): 6:57am On Dec 19, 2013
8 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your
1. “I am thankful for all of those who said
NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it
myself.” – Albert Einstein.
2. “The only way to do great work is to love
what you do. If you haven’t found it yet,
keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs.
3. “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually
means “I’m not strong enough to fight for
it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”
4. “Don’t worry about failures, worry about
the chances you miss when you don’t even
5. “The pain you feel today is the strength
you feel tomorrow. For every challenge
encountered there is opportunity for
6. “Build your own dreams, or someone else
will hire you to build theirs.”
7. “The only thing that stands between you
and your dream is the will to try and the
belief that it is actually possible.”
8. “Self confidence is the most attractive
quality a person can have. how can anyone
see how awesome you are if you can’t see it
Business / Re: Guide on writing for profit using iwriter. by Sleemzy3(f): 10:47pm On Dec 14, 2013
OP pls where do I click on to start writing? What does requester means? I saw less than 10 articles that are standard, am I to click else where to look for them? How do I know if someone else is already writing d topic I intend to choose, or if someone has already written it. O.P pls I'd be grateful if all my Questions could be answered
Romance / Re: 6 Things You Must Not Do Before You Sleep by Sleemzy3(f): 8:21pm On Nov 21, 2013
These are silvern rules!
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Whatsapp Nutty Group by Sleemzy3(f): 11:50am On Oct 31, 2013
I've got just 5 girls now.. 5 more girls and we are good to go.. Guys, you can also invite girls to join too

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Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Whatsapp Nutty Group by Sleemzy3(f): 6:10am On Oct 27, 2013
tdupsy: 07017989997. Am a lady
ladies arent phone sellers! Tell another lie
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Now Say It Out Loud, Who Is That Nairalander You've Been Crushing On? by Sleemzy3(f): 6:01am On Oct 27, 2013
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Whatsapp Nutty Group by Sleemzy3(f): 5:37am On Oct 27, 2013
As much I wud love to kick start this group. I really can't start it witout a
single gurl... And I don't wanna use my
gurls cos I don't know u guys from
So pls... Maybe we shud wait for some
ladies interest...or we shud bone it all.... I'll
seek fun elsewhere!....


Dating And Meet-up Zone / Whatsapp Nutty Group by Sleemzy3(f): 1:11pm On Oct 26, 2013
Are u interested in join a nutty whatsapp
group..where we gonna have 12 matured
guys and 10 nutty ladies..... And I'm sure u
understand what I mean by being nutty....
Hit me up wit ur whatsapp no ..and ill bring u
in! Let the games begin... For shy girls, you can send me a pm.

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Career / Re: The 8 Secrets Of Success by Sleemzy3(f): 8:37pm On Oct 24, 2013
This is interesting! O.P thanks alot for this!
Art, Graphics & Video / Re: Any Good Graphic Designer In Here? by Sleemzy3(f): 9:03am On Sep 28, 2013
Mail me on sleemzy3@yahoo.com

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