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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Updated-New Job Vacancies by mboma(m): 4:00am On Mar 06, 2019
Guys now I need your help the most, have been at home for a while now, things are not going well for my job hunting.
Can you please help me with a part time job around apapa or gbagada area if Lagos.
My people I beg oo.
Family / Re: "I Never Believed I Would Marry An Illiterate" - Abuja Based Lady Reveals. Photo by mboma(m): 10:18pm On Feb 20, 2018
bloody liar.. this article was stolen from an international news agency. same was edited to suit nigeria. copied word for word! #bad

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Romance / Re: Dedicate A Song To Your Lover by mboma(m): 10:12pm On Jan 26, 2018
if hollywood dont need you- don williams
Sports / Re: Russia 2018: Gernot Rohr Arrives Moscow Ahead Of Friday’s Wold Cup Draws by mboma(m): 12:33pm On Nov 30, 2017
not often but, moderator its WORLD not WOLD

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Nairaland / General / Re: World Hello Day 2017 by mboma(m): 2:51pm On Nov 21, 2017
hello! is it me you're looking for?
cos i wonder where you are, and i wonder you do, are you somewhere feeling lonely or someone's loving you?
tell me how to win your heart cos i havent got a clue, but let me tell you so now; i love you.
Celebrities / Re: Ice Prince Pictured Smoking Heavily - Fans React by mboma(m): 2:45pm On Nov 21, 2017
Small time now we go begin here kidney issues or cancer issues.... Dey talk say make we begin contribute money go India...undecided
when dos times comes, me i no de pity dem oo
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Arsenal Vs Tottenham Hotspur (2 - 0) On 18th November 2017 by mboma(m): 2:44pm On Nov 18, 2017
goalllllllllll,, Sanchez 2.0if Arsenal Continues playing like this... dey ll stay top 4
omg! top 4?
is that an achievement?
bruv, thats the psyche of a loser!
big teams fight to win the league and not top 4 finish.
Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by mboma(m): 11:28am On Nov 07, 2017
If over 20 million RCCG members descend on you, your life will never remain the same again
my people perish cos they lack common sense..
and so 20m people, are they God?
#rubbish talk

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Phones / Re: Best Keyboard For Android by mboma(m): 11:47am On Oct 16, 2017
try swiftkey beta. it come with language optionz...

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Forum Games / Re: Give A Quote From Your Favorite Movie Without Giving Out The Title by mboma(m): 7:44pm On Aug 10, 2017
you cannot build your happiness on the unhappiness of another person without having a burden of conscience.
Nairaland / General / Re: Snakes Killed By My Dad And I (Black Spitting Cobra & Ball Python) by mboma(m): 4:27pm On May 29, 2017
na only nairalanders de always kill tins?..
i.e snaked being killed somewhere, its a nairalander..
rat being killed its a nairalander
alligator being killed its by a nairalander.
dragon being killed its by a nairalander..
cheap publicity
TV/Movies / Re: Share Your Favorite Movie SoundTrack by mboma(m): 9:26am On Dec 27, 2015
games of throne
titanic..celine dion
con air...trisha yearwood
Celebrities / Re: Who Has The Hottest BabyMama, Wizkid, Olamide Or Davido? [photos] by mboma(m): 5:27pm On Dec 18, 2015
Good riddance... Nonsense.
Nairaland / General / Re: Bird Turns To Woman After Electric Shock In Oshodi, Lagos (graphic Pictures) by mboma(m): 5:48pm On Jun 19, 2015
That lastma guy tho sad
Music/Radio / Re: What's Your Best Genre Of Music? by mboma(m): 5:50pm On Jul 08, 2014
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] country
Phones / Re: How Tecno Stole The Show From Nokia And Blackberry by mboma(m): 8:09pm On Jan 06, 2014
Kudos.. At least you tried. The informations are ok
Education / Re: Unilag 2013/2014/admission by mboma(m): 2:51pm On Aug 30, 2013
@ dr asiko...pls do u know about unilag part time programmes and if the form is available.. thanks
Politics / Re: Court Upholds Life-Imprisonment For Naval Officer by mboma(m): 11:21pm On Jun 08, 2013
after how many year
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: What Is Your Take On The 2012 Fifpro World XI? by mboma(m): 10:38pm On Jan 08, 2013
Tbillz: if dani alves can make tha list den borda taiye taiwo n shittu can also be dere. . .
broda taye koh...broda taiwo ni...truely alves has no bizz in dat team
Phones / Re: A New Tecno Phone (tecno N3) -soon! by mboma(m): 8:53pm On Dec 21, 2012

how much does tecno n3 and t3 cost respectively
Religion / Re: Which Church Do You Attend And Why? by mboma(m): 10:15am On Dec 09, 2012
teebiz: The reasons why i am a Jehovah's witness:

“Every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.”—MATT. 7:17.
JESUS said that those falsely professing to serve him would be distinguished from his true followers by their fruits—their teachings and their conduct. (Matt. 7:15-17, 20) Indeed, people are inevitably influenced by what they take into their mind and heart. (Matt. 15:18, 19) Those who are fed falsehoods produce “worthless fruit,” whereas those who are taught spiritual truth produce “fine fruit.”
2 The two kinds of fruits have become clearly manifest during this time of the end. (Read Daniel 12:3, 10.) False Christians have a distorted view of God and often a hypocritical form of godly devotion, whereas those having spiritual insight worship God “with spirit and truth.” (John 4:24; 2 Tim. 3:1-5) They strive to display Christlike qualities. But what about us personally? As you consider the following five identifying marks of true Christianity, ask yourself: ‘Do my conduct and teachings clearly harmonize with God’s Word? Do I beautify the truth in the eyes of those searching for it?’
Live by God’s Word
3 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens,” said Jesus, “but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.” (Matt. 7:21) Yes, it is not the professing of Christianity that pleases Jehovah but the practicing of it. For Christ’s true followers, that involves their whole way of life, including their attitude toward money, secular work, entertainment, worldly customs and celebrations, and marriage and other relationships with fellow humans. False Christians, however, adopt the thinking and ways of the world, which have become increasingly ungodly during these last days.—Ps. 92:7.
4 Accordingly, the prophet Malachi wrote: “You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.” (Mal. 3:18) As you reflect on those words, ask yourself: ‘Do I blend in with the world, or do I stand out as different? Do I always strive to fit in with my secular associates, whether at school or at work, or do I remain firm for Bible principles, even speaking up when appropriate?’ (Read 1 Peter 3:16.) Of course, we do not want to appear self-righteous, but we should stand out as different from those who do not love and serve Jehovah.
5 If you see room for improvement, why not pray about the matter and seek spiritual strength through regular Bible study, prayer, and meeting attendance? The more God’s Word becomes a part of you, the more you will produce “fine fruit,” including “the fruit of lips which make public declaration to [God’s] name.”—Heb. 13:15.
Advocate God’s Kingdom
6 Jesus said: “To other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4:43) Why did Jesus make God’s Kingdom the main theme of his ministry? He knew that he himself as King of that Kingdom, along with his resurrected spirit-begotten brothers, would deal with the root causes of mankind’s woes—sin and the Devil. (Rom. 5:12; Rev. 20:10) Hence, he commanded his followers to proclaim that Kingdom until the end of the present system of things. (Matt. 24:14) People who merely profess to be followers of Christ do not engage in this work—in fact, they cannot. Why? For at least three reasons: First, they cannot preach what they do not understand. Second, most of them lack the humility and courage needed to face the ridicule and opposition that may result from sharing the Kingdom message with their neighbors. (Matt. 24:9; 1 Pet. 2:23) And third, false Christians do not have God’s spirit.—John 14:16, 17.
7 Christ’s true followers, on the other hand, understand what God’s Kingdom is and what it will accomplish. Moreover, they give the interests of that Kingdom priority in life, proclaiming it worldwide, with the help of Jehovah’s spirit. (Zech. 4:6) Are you having a regular share in this work? Are you trying to improve as a Kingdom proclaimer, perhaps by spending more time in the ministry or by being more effective in it? Some have tried to improve the quality of their ministry by making better use of the Bible. “The word of God is alive and exerts power,” wrote the apostle Paul, who made it his custom to reason from the Scriptures.—Heb. 4:12; Acts 17:2, 3.
8 When in the door-to-door work, a brother read Daniel 2:44 to a Catholic man and explained how God’s Kingdom will bring about true peace and security. The man responded: “I really appreciate your opening the Bible and showing me what the scripture said instead of just telling me.” When a brother read a scripture to a Greek Orthodox woman, she asked a number of good questions. In this case too, the brother, along with his wife, answered from the Bible. Later, the woman said: “Do you know why I was willing to talk with you? You came to my door with the Bible, and you read from it.”
9 Of course, our literature is important and should be offered in the field. The Bible, however, is our primary tool. So if it has not been your custom to use it regularly in your ministry, why not make it your goal to do so? Perhaps you could select a few key texts that explain what God’s Kingdom is and how it will solve specific problems that concern people in your neighborhood. Then be prepared to read them as you preach from door to door.
Proudly Bear God’s Name
10 “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘and I am God.’” (Isa. 43:12) Jehovah’s preeminent Witness, Jesus Christ, considered it an honor to bear God’s name and to make it known. (Read Exodus 3:15; John 17:6; Hebrews 2:12.) In fact, because Jesus proclaimed his Father’s name, he was called “the Faithful Witness.”—Rev. 1:5; Matt. 6:9.
11 In contrast, many who claim to represent God and his Son have displayed a shameful attitude toward the divine name, even removing it from their versions of the Bible. Reflecting a similar spirit, a recent directive to Catholic bishops said that “the name of God in the form of the tetragrammaton YHWH is neither to be used or pronounced” during worship. How reprehensible such thinking is!
12 In imitation of both Christ and the great “cloud of witnesses” who preceded him, true Christians proudly use God’s name. (Heb. 12:1) In fact, in the year 1931, God’s servants became even more closely identified with Jehovah by accepting the name Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Read Isaiah 43:10-12.) Thus, in a very special sense, Christ’s true followers became a “people who are called by [God’s] name.”—Acts 15:14, 17.
13 How can we personally live up to our unique name? For one thing, we must faithfully bear witness to God. “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved,” wrote Paul. “However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth?” (Rom. 10:13-15) Also, we should tactfully expose religious falsehoods that malign our Creator, such as the doctrine of hellfire, which in reality attributes to the God of love the cruel traits of the Devil.—Jer. 7:31; 1 John 4:8; compare Mark 9:17-27.
14 Are you proud to bear the name of your heavenly Father? Do you help others to come to know that holy name? A woman in Paris, France, heard that Jehovah’s Witnesses knew the name of God, so she asked the next Witness she met to show her that name in her Bible. When she read Psalm 83:18, the impact was profound. She began to study the Bible and is now a faithful sister serving in another land. When a Catholic lady living in Australia saw God’s name in the Bible for the first time, she wept for joy. For many years now, she has been a regular pioneer. More recently, when Witnesses in Jamaica showed a woman there God’s name in her own Bible, she too shed tears of joy. So be proud to bear God’s name and, in imitation of Jesus, to make that precious name manifest to all.
“Do Not Be Loving . . . the World”
15 “Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15) The world and its fleshly spirit stand in opposition to Jehovah and his holy spirit. Hence, Christ’s true followers do not merely refrain from being a part of the world. They reject it at heart, knowing that as the disciple James wrote, “friendship with the world is enmity with God.”—Jas. 4:4.
16 It can be a challenge to heed James’ words in a world that offers countless temptations. (2 Tim. 4:10) Jesus therefore prayed in behalf of his followers: “I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.” (John 17:15, 16) Ask yourself: ‘Do I strive to be no part of the world? Do others know my stand on unscriptural celebrations and customs as well as on those that may not have a pagan origin but clearly reflect the spirit of the world?’—2 Cor. 6:17; 1 Pet. 4:3, 4.
17 To be sure, our Bible-based stand will not win us the world’s favor, but it may arouse the curiosity of honesthearted ones. Indeed, when such individuals observe that our faith is firmly rooted in the Scriptures and involves our whole way of life, they may respond by, in effect, saying to the anointed: “We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people.”—Zech. 8:23.
Show True Christian Love
18 Jesus said: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind” and “you must love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:37, 39) That love (a·ga′pe in Greek) is a moral love that takes into account duty, principle, and propriety, but it often includes strong emotion. It can be warm and intense. (1 Pet. 1:22) It is the very opposite of selfishness, for it is reflected in selfless words and deeds.—Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
19 Because love is a product of God’s holy spirit, it enables true Christians to do what others cannot do, such as overcome racial, cultural, and political barriers. (Read John 13:34, 35; Gal. 5:22) Sheeplike ones cannot help but be moved when they see such love. For example, when a young Jewish man in Israel attended his first Christian meeting, he was amazed to see Jewish and Arab brothers worshipping Jehovah side by side. As a result, he began to attend meetings regularly and accepted a Bible study. Do you show such heartfelt love to your brothers? And do you make it a point to extend a warm welcome to newcomers at your Kingdom Hall, regardless of their nationality, skin color, or social standing?
20 As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. In El Salvador, a young publisher was studying the Bible with an 87-year-old Catholic woman who clung to her church. One day, the woman became gravely ill and was hospitalized. When she returned home, the Witnesses called and made sure that she had food. This went on for about a month. Nobody from the woman’s church visited. The result? She discarded her images, resigned from her church, and resumed her Bible study. Yes, Christian love has power! It can reach hearts in ways that the spoken word may not.
21 Soon, Jesus will say to all who falsely claim to serve him: “I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matt. 7:23) Let us, therefore, produce fruitage that honors both the Father and the Son. “Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them,” said Jesus, “will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock-mass.” (Matt. 7:24) Yes, if we prove to be real followers of Christ, we will receive God’s favor, and our future will be secure, as if founded on rock!
a proud jw....thumbs up
Phones / Re: What Do You Do Most With Your Phone? by mboma(m): 11:01am On Nov 08, 2012
dl_jbd: i use mine as touch-light @nite
na pkalaca u dey use bdat ooooo
Religion / Re: What's Your Favourite Verse(s)/chapter(s) In The Bible? by mboma(m): 1:18pm On Sep 17, 2012
proverb 30:7-9.....two thing i have require of you; do not hold back from me before i die.....
Phones / Re: Airtel Restores Opera Mini by mboma(m): 4:55pm On Sep 08, 2012
who care even if they packup na dem sabi......uc browser is far far better to opera
Literature / Re: 'my Names Are', Or 'my Name Is' by mboma(m): 10:16am On May 24, 2012
kai nigerian mentality..in my life i have never heard my names are sound so odd
Politics / Re: 7 Most Commonly Used Words In January 2012 In Naija by mboma(m): 8:47pm On Jan 13, 2012
cabal, cabal, cabal
Politics / Re: List Of Political Jargons That Should Be Outdated In Nigeria! by mboma(m): 8:25pm On Dec 31, 2011

His Excellency, Alhaji, DR. Chief, Otunba, Igwe, Prince, Blablabla, GGC,PHCN,NFA,CFR,MON, etc. at public gatherings, or in documents.

While not just mention the person's name and maybe brief title, and get on with business?
, nnpc, senator, efcc
Fashion / Re: How Many Times Do You Wear Your Jeans Before Washing Them? by mboma(m): 7:18pm On Oct 15, 2011
i wash after 4-5 wears even if am indoor or outdoor
Romance / Re: Guys, Why Are Your Wallets So Thick? by mboma(m): 8:23am On Oct 11, 2011
i wonder myself, anyway mine contains, my work and skol id,voter's card, short note, atm cards, sim card and sometimes keys
Politics / Re: Abuja Bombing: Investigators Suspect ‘internal Connivance’ by mboma(m): 3:55pm On Jun 22, 2011
We all know nothing will come out of it all, all is just media hype, nigerians gba-gbee.
Politics / Re: To All GEJ Supporters - Do You Regret Your Vote? by mboma(m): 8:35pm On Jun 21, 2011
People taught he was the messiah, but he turned not to be, cause no man can even direct his own steps, nd man has dominated man to his injury
Politics / Re: The Truth Behind Bankole's Detention! by mboma(m): 7:28am On Jun 10, 2011
bankole laughing and,

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