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Autos / Re: Buy Top Toyota, Lexus, And Honda Cars Under ₦1.5 Million Naira At Carmart.africa by RaptorX: 5:21pm On Aug 12, 2024
No car priced at N1.5 million is worth buying in 2024.

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Travel / Re: Man Denied A Chance To Board Crashed Plane In Brazil Because Of Lateness (video) by RaptorX: 8:11pm On Aug 10, 2024
Just like in the movie Final Destination death still came calling for all the people who missed the initial plane crash.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Samer al-Hajj: Israeli Strike Kills Senior Hamas Figure In South Lebanon(photos) by RaptorX: 8:13pm On Aug 09, 2024
Even Iran is said to be reconsidering attacking Isreal, when I said Iran was just issuing empty threats one guy was quoting me arguing blindly. You think all those American ships and fighter jets deploy is just for show.

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Travel / Re: Japa: 430,000 Nigerians Get UK Visas In Seven Months by RaptorX: 1:29pm On Aug 09, 2024
This idiot so called ambassador must really hate his own country to proudly announce this kind of disgraceful news. But I don't blame him he is just following orders from high above in a plot to destroy most of this Western nations by flooding them with third world immigrants leading to chaos and eventually race/ civil wars to bring in their new world order. And you can dismiss this as just a conspiracy theory, but you Africans are just pawns in a well thought out long planned plot.


Foreign Affairs / Re: Putin Asks Iran To Avoid Civilian Casualties In Israel Response, Sources Say by RaptorX: 7:04pm On Aug 07, 2024

You need to understand international politics, you're really lacking...
Russia cannot allow Iran to be defeated in the middle East.. US is trying to dissuade Iran from not attacking because everything will escalate.. If Iran attack Israel, US will have to defend Israel since Israel is a baby that cannot fight alone.. In that case, they'll try to launch an attack against Iran which will eventually draw Russia and countries like China supporting Iran..
You are the one lacking in understanding, Isreal and the US will demolish and obliterate Iran if it launches any retaliation that causes significant Isreali citizens casualties and Russia will do nothing about it. They can fire some missiles into empty desert and beat their chest they have retaliated, but if you think Tel Aviv and Jerusalem will be attacked with missiles causing massive casualties and Iran is still standing then you have no clue. Isreal have been bombing the crap the hell out of Iran in Syria even with Russian military in Syria and Russia have done nothing but tell Iran to turn the other cheek. Even saying China will fight the US for this head slamming Iranian Ayatollahs is a joke, you obviously don't know the Chinese to think they will do that lol.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Putin Asks Iran To Avoid Civilian Casualties In Israel Response, Sources Say by RaptorX: 6:54pm On Aug 07, 2024
Iran can't do nothing but make empty threats, even if they retaliate it will just be symbolic to show their people and terror allies they are not cowards just like the last time all their missiles and drones were shot down. All that US military firepower sent to the area is not for show but ready for action. That is why Putin is telling them if you go to war with Isreal, America will jump in and you are OYO if you think Russia will help you directly.


Travel / Re: Video Of Passengers Praying As Their Plane Suffers Technical Issue Mid-air by RaptorX: 11:46pm On Aug 06, 2024
I am not even going to laugh, until you are 30,000 ft over the Atlantic Ocean and the plane start shaking violently and dropping.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Muslim Gangs Attack Pubs In Pursuit Of British Citizens(photos) by RaptorX: 6:21pm On Aug 06, 2024
This is nonsense US will never allow such to happen. If it's in US, all those Islamic terrorists would have been packed in a cage like sardine......UK is damn too liberal to Middle Eastern Terrorists feigning asylum seeking in UK. I fear for Germany also.....So many of these Islamic terrorists residing in Germany.....anyway, German people sef no get peace.....they will give them Wotowoto and not like gentle docile UK people.....
Maybe not under a Trump administration, but this woke democrats are even worse than the Brits with their senseless mass immigration open door policy.


Foreign Affairs / Re: Muslim Gangs Attack Pubs In Pursuit Of British Citizens(photos) by RaptorX: 6:03pm On Aug 06, 2024
This bloody woke Westerners deserves whatever hell they are catching, another woke ideology they will regret ever pushing is feminism and so called women's right. They are in serious trouble, because you can't practice feminism and not have a serious demographic collapse and a foreigner takeover.


Foreign Affairs / Re: Kamala Harris Picks Tim Walz As VP, Running Mate by RaptorX: 5:57pm On Aug 06, 2024
Terrible pick just guaranteed a landslide win for Trump/ Vance on November 5th. Two of the most liberal politicians in America on the same ticket, obviously Shapiro turned her down and wanted nothing to do with the loosing candidate.
Politics / Re: EFCC Grills Two Kogi Govt Officials Over ₦‎80 Billion Fraud by RaptorX: 2:09am On Aug 06, 2024
N80 billion on top the N40 billion stolen under Yeye Bello. How can such amount dissappear under a governor that is not even in office up to a year.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Protesters Break Into Hotel Housing Asylum Seekers In The UK (photos) by RaptorX: 4:08pm On Aug 04, 2024

The way people leave their country and go far away country to cause havoc is alarming.

Even here in Nigeria all these south African and Kenya women giving headaches to people is becoming too much. Here in lekki they are much in prostitutions leading many marriages astray.
News of them absconding with kids to another part of Nigeria forming an environmental health problem both to kids and marriages is much.

Immigration should do the needful and secure our environment and repatriate anyone staying illegal as they do to Nigerians staying abroad. You can't work without permit and if you do then you pay for it and they deport you back.
Why would any South African come to Nigeria to do prostitution.

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Celebrities / Re: P-square Is No More - Paul 'Rudeboy' Okoye Confirms Split by RaptorX: 5:55am On Aug 02, 2024
To be honest Rudeboy was better as a solo artiste, don't even know why he agreed to a reunion when he was dropping hits back to back as Rudeboy.


Politics / Re: Tinubu Bamayi: Protesters Turn Out Enmasse In Kaduna (Photos, video) by RaptorX: 2:29pm On Aug 01, 2024
Bunch of almajiris.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump’s Crowds In The Past Week In Michigan, Minnesota & North Carolina(pics) by RaptorX: 9:54pm On Jul 31, 2024
Kamala will never be president, except the Bible is fake and a lie. Because the Bible describes America's presidents as the 7 kings in the book of Revelation 17.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Israel Carries Out "Targeted" Strike In Lebanon, Beirut (photos) by RaptorX: 10:42am On Jul 31, 2024
Isreal that have just assasinated the top Hamas leader while attending the inauguration of the Iranian president in Teheran. They just slapped Iran in the face and dare them to retaliate, I believe that Iranian president helicopter crash was an Isreali hit job, but Iran let it slide to avoid retaliating against Isreal.

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Family / Re: Nigerian Man Brings His Oyinbo Wife To Spend Time With His Family (pics/video) by RaptorX: 9:05pm On Jul 30, 2024
Nigerians and sucking up to oyinbos is like 5 and 6.


Foreign Affairs / Re: Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro Wins Third Term by RaptorX: 1:33pm On Jul 29, 2024
Opposition candidate cannot win presidential election in countries like Venezuela, Uganda, Rwanda, Cameroon, Russia, china, North Korea, etc, it will always be an exercise in futility

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on earth, estimated to be more than 300 billion barrels but the people in that country are extremely poor, venezuelans go through difficult journey to enter USA through the southern border while their president and his cronies live lavishly

Nicolas Maduro has nothing to offer his people, winning the third term can only be possible through rigging.
Rubbish heavy crude oil looks like tar very difficult to refine, unlike Nigeria sweet bonny light.
Sports / Re: Photos And Videos Of Team Nigeria At The Opening Ceremony Of The 2024 Olympics by RaptorX: 10:26am On Jul 27, 2024
Please get your children to stay away from any Olympic-related event, it's satanic, it's all about mocking the Creator and humanity. Below are some of the pictures from Olympics that the media will not show you;
How is that picture mocking Christ and what is the similarity to the last supper.
Politics / Re: FCT And Abia Ministries Of Women Affairs Pay Study Visit To Lagos DSVA by RaptorX: 7:11am On Jul 27, 2024
I initially thought that Lagos DSVA was a joke not able to work well in Nigeria, until my sister friend husband turned her into a punching bag. They came and carry the guy o and locked him up for a couple of days and made him sign an undertaking never to touch her again.


Sports / Re: Nigeria's Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Attires (Photo) by RaptorX: 7:07am On Jul 27, 2024
The first 100 countries listed in order of the number of athletes representing each country at the 2024 Summer Olympics:

1. United States - 647 athletes
2. China - 596 athletes
3. Japan - 582 athletes
4. Australia - 474 athletes
5. Germany - 455 athletes
6. Great Britain - 376 athletes
7. France - 364 athletes
8. Brazil - 299 athletes
9. India - 227 athletes
10. Italy - 224 athletes
11. Canada - 217 athletes
12. Spain - 204 athletes
13. Poland - 196 athletes
14. South Korea - 194 athletes
15. Russia (ROC) - 185 athletes
16. Ukraine - 174 athletes
17. Netherlands - 167 athletes
18. Turkey - 164 athletes
19. Sweden - 157 athletes
20. Switzerland - 154 athletes
21. Belgium - 147 athletes
22. Greece - 146 athletes
23. Czech Republic - 143 athletes
24. Argentina - 142 athletes
25. Portugal - 139 athletes
26. Romania - 137 athletes
27. Hungary - 135 athletes
28. New Zealand - 133 athletes
29. Ireland - 129 athletes
30. Austria - 127 athletes
31. Serbia - 126 athletes
32. Croatia - 124 athletes
33. Denmark - 122 athletes
34. Finland - 119 athletes
35. Norway - 117 athletes
36. Israel - 115 athletes
37. Slovenia - 113 athletes
38. Lithuania - 112 athletes
39. Bulgaria - 109 athletes
40. Estonia - 107 athletes
41. Latvia - 105 athletes
42. Mexico - 104 athletes
43. Thailand - 103 athletes
44. Malaysia - 102 athletes
45. Belarus - 101 athletes
46. Vietnam - 99 athletes
47. Egypt - 98 athletes
48. South Africa - 97 athletes
49. Morocco - 96 athletes
50. Colombia - 95 athletes
51. Indonesia - 94 athletes
52. Puerto Rico - 93 athletes
53. Dominican Republic - 92 athletes
54. Trinidad and Tobago - 91 athletes
55. Chile - 90 athletes
56. Peru - 89 athletes
57. Philippines - 88 athletes
58. Uzbekistan - 87 athletes
59. Kazakhstan - 86 athletes
60. Azerbaijan - 85 athletes
61. Georgia - 84 athletes
62. Nigeria - 84 athletes
63. Singapore - 83 athletes
64. Sri Lanka - 82 athletes
65. Tunisia - 81 athletes
66. Mongolia - 80 athletes
67. Costa Rica - 79 athletes
68. Uruguay - 78 athletes
69. Kenya - 77 athletes
70. Uganda - 76 athletes
71. Cyprus - 75 athletes
72. Luxembourg - 74 athletes
73. Albania - 73 athletes
74. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 72 athletes
75. Macedonia - 71 athletes
76. Moldova - 70 athletes
77. Armenia - 69 athletes
78. Bangladesh - 68 athletes
79. Cambodia - 67 athletes
80. Laos - 66 athletes
81. Lebanon - 65 athletes
82. Nepal - 64 athletes
83. Pakistan - 63 athletes
84. Palestine - 62 athletes
85. Paraguay - 61 athletes
86. Senegal - 60 athletes
87. Slovakia - 59 athletes
88. Taiwan - 58 athletes
89. Tajikistan - 57 athletes
90. Turkmenistan - 56 athletes
91. Venezuela - 55 athletes
92. Bolivia - 54 athletes
93. Botswana - 53 athletes
94. Brunei - 52 athletes
95. Burkina Faso - 51 athletes
96. Cameroon - 50 athletes
97. Central African Republic - 49 athletes
98. Chad - 48 athletes
99. Congo - 47 athletes
100. Côte d'Ivoire - 46 athletes
I think Russia is banned from participating because of the Ukrainian invasion.
Romance / Re: Did You Know That Men Are 'Hot Cake' In Russia? (pix) by RaptorX: 8:05pm On Jul 26, 2024
Walking down the street in any Nigerian city and you will know that there are more men than women in Nigeria. Walk down the street in any American city especially in black neighborhoods and you will see that there are more women than men.


TV/Movies / Re: If You Don't Remember This, Then You're Still A Kid by RaptorX: 6:25pm On Jul 25, 2024
I almost got electrocuted turning this thing back in Akure, the thing gave me this severe electric shock that I refused to go near it again.
Crime / Re: Soldiers Command Policemen To Return The Money They Took From Passengers (Video) by RaptorX: 5:21pm On Jul 25, 2024
You carry the same AK 47 like the useless soldiers and you are letting them bully you. Shame on those cowardly cops.
Career / Re: Inside NDA Cadets' Training, Uncovering What You Never Knew Before (video) by RaptorX: 8:42pm On Jul 24, 2024
I seriously dislike the average Nigerian soldier, officers or nco doesn't matter they are all a bunch of retards and bully.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trending Video Of Tanzanian Pres. Samia Suluhu & Her Convoy (video) by RaptorX: 2:35pm On Jul 24, 2024

Even at that the value of the cars in POTUS convoy is equivalent to almost the budget of most nations in Africa.
Rubbish you don't know what you are talking about, apart from the beast the president rides in the rest are just suburban suvs.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trending Video Of Tanzanian Pres. Samia Suluhu & Her Convoy (video) by RaptorX: 8:56pm On Jul 23, 2024

Have you seen the convoy of an American president?
The movement of any president in the world is a lot of work for the security personnel. Don't make it an African thing
Convoy of American presidents from Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden are all over YouTube, doubt if you can count up to 20 vehicles in each of them.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Sonya Massey: White Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black Woman In Face by RaptorX: 8:38pm On Jul 23, 2024

Thought as much no real answer to how it was staged by democrats, just childish insult.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Sonya Massey: White Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black Woman In Face by RaptorX: 2:44pm On Jul 23, 2024

aww I thought you guys were masturbating all over the internet last week white a white man almost killed Trump?

Do you know how many white police officers have been killed by Black men this year ? where is the outrage ?

Democrats are so eager to create another George Floyd situation to drive emotions in the black community to put Kamala in the white house - that play book wont happen this time around -- if they lie let them stage 2,000 white police officers to kill 10,000 black men - my mind is made - I am not stupid - I am voting Trump- let the emotionally unstable and unintelligent people vote for incompetence - you cant fix stupid!!! grin
You never answered the person's question on how the killing was staged according to you.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Sonya Massey: White Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black Woman In Face by RaptorX: 2:29pm On Jul 23, 2024
I don't know why some of these whites gets upset once you mention "Jesus " or bible or religion to them. He felt that the woman dared him.
I thought they brought Jesus to you.
Music/Radio / Re: Oyinbo People Spray Money Like Nigerians, Dance To 'Chop My Money' By P-Square by RaptorX: 6:48pm On Jul 22, 2024
They look like jews
Amish not Jews.

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