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Health / Re: She Falls Asleep After Every Sex by ruffkenny: 4:57am On Apr 01, 2023
Baba this a nice one, actually sex is the best medicine for sleep and if your wife find sex with u this pleasurable as to indulge each day then u just hit a jack pot,be happy about this and don't complain,she is perfectly alright medically..
Romance / Re: I Think My Girlfriend Is Manipulating Me. by ruffkenny: 8:06pm On Jul 26, 2022
Ooh so you think it is better for him to be dying slowly under the guise of relationship or die many times before his real death than to have the right kind of relationship and live happily?

What has short life got to do with being in a toxic relationship?

Except a man takes back control of the woman in his life,he would always feel small, dominated,sad and intimidated ..

It is very clear that some women will never allow u take back control once you have lost it to them in the first place esp narcissist ,that's why it is advisable for him to move on with better options or make this one right. Do u believe that this girl that is so stubborn to him can meet another stronger guy tomorrow who she will be crying for and striving to please,it all depends on how a guy plays the card,girls are all wonderful being but the way we handle them is the only determining factor to whether she will give u peace and do her best to please u or make u cry while u do your best to please her,the ball is in a man's court actually..

Still moving on with other girls will not work for him if he keep this same attitude of over pleasing girls cos sooner or later it will still get to this point where he gives out total control to the girl..

The summary is ,guys need to stop simping and be the man in control of their relationship ...


All this for a short life, when will u die, u think u live for forever
Romance / Re: I Think My Girlfriend Is Manipulating Me. by ruffkenny: 3:50am On Jul 26, 2022
The real problem here is not with the girl but with u,"if the foundation be destroyed "how can u save yourself..

You have shown her the nice,soft and easy part of u,always caring for her and opening up every details for her like your life depends on her validation,hence this see finish,lost of respect,getting angry and shouting at you,giving u the silent torture and making u feel less of a man cos she knows u will still be the one running to her even if she is wrong,u have indulged her so much and u have shown her indirectly that she can treat u that way. Now u have lost your self esteem and confidence to even act as a man where she is,infarct u are loosing yourself to the point she wants to even control your birthday wishes to friends. when u refuse to do what u ought to do as a man every time from your mind but do always what a girl tell u or want u to do this is always the result..

It is disheartening but u have to start acting as a real man,be more masculine and stronger than her,let her do what u want and act less concerned if she doesn't do what u want or better still,punish her by withdrawing every help or closeness u have with her little by little, withdraw your love, attention and care..If it is sex she is using to get u,don't touch her,hang out with friends and meet new people as well as new girls,and don't always spend too much time at home or around her, Find a way to bruise her ego and self esteem so she can come running back to u, you as a man is supposed to be in charge not a woman in charge of u..Never beg her at all in any case,I repeat never beg her especially when u are not wrong,The way u act towards her can either decrease or increase your self worth,if u act needy,u will decrease your ego and if u act opposite ie nonchalant and less concerned to her,u will increase your ego..Remove this scarsity mindset u have,there are many fishes in the river, she ought to know that u can easily replace her with a better girl if u want..


Romance / Re: She Said Try Beating Me Up Sometimes by ruffkenny: 4:39pm On Jul 19, 2022
I do beat her when she bleeps up but she said i should be flogging her anyhow

No one can actually tell u how to treat your woman but if she needs an iron hand,you have no chioce than to exercise your aggressiveness on her,rough handle her,just be the one in authority and show it both in bed and how u talk to her,let her not be the one manipulating u,but have a strong wall and boundary as a man ..Don't just act sissy and doing everything to please her or make her happy like the nice guys always do,and most especially,don't be needy and clingy on her..She wants u to be a man and that is for u to be masculine enough,strong enough and control her enough..The funny thing is if u don't do this she will find a man who will and this will lead to cheating on u..

Romance / Re: She Said Try Beating Me Up Sometimes by ruffkenny: 5:30am On Jul 19, 2022
Beating her sometimes,maybe few slaps is good to put her in her place..The issue here is dorminance and as a man u have to show it for her to know she should be answerable to you ,submissive and respectful..

Women psychology makes them always desire the men who beat them because she is not bored with him,women love drama and when u don't create drama to tickle her fancy she will become the drama to you..So ur gf saying that is indirectly telling u that u are not man enough,u are acting weak towards her and she is the one in control..This is a red flag already or a wake up call for u..


Romance / Re: Men, We Can't Live Without Women by ruffkenny: 5:17am On Jul 19, 2022
Everything is wrong with your mindset and na tears and mistakes go reset am,that is if it will ever be corrected..

Worship the women, idolise them,be the nice guy and over play it and they will use you like a tissue paper..last last it is u that will suffer it,so big ups and congratulations...
Romance / Re: How Do You Know A Girl Normally Masturbates ? by ruffkenny: 4:50am On Jul 08, 2022
They have deceived us a lot because of our high sex drive and lack of self control when we are aroused for us to think we men love and enjoy sex more than women; Thats not true,women actually want sex as much as men do,That's one of the reasons u see prostitutes everywhere not just the money but because they enjoy sex and according to statistics, 70% of women masturbate,but they prefer to keep this a secret and they never admit to it even the ones that do it except u catch them in the act or ask them to do it Infront of u!

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Romance / Re: Cc by ruffkenny: 4:21am On Jul 08, 2022
Just be careful sha,u never know the reason they are forcing the girl on you for marriage,u are still young and I think u should take ur time and still be meeting other girls at the moment and at least get to a certain financial stability before this marriage thing,plus that family talks too much and gossip a lot,are u sure u want to enter such a family? Things might not be as u see it with ur gf,listen to what the guy above me said @care4you


Romance / Re: Can You Allow Your Friend To Fvck A Lady In Your Bed/house? by ruffkenny: 4:29am On Jul 02, 2022
U sound very selfish tho,if it irritates u,why were u doing it on Ur friends bed before? Won't the bed sheets be washed after? Do unto others what u want them to do unto u; After all u are fucking different girls on your bed,so what is there...?
Family / Re: Is It True That When Women Have More Money They No Longer Regard Their Husband by ruffkenny: 11:49pm On Jul 01, 2022
The fact is u cannot tame an uncaged lioness,once she makes money more than you,she wants to control everything about u,Ur chioces,Ur decisions,Ur plans,infact she will impose her own ideas on u and manipulate u to do them,she will scold u at will and talk to u how she deem fit and will stop listening to Ur orders.
As a man u will loose your self worth and self esteem once you start living by her rules..All your confidence will go and u will loose yourself and become clingy on her for everything,not just validation alone..
Thus, this is a bad place to be,as u have become a weak man(simp) doing everything to please her..
Now she becomes the man in your relationship,she can cheat on u at this point and u are gonna be the one begging,..Most ladies are like that once they feel they can compete with u as the man. Give a woman power and she will abuse it as u get more and more unattractive to her as u do her biddings.
A man must always be strong and brave,every woman in Ur life should be under u no matter who she is,that's the goal,A man must be musculine and never feminine,she is the one to listen to u cos men are more wise than women and women are more stupid than men..


Romance / Re: I Know I Was Manipulative But What Do You Guys Think?.(photos) by ruffkenny: 2:57am On Jul 01, 2022
The truth is she is taken permission to have a fling meaning she is already fucking on a steady but stylishly letting u know,by adding so u mean" I can have it whenever I want". Take any woman serious at your own risk and love any woman at Ur risk too..This your girl belongs to the street, start looking for another babe and take her as a friend with benefits..

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Romance / Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by ruffkenny: 5:28am On Jun 08, 2022
When she cheats she gives out her heart and her attention becomes divided,that's when women become confuse who to be with, cos naturally women don't know what they want when it comes to a man. But for a man,he can cheat and still be in love with only one woman,others are mere sex with no emotions attached...

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Romance / Re: My Husband Doesn’t Want Sex – And It’s Wrecking My Self-confidence by ruffkenny: 4:46am On Jun 02, 2022
Please if your husband stopped doing it with u,that should not affect your confidence or self esteem,all u should do is entice him again like u were doing when u guys were dating,dress seductively when he is around.. Actually some wives start looking unkept after few years in marriage,this is a turn off for most men as they start looking for sexy girls outside,let it not be Ur case, wear perfume,dress sexy,flirt with Ur husband,wear G-string��..And if u have not been texting text him,he had run back home to u and desire u and it is not a crime to make the move,like hot Mouth Action on him without saying a word,like kisses,most men can hardly resist these,but if u try and he resist u,it only means he is getting it from other girls outside, so take note..
Romance / Re: Am In Need Of A Companion by ruffkenny: 6:02am On May 27, 2022
The first companion u need now is yourself,build yourself first not to feel lonely or miss her by reading some personal development books,hanging out with your friends,working on your purpose, living your passion,doing things u love and doing the things that make u happy..Stop dwelling in the past, this pattern of thinking u missed mother's love when u were little will trap u to constantly seek validation from the women in ur life which is totally wrong,..Be emotional detached from her and live your life,at the right time u will find the one that u truly deserve!u sound very needy and unhappy,so u need to work on urself first so u don't repeat the mistakes u made with your ex with another girl..
Romance / Re: I Need Help...i'm Losing Myself For A Girl by ruffkenny: 5:42am On May 27, 2022
It is very clear from the beginning,nothing will come out of it,even though it does,she will be cheating on u and flirting with other men,so decide if that is the future u want..The truth is u can't do for her what the dude outside does ,that is what she has been trying to show u and u don't understand! She has no single respect for u as a man and u are not enough for her..


Celebrities / Re: Janemena Reacts To Prince Kpokpogri Leaked Audio On Dirty Sex by ruffkenny: 2:54am On Oct 18, 2021
Una too dey lie, Op this girl made this video on the 8the of this month,I watched the video long before now,actually she has not said anything yet about this saga...
Romance / Re: I Just Realized Something New About Nairaland by ruffkenny: 8:31pm On Oct 07, 2021
President Buhari lol the dullard
Romance / Re: 20 Secrets Ladies Admire But Some Guys Doesn't Know by ruffkenny: 12:14am On Oct 03, 2021
The OP is probably fantasizing or trying to create fairy tales for the ladies but in reality it doesn't work that way,cos when u do half of those things she said, hmmm Ur name is sorry!!
Romance / Re: 20 Secrets Ladies Admire But Some Guys Doesn't Know by ruffkenny: 10:18pm On Oct 02, 2021
Yea, simply nice points. Lemme add.

21. If she cheats. Forgive her, it's probably your fault. Now go on your knees and beg her to give you one more chance. Increase your affection and love this time. If she cheats again, rinse and repeat this step.

22. Don't ask about her past. It's unfair to ask about her past. Even if her body count is up to 50 and she is for streets. Once you start dating forget about it. She is new now and she has changed. You job is to change a damaged woman, and pay her dowry.

23. Put her on pedestal. Only a real man says yes to all of his woman's desires and he must fulfill it. Be a real man. That's the only reason why he is alive.

24. Always put her goals first. It's wrong of you as a man to put your goals first, that's selfish. Make sure she achieve her purpose first, then you can attempt yours, if she agrees.

25. Believe her no matter what. Girls are always accountable, when she says A she really means it. They always know what they want and go for it. It only unfair of you to doubt her. For example, if you see her chat with other guys, before you get angry ask her, it might just be joke chats.

26. Her problems is yours. The very first day you ask for her phone number should be when you start to perform your duties as a man. If she says she needs a new phone the next day. Provide her the latest, if you don't have borrow. If you don't, you have no business being in a relationship, you're not a real man.

27. A woman has every right to bring another man's child to you and pin it to you. Your job is to take care of the child, untill the supposed deadbeat father comes for the child. You are not to carry out a DNA test, because she is keeping you away from the trauma it can cause you and the child. Don't be an ingrate.

28. It she doesn't pick your call, she is probably busy. If she doesn't return the call, keep trying and text her love messages. If she is online and she doesn't respond she is probably in a business meeting. Drop love emojis. Love doesn't come easy you have to slave for it, this is why you are a man.

29. Only a simp cautions his girl. If she shouts at you, she probably had a bad day. Be a real man and apologize to her. If she nags at you apologize, if she has anger issues, apologize. She loves you. She is the queen of your life.

30. A real man allows his girl to have as many male friends as she wants. They might be business partners or her cousin, or her uncle, or her besty. Girls don't cheat.

Things we do for love, how many can we count in Adepele's teeth.

Lastly avoid The Redpill. It is as fake as the F in Alpha Male. After all the only thing that matters to a man is how to get the pvssy. And if you still didn't get the pvssy, it your fault, you probably missed one or two steps. Come back, reread and reimplement.

You are on point,this is the best way to loose all your respect to a woman that will make her not to only disregard u totally,but also take advantage of u completely,most of us learnt this through experience but when u are overly caring to a woman,showing her love and doing all she want,her love begins to reduce with time,cos as u become weaker she becomes stronger than u,u begin to be the one to beg her while she either say yes or no,at this point u have turned to a puppet doing all she tells u,this is not been nice and caring to ur woman,this is simping,this is bondage,and with time she is gonna start to shout at u,find other guys attractive and cheat and begin to treat u as she like,cos girls value what is unavailable to them,give it to them then it looses value...


Romance / Re: How A Lady Almost Killed Me In My House by ruffkenny: 10:37pm On Oct 01, 2021
The dumbest thing i have ever read on nairaland.

A girl is dripping because she is horrny, it is an infection according to 1 boy on nairaland grin grin

You have no single experience with women.

Lol I thought same too,so a girl cannot get discharge again or drip?
Bro that's a normal thing abeg, except u saw something else,but Ur argument seem lame op, u don't have any evidence she has an infection,what about going for test with her before u conclude, or are u a gynecologist ?
Romance / Re: What Does She Mean By This? by ruffkenny: 8:38pm On Oct 01, 2021
U already missed the game by proposing love to her,u are supposed to go for a girl that already likes u or look for signs that Connots she want u,at least she will show u the green light before u go by the way she look at u,her smiles and eyes will say it all and her body language when she is around u..

The meaning of this is that some strong guy is fucking her and that dude has taken over her mind,so the only place she can place u is the friend zone meaning she wants to turn u to her sissy guy,a backup plan incase her dude messes up and trust me is not a good place to be,cos she would demand to get all the benefits of a boyfriend without offering u nothing in return and her response is gonna be I told u at first,so bro run for ur life cos u don't need this trash at all..

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Romance / Re: . by ruffkenny: 8:23pm On Oct 01, 2021
It is foolish to start spending Ur money on a girl who is not your wife,and even more foolish to extend it to her family,u just made a fool of urself,u never had a gf who respect u or even love u..The bitch u wasting the money u should invest in sth good is even a low life insecure bitch! And the stupid u is still shedding tears for this slut..Well sorry u are not a nice guy or kind guy but simply a simp and until u start understanding the nature of women,u will still repeat this same foolishness in ur next relationship..please learn from the red pil guys even if u are proper pil on how to handle women..u either get used by a woman or u use them in this game u call love,stop been a weak naive immature man seeking validation from a woman..

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Romance / Re: Help I'm About To Marry A Choleric Woman by ruffkenny: 2:19am On Sep 29, 2021
Does she seek your opinion before she do anything?
Does she respect u and see u like an authority?
Does she obey u and submit to u or she argues all the time and want u to do her bidding even as u dating her now?
Does she come to you whenever she want to make some decisions to put her through or she is always the boss dictating for u and telling u what to do?
Someone said it up there,u need balance in a relationship,let Ur girl look up to u cos naturally women are dominant and manipulative in nature if u give them the chance..The only way she can love u is when she chase your validation and acceptance and not the other way round and truth be told a choleric girl won't do that cos she feels she got her shit together always..

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Romance / Re: Should I quit this relationship? by ruffkenny: 12:24am On Sep 26, 2021
It means u are single and dating yourself,that bitch is for the highest bidder and she will dump Ur ass once she see someone richer than u or more cute than u,whatever the reason she is scaming u,she will vamoose when she see a bigger maga than u..


Celebrities / Re: Elon Musk And His Girlfriend, Grimes Breakup (Photo) by ruffkenny: 12:48am On Sep 25, 2021
Even Elon musk self no gree marry, then una want me to Marry...una dey vex for Davido, wizkid and Timaya say them no gree marry. But una no ask Psquare how their relationships were before marriage came along?
Tu face was doing His thing peaceful until He added marriage..

He was married 3 times and divorced..
Romance / Re: How Can One Just Stop Loving And Having Emotional Attachments by ruffkenny: 5:41pm On Sep 11, 2021
Love everyone the same ie
love ur neighbor as u love yourself..So u are the one that needs love the most,u got to show urself all the love u deserve and treat yourself right

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Romance / Re: How Can One Just Stop Loving And Having Emotional Attachments by ruffkenny: 10:20pm On Sep 10, 2021
1)By knowing that anyone that say they love u might hurt u,

2)By knowing that the best way to love anyone is to realise that u might loose them at anytime

3)By knowing that there is a thin line between love and hate

4)By going after those who have feelings for u and not just the ones who u feel sth for.

5)By not allowing anyone be the reason why u will be happy but finding happiness even within urself and knowing things that make u happy and doing them by yourself..

6)By not letting feelings be the reason u are with someone but
Compartibility, chemistry, connection,moral values,shared ideas,disciplines, friendship...

7)By learning not to miss anyone and be busy doing sth worthwhile,maybe Ur job,Ur dreams,Ur goals and vision..

These might help u be unattached to anyone emotionally...


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Romance / Re: My Wife Doesn't Know I Know She Cheated And That I Did A DNA Test On My Son by ruffkenny: 9:45pm On Sep 10, 2021
won't she just cry and say it's the devil..my brother make I do like say I no no yet and just dey use style check her phone and if by March Next year the love never come back then we go end am
Oh sorry Ur title actually made me not to see that part that u guys are just engaged,bro this is good,the solution is simple,since she is not Ur wife,keep her as a baby mama and move on with Ur life,u deserve a better woman who will not cheat on u bro cos u are a good person..Only take care of ur son..infact u have saved urself from marrying a cheating wife..I know u didn't bargain for this baby mama things but that's the best thing to do,u won't regret it..

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Romance / Re: My Wife Doesn't Know I Know She Cheated And That I Did A DNA Test On My Son by ruffkenny: 9:31pm On Sep 10, 2021
Somehow this is good but on a second thought i don't think it is,because Ur peace and mental health will be affected and u are going to become insecured,loosing all ur confidence and mental power as a man,if u continue to be in a marriage where Ur spouse is cheating on u,but from all u said about her,if u can communicate well with her again and get her to be close to u once more and love u again like she did before after u guys must have settled this maybe she can become a better wife,but once a cheater always a cheater,and most times girls who marry as virgins have a lot of unfulfilled fantasy in their head which u might never be able to fulfill but if u want to forgive her and go down that path,is ur chioce,there is going to be a lot of more trauma so be ready for it cos she is only 25 and she has cheated this early in ur marriage,so I doubt if she will ever stop doing that,just do what's best for ur peace that's all I can say..
won't she just cry and say it's the devil..my brother make I do like say I no no yet and just dey use style check her phone and if by March Next year the love never come back then we go end am
Health / Re: Struggling With Low Sperm Count And Weak Erection by ruffkenny: 3:07am On Sep 10, 2021
Don't release Ur sperm for at least one month,eat very well,fruits, vegetables and proteins..u must add garlic and ginger to ur food everyday,take honey and no white sugar and stop drinking surgery substances for now instead bitter things like small stout, Alomo bitter and kola nut..exercise within these one month,Ur weak erection n low sperm count should be corrected if u do all these regularly..

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Romance / Re: Pls Help, My Mom Is An Addict, Every Guy On My Street Has Slept With Her by ruffkenny: 1:27am On Aug 20, 2021
Maybe it is her way of dealing with the death of ur dad and her husle, promiscuity is not an option but in her case it is understandable,all she did was try to put food on the table for u and ur sib,cater for u guys and as u know she is already abandoned by family with no one to help her and she must pay the bills and ur fees.. please let her be,after all she doesn't have a bf and she is an adult who have a right to use her body how she want..Never confront her until u are able to stand on ur own and please don't loose respect for her or treat her wrong..u can only have one mother in this life no matter if she is mad..would u prefer she abandoned u guys when Ur dad died on the street and run off for olosho..Your mum is a fighter maybe she is doing it the wrong way cos she shouldn't have done that around Ur neighborhood...


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