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I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. - Romance - Nairaland

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I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by acidtalk: 9:21pm On Jun 22, 2012
This is currently a hot gist at a particular new generation bank on the Island.

A female staff of the bank came in yesterday (Thursday) all sweaty, sad and completely weighed down. Initially her friend thought that her disheveled look was due to the traffic she faced while coming to work and thought that she would get over it after getting a rest before resumption of office duties.

By 1p.m it was even worse as the said lady kept on crying, vomiting and complaining of headache and stomach pain. With much inquiries and persuasion from her close colleagues, she bursted out in tears and said "he has impregnated her".

This sent confusion to her colleagues who were consoling her but with further findings, it was learnt madam's husband has impregnated their 20years old maid (house girl).

The lady was sober because she claimed her husband threw the whole fault on her saying his actions were as a result of are not being home always and neglected him to concentrate on her banking career.

Saddest part of the story is due to the bank's policy, she can't get pregnant until after 2years of confirmation. She has only been confirmed 9months ago and only got married 11months (exactly a year next month).

Is this kind of situation what's the best advice for both the man and woman?

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Tedpgrass: 10:54pm On Jun 22, 2012
What does she want to do? Given the present scenario.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Lexusgs430: 12:02am On Jun 23, 2012
There Are only 3 options open to her
1 Divorce
2 Quit her job to save her marriage
3 Stay in Job, keep her marriage and damn the consequences


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by ITbomb(m): 12:04am On Jun 23, 2012
I always wondered, why was polygamy thrown out of fashion.
It could have solve so many problem and perhaps create some few ones


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by ODB1: 12:11am On Jun 23, 2012
What kind of useless Job will insist that you can't get pregnant? Do they tell the guys who work there not get their wives or girlfriends pregnant?


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 12:38am On Jun 23, 2012
What kind of useless Job will insist that you can't get pregnant? Do they tell the guys who work there not get their wives or girlfriends pregnant?

Business, my friend.
It doesn't do well for business to have someone on an important case and then have them go on mat leave half way through.
It stresses any business (and the team involved who also have lives of their own) out.

A way to look at it is, as a new recruit in the army who has to go through some bootcamp tings, do you go and get yourself pregnant and take mat leave?
It means you really don't care about your military career.

Some things require you to make certain sacrifices per time. As long as it is not forever, it's a perfectly reasonable request.
There needs to be communication and understanding between spouses about these things, as I'm sure they did.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun with your hubby. Contraception is great for family planning and will come in nicely here.
Hopefully she didn't "turn off" all together, otherwise she would have contributed to the situation a bit.


Her husband is selfish smiley


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by ODB1: 12:46am On Jun 23, 2012
If she had just stayed at home like a regular housewife all this wont have happened.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 6:13am On Jun 23, 2012
Honestly you need to change the way you think. The man will cheat no matter what. The Housemaid was just closer to home. If she was not available, he will go after the neighbour even if the wife is always home and without cloths on.
I advise she keeps her job and leave the DOG(husband) the fact that he did not even take into consideration that he might infect her with HIV is evidence enough that he does not give a crap about her


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by acidtalk: 7:40am On Jun 23, 2012
Mynd_44: ^^
Honestly you need to change the way you think. The man will cheat no matter what. The Housemaid was just closer to home. If she was not available, he will go after the neighbour even if the wife is always home and without cloths on.
I advise she keeps her job and leave the DOG(husband) the fact that he did not even take into consideration that he might infect her with HIV is evidence enough that he does not give a crap about her

Leave kwanu?
The marriage isn't even up to a month.
What's the possibilty of finding another man who won't do worse considering the nature of her job still remains that she is everly at home.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 7:46am On Jun 23, 2012
Then at this point, she has to decide between going back to a man who does not give a crap about her feelings and health (she could catch something from him you know) and her career and personal peace of mind.
If I was her, I will choose the later but hey I have been called insane before


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by acidtalk: 7:51am On Jun 23, 2012
Mynd_44: ^^
Then at this point, she has to decide between going back to a man who does not give a crap about her feelings and health (she could catch something from him you know) and her career and personal peace of mind.
If I was her, I will choose the later but hey I have been called insane before

Its really a very dicey one here I must confess.

In as much as the man is terribly wrong, know one has a wife who is in the same house but yet everyday, you can hadly boast of 3 hours talk with her is very frustrating.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 7:56am On Jun 23, 2012
Frustrating no doubt but lets reverse this issue. If the man works for 20 hours everyday and because of that, the woman cheats will we still be talking in this manner?


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Lisa1: 9:10am On Jun 23, 2012
Thanks for sharing.

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 9:23am On Jun 23, 2012
Lisa1: Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for that cheesy
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by acidtalk: 12:59pm On Jun 23, 2012
Mynd_44: Frustrating no doubt but lets reverse this issue. If the man works for 20 hours everyday and because of that, the woman cheats will we still be talking in this manner?

Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Exponental(m): 1:48pm On Jun 23, 2012
Why r u guys accusing d hubby. Refer 2 d post below
The lady was sober because she claimed her husband threw the whole fault on her saying his actions were as a result of are not being home always and neglected him to concentrate on her banking career.
she caused it as a result of her not being home always and neglected him to concentrate on her banking career. There was no additional statement 2 back d lady up except 4 her job.
I want 2 conclude dat she left ALL in d hands of d maid (which she neva needed). She shld av at least not make her hubby feel lonely. Money is good but its not all abt money. She needs 2 agree on terms with her hubby or get a divorce.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by doeeyed: 2:09pm On Jun 23, 2012
@ Mynd.............Well said!!!!!
Couldn't have said it better. smiley
How u dey?

Let's wait for more contributors with "Its a man's world" mentality come up with damning comments.
angry angry
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Ybutterfly: 2:20pm On Jun 23, 2012


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by omega25red(m): 2:22pm On Jun 23, 2012
Lexusgs430: There Are only 3 options open to her
1 Divorce
2 Quit her job to save her marriage
3 Stay in Job, keep her marriage and damn the consequences

Divorce is the only option here. she has a career and she is making money. she doesn't need this looser. was she sleeping at the bank? did she bank for 24 hour 7 days a week? hi s excuse is ridiculos and she would be a fool if she stays.

Also she can't blame the house help because its not her fault. All blame shoud squarly be on that usless man who knew that she is a banker and agreed to marry her and cheated on her without even wearing a condom (he cheated and a condom will at least protect his wife if he got a disease).


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by breegal: 2:55pm On Jun 23, 2012
dis is a two way tin B.T.W.....dis is wre crious communication comes in you dont xpct d woman 2 just give in 2 divorce lik dat...buh if i wre in her shoe i wuld accept d child..........get back 2 my job.....send d girl parkn.......and work on my mariage.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Andrew3(m): 3:11pm On Jun 23, 2012

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by oraclefemi(m): 3:13pm On Jun 23, 2012
when a man is Hot nothing will stop him unless inner will, its very easy to tell her to leave him but lets be honest do you know what it takes to stay married. SEX is in our genes and no career or selfishness can curb that. She should go ahead and focus on her career , become a spinster, later a cougar then a sugar mommmy when she has made all the money in the world. SORT YOUR MARRIAGE FIRST , THEN MONEY ISSUES WILL BE SOLVED IN DUE TIME


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 3:16pm On Jun 23, 2012
[size=50pt]Go and ripp off his balls...

JUST 11 months into their marriage what!!!

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by goldenboi(m): 3:26pm On Jun 23, 2012
breegal :
dis is a two way tin B.T.W.....dis is wre crious communication comes in you dont xpct d woman 2 just give in 2 divorce lik dat...buh if i wre in her shoe i wuld accept d child..........get back 2 my job.....send d girl parkn.......and work on my mariage.

Accept another womans child?? SMH for you ooo....

technically, they both need to sit down n figure out how this is goin to work out...

would quitting her job mean the man wouldnt cheat on her again?? what happens to the child?

All depends on this lady now and what she wants...

She's not yet pregnant, so she can call the marriage quits n concentrate on her career or sumtin else.

Let her jst pick up the pieces of her life n move on....the guy is showing no remorse, so its not worth it.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Tyche(m): 3:26pm On Jun 23, 2012
The man fuc.ked up big time, did he 4got she was a banker before they got married?
The lady should not be too quick to divorce him; the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.
The hubby failed the eleventh commandment; thou shall not be caught.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by pendusky(m): 3:30pm On Jun 23, 2012
Lisa1: Thanks for sharing.
i knw bankers wil find dis story interesting!

Its a big problem esp if d maid give birth to a male child wich is always a case in such circum. Nathing they gona do than take k of d gal and child!
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 3:32pm On Jun 23, 2012
You cannot be a successful housewife and a successful careerwoman at the same time.Career women should learn to make sacrifices,everything is not always about money.Family matters sometimes.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by cruisesect: 3:33pm On Jun 23, 2012
The truth is that the guy is a very selfish person.He no dey work?and beside why should they have a maid at this time?The woman should continue with the marriage if she can but maintain her job cos with or without her at home this man will surely cheat.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Andrew3(m): 3:35pm On Jun 23, 2012
the best thing to do is retaliate. angry angry angry angry angry
mere looking at me you can become pregnant grin grin grin
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by xrazzy(m): 3:36pm On Jun 23, 2012
The Banker should arrange for the kidnapping of the house-help for onward relocation to Miaduguri, Kaduna or damaturu grin
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by phadat(m): 3:37pm On Jun 23, 2012
The husband is wack hw can you descend so low and have sex with d maid SHM that being said I'll advice the lady to tow the line of caution divorce is not an option here they can always work things out if the husband is remorseful and pls send the maid out of the house she can be taken care of by a close relative my two cents
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by question(m): 3:37pm On Jun 23, 2012
Misleading Front Page Topic : Banker inpregnates house-girl and blames wife for absence

is the man also a banker?


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