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I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by dasparrow: 5:03pm On Jun 23, 2012

This kind of stories are the reason why an increasing number of people are giving this idea or institution called marraige a second thought. I thought that many Nigerians argue that getting married automatically means one is a responsible individual? So what is so 'responsible' in what this man did? He not only cheated on his wife but cheated on his wife without a condom! What if the housemaid had HIV/AIDS or some other STI? So this is how he will pass it on to his wife?

Honestly, it is better to remain single and HEALTHY than be married to a cheat that will expose you to all types of diseases and cut your life span short. After all, there are many women who did get married but lost their husbands and chose not to remarry but are still enjoying their life, their children and grand children if any. Getting married is not a guarantee that you may not end up alone (not lonely) down the road especially with the way boko haram and bad roads are sending people to their early graves in Nigeria.

The man in question lacks self control, moral values and the fear of God and even if his wife stayed home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, he will still cheat. I advise the lady in question to run away before he gives her AIDS. There is a reason why Africa has the highest HIV/AIDS patients/sufferers in the world. It is because of lack of self control like this man has exhibited and women being forced to stay with such randy men. Next time, she should look before she leaps and most importantly she should pray and maybe even fast before marrying anyone because the kind of person you marry can make or brake you. Enough said.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by freemanrule: 5:10pm On Jun 23, 2012
wow wats are world turning in2,is d guy in question dnt knw abt useing condoms or fulshe 2 stap dt low,@ ist he didt worth his wife.All his wife didt was trying to hlpe him jst as it should be.dts no need of quiting d job its have aready happan jst face her fears dts all.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by PopoolaTaiwo(m): 5:13pm On Jun 23, 2012
40% blame 4 d guy n d rxt 4 d lady. Anyway it has hapend bt d solutn is dz mak d lady acept d child n stick 2 hz huby mayb is goin 2 luz z wrk am lex concern. Marriag is mo imptnt dan wrk. I rxt my case
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Oluesther(f): 5:17pm On Jun 23, 2012
If she had just stayed at home like a regular housewife all this wont have happened.

Will the husband give her all the money she needs, if she stays at home? She has to work to get money to support the family.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by bonetalk(m): 5:25pm On Jun 23, 2012
oraclefemi: when a man is Hot nothing will stop him unless inner will, its very easy to tell her to leave him but lets be honest do you know what it takes to stay married. SEX is in our genes and no career or selfishness can curb that. She should go ahead and focus on her career , become a spinster, later a cougar then a sugar mommmy when she has made all the money in the world. SORT YOUR MARRIAGE FIRST , THEN MONEY ISSUES WILL BE SOLVED IN DUE TIME
oraclefemi: when a man is Hot nothing will stop him unless inner will, its very easy to tell her to leave him but lets be honest do you know what it takes to stay married. SEX is in our genes and no career or selfishness can curb that. She should go ahead and focus on her career , become a spinster, later a cougar then a sugar mommmy when she has made all the money in the world. SORT YOUR MARRIAGE FIRST , THEN MONEY ISSUES WILL BE SOLVED IN DUE TIME
oraclefemi: when a man is Hot nothing will stop him unless inner will, its very easy to tell her to leave him but lets be honest do you know what it takes to stay married. SEX is in our genes and no career or selfishness can curb that. She should go ahead and focus on her career , become a spinster, later a cougar then a sugar mommmy when she has made all the money in the world. SORT YOUR MARRIAGE FIRST , THEN MONEY ISSUES WILL BE SOLVED IN DUE TIME
the best post so far
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Oluesther(f): 5:26pm On Jun 23, 2012
Exponental: Why r u guys accusing d hubby. Refer 2 d post below

she caused it as a result of her not being home always and neglected him to concentrate on her banking career. There was no additional statement 2 back d lady up except 4 her job.
I want 2 conclude dat she left ALL in d hands of d maid (which she neva needed). She shld av at least not make her hubby feel lonely. Money is good but its not all abt money. She needs 2 agree on terms with her hubby or get a divorce.

Seun pls create an avenue for us to dislike some comments.


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by kutchs: 5:34pm On Jun 23, 2012
I hope the guy in question is not my friend Francis, he can be really bad. Just hope not.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by jel10: 5:39pm On Jun 23, 2012
What's she doin with a househelp when she doesn't have children yet.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by DonaldGenes(m): 5:39pm On Jun 23, 2012
Mynd_44: ^^
Honestly you need to change the way you think. The man will cheat no matter what. The Housemaid was just closer to home. If she was not available, he will go after the neighbour even if the wife is always home and without cloths on.
I advise she keeps her job and leave the DOG(husband) the fact that he did not even take into consideration that he might infect her with HIV is evidence enough that he does not give a crap about her

Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by LesbianBoy(m): 5:42pm On Jun 23, 2012
SMH @ some guys response on this thread! You all are talking like this becos its not the other way round! And to think someone on this thread said "if the wife had been a house wife, all this won't happen" I seriously wonder if that person "is for real"? If women don't want to work, u guys will say "naija women are lazy and like depending on men for money" if they are working u guys will till talk! the truth is there are many randy men this days! And the funny thing is they give silly reasons to justify their "ways"! What the young man could have done, was to sit his wife down and tell her his mind! And not cheating and then blaming his wife's too much focus on her job, for his actions!

BTW am surprised he didn't blame the devil! U know devil is always the usual culprit in cases like this!.......lol


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Timijo(m): 5:45pm On Jun 23, 2012
Tyche: The man fuc.ked up big time, did he 4got she was a banker before they got married?
The lady should not be too quick to divorce him; the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.
The hubby failed the eleventh commandment; thou shall not be caught.
Tyche: The man fuc.ked up big time, did he 4got she was a banker before they got married?
The lady should not be too quick to divorce him; the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.
The hubby failed the eleventh commandment; thou shall not be caught.
Tyche: The man fuc.ked up big time, did he 4got she was a banker before they got married?
The lady should not be too quick to divorce him; the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.
The hubby failed the eleventh commandment; thou shall not be caught.
How could you compare the devil with an angel? If the devil stands and an angel also stands, and u were asked to choose, will u confidently choose the devil? No, I guessed. So next time say "The devil u know is better than the devil u don't know".
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by olawaleroc: 5:46pm On Jun 23, 2012
The Banker should arrange for the kidnapping of the house-help for onward relocation to Miaduguri, Kaduna or damaturu grin
Ha ha ha. Bad arrangement
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by cbaba: 5:47pm On Jun 23, 2012
E no pass Zenith Bank. They still do that rubbish. Dont get pregnant until you are confirmed. What a life!
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by enroute(m): 5:59pm On Jun 23, 2012
1. I won't advice her to divorce the man. She works in a bank and bankers have no life. Who knows how long it will take her to get someone else. Besides, she's practically still a bride, so in my opinion, its too early to be thinking divorce.
2. I also will not advocate for her to quit her job and face her marriage. For Christ's sakes this is the... (what century is this?), women do not do such dumb things anymore.
3. I do not honestly think the man is much concerned with getting a child. He probably only wanted a dame to poke so, the banker in question should 'arrange' the house help. Meaning, get her an abortion, give her some coins and then the sack, and have a serious talk with her erring husband.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by boomii(f): 6:01pm On Jun 23, 2012
The deed has bin done. I would not advise she leaves her job cos the husband is not worth it. The maid shud get her apartment and life goes on as usual. Shikena!
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 6:22pm On Jun 23, 2012
@ Mynd.............Well said!!!!!
Couldn't have said it better. smiley
How u dey?

Let's wait for more contributors with "Its a man's world" mentality come up with damning comments.
angry angry
I dey jorh. Don't mind all these selfish people they only think with their third leg.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by queensmith: 6:24pm On Jun 23, 2012
I really pity Nigerian women living in Nigeria, look at the men you have to marry. . . . . its a dem shame *smh*

Ghana isn't that far. . . . . . .


Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by egoldman(m): 6:27pm On Jun 23, 2012
I do not support the man , but let me say this : if the woman does not have time for the man for a very long time and the maid is always the one "available" for him , then she has some level of blame on her side .
every man is not the same , the sex drive and control of all men are not the same ,my wife sometimes does this too , it doesn't make me to desire another woman , but as i said some men cant keep up with such for prolong period of time .
As i type this my wife has gone to bed , its 11pm and we have not jived grin grin since Monday or Tuesday, if i tell her about it now , she would say she is tired, i can deal with this and wait for her , but some men can not .
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by ojietu: 6:33pm On Jun 23, 2012
mr man this is no news, .we keep hearing such kind of news every day. The news should be house boy impregnates madam.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by optimistD(m): 6:53pm On Jun 23, 2012
I blame ths lady 4kiping a 20ys old housemaid in d house cnsidering d nature of her job. Infact its wrong 2kip a 15yrs old housmaid in d house 2b serving ur husbnd nt to talk of cookn 4him wen u ar nt arnd.

D did has been done. I sugest that:
1)The girl nd d pregnancy shld b well taken care of, but nt in her matrimonial home(dnt think of abortion).
2) she shld kip her job.
3) she shld kip her mariage.
4) she shld nt cry 4d husb or grumble abt it 2d hm agn.
5) create out more time 4her husband nd try to luv hm more.
Only her can mke ths mariage work.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 6:57pm On Jun 23, 2012
queensmith: I really pity Nigerian women living in Nigeria, look at the men you have to marry. . . . . its a dem shame *smh*

Ghana isn't that far. . . . . . .
Don't generalize jorh. All Nigerian men are not the same
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 6:59pm On Jun 23, 2012
queensmith: I really pity Nigerian women living in Nigeria, look at the men you have to marry. . . . . its a dem shame *smh*

Ghana isn't that far. . . . . . .

Shattap there lol tongue

I get you about Nigerian men. . . . such a pity for our Beautiful Nigerian women living in Nigeria tongue tongue
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by boomssey(f): 7:02pm On Jun 23, 2012

Business, my friend.
It doesn't do well for business to have someone on an important case and then have them go on mat leave half way through.
It stresses any business (and the team involved who also have lives of their own) out.

A way to look at it is, as a new recruit in the army who has to go through some bootcamp tings, do you go and get yourself pregnant and take mat leave?
It means you really don't care about your military career.

Some things require you to make certain sacrifices per time. As long as it is not forever, it's a perfectly reasonable request.
There needs to be communication and understanding between spouses about these things, as I'm sure they did.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun with your hubby. Contraception is great for family planning and will come in nicely here.
Hopefully she didn't "turn off" all together, otherwise she would have contributed to the situation a bit.


Her husband is selfish smiley
Very very selfish n self centerd 2.haba!
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by dacool1(m): 7:06pm On Jun 23, 2012

The hubby sure knew this before he married her.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 7:06pm On Jun 23, 2012

Shattap there lol tongue

I get you about Nigerian men. . . . such a pity for our Beautiful Nigerian women living in Nigeria tongue tongue

Not all Nigerian men oooo
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by boomssey(f): 7:07pm On Jun 23, 2012
optimist D: I blame ths lady 4kiping a 20ys old housemaid in d house cnsidering d nature of her job. Infact its wrong 2kip a 15yrs old housmaid in d house 2b serving ur husbnd nt to talk of cookn 4him wen u ar nt arnd.

D did has been done. I sugest that:
1)The girl nd d pregnancy shld b well taken care of, but nt in her matrimonial home(dnt think of abortion).
2) she shld kip her job.
3) she shld kip her mariage.
4) she shld nt cry 4d husb or grumble abt it 2d hm agn.
5) create out more time 4her husband nd try to luv hm more.
Only her can mke ths mariage work.
Easier sad than done.not that ez.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 7:07pm On Jun 23, 2012
Not all Nigerian men oooo

Mo moh smiley
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Mynd44: 7:15pm On Jun 23, 2012

Mo moh smiley
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 7:15pm On Jun 23, 2012
Sad. She probably leaves home at 6am, gets home at 9pm and most likely tired and starves husband of sex, husband would have to wait till weekend. She lives a 20years old maid to take care of the home front while she's at work. Recipe for husbands to make sex advances towards the maid especially if the maid is fit. Serious temptation for the man, it takes a lot of strong will to resist the temptation especially if the husband has a John Thomas that loves action. They must have been doing it everywhere in the house. What was she thinking?

Well the deed has been done, It's her marriage, they need to see a councillor or a pastor to save that marriage. If she truly loves the man, she would stay with him.

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Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Tbeiz: 7:16pm On Jun 23, 2012
First,I want to ask one question.

What in the world is a housemaid of 20 years old doing in the house of a newly wed couple who have no kids yet??

And now, Ekaete don get bele...

My advice:
Accept the child( depends on the hubby/girl) but KICK THE GIRL OUT.

But i'm sure wify must have smelt the rat b4 now, she just ignored it...
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by Nobody: 7:21pm On Jun 23, 2012
Tbeiz: First,I want to ask one question.

What in the world is a housemaid of 20 years old doing in the house of a newly wed couple who have no kids yet??

And now, Ekaete don get bele...

My advice:
Accept the child( depends on the hubby/girl) but KICK THE GIRL OUT.

But i'm sure wify must have smelt the rat b4 now, she just ignored it...

Are you stylishly trying to blame the girl? What if she was forced, I mean after all, we're only hearing one side of the story.

Don't be devious, taking a child from his/her mother is pure evil.
Re: I Impregnated Our Maid Because My Banker Wife Was Never Around. by dipo1: 7:43pm On Jun 23, 2012
please stop this unrealistic bullsht of saying the victim should take the child and butt the mother. If you were the maid, would you let anyone take your child from you? If she wants to take the child and keep her marriage she should be ready to take the maid as her husby's second wife

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