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I would certainly attend such a wedding. In fact, I would rather attend the wedding of 400 homosexual couples than the wedding of 1 northern, religious (lol) brother trying to marry a ten year old child. The irony of this topic is that most of the people commenting would not hesitate to attend the wedding of one of our murderdous, scheming, evil politicians. Mtchewwwwwwwwwwww 3 Likes |
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When my cuz got married we (the bridesmaids) had to pay for our own dresses. Mind you, this was in Yankee so I'm not too sure about in Naija. IMO, I think the bridesmaids should pay for their own stuff (dress, hair, shoes etc). The bride already has a lot to pay for. If you are special enough to be in the bridal party then you should be able to foot the bill for your expenses, otherwise why accept to be a bridesmaid. |
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Sam Milla: Your comment about Ondo and Delta makes you sound so dumb. *SMH* |
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This issue is not as black and white as it seems. I believe the issue is not whether you have a house girl/boy but rather HOW you treat them. If you treat them with respect and dignity and pay them well enough to meet and surpass their needs then it really is not wrong. The problem in Naija, as I have seen from many people who have house boys/girls is that they don't pay them well, they degrade them and to be quite honest treat them like they are pieces of garbage. It really pisses me off to see the way some people talk to their houseboys and girls. I mean, if these same people were spoken to by their bosses/ employers in that manner, I m sure they would pack their bags and quit. Also, to all the people calling it slavery, um would you also say that nannies, Au pairs, butlers and servants here in North America are also being enslaved?? Some of these people are getting paid beyond minimum wage (they make more than the average person working at wal-mart etc)! Most people here can not even afford to employ them nannies, butlers etc. Again, the real issue should be how people treat their house helps. If they are children, efforts should be made to ensure that they are getting their education. Unfortunately, the mentality of many Nigerians is one in which people get pleasure out of making others feel beneath them! |
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Wow. Girl, avoid all liars! |
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shotster50: Well, I'm sorry, I am not calling them dumb because they are expressing views that I "don't agree" with; I am calling them dumb because they are making statements that are completely unfounded and irrational which unfortunately makes them appear dumb. It's just the plain truth. Sorry if you were offended. |
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Geez, people are soooooo dumb!!! Man, the writer of the article posted by the poster is bitter as hell. My gosh, a woman must have really wronged that idiot. And for the original poster of this topic - you must also have some issues as well, posting that nonsense on here. First of all, people need to realize that Beyonce did not write or produce "If I were A Boy" as well as many of her other popular songs. If you want to blame someone, blame the writers and producers of her music in addition to blaming her- equal contribution deserves equal blame. Sorry, most of u people posting about how much u hate Beyonce simply because of the words of her song are straight up hating. If she came to you all tomorrow you will be running to lick her ass. Stop pretending! |
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Huh? Your tips are pointless and useless! *hissssss* 1 Like |
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Well guys, it's that special day to celebrate our great nation's independence! No matter where you are (Naija, jand, Yankee, Canada, etc) let everyone know how you are celebrating this awesome day! I'll start; I will be partying tonight lol! ![]() |
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@ poster - so your evaluation of a decent movie industry is based on the fact that a movie has listed all the actors, the plot and synopsis and a discussion on IMDB?? OMG! I have never laughed more in my life! Measure the movie on its merit not on the fact that it was not properly listed on IMDB is the point I am trying to make. So, I can create a horrible, low budget piece of crap of a movie but because I list it on IMDB along with its plot, synopsis, actors and then start a discussion that automatically means my movie is worthy ![]() Very illogical rationalizations you are making, my dear. |
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@ Poster, your argument is seriously lacking. It seems that you are upset because Nollywood movies are on the IMDB site when you feel Nollywood movies are not "good enough" to be included in such a database. I frequent that site (IMDB) often and as the name states it is a database, which means ANY and ALL kinds of movies can be included. The point of the site is to list movies and have people discuss and rate the movies. There are many crappy Hollywood movies listed on the site. Should they be removed because they are not up to par (as in they received poor ratings from viewers)? You can even look up movies based on low rankings. Just to prove how off your topic is, visit the link below. It is the IMDB list of worst rated movies. As you will see, all are from hollywood, yet they still exist on the site. Any chance to knock Nollywood will surely be taken ! Geez! |
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Hmm I wonder when we will see the Olympics in an African nation other than South Africa and Egypt. How do you guys picture the opening ceremony if it were to be held in naija? What dances or things could be done? ![]() |
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@Lucabrasi, You are really defending the girl o! Perhaps you know someone personally who has considered committing such an act. Anyways sha, I feel what you are saying about some underlying reasons for the crime that the media does not report on, however, the fact still remains that she wanted 1 million N to back to school so that she can enjoy. How can you say that it is the parents fault for not sending her to a school where she will be less likely to associate with bad people? You are making too many assumptions here. There are the "wrong" types of people everywhere. It never ceases to amaze me that people will always try and responsibilize parents for their children's actions. The girl is grown. She is greedy and there is no other justification for committing the act. The funny part of the story is that SHE was the one who reported the crime because she got ripped off by her accomplices. What a foolish person! |
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HCH3COO: My dear, you are very correct! |
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Okija_juju: Yes, you are correct however I also mentioned religious leaders. I am speaking purely from personal experience but I have seen a lot of things occurring in the church that in all honesty should not even be tolerated (for example, molestations by church leaders that are covered up) but have been for a wide range of reasons (i.e. money, "to protect the image of the church" ![]() |
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HCH3COO: Hmm, the question has been answered and I am 11 pages late but you still took the time to read my post that is 11 pages late, smart ass. |
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This is a tough issue. Yes, Christian teachings tell us that homosexuality is a sin; however it also tells us that stealing, adultery, and lying are also sins. The question now is, given the current landscape of Nigerian politics where we have politicians openly stealing from the poor and lying to the masses (and don't even get me started on the activities of supposed church leaders), where should we cast them? Why do we not hold them accountable to these sins with the same Christian values we use to condemn gays. I am not saying that homosexuality is right or wrong. I just want to point out the double standard that exists. Who gets to decide which sins are less important or "worse". IMO, God is the only one that can make that judgment. |
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@ 9ja boi---- You seem to have asked every female on here to post pic of their tummy- can u please post yours up so that I can see your six pack? I personally find naija guys to be equally overweight or tooooo skinny, hardly any of them have fit defined built bodies! So please- prove me wrong- I want to see your non-belly protruding, fit body. & yes, I am already anticipating that you will ask me to put mine up and blah blah blah- so please just shut up and show your own, |
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hilli666: OMG this quote is hilarious- especially the line about the "film industry eradicating poverty"!!! Where did u get that info?? All of what u have said is beyond false, |
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um well u are comparing apples and oranges-- the two ladies are completely different, |
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OMO IBO: LOL I was thinking the same thing. @ Poster, where did u come up with a random as hell # such as 43! LOL, I am Igbo and I have been to many Igbo weddings and NONE have been that age, Oh I guess they were not included in the sample size for your accurate and in depth research, |
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Hmm well @ the poster, NEVER SAY NEVER! I think what the other posters are highlighting is that it may be harder for u to get to that level given the fact that a lot of the key players are young. Keep trying but be sure not to put all of your eggs in one basket and have a PLAN B- (Or C,D, E lol) just in case your soccer dream does not come true! Best of luck! |
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Well, speaking as someone who has experienced both living in Nigeria and living abroad I will say that the main issue with Nigeria has to deal with the type of thinking the people possess as well a the role of the government. First, ALL nations have corruption--yes ALL!!! USA, U.K, Canada etc. The real problem lies in the fact that there is absolutely NO ACCOUNTABILITY present in Nigeria. For example say in the US, a politician obtains government funds to construct or fix a road. Now they may not create the best road (as they are supposed to) but a lesser road and pocket some of the money here and there. Now the same issue happens in Nigeria, the only difference is that the Nigerian politician not only fails to build a decent road HE/SHE does not even construct one at all!! They pocket the money right away and leave the people with nothing. The reason why the American politician has built the road- despite it being a little shoddy is because the politician is held accountable for his/her actions and hence, some standard. Who are the politicians in Nigeria accountable to? Certainly not the citizens and sure as hell not to other politicians. Secondly, I have to state that I have struggled with the kind of rationality that goes on in the minds of Nigerians. When I go home, I get sickened by the way people operate. You have to pay for anything to get done. You go to an office you have to pay for the clerk to see you. I am not saying all people are like this. I am just so sick of the whole "what do you have to offer me to get me to do what I AM SUPPOSED (and paid through employment) to do" mentality, the funny part is these same people complain about Nigeria yet they participate in and perpetuate the same things they are against. What impression is being made on a child who sees that his parents have to pay the guards/ police to prevent being harassed by the people meant to protect them. IMO, I luv Naija but sometimes we have to admit it is also a disgrace. Do not even get me started on the fact that one of the TOP oil producing countries in the world, guess what, RUNS out of OIL!!! Who does this make sense to ![]() |
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I sometimes miss him--but the feeling is more about the friendship in the earlier stages of our relationship. We actually still keep in touch and chat. He is a nice guy but a cheater!! He cheated on me and every other girlfriend he has dated since lol, so there is no way in hell that I would want a chronic cheater in my life like him!! |
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They are not SCAPEGOATS!! Lets not deceive our selves- given the population of Nigerians both within and especially outside of Naija they do commit a lot of the larges- scale scams. I luv Naija but we first have to be honest if we want to change this notion of Nigerians as scammers. |
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At one of my classes in university we discussed a Nigerian village in South Carolina USA that was said to have been created in an attempt to preserve the Yuroba culture, Well I went to the site and it appears that this place is nothing more than a tourist attraction that turns African culture into a spectacle for white people. What in the hell were those who had a hand in creating this place thinking? I'm sure there were very selfish motives behind its creation. just wondering what other Nigerians think about this place. here is a link to the villages website: |
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Omotola is a horrible singer!!!! Every celeb in North America and Europe always wants to "sing". It's sad that now, Nigerian movie stars are doing the same. Find what u are good at and please stick to it!!! ![]() |
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CENTRIST!!!!! ![]() I think centrists are good- they can adapt to all types of people and situations and are open-minded. We fall everywhere and no where at the same time, lol |
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I feel sorry for the poor soul who asked this question- see as though all people have listed almost every language known to Nigerians as the easiest to learn- the poor person might as well just stick with english ![]() |
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