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Lanreade's Posts

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Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 12:41am On Dec 30, 2010
harry, my service provider is telus.It is very cheap.If u want to call Nigeria you will need a phonecard.Go to any walmart u will get one for 2dollar 50 cent
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 11:57pm On Dec 28, 2010
where are u in canada?
I am now in waterloo.School resumes on the 4th of january.
I stay in waterloo.
Once u have a phone pls let me know via nairaland so that i can send my cellphone number to you.
Canada is a very lovely place to study.
I was schipol airport?Hope u did a lot of window shopping?
Welcome to canada.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 6:43am On Dec 19, 2010
I would love to appreciate everybody that had contributed to the success of my visa.I applied for a canadian visa on the 21st of Sept,2010 called for medicals on the 19 of October,2010 and called for further medicals on the 12/11/10 and finally got my visa on the 3/12/10.God wanted me in canada dat why he gave visa.I owe him alot.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 7:52am On Dec 14, 2010
We just have to thank God for given us Visa to study in canada.Pls, guys let continue to serve him because he has just begun a new thing in our lives.Hope to see u guys dis weekend.Harry and Charles Congrats.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 3:58pm On Dec 09, 2010
boboade,pls, wat was the worth of dollar u went with to canada,I mean the amount you went with?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 5:26pm On Dec 04, 2010
boboade,pls, wat were the questions they asked from you and how did u answer them?It is always good to prepare verywell.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 12:59pm On Dec 04, 2010
Boboade and rare,pls, wat are the things that the immigration officer with requst for at the point of entry?I will be coming down immediately after xmas.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 6:09am On Nov 30, 2010
send ur mobile number or email address.This will enable me to tell ow I did my own.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 6:42pm On Nov 26, 2010
u will write the dept first and now copy graduate school that u want to defer your admission till fall nextyear.It will take them a month before a decision is made wether to approve ur deferral letter.State the reasons while u are deferring ur admission
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 12:51pm On Nov 21, 2010
I submitted my application on d 21st of Sept,I got notification to go for medical on 19 oct, after two weeks or thereabout I got another notification for further medical.wen I got2 the hospital I was told that my first x ray was not cleared so I had to do another x ray.Wen do u guys think my visa will be ready for collection cos I had the medical on 12 nov.Thank you.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 11:10pm On Oct 31, 2010
All wat charles and harry are right on wat they said as regards you filing ur study permit application.The CHC will not process ur application because is already late.Wat I think you can do is to defer ur admission till may or sept 2011.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 6:53pm On Oct 27, 2010
I had my medical yesterday at marien hospital yaba.God will finish what he has started
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 5:58pm On Oct 19, 2010
Charles,owfar?wat is d latest.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 12:58pm On Aug 31, 2010
Charles,at maple i was told that, I could only pay when the embassy gives a directive and that will be immdiately after your medicals.
send me your yy messenger so that we can chat or ur facebook account name.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 8:26am On Aug 31, 2010
Who is the agent?Maple doesn't advise that.
Education / Re: I Have Different Names On My Certificates: Problem? by lanreade(m): 2:23pm On Aug 30, 2010
I nid ur advice in my Waec I have Adegbenro Adebukola Ola, In my GCE i have Adegbenro Adebukola Lanre, In my Degree certificate i have Adegbenro Adebukola lanre, in my birth cert i have Adegbenro Adebukola Olanrewaju, in my International Passport i have Adegbenro Adebukola Olanrewaju likewise my NYSC certificate.What do u think I can do to correct this?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 12:56pm On Aug 24, 2010
In my WAEC I have ADEGBENRO ADEBUKOLA OLA, in my GCE i have ADEGBENRO ADEBUKOLA LANRE in my birth certificate i have ADEGBENRO ADEBUKOLA OLANREWAJU, won't these factors accept my chance of getting a visa for my masters program in canada?Guys, what can I do because I must to get this visa o.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 4:31pm On Aug 20, 2010
Charlie,Visa processing is 120k,when going for medicals u make additional payment of 2000 dollars for immigration consutancy services which covers work permit application and permanent residence application.there is every assurance of securing a visa through them but their services is damnly expensive
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 9:52pm On Aug 19, 2010
charlie,na university of waterloo in ontario.I will be coming to maple tomorrow to make an enquiry.One of my friends just got her visa to canada and she used maple,she even said that 80 applicants were given visa to canada with the assistance of maple
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 6:01pm On Aug 19, 2010
hello,am also going for winter 2011,av already gotten my admission for masters program but my chanllenges now are the documents for the visa cos am actually trying to use an agent or wat do u think charlie?The agent said I would have to pay 2000 dollars for the visa processing,should I go ahead and make the payment or wat do u suggest.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 2:18pm On Jul 30, 2010
debosy,thanks for ur reply.I got admission to university of waterloo around late june but I had to defer the admission till winter 2011.I mailed the lady in charge and she said by middle of August I would have another offer letter.My question now is dat,is it not date late?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 7:36am On Jul 30, 2010
Am 30yr old going for my masters program at university of waterloo, canada.My question is dat,with my age do I have a chance of getting visa to canada and want is the minimum age dat the canadian embassy requires for whoeva that wants to go for masters in canada.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 8:48am On Jul 27, 2010
Do I need police report as part of the visa requirements cos in their site there is nothing like that.
About my ties to my country what document do you think I can you to convince the consular that I will be coming back after my masters program.
Please, is it compulsory for me to use any agency firm for the visa processing?
I look forward to hearing from u guy.
I am to resume for winter 2010.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 4:08pm On Jul 26, 2010
Guys,what were those requirements you submitted to the embassy for visa cos am about filling my application for winter 2011.Am doing masters in electrical and computer engineering at university of waterloo.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 8:37am On Jul 15, 2010
I just deferred my admission to university of waterloo and have not heard from them.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 7:58am On Jun 27, 2010
Is age limit part of visa requirements for a master program in canada?If so what is the minimum age?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 10:12pm On Jun 26, 2010
I just got my admission letter from university of waterloo,canada for masters program.I just want know whether I can still file in my application at the canadian embassy.
Travel / Re: I Wish To Go For My M.sc Program In Canada. by lanreade(m): 2:59pm On Jun 15, 2010
I got a mail from university of waterloo department of electrical and computer engineering that my file had been recommended for admission for master program and the file had been sent to the university graduate studies office for final decision.
My question now is dat,would they give me admission with the recommendation from the department to them?

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Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada by lanreade(m): 10:11am On May 19, 2010
I appplied to uni of calgary, uni of alberta and uni of waterloo around january this year and am yet to hear from them.
Pls, can you help me out?I want to study electrical and computer engineering at master degree level.
Travel / Re: I Wish To Go For My M.sc Program In Canada. by lanreade(m): 1:05pm On Apr 25, 2010
I applied to university of alberta for my masters in electrical and computer engineering and am yet to hear from them concerning my admission.Opcomm, could u help me find out? so that, i will be able to apply at the embassy for visa.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / A Guy Needs A Serious Minded Lady For A Relationship That Can Lead To Marriage. by lanreade(m): 12:55pm On Mar 25, 2010
A guy looking for a lady that is seriousminided, full of intelligent, brilliant and very industrious.Age between 20-27 years.You can call on these lines 08038046059 or 08098089180.Be expecting ur call.
Education / Nigerian Studing In University Of Alberta, Calgary And Waterloo by lanreade(m): 2:04pm On Mar 19, 2010
I just want to know if there are nigerian students presently studing or graduated from these universities:University of Waterloo, University of Alberta and University of calgary all these universities are in canada.
I applied for Masters program in electrical and computer engineering for fall semester which is september this year.
What can you say about these schools?Is there opportunities for some that graduated from the schools as regards getting a well lucrative job after his/her program.
When would they decide on their admission and when is it advisable for someone to go to the embassy?How could someone starts to relate with a professor in my field?This is my mail, if there are other things you want me to know about.
Thank you as I will be looking forward to hear from you.

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